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!! !! ATTENTION !! !! Lane Discipline !!

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Old 07 June 2002, 09:57 PM
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As earlier mentioned, I meant "carrying on in the lefthand lane at a speed quicker than the right", not diving in to pass.

I think you have got the wrong image of me, I just wanted a moan. I am considerate to other drivers and do not cut up. I dont pull out if there is someone going faster than me and behind me in the righthand lane.

I am merely pointing out that things would move a lot quicker (and more to the point steadier) if people observed proper lane discipline to avoid these "blockages".

Old 07 June 2002, 09:58 PM
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bob i meant little old ladies doing 30 in a 60 in a standard fezzy, and moreover was just muckin about
Old 07 June 2002, 09:58 PM
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DJ Fish - I see your point in its entirety however:-

1) The chap that everybody is queuing behind is who I am talking about.

2) You should ONLY be on the outermost lane when overtaking therefore you should not queue as you are not overtaking.

3) Driving on the clear inside lane is not jumping the queue, it is driving according to how the highway code states "Keep left unless overtaking"

4) Whether the guy who I went in front of was upset or not does NOT give him the right to accelerate dangerously fast up behind my rear bumper. I did not cut him up nor did I even begin to intrude on his braking distance space. He was, as you say angry that I "jumped the queue". However, there should NEVER be a queue if everybody drove using appropriate lane discipline which was my initial point.
Old 07 June 2002, 10:00 PM
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DJ Fish - Quote:

"He was probably upset for the same reason as all the people who queue for ages when a road narrows from two lane to one, only to see someone sail past them all in lane two when he can see everyone else waiting patiently".

It was a two laned dual carriageway all the way, it did not narrow from two to one lane - what makes you think it did??
Old 07 June 2002, 10:06 PM
STi wanna Subaru
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I think most of the problems are caused by lorries on the roads. They clog up town centres, kill the usefullness of A roads and dual carriage ways due to point mentioned above and I think people stick to the outside lane of motorways to avoid them.
Old 07 June 2002, 10:11 PM
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we are english and like queueing!

Old 07 June 2002, 10:16 PM
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STI Wanna Subaru - Yes, on the whole I agree.

That though merely clarifies my original point. People queing and stop-starting on the outer lanes whilst lorries make better, smoother progress on the inner lane(s). I drive on the M1/M25 on the inside lane 70% of the time, if I need to overtake I use the middle lane and occasionally the outer lane.

I make much better progress than the people avoiding the lorries, have a better fuel efficiency (not braking, acelerating all the time) and am driving according to the highway code.

My point is proven by you "People drive on the outside lane to avoid lorries"...and as a direct result slow everyone; including themselves down.

I am more than happy to let this continue whilst I drive properly using the proper lanes - I just don't like it when people think that I am doing wrong and flash me etc.

I am gonna get a big whiteboard for motorway driving and hang it out my window. It will say

Old 07 June 2002, 10:27 PM
cement man
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Your talking thro yer hat,do yer think trucks like being in town/city centres,what do yer think they're doing there & how do they get there----------delivering your bladdy breakfast.
Old 07 June 2002, 10:28 PM
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I'd just like to understand a lot of peoples logic for doing what they do because I have the same views as you. I'd like to be able to find out what they are thinking......maybe that's the problem they're not!!
Old 07 June 2002, 10:28 PM
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Couldn't agree more.I call it "passive undertaking"though and am a great believer in it.
Whilst people are resitting their test for lane discipline,maybe they should also include.........roundabout lane discipline-very annoying as mum in 7 seater people carrier(with one child in)drives around the whole of the roundabout in the inside lane or just meanders in and out at will.See also old gits.In metros.
Old 07 June 2002, 10:31 PM
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That should have been outside lane...doh
Old 07 June 2002, 10:37 PM
cement man
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It's **** all to do with trucks it's the general standard of driving thats the problem,mostly BMW drivers----arseoles.
Old 07 June 2002, 10:40 PM
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Don't get me started on roundabouts!!

3 lanes:-

left lane is've guessed it; left.
Middle laneis for straight on.
Right lane is for....right.

2 lanes:-

Left lane is for left OR straight on.
Right lane is for right

(unless road markings indicate otherwise).

P.S. - When you are on the roundabout lanes, stay in them. Don't wave around like a feather in the wind.
Old 07 June 2002, 10:44 PM
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Lane discipline in the UK is terrible. Being 100% serious Iam so puzzled why it seems to be certain makes of car that are responsible for ushc poor lane discpipline ie BMWs, Range Rovers . its just bizarre. I really wish people would overtake then pull straight over to the left. I use the M25 each day and only use the inside lane and this lane is the fastest moving lane with all thee idiots joinging the motorway and moving straight to the outside lane to sit in the queue.

I think most people still have the idea of the outside lane being the fast lane ! Its doesn't move fast if everyone it in that lane !

Old 07 June 2002, 10:45 PM
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apart from if it says A45 west of course, and you drive an M3
Old 07 June 2002, 10:48 PM
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ooh, bloody roundabouts[img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Theres one at the end of the bypass, the one with the tractors it's a single lane bypass, goes to two lanes for the roundabout, which has two exits, one on the left, one on the right..... surely that's not too difficult to work out is it?

Sid, I was messing wiv you too
Old 07 June 2002, 10:50 PM
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I don't agree. Remove the trucks off the roads and the traffic can move more freely in and out of lanes, trucks overtaking each other sat on their limiters make a great moving road block, Trucks make it a nightmare to join motorways when it's busy i.e. rush hour. I also believe the roads would be safer as well. From what I hear, see, read, almost every serious accident reported on the news where somebody has died or there have been multiple vehicles involved, in most cases a truck has been involved and is often the vehicle that killed the victims. I'm not saying it is the fault of the truck but simply due to the size and inertia of the vehicle.

Are you or were you a HGV driver?
Old 07 June 2002, 10:51 PM
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I agree to a point. that point is the middle and right hand lanes are for overtaking only....

It really p!sses me off when i'm driving down an empty motorway on the inside lane to find some w@nker driving down the middle lane. I normally pull right out to the right hand lane then swerve back right accross in front of them to make a point, childish i know but it is extremely irritating!!
Old 07 June 2002, 10:52 PM
cement man
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Get in any lane mate, it's a free for all everyone else does just join in the chaos & chill man.
Old 07 June 2002, 10:52 PM
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there is a rail network to move some frieght too.
Old 07 June 2002, 10:57 PM
cement man
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Not many shops & warehouses at our station!
Old 07 June 2002, 11:02 PM
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There are huge frieght terminals around the country. Generally they dont unload it at Long Buckby Station
Old 07 June 2002, 11:04 PM
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Cement man has obviously had this conversation before.I sympathise that truckers have a hard job to do but it can get very frustrating when they hold up the traffic.
Old 07 June 2002, 11:07 PM
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I dont do much motorway driving , but when i have ive found the middlelane-hoggers to be really infuriating

Old 07 June 2002, 11:08 PM
cement man
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And i can tell from your post you are not, safest vehicle on the road a modern truck but not all the drivers,so yer probably a bit right,just a little.
Old 07 June 2002, 11:17 PM
cement man
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What you going to collect your own goods from these Frieght Terminals then!
Old 07 June 2002, 11:17 PM
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Are you telling me the truck is the safest thing on the road?

They drive to close to the truck in front, thay cannot brake quick enough, and I would hate to have 35+tonnes behind me if I have to brake in a hurry.
Old 07 June 2002, 11:19 PM
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It would keep a lot of trucks of the road if they put at least some of the cargo on the rail network. Agreed you have to get it from there to the outlets etc.
Old 07 June 2002, 11:20 PM
cement man
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He can see further ahead than you and would be braking before you even thought about it!
Old 07 June 2002, 11:20 PM
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Unless of course he is driving right behind another tall vehicle.

Quick Reply: !! !! ATTENTION !! !! Lane Discipline !!

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