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Old 19 July 2002, 06:39 PM
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Dont cry for me Agentina....

Ok it is easy to blame the Plod and not the Goverment/law. But It still doesnt stop them from acting at times like prats... If they want our support they should stop acting like 2nd class traffic wardens etc... Have seen some School leavers in uniform around N.London.... Jesus they could get them selves into a mess..The training is very poor...
Old 19 July 2002, 07:48 PM
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Let's hope that if the unmentionable ever happens and your pride and joy gets nicked the "prats" manage to find it.

Don't tar everyone with the same brush is what I'm saying. Not ALL estate agents are tossers, not all air stewerds are gay, but some are. There are wan*&rs in the Police as there are in the fire brigade, ambulance service etc etc

Old 19 July 2002, 11:37 PM
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Luke, looking at your profile I notice you are a consultant. I've met quite a few consultants who are tossers. Obviously that doesn't mean you are a tosser. The same could apply to the Police. Having said that, not just anyone can blag a job as a Police Officer after learning a few buzz words...
Old 20 July 2002, 12:00 AM
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"Let's hope that if the unmentionable ever happens and your pride and joy gets nicked the "prats" manage to find it"... And if they do........ then what???? By the time they turn up I will have forgotton about it and saved for another..

I have only said that they are not helping themselves... Poor training... spending too much time with the easy work...
When was trhe last time the Police said "enough is enough".... lets forget the silly stuff and get back to stopping crime"???????

Its not good enough to just blame the law that they try to follow.

Thats why when I finished my training at Hendon many years ago . I looked around and thought Is this realy the Police Force that I wanted to Join???? The answer was no. Spent too long listening to the silly talk in the canteen.

If your a good copper ..good luck to you we need you... As for the rest..??????????????????????

Old 20 July 2002, 12:28 AM
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I would have thought someone who did a stint at Hendon would have more sympathy for the lot of a Police Officer. A cynic might say you couldn't hack it and threw the towel in.

I think most people here, and maybe even many members of the public, appreciate that it is the Governement and senior Police Officers who are to blame for the current state of affairs.

I doubt anyone joins the Police Force to do paperwork, and the sooner the paperwork level is reduced the better. Of course there are bad apples - as there are in any job - but the vast majority do a hard, sometimes dangerous, thankless job that, I for one, am glad that people voluteer to to do. In the same way I'm glad that people become doctors, nurses, firefighters etc.

Old 20 July 2002, 08:20 AM
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Most of what you write .I agree with. My point is why dont they do something about it?????

If you where told to go out and act like muppets.. Not doing what the Law realy needs etc.. Wouldnt you think about maybe NOT doing it???? Why are these police spending all their time with silly minor traffic/parking offences??????????? They dont have to. They complain yet dont seem to do anything about it.

What this country needs is Police DEMANDING better training,equipment, Finance and better support from the CPS.

If they got up and started shouting about this ..I bet the whole of the country would back them up.

Look around .......... see the state of crime we live in... The police must take some of the blame..
Sure I must agree. they have kids etc and they want to live to see them...

And you are right.. Maybe I wouldnt have hacked it.... The lot I was with .where nearly all racists and way tooooooo macho for their own good. Jesus you should hear the way they went on.. about wanting to get stuck into "Full rucks" etc!!. If I was A police officer today I would not be acting like a traffic warden...... for the benefit of Police revenue etc
Old 20 July 2002, 11:08 AM
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Fair point Luke. I don't remember hearing much press about the Police Officers themselves complaining about the current state of affairs. They're probably more concerned right now about the change of conditions that idiot of a home secretary wants to inflict on them.

As for your comment about racists, I see it it all walks of life. Even some IT people stagger me with their racism sometimes. Unfortunately, being a copper (especially in inner city areas) probably appeals to someone who is racist. I like to think procedures limit the chances they have of using that racism to ill effect.

Old 20 July 2002, 04:02 PM
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Where do you get your information about most police acting like traffic wardens? Excuse my language, but what utter bollocks. You quite clearly have no idea whatsoever what goes on. Or maybe the Met is different to other police forces?
In any case I take great offence to your comments. I really think it's time this thread ended......
Old 20 July 2002, 05:38 PM
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Medders .So your from Wiltshire. Take Marlborough for instance... Got themselves a nice new station etc but if you need the Police they must come from Swindon After hours!!! Great if its an emergency...Last time I was there they where in the high street with the wardens giving out tickets...Yet it has a crime problem with thefts from farms and large houses etc.. also a drug problem.

Police officer goes out lets say at 9am... he's on duty 10 mins and has to arrest a shoplifter.... Thats it for most of his shift. one less copper on the street. What a joke!! (Sure its not his fault) BUT WHAT ARE THE POLICE DOING ABOUT IT???? Not a lot . Its a nice easy job at that rate..Better than trying to stop drug dealers thieves etc..

Crime has changed and so have the police but not in the same direction.. Ive got a local London paper in front of me.. Lady shot by air gun... Police 4.hours to turn up!!!! I know many officers who packed it in ,as they felt let down . They now drive for large Chauffeuring companies.

If your a copper then tell me what has the force done about these problems>>> whay are there so many posts complaining about minor speeding offences and ticketing etc????Long delays or no shows from the police???

Its about time the Public had the police on their side not against them...
Old 20 July 2002, 06:45 PM
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Police officer goes out lets say at 9am... he's on duty 10 mins and has to arrest a shoplifter.... Thats it for most of his shift. one less copper on the street. What a joke!! (Sure its not his fault) BUT WHAT ARE THE POLICE DOING ABOUT IT???? Not a lot . Its a nice easy job at that rate..Better than trying to stop drug dealers thieves etc..
our hands are tied due to legislation and a lack of funding from the appropriate government departments.

Also, cases now have to be absolutely watertight for CPS to decide to take it to court, so the law-trained officer needs a large input on the file..... hence the large amount of paperwork.

Until the powers that be (ie the law-gods / house of lords) change the practices, its going to stay that way, I'm afraid.
Old 20 July 2002, 07:15 PM
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Burr.. agreed ,thats my point..I do feel sorry for them ,but I expect more from the police than we are getting at the moment.
Old 20 July 2002, 07:27 PM
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I will tell you exactly why they do speed traps etc, it is bacuase the middle and upper class citizens demand it. They do not like the fact that "hoodlams" are driving at 35mph down their quiet country road and so complain to their superintendant golfing partner who does something about it.

We are not meant to live in a class sociaty anymore but it does exist.

As for finishing training and then sacking it, I have to say what the hell do you know about policing? Not getting personal but because you sat and drank shandy in the Peel bar with like minded 20-30 year olds you think you have an incite into the way the modern police force works. Think again!

Old 20 July 2002, 10:18 PM
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Jesus, what does it take !!!!
MOST police do NOT have anything to do with speedtraps.
You haven't got a sodding clue. I work in gloucestershire.
On a night shift we cover a rural area of 400 odd square miles.
Do you know how many coppers there are to cover this area (at night)

Have a guess.


It's not much better in the day. How mant traffic cars at night?


2 in the day and maybe the odd motorbike.

It can take an hour at high speed to cover our area from one side to the other.

And you wonder why no one turns up when you call?

I'm not a regular officer, I work as a special. I do the same job (less paperwork) but don't get paid. When I work, I work my **** off.
Sometimes, and especially when I hear crap like this, I wonder why.

People spout crap constantly without having a clue what goes on.
If you knew how few Police there are left you would probably P1ss yourselves and not sleep at night.

Unless you KNOW then I suggest you don't comment. Everyones opinion is valid, and commenting on what you see is fine, but guess and conjecture is not on.

If you don't like the way it is, then do something about it.
Talking crap on here is doing nothing but spreading bad feeling and anti police messages.

rant over (must remember not to drink and surf )

[Edited by medders - 7/20/2002 10:21:00 PM]
Old 20 July 2002, 11:18 PM
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I have just checked my "West Midlands Police Authority - Budget and Precept 2002/2003" leaflet that came with my council tax demand.

Per head, we (Brummies) spend GBP155.43 per year to fund the police!!! Peanuts!!

Nationally it varies, e.g. South Yorkshire GBP143.72 to Merseyside GBP188.08.

It probably costs as much to power your fridge for the year!!!

I would quite happily pay DOUBLE that amount per year, if it meant that the police were to actually get the money and make good use of it. I am sure that a lot of folks already pay that "double" on a monitored alarm system!!

The problem is not hard to fix - it just needs someone with ***** to actually fix it!!

Old 20 July 2002, 11:53 PM
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A few varied opinions since I started this thread.

I think I have probably found out what I already knew.

The general Police officer is as fed up of the system as we are.

The Superintendent being promoted through the ranks does not always make a good manager.

The main fault lies with the politicians forever moving goals, inadequate funding and not backing the police up in the courts.

I find it strange that some people think the Police should rise up and fight a battle on our behalf. Should we expect the police to go on strike and put their homes and livelyhoods at risk when most of us can't even be arsed to write a letter to our local MP and Superintndent?

If I had dialed 999 insteadof the station and reported a person threatened with firearm and damage to property would the call have been treated differently? If not how does this stand with the Governments 15minutes call out promise?


Old 21 July 2002, 09:18 AM
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Possibly, I can't really answer on the 999 scenario, but I would have thought so.

As for going on strike? We're not allowed to.
Old 21 July 2002, 03:19 PM
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O come on ..Cut to the chase... What are the Police doing about the mess they and the Public are in......... Medders ...dont take it too hard....You need to chill a bit!! But at the end of the day you and your family are members of the Public... Dont you want better Backing?? Sure your not allowed to strike ..but that doesnt mean you cant protest and ask for the support of the public... Jesus if you did that >>I would be right next to you.
And I believe so would most of the PUblic support you.

I do know about crime and the way it is Policed...The Police have failed due to the lack of support from the Law and cps etc... Very few police get any respect....And a lot dont deserve any.
I wanted and was able to join the RHKPF many years ago.. Now that was a police force..
But tell me what you think the police should do about winning the support of the Goverment/law and public.
Old 21 July 2002, 03:40 PM
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I don't know if you remember but a couple of months ago in the centre of london more than 10,000 police officers from around the county turned up to stand up for themselves against the home secretary. He **** himself and backed down.

On the questions and answers that day one very brave officer stood up and stated that to talk about striking is not allowed, but he was prepared to say that he would go on strike if the goverment did not sort the pay, conditions and general admin of the service out.

He got a standing ovation.

Noboddy wants to go on strike, however if the Police did, the people that slag them would not know what a good service they get.

We have the best if not one of the best societies in the world. OK so it takes a day or two for a officer to report your burglary, with the funds they are given and the tossers that command them the general bobby on the beat works his socks off so you don't have to sleep with a colt under your pillow at night.

If you get stopped for speeding, so what, don't do it! find somewhere quiet or go on the track.

As a famous quote goes, "You don't know what youv'e got till it's gone!"

My bit finished at last
Old 21 July 2002, 04:12 PM
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Why don't some of you enormously brave and obviously public spirited types consider joining the Special Constabulary?

Whilst some of you slept soundly in your beds some us were out looking after motorists who were driving their cars in to rivers and trees and ditches last night.
Old 21 July 2002, 05:19 PM
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well said Jason. I've got loads of application packs if anyones interested

Are you sure you weren't catching speeding motorists?

Luke, why should I chill a bit? I've been called lazy and told I do nothing but dish out speeding tickets. Do you not think this P1sses me off?
I actually care about my country and have elected to do something about it rather than moan. (and I'm not referring to the creator of this thread - this was a good topic for discusssion till it turned into an anti police slanging session)

I have the utmost respect for the police - there are cr*p ones. I know a couple. There are bad apples in every barrel. It's not surprising though, when you see some of the people we have to deal with every time we work.

Anyway......who wants an application pack??

Old 21 July 2002, 06:12 PM
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I was talking to some friends about this subject yesterday and the subject of good / bad coppers came up and I was reminded about a good friend who was a traffic cop , I haven't seen him for nearly 10 years.

Back then I was into installing In Car Entertainment, it wasn't a max power scene thing back then and boom boom round housing estates wasn't the done thing, quality not quantity. Tony the Traffic Cop owned MICE (Mansfield in car entertainment) and his wife used to run it.

I had spent around £4000 on my own install and over double that for other installs. Wanting to do a little setting up one evening I drove to a nice open industrial park were I thought everyone had gone home, a security gaurd had reported me to the police for disturbing the peace (On an industrial estate )
To cut a long story short it was Tony who was deployed to sort us out. The Jobsworth security guard ran over demanding we were arrested, was a very strange situation. Tony asked me to play at the volume I was upsetting the security chap and then I had to sit in the patrol car. Security chappy thinking I was getting a good telling off but we were discussing cross over frequencies.

The very first sentence of this thread states that I'm not geting at Police officers as I still believe the majority are doing their best in a crap system, the thread was intended to discus who or what is behind the problem so at least I can complain to the persons causing the problem.

I sometimes have to do things at work which I totaly disagree with and think the ideas crap but most of the time most of us just get on with it, human nature I think somethings just aren't worth the hassle. I have enough stress at work without creating more for myself and I suspect being in the Force isn't much different. I do not believe for one minute that the Police should have to fight the battle for the country, I was brought up to fight my own battles. If everyone wrote one letter a week to their MP things would soon change. The majority of the general public, unfortunatly, would rather sit at home and moan about the situation.

Old 21 July 2002, 08:46 PM
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And people wonder why I left the Force

Old 21 July 2002, 11:08 PM
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Logiclee.. Good post. I agree that we all need to stand up and fight the problem. But how long must this battle go on.The law is a complete fkuck up and this has caused the police to loose control.
They need a massive PR campaign to get the support of the public again and to use this power to face the Goverment and tell them ENOUGH.... No more debates about Fkucking foxes etc ....CRIME is the major problem and it must be sorted...

I never want to see a copper give a parking ticket again..Thats not what they are needed for...

And yes I do believe we need people to help as specials... They can make good coppers..Some must do it to help society.. the rest are just playing around Having fun.

Old 22 July 2002, 06:18 PM
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Golders Green today .3. coppers giving out Parking tickets........ along with 4 Met wardens.....Just what we need . Police work for the inland revenue now...
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