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Anti-Community Spirit on ScoobyNet - What can we do?

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Old 16 October 2002, 03:23 PM
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The "*** head" comment was out of order IMHO and shaun and I have had words about it. There were mitigating circumstances (which are not an excuse) and it was a different situation.

You did not start a thread saying "I need help with x, y, z" and then shaun posted saying "you *** head, you're being stupid thinking people will support you on that".

None of the above is an excuse, but you've made your point now, and I apologise for that on behalf of scoobynet, so you don't need to take that in to account for the rest of this debate.

All the best

Old 16 October 2002, 03:23 PM
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There is NOTHING wrong with disagreeing. It is ONLY the ANTI-community spirit things I'm talking about. Where people are attacked for their view points rather than offered a thought out and reasoned response
But where do you draw the line? It's subjective. Personally, if somebody called me a c**t, I wouldn't be offended and would laugh it off (see the 'Wanted' thread earlier today for another example). However, some people get offended if you reply "I don't agree with your point of view".

Fact is, you can't please all the people all the time.

I think Russ's posts annoyed people because he was, like, "Mods this", "Mods that" - like a teacher's pet....

None of the above is an excuse, but you've made your point now, and I apologise for that on behalf of scoobynet, so you don't need to take that in to account for the rest of this debate.
I know, and I acknowledge the apology (even if it came from you and not Shaun). I was only making the point that it's possible for anyone - even yourself - to get over-enthusiastic about a thread (particularly given that work is usually the alternative ).

[Edited by MarkO - 10/16/2002 3:25:35 PM]
Old 16 October 2002, 03:25 PM
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just to say I have sworn once but then the bloke in question was started it

I enjoy the lively debates - some of which actually do manage to put both sides effectively.
Old 16 October 2002, 03:27 PM
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Telling the community that something is DRAMATICALLY overpriced is IMHO "community spirit".. I have no problem with that. But not all of the posts similar to that are in that vane.

People wanting support. Why SHOULDN'T they come here and ask for it. It has been available in the past.

If you want to be a bully and tell people that are in need that they are idiots, I have no time for you. But if you think they are idiots and just ignore their request for help, I disagree with your stance, but have complete respect for your views.

All the best


PS. V Busy now..will catch up later.. thank you very much to everyone for the reasoned and well thought out posts so far. Please let's try to keep it that way.
Old 16 October 2002, 03:29 PM
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With regard to the "For Sale" over pricing issue: If someone feels strongly about then maybe they should e-mail the person. It then gives them chance to review the price and adjust in the thread.

Posting "that is way to much for that" destroys the thread as anyone looking at the item would be put off completely.

Another annoying thing is people offering a third of the inital asking price.
Old 16 October 2002, 03:35 PM
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Couldn't have put it better Doofus.

I've only been scoobynetting for a few weeks now and I too have picked up lots of useful info. There are a lot of posts that i ignore and i agree that they should have their own forums.

Old 16 October 2002, 03:41 PM
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This is all getting a bit serious, I come onto Scoobynet for a laugh and to make the day go quicker whilst stuck at work.

I have to say that the site offers good entertainment and very good technical and general Jap knowledge.

Ive not been around on here for long but it is a great site, yes there is a lot of rubbish but look how many users you guys have!, you just cant moderate that many people 100% all the time without having masses of Mods.

Iam actually worried about saying my piece now in case you lot gang up and kick me off! - it shouldnt be like that. I appreciate that there are idiots who want to ruin it but this is an INTERNET message board - these people wont just go away! - just ignore them and geton with it. People get far to upset with some posts, its sad really - christ, dont like it dont bother!, I dont mean dont bother coming here but I mean dont rise to the people who **** you off - its just encouragement!

Ive seen some people get so upset on here, there are enough Forums to get away from the idiots. I think we should all take a step back and realise that this isnt the end of the world - come on guys!!, we all come on here for the love of cars!!

I fully understand why these posts have arisen, and Mr Webmaster see your point completely - I wasnt around in the "good old days" but believe me you still have the best site and members than any other Ive been to!!

Keep up the good work and let the ***** get on with it, they will get bored an move on in the end, Ive seen it before.

Iam for some funny stuff as all this serious stuff is depressing!!

Old 16 October 2002, 03:48 PM
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I think it's almost impossible to get what you want with the size Scoobynet is now - there are too many different characters for everyone to be happy and I think what you said about peoples moods being different, is very probably true but very few on here will actually take that into account before posting. It's inevitable that someone sensitive on here may not appreciate posts by someone "less subtle" like me.

You've seen a few of my posts and I know some of them wind you up - just as the reason for my posts winds me up as well.

Some things warrant serious discussion and I don't understand the negative posters mentality regarding Ru$$ for instance, other things don't - ie some of the whiney whingey posts that are nothing more than a bit of attention grabbing - in my opinion.

If something run of the mill happens, even if it's slightly bad, i don't need to post on here telling people about it, looking for support/sympathy/ whatever- I'm a grown up now and can cope with everyday life.
If something serious happens though, that's another story - if it concerns the community, ie related. We've all made friends on here but posting about "Event X" to people you don't know is no different to going up to someone in the street and saying the same thing.

It's not a perfect world and you won't ever get everyone on here to get along all the time without totally censoring the board - and even though you think the community spirit has gone downhill, censorship would be much worse.

In the past I've offended loads of people - but that's me - and apart from 1 or 2 theres no grudges held. Maybe 5 or 6

If you want any suggestions for new forums I can direct you to a post of mine
Old 16 October 2002, 03:49 PM
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Just a quick reply.

Some valid points.. but remember.. *just because YOU come on here for a laugh and to make the day go quicker* doesn't mean that's what the majority does.

Also... this is not about people posting "crap threads", this is about people destroying good / honest threads.

Also... Let's not be beaten before we start. There ARE some ways we can deal with this.. I have been thinking about them on and off for about a year, but have only now started to think they are necessary. I too went through the "oh well just deal with it" arguments for a couple of months, but have come to the conclusion that it will actually make the place better to deal with it.

I am happy to be told I'm wrong, as usual, but don't think it's a case of "nothing we can do about it".

All the best

Old 16 October 2002, 03:51 PM
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What are your suggestions then, Simon?
Old 16 October 2002, 03:59 PM
Dream Weaver
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I think as was mentioned in my thread, there isn't much you can do about it. I know plenty of people that have a very dry sense of humour, a la MarkO. The world is just full of comedians and cynics these days, but hey ho, cest la vie. In its place and at the right time we all need that.

I also know that a large majority of people are offended by such humour. I am usually OK with wit and humour til someone takes the **** out of my work/family/friends. It is a very fine line though between fun and annoying. A joke is great, and I see loads of really funny comments on here (usually from MarkO aimed at super_si) which have me rolling around on the floor in tears.

However..I also think humour can sometimes go too far. A joke is great once, but when it grates again and again it aint funny.

The only solution I would see would be to move to a paying membership model - £30 a year or something.

It wouldn't stop overpaid programmers (MarkO ) coming in, or most of the IT fraternity (who have lost all value of money, and gained the ability to take the **** out of those less fortunate rather than helping others), but it may stop ********* like beastman joining (who is probably still at school anyway).

Fine line as said - my comment then could be misconstrued.

Maybe just start vaping threads and deleting accounts without explanation.

Poster: Why was my thread deleted
Mod: Cos it was, f4ck off.

Not sure in all honesty though.
Old 16 October 2002, 04:01 PM
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Probably need to fix that pesky ODBC error before too many posts get deleted
Old 16 October 2002, 04:02 PM
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I agree that there is too much critism and slanging matches( I mean the verbally abusive slanging matches not the playfight matches) on ScoobyNet now. Unfortunately, I can't see much that could be done to prevent it. A large majority of this community are reading this thread, and have been on SN long enough to know that what is being said is true. But, people rarely read the rules, and when new people set up a user name just to come on and take the p*ss, what are you going to do? Cancel his/her account? More will come, and the same thing will continue to happen.

The three strike rule is a good option, but the moderators will have their work cut out for them as more and more people sign up, unaware that this thread has taken place. I guess everyone on SN needs to point out the rules when people cross the line.
Old 16 October 2002, 04:05 PM
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I'm not so sure the pay-to-join idea would work. I can't see the majority of the 18,000 members paying (although some might say that would be a good thing). Having said that, if they did pay, the BBS would probably die anyway, 'cos Simon would be off in the Bahamas counting his wad.

However, I'm a contractor, and as such I'm tight-fisted, so I'll just say that I definitely wouldn't be prepared to pay for SN - no matter how much it cost, so would have to leave.

(I guess that counts as a positive reason to introduce charging )
Old 16 October 2002, 04:07 PM
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Dream Weaver - the only problem with charging for membership is, new Scooby owners may come on, browse around the forums, and decide on first appearances that it's not worth the money; never bothering with the site again. Sometimes, it takes a while to realise that SN is a good, friendly site - especially with all the negative posting around.
Old 16 October 2002, 04:11 PM
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I agree with MarkO. I personally hate the pay for membership model.

Come on though guys.. think outside the box on this.

MarkO, you asked for my suggestions.. I do have them, but the problem is.. if you post them it might steer peoples thinking away from a much better idea that I hadn't thought of.

This is the "think outside the box" concept though... I think the important thing is to make people WANT to post constructively / WANT NOT TO post un-constructively.

So, how can we do that?

Moderation and stamping authority is not an answer. Sometimes it's called for, but rarely.

ODBC errors will be rife I'm afraid.


Old 16 October 2002, 04:11 PM
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the only problem with charging for membership is, new Scooby owners may come on, browse around the forums, and decide on first appearances that it's not worth the money;
And long-standing members, having seen the level of content, may decide that it's not worth the money either.
Old 16 October 2002, 04:12 PM
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There are a number of peeps on here that are just trying to wind up people and pi55 them off. Co55ie is the best example of recent times IMO, but even he seems to have gotten a little bored of late and has started posting some serious/useful posts and I honestly don't have anything against his taste in cars

I would say ban people that cause nothing but agro but I've seen what happened when Mods on the saxosportsclub tried banning people. They came back bent on revenge and then others got involved and more people got banned and before long every thread was, 'why was such and such banned' and 'die evil mod *****, etc' Its a spiral of decline.

I think we should all take some responsibility to clamp down (through our own posts) on those that are being downright rude, arrogant or nasty. If 10 people all politely post saying that 'flamer person' was out of order and should perhaps edit their post they will feel pretty small. Also mods should send these people polite emails, I recently got into trouble for a post and felt pretty small when neil smalley (no pun ) emailed to advise me where he thought I'd gone wrong.

Finally, I don't mind the scooby v's whatever threads as long as they are conducted sensitively. I recently posted that I had a race with a 3000GT and it lead to a couple of pages of friendly discussion about both the GT and the Impreza because I didn't say, 'I just hammered **** out a poxy 3000GT and the driver was gutted'. Whatsmore, I was pleased and enlightened to learn that his car is far more tuneable than mines and if modded could have probably wiped the floor with me.

Sorry, but one more point. You also have to respect some threads by the nature of the topic will always be heated...for example the price cuts: Some people are ok with this because they bought their car when they wanted it and payed a price they felt was fair at the time. Others don't see it like that and are IMO understandably aggrieved at the sudden and large change in pricing. These threads should probably - within reason - be left to run their course
Old 16 October 2002, 04:12 PM
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ODBC errors will be rife I'm afraid
What about moving to, say, phpBB? It supports post-deletion without any errors....
Old 16 October 2002, 04:13 PM
Nigel H
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I just ignore the 'I raced this and that' threads. I've noticed that theads can die very quickly when moved from the general forum. Any help there?

People should just ignore unconstructive remarks in threads. If we all did this the problem would go not go away but would be less than it is now IMHO. I noticed Claudius shoving his oar in a recent thread. The bait was ignored and he went away.

I know this is a bit off topic, but some things come up time and time again (tyres, oil, euro importing, etc.) Any chance of getting the favourite thread thing/FAQ up and running. This will help us from answering the same questions time and time again.

Old 16 October 2002, 04:15 PM
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Quite agree that the only way to reduce the problem posts is to introduce forums that will support them eg. My car is bigger better faster than yours type.
This will then hopefully enable the mods to bump unhelpful/abusive type posts from the other forums without too much problem. Aggressive moderating can then be carried out on the serious forums without trouble. This would hopefully only annoy the people who only replied to cause these problems.
I like Scoobynet for the info and the wit but have seriously looked at leaving it in the past due to getting stick from someone when it was not deserved. Admittedly other Scoobynetters then intervened to calm it. Like a Community Should.
Just my thoughts.
Old 16 October 2002, 04:31 PM
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A lot of ppl on here like the sound of their own typing, and are the equivalant of d-list celebs who'll turn up to the opening of an envelope - they'll post on any subject, on any forum, without adding anything constructive to the debate/conversation, normally just to abuse or take the p*ss out of a post. They probably think a high post count grants them seniority in the bbs hierachy, and means their opinions are more valid than others. (They are the sort of people you would avoid like the plague in real life, are probably unattractive, and live at home with their parents, ie work in IT ).

However there's nothing you can do about it - and occcasionally they have their uses when the odd Vetra owner strays in here and needs putting back in their box.....

Old 16 October 2002, 04:33 PM
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OK.. Saxo Boy is on to something.. and I believe it can really be that simple.

Make it clear that this kind of thing is just looked upon as pathetic and a waste of everybody's time. People will soon think twice about posting something like that, and will IMHO eventually start to just enjoy the good natured and valuable fun / exchange that can happen when we all respect each other a little more.

It really IS possible. I have a couple of other ideas that I've been mulling over, but that (i have to say) is the main back bone of it, the other ideas (which I'll go in to later) are to support that concept.


On the "create forums to cater for them". This is a slightly different issue. We're not discussing "crap threads".. merely individual posts that ruin good threads.


Old 16 October 2002, 04:40 PM
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Can you see the irony of your last post?
Old 16 October 2002, 04:42 PM
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yes - that's why I added the !!

I agree Saxo Boy's comment is a good way forward - but peer pressure means responding to the idiots to tell them they're not welcome. That adds fuel to the fire to these guys' self- appointed task to take a contart viewpoint on any topic - but if ppl ignore their post and don't respond they may get bored, or even become reformed useful posters (Co55ie?)

[Edited by Jon1T - 10/16/2002 4:47:15 PM]
Old 16 October 2002, 04:46 PM
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Another option to help reduce the repeat posts, is to make new members read through "common" posts first. So you have a forum called Newbies, and in there lots of sticky threads about "What does BTTT mean?", "What is MY?" etc etc. These are all valid questions for a newbie. Once they had read all the threads, they could thn visit the main board.

I know it would be open to abuse as you would have to use a count option, and they could simply click each thread then out again to get in, but something like that could work, albeit a bit long winded on the programming front
Old 16 October 2002, 04:48 PM
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DW That's off-topic though mate, as we're not discussing the posting of "crap topic" merely individual posts ruining good topics.
Old 16 October 2002, 04:53 PM
Neil Smalley
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SB has a good idea. The only danger would be that people, in chastising other people would do so in such as way as to inflame them and therefore make the whole thing worse.

Its worth a go though

Another idea would be in having a user rating system, where other people could grade your user(from 1-10). So twonks will get lower ratings than more highly respected users. Also, give one vote per user per week to avoid scripts from hitting a users rating hard.

Of course people could then try and make a game out of 'who can get the lowest rating' but then people would avoid responding to them knowing that they were a trouble maker.

Since we now have ability to put an image to under the user id. Maybe we could have 'scoobynet prat' as an alternative to banning in the first instance.
Old 16 October 2002, 04:58 PM
STi go fast
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what about having a period of time between registering as a user and being able to post? keep the idiots away who just pop in (or the regulars who switch to a new user on the spur of the moment to pi55 ppl off.


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