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Who do the US think they are?

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Old 31 December 2002, 11:21 PM
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what evidence do you have in accusing Moore in such a way? (srious question)
My response was sort-of sarcastic. I said that because of the way his films seem to be thrown together. What I should have said is "I can't determine if Michael Moore actually does any research."

His movie did have some good points. The US does have a culture of fear, "white flight" from the cities to the suburbs has happened, and Canada is very similar - yet people don't shoot each other. There are a lot of "gun-nuts" here.

Some other parts I didn't agree with. Banks giving away guns is NOT something I have ever seen or heard of, so I don't think it is an even remotely common occurance. I don't think that you can blame Columbine on the Defense Industry or President Clinton (I think that was a big stretch), but you could probably blame it on the points I mentioned above. The depiction of the Wellfare-to-Work Program focused only on one local program. I know it has worked where I live.

Overall, I liked the film.
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Old 31 December 2002, 11:34 PM
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Mr Evolution(think single cell organism),
Can I ask that for historical accuracy you use Britain rather than England I have a medal in front of me from the British Afganistan war(1878-1880) which my Great Great Grandfather was involved in. He was in 78th Foot Regiment and was never a day out of his Kilt for 5 years in India, if you'd said he was English he'd have kicked your ****, so please respect my heritage from your ignorance.
I agree, shows that the last brain cell is dying - will it see the new year?
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Old 01 January 2003, 12:43 AM
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have you read SWM? If he had not done a hell of a lot of research,i'm sure by now he would be in court.He actually calls Bush and his administration corrupt,and doesn't imply the election was fixed,he claims it with factual evidence,yet he hasn't been sued.Pretty incredible in a country where you can fry your dog in a microwave and sue for damages because the instructions say you can't dry animals ;D

best selling book in the Uk for 2002 i believe
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Old 01 January 2003, 11:44 AM
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The issue for most westerners with your example of Saudi lifestyle just being different is that it is NOT always chosen
I'm pretty sure lifestyle is chosen, be it by the "system" or the people. Quite frankly, when I see how dumb most people are, I wouldnt mind having a monarch choose for them, rather than them voting. I think monarchy is a good system, provided the monarch is intelligent and "good". Unfortunately, most examples of monarchy are dictatorships...

Happy New Year btw
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Old 01 January 2003, 02:51 PM
Mr evolution
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Once again people are proving themselves completely unable to see world events and culture from an impartial view point. I have already discussed on another thread the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings and it is irelevant to the current topic but since it keeps coming up.
At the time people thought Japan was close to surender since the majority of the navy and air force was destroyed they had little chance of winning any more battles and they were cut off from the world by allied forces. it might have been a costly exercise to invade Japan on the ground if the Emperor had orderd it but it was a battle that in my opinion would never have happend since the Emperor would have known that the result was never in doubt. Time and time again in regards to this issue people forget that Trueman himself said the use of atomic weapons agaist civilians was wrong and he said this specifically in relation to Japan but somehow nearly sixty years later many of you feel the need to disagree with the opinions of a world leader who new more about the situation than any of us ever will. Finally why diddn't the USA demonstrate the power of nuclear weapons in front of all united nations in order to scare Japan into the imminent surrender many people believed was coming anyway. This would have cost them nothing tactically and still left the option of a nuclear strike at a later date.

The idea that the nuclear strikes saved lives is absolutely laughable when you consider the other options available that could have easily been tried as alternatives.
This all comes back the the complete inability of westerers to accept that they mught not be wrong.

All of which is not that important since the world will be destroyed soon and I can re build it 'properly' with good American values not like those nasty Islamic values. We are good they are bad just incase you forgot.

you are an imbecile,and no,i don't think you are intitled to express your views when they are clearly intended to incite racial hatred.Its against the ****ing law and you a bigoted ****

That comment was my my of summing up the 'axis of evil speech' given by George Bush and trying to demonstrate that his attitude is completely wrong
As usual people have resurected innacurate stereo types about Islam and the middle east forgetting that Pakistan India and Saudi all have significant Christian populations and that in the Koran itself it says Allah created all religions and that all people should be allowd to practice their chosen religion in peace so camk please don't spout rubbish about subjects you know nothing about because its just racism based on inaccurate stereo types.

lets hear what you're Utopian(Non Secular Musilm) society offers
Exactly where did you get the idea that I wanted a non-secular muslim society I am not muslim or religious and have never stated that this was my aim but as usual people have either ignored or failed to understand a view point different from thier own and just intersected the argument with their own prejudices.
Just to help people out my mother is Irish and my dad is from Tanzania in Africa and my opinions are as independant of prejudice as i think I can make them.

The point I have being trying to get across on this thread that only one person seems to have understood is that none of you are in a position to denounce a man as evil provided he deep down believes that he is doing the right thing. Surely all any man can do is what he believes is right and when people are prepared to die for what they believe in they generally think they are doing the right thing. Your views are not right just because you are westerners Please try to understand this. The western world has comited more atrocities and crimes against mankind than all terrorists in history ever will please try to understand this as well.

[Edited by Mr evolution - 1/1/2003 4:09:17 PM]
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Old 01 January 2003, 05:04 PM
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hi mr evo
i like ur posts... u explain urself well.
not a single cell .... or indeed stupid.

however... i disagree

the boy who killed an old age pensioner and ate her heart thought he was doing right.
jack the ripper thought he was doing right.
the guy in the town who raped and molested his daughter thought he was doing right.
the boy who crashed his car into another car to commit suicide and only killed the occupants of the other car thought he was doing right.

I agree generally that when someone does something that they believe that is right that they honestly believe it and think that others are wrong.
But is it really right, or is it just the mental state that they are in that is distorting their view of what is right and they are actually doing wrong?
You see, not everything that someone does is right.

So when someone thinks that they are doing right and someone else thinks that it is wrong - then it can be the case that it is actually wrong to do it.

In this case the idea that the september the 11th actions were indeed right can be wrong - no matter how sure the people who commited the actions believed that they were right. I have no doubt that there are 1000s, if not millions, who believe that the events were right. Lots more believe that it was a good thing to happen tho would also think that the actions were wrong - because of the point that was made.

It is this dilema that some religions address by saying - only god can judge, the humans do not have the right to judge.

I would say that I have not learnt of a community or culture that is non-corrupt. However, I would suggest that it is basic human nature, and the drive of the majority of humans, to learn from mistakes and make changes.

Look at drink driving. I doubt that there is a culture that thinks this a good thing to do - indeed best practise to do.
In britain the opinion has moved to the idea that drinking and driving is more dispised now than 30 years ago. I would suggest that this is human nature / majority of humans learning from mistakes and changing the culture for the better.

Now look at the british empire. 100 - 200 years ago (or however long ago it was) the actions of the british culture were indeed to go and find (read take) resources and land no matter the consequences. However, in this day and age I suggest that this culture does not exist because human nature / majority of humans learning from the mistake of this has changed the culture for the better.

There is a change in the world happening. America is doing something just now because it is turning it eyes to international affairs. Why is this? Is it right or wrong? There can be lots of speculation, but noone knows for sure, do they? In 200 years time we will be able to saw if the actions of the US are right.
On the other side of the coin, we will see if the actions of international terrorism is right or wrong.
Either way, events will be affected by human nature / majority of humans learning from the mistakes and influencing the actions.

I believe in humans. The bad will be evicted. We can argue till we are blue in the face, and sore in the finger tips, but we do not individually know or have the authority to say. The world as a whole and human nature / majority of humans learning from mistakes will have the final say.

And i suggest - that this will in time be for the better.

[edited coz of typing too fast]

[Edited by SCOSaltire - 1/1/2003 5:13:59 PM]
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Old 01 January 2003, 05:23 PM
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The idea that the nuclear strikes saved lives is absolutely laughable when you consider the other options available that could have easily been tried as alternatives.
Those options being?
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Old 01 January 2003, 05:24 PM
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I believe in humans. The bad will be evicted.
I find that very optimistic, but also very naive. Look at history. It repeats itself. Anybody learned from the Roman Empire? No, Napoleon did it again. So did Hitler. And the people, of course. So who learned from WW2? France in Algeria / Indochina? The USA in Vietnam or Corea? Gulf War?

Come on, people never learn. Even though they may know deep down inside, they just keep doing the same stupid stuff all over again. And they're not even that good at it: Saddam is still there, OBL still not found and I think a lot of people wonder if they will ever find him, all the colonialism has caused major immigration and crime problems. And the Police have nothing better to do than stopping you and me for "speeding" (a concept of maximum allowed speed from the petrol supply problems back in the 70s and never changed back when they realised how much money they can make out of it).

Really, people never learn. People use other people, that's all.
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Old 01 January 2003, 05:48 PM
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At the time people thought Japan was close to surender since the majority of the navy and air force was destroyed they had little chance of winning any more battles and they were cut off from the world by allied forces. it might have been a costly exercise to invade Japan on the ground if the Emperor had orderd it but it was a battle that in my opinion would never have happend since the Emperor would have known that the result was never in doubt.
So why didn't they quit after Midway? Or as the US Marines rolled up the island chains?

Did you know this by the way?

"The Emperor was also not planning to go down fighting in the ruins of Tokyo as Hitler had in Berlin, and a massive staging area and underground complex beyond the Kanto Mountains was well on the way to completion when the war ended"

After Japan rejected the Potsdam Proclamation, they closed all schools, began arming the civilian population and buidling underground defences. As part of the Ketsu-Go plan (defence of the homeland), the Japanese had been building aircraft like the clappers. Western inteligence suspected the Japanese had 2500 planes left. In fact they had nearly 13,000 to throw at the invasion fleet.

Supplies were being stockpiled in the locations suspected (correctly) the Allied invasions would take place.
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Old 01 January 2003, 05:53 PM
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Hope you guys are happy.

[Edited by Katana - 1/1/2003 5:57:22 PM]
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Old 01 January 2003, 06:02 PM
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I never said that humans learn the first time.

Can u see another Empire being built? Perhaps out of world war or something - wars tend to alter boundaries. But I cannot see countries that have learnt their lessons to try and do it all again. The people just dont want it.

Back then there was never the idea that the planet would die, or wanting a certain weekly working habit, etc. Values change and therefore so do actions. Why do they change? people's attitudes change because of experiences and learning.

The US in Korea or US and allies in Vietnam is different than building another empire.
I would say that there were mistakes to be learnt from it - and also that the US people dont want another one - they have learnt from those mistakes.
The gulf war was different, or so it seemed. No doubt there were mistakes there, but cant see it being like Vietnam or others.

Saddam wanting to take Kuwait and Argentina wanting to take the Falkland Islands. Cant see Argentina doing that again, and once Saddam has gone (either by the US or by time) then the situation will change because the people will want a way of life.

Hitler was also in a different train of thought to that of the British Empire. He wanted to cleanense (sp) the world.
Him and others are different - because they are nasty. I cannot see another Hitler coming out of germany, because the germans would not want it. OBL is in the mould of Hitler - nasty ideals (as far as the west are concerned).
Once Israel is sorted (thats america's biggest fck up) then the hatred will lessen and change will happen. One day the US will be forced to make a change.

I do believe that other countries will make the same mistakes, but that they will also grow and learn and will not let it happen.

Maybe change isnt quick. And maybe we would have come to speed limits by another means. There is alot wrong with this country, no hiding from that. But everything will change, eventually.
It might take a total breakdown of the culture due to some drastic world event. Or speeding will change because of eventually no need for money or change in cars and transportation and safety.
Big corporations, i.e. money, talks in the western world. Thats what is keeping the US at the top of the pollution tree, driving silly laws and lawsuits, changing affordability of items, stopping change in Israel, interests in oil producing countries, stopping green energy, directing research into medical solutions, driving cloning of humans, preventing space research and travel, and more.
There is such an effect there that sometime it will crack, and then is does it will affect all of life.

Slavery is not common in Uk now - but it was. This changed because of people wanting a different way to live.

Maybe I am nieve or optomistic, but its what i see in history and what i believe in the future.

I hope its right.

My point is that - if enough people believe its right then it will happen - through evolution or revolution.
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Old 01 January 2003, 06:10 PM
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i also fear that there are worse mistakes to be made.

and no - i am not happy about a war in iraq.

I will be happy if the outcome is for the good of the Iraqi people.

But, I am fearful of the people who will die, and of the affect on the surrounding region and people's attitudes. I believe that Saddam will use WoMD against god knows who.

This same fear was there before the Afganistan 'war', but not as intense.

The fear would not be the same if the Israel argument was settled once and for all - to the satisfaction of all concerned.

In comparision, i dont care about petrol prices.
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Old 01 January 2003, 06:15 PM
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Moving on to more recent events, what happened on 11 Sept 02, was the worst tragedy that the world has seen in many years, if not ever. And if we had not responded the way that we did, not only would there have been more attacks on US soil, you whiny Brits probably, would have recieved a taste as well.
I had a brother that was a firefighter that was killed and I faught against the ****** that did this in Afgahnistan. As a member of the US Army, the best and most well trained force in the world, I must say where do you get off. America has done nothing but bail you out time after time"

A "taste".......... We have eaten the whole menu on terrorism.

American troops are well kitted out Kids.
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Old 01 January 2003, 06:19 PM
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But, I am fearful of the people who will die, and of the affect on the surrounding region and people's attitudes. I believe that Saddam will use WoMD against god knows who.
So far, only one country in this world has done that. And it ain't even Hitler.

Oh, not everyone is made of money and can buy petrol at extremely high prices. Besides, how do we know that Saddam's craziness is just not some kind of elaborate spin just to get the American econmy up? Frankly I couldn't care less how many people dies in this upcoming war because I'll just pack up and leave to avoid fighting for any side. Its just that I hate being affected by some idiot's f*ckup. As stated before, its not our problem, we've got more domestic problems to worry about. If America wants to go play real life Command and Conquer or Ages of Empire with Iraq, then so be it.

Don't drag us into it. Especially since some of their people still support our terrorist, the IRA..
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Old 01 January 2003, 06:23 PM
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Moving on to more recent events, what happened on 11 Sept 02, was the worst tragedy that the world has seen in many years, if not ever.
Um, I think the atomic bombings in Japan was worse. More people died and a lot of innocent kids were born deformed..
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Old 01 January 2003, 06:38 PM
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agreed katana

the US needs to grow up

and i cant afford the petrol really...

liked the C&C remark...
it is like that...

But ive said it before... we are part of the world.

America is going to make more mistakes before it learns.

Maybe the actions will be for the better.
Maybe the actions will lead to reactions that are for the better.
But they must do what they believe.
And we must speak out and give our side of the arguement.

What would I do if I was in charge?
Dunno - need more facts.
But we must do something. Doing nothing is worse.

The fact that OBL is still holidaying.
The face that Saddam cannot be taken out without going in with all guns blazing is a poor poor show.
I am sure that if someone wanted to take out Mr Bush or Mr Blair then that would be possible.

In an ideal case.. id prefer that Saddam and OBL were caught and tried in a World court.. ala Milosovich (speeling).

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Old 01 January 2003, 06:43 PM
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liked the C&C remark...
Yup it is for them. Knowing our luck, we'll end up playing real life Operation Flashpoint and here's a hint, you can't re load the level when you get shot.
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Old 01 January 2003, 06:44 PM
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You're right, the Israel conflict and the influence that Israeli's have in the USA are the underlying problem that needs solving in order to address the other problems. However, if you go tell that Mr. RUMSFELD, I doubt he'd listen...

In addition to that, it would be kind of difficult to find a space on this planet for a people who didnt have one before the fifties, wouldnt it?

Other than that, I hope you're right...
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Old 01 January 2003, 08:59 PM
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OPF - now theres a good game
wars excite armchair fans... television, the drug of the nation?

i doubt he would listen too

he strikes me as the trigger happy type - like the vice president of USA in some dodgy film who would press the button(s)

tis a scary place

hope we get through it and some new US government comes in and learns from the obvious stands that the current government is taking and sort is oot.
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Old 01 January 2003, 09:02 PM
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So far, only one country in this world has done that. And it ain't even Hitler.
Incorrect. Iraq used WoMD against Iran during their long war as well as internally to put down uprisings.
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Old 01 January 2003, 10:15 PM
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Incorrect. Iraq used WoMD against Iran during their long war as well as internally to put down uprisings.
Was it nukes? No. Bio weapons are not as bad as the media hypes them up to be. If not, why do you think the superpowers would spend trillions on nukes instead of bio weapons?
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Old 01 January 2003, 10:17 PM
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not as bad!!

have u seen the side effects that they have?
they have altered DNA with the same effact as Radiation!!

it amazes me that someone can say that...

any WoMD are bad...
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Old 01 January 2003, 10:20 PM
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But is the blast radius as big? Nukes, especially H-bombs can go on for miles and miles..
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Old 01 January 2003, 10:58 PM
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WoMD are NBC - Nuclear, Biological & Chemical, not exclusively nuclear.

Searching around the web, estimates from Iraq using things like Sarin and mustard gas against Iraq and the Kurds caused around 25,000 casulities.
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Old 01 January 2003, 11:05 PM
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and continues to remain in the air, soil and water affecting births and other health problems

even conventioal weapons are being consider outlawed... depleated uranium tiped shells, coz on impact they create a radioactive dust cloud

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Old 02 January 2003, 11:11 AM
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Isn't it ironic though that it was the US who were arming Saddam Hussein to help him fight off the threat of Iran.

The US thought Iran would sweep right over Iraq and of course this has OIL implications.

OIL is what it all comes down to IMO

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Old 02 January 2003, 11:34 AM
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Not just oil..A strategic base in that part of the world is more important to them.
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Old 02 January 2003, 11:57 AM
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The control of Iraq also prevents the formation of an Islamic superstate.
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Old 02 January 2003, 02:26 PM
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Chris B there were hundreds of alterntatives available many were suggested at the time just think for a bit or search the internet and you will find some of them (youcould read my post for at least one of them as well) . The president himself only authorised the bombing of Nagasaki because he believed it to be a militery target so please try to understand that TRUEMAN HIMSELF NEW THAT A NUCLEAR ATTACK AGAINST CIVILAINS WAS WRONG (based on actual recordings of his phone calls and other documented evidence) even in the specific situatiion at hand because they could have targeted less densly populated areas tergeted a militery target of besieged the city . etc etc etc

SCOSsolitare you make some good points but what is right and wrong is defined by either
1> individuals in a nation in relation to that nation
2> by the leaders of a society
3>by the individual opinions of the world population
4> By the leaders of the worlds nations
5> by divine power.

The problem is many individuals have strong opinions on subjects they know nothing about (as scoobynet proves regularly) so are the opinions of the stupid really valid. Since the majority view on most things is held to be correct then surely if denocracy is the right way to define right or wrong it has to apply on a world scale. [more to this post later}
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Old 02 January 2003, 02:51 PM
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Thumbs down

Mr evolution, i'm sorry, but all i can see is an "academic" style of writing which is masking a fundamentally flawed thought train.

In isolation, how is:

none of you are in a position to denounce a man as evil provided he deep down believes that he is doing the right thing.
justified in relation to Hitler and the Holocaust? In what sense of the word was ne not "evil"?

Also, can i ask why, out of common human courtesy, you haven't shown the first sign of any remorseful comment to me on a personal basis with respect to the people i knew who died in the WTC's? Do you have such a low regard for the people who perished then, that you do not feel you are able to show any form of regret to those affected personally? If not, why not? I'd like to understand how such a depraved mind works, it's baffling me. Thank you.
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