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Old 09 June 2003, 10:38 PM
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"Let's face facts... the Average UK cop is useless... sorry to say that probably includes those who post here..."

Your opinion is one thing Mycroft, but this is possibly the least factual thing posted on this subject to date. What's more, if we're going to face facts, lets not spin 142 deaths 'involving' police cars to mean something it's not.

"The average Police driver is 163 times more likely to kill you than an ordinary road user" -I don't know where this figure comes from, but it's ultimately vague and is as such, meaningless. It is not the same thing as saying "Your are 163 times more likely to be killed by the average police driver, than by an 'ordinary' road user". What is an ordinary road user anyway? What's the ratio of average police drivers to ordinary road users? In what manner is the average Police driver often required to drive? Is it really surprising that a Police (or any emergency vehicle for that matter) poses a higher risk to other road users? We all know they do.

Specific examples like the Newbury one given are fair enough, but statistics, more often than not, are nonsense.
Old 09 June 2003, 10:46 PM
Adrian F
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Surely the Police force is a vocation like nursing etc? not a regular job. (Great pension?)

As to there being good and bad i am willing to except that but as ordinary people (not memembers of the Police Force) will say the service is terriable and nobody is willing to take responsability and actualy improve it.

Now i have had friends socialy who were either Police men or worked as civilians with the Police service and they were very nice people but my expernce with dealing with the Police as a witness a number of times has been of a poor level of service and support and to be honest the area i live in i don't feel safe at Night and i wonder if i am going to come home and find i have had more house broken into and i will not buy the car i want because of the Car crime.

To all this accusations the answer from above is "it is difficult" well i am sorry but that is not good enough. i Pay a lot of Tax and the most visible prescence of the Police force is the increasing number of speed traps. this increase is directly related to the fact they now earn money so if there is a profit in it surprise surprise it isn't so difficult. It is about time somebody in the Police forces woke up and realised that if they don't start priotising the crimes required by the Tax paying public then what little relationship left will break down and ultimately they will either have to be replaced by a truly accountable service with elected chief of Police or continue in the current fashion with more people turning a blind eye when one of their own is on the floor getting a good kicking as they become ostricised by the rest of society. Some thing for the record i truly hope never happens.
Old 10 June 2003, 05:54 PM
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163 times as a non-primary response driver...

585 times if you include 'emergency' primary response...

My advice is if you see a cop car... give it plenty of room... the guy driving it is a damned liability... your life is at serious risk...

Causing more than 5% of the Road deaths whilst constituting a tiny proportion of road users gives you the raw 585 times figure... not so good is it... 585 cars will pass you with less risk to your life than just that one menace in the Panda/Jam Sandwich/Travel-Chess Prawn.
Old 10 June 2003, 06:18 PM
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It is like those Police pursuit programmes a while back... the Forces were more than pleased to give the TV stations the tapes... they thought it was good for their 'image'... then a few voices like mine were raised saying things like 'What we are really seeing is a bunch of inexperienced drivers being 'forced' into a high speed race on public roads at huge risk to all the other road users... one thug pursuing another less experienced thug... suddenly the Police were seen for what they really were... those tapes so freely given a few years ago are now totally unavailable... still the damage was done and the Police not for the first time were seen in their true light... anyone remember the first Thames Valley Police 'fly-on-the-Wall documentary?

You remember D.C. MacIntyre 'interviewing' that rape victim giving her a harder time than the rapist?..

The Police don't like cameras turned on them... they much prefer to having it pointing at us...
Old 10 June 2003, 07:47 PM
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Mycroft, these forums aren't a platform for you to continuously slag off the police.

Give it a rest cos its boring. Your "facts" are crap mate.

You insult a great many decent hard working people with your drivel.

I seem to remember you bragging recently about doing some insane speed down a dual carriageway near me. Do you have statistics to show how much of a liability you are ?

Old 10 June 2003, 07:57 PM
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Mycroft is entitled to his point of view and I for one am interested to hear it. At least he is prepared to voice his concerns- concerns that I share about the gung-ho mentality of the Police.

Hard working etc does not come into it, these public servants act as if they are above the law when they should be its proudest defenders.
Old 10 June 2003, 08:03 PM
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I didn't say he wasn't entitled to his opinion. Its the way he puts it that will upset people myself included.

Generalisation is always a bad thing, and you're doing it as well.

Where are you getting your facts from that "the police" act above the law and are "gung ho" ?

Do I act as if I'm above the law ?

Am I gung ho ?

Old 10 June 2003, 08:05 PM
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Mycroft, these forums aren't a platform for you to continuously slag off the police.
Indeed, it is not, but it is a forum and as such I can quite legitimately voice my opinion... just as you do...

Your "facts" are crap mate.
I find that interesting... they are ACPOs' own... go tell them...

You insult a great many decent hard working people with your drivel.
Yeah, where?

I seem to remember you bragging recently about doing some insane speed down a dual carriageway near me. Do you have statistics to show how much of a liability you are ?
Apparently less than our boys in blue...

May I remind you that the thread title is 'IDIOT COPPERS'... not Shut Up Mycroft... a thread you are entirely at liberty to start.

Old 10 June 2003, 08:10 PM
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Thanks for the quotes.

I'm not pepper you know

You are a wind up merchant mate, and you do it so well.

You can use statistics out of context to prove anything.

I would argue that someone who drives down the A419 at 170mph is more of a liability, but as you say, thats not the title of the topic.

But I AM entitled to respond to your harsh words, as you kindly point out.

If you think that no coppers are hard working decent people, you are a fool.
Old 10 June 2003, 08:13 PM
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Evidence of a thugs racing down the Public Highway at reckless speeds? 'Police, Camera, Action' matey about 55 hours of it... the phrase 'shooting yourself in the foot' springs to mind...

A dreadful indictment that I can cite anytime you ask for evidence of stupid moronic dangerous driving that results in death and un-necessary damage to property... 55hours...
Old 10 June 2003, 08:19 PM
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What on earth are you talking about ?

Are you saying that the police should never persue vehicles ?

And your 55 hours of "police camera action" proves what exactly ?

Why do any of the clips show that the police are thugs ?

Do all the clips show the police driving recklessley ?

How exactly have I shot myself in the foot by saying that you are generalising an awful lot of people ?

I may be misunderstanding you ?

Old 10 June 2003, 08:28 PM
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And if you want an "indictment" of someone driving recklessley, stupidly, and moronically, I would probably be looking at the person who challeges others to road races and brags about driving at 2.5 times the speed limit, rather than someone who is chasing a criminal ?
Old 10 June 2003, 08:29 PM
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TRRL found 55hours out of the 200 or so given to the TV Companies.

It is you who is saying that ALL cops are useless... I have said no such thing, perhaps you are in a better position to judge... I'll take your word for it matey!

As to pursuit, no you shouldn't... end of... it doesn't work... it only results in damage and possibly death... I would rather my car if stolen was not pursued and as a result kills the occupants or innocents in other cars or pedestrians... as soon as you see a car in pursuit you know that it is a lottery as to whether the 15year old crashes into you or the cop... or both...

Old 10 June 2003, 08:33 PM
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About police officers driving their own cars - around here, they tend to drive very fast.

But, do your UK police have this: On the rear license plate, attached by one plate bolt, the US members of the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) have a palm-sized identification badge. It's not positioned so you see it when the car is coming at you, you see it when you pull in behind the car ... you know, like you were thinking of stopping the person for driving recklessly ...

Any time I see one of those, I become suspicious of the driver's moral judgement. I've seen them drive at 20+ over the speed limit, park illegally, etc. They seldom obey the laws they enforce.

Plus, it's pretty likely the driver has a gun...

Old 10 June 2003, 08:33 PM
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I'm sure there's more to these statistics than you've posted here Mycroft. I'm not convinced that 5% (or more.. 5.1%?) of road deaths caused by emergency response police cars and the like, is as an alarmingly high a figure as you would have us believe, considering the nature of the driving. Have you a figure to represent the number of deaths per call out?

You're an advocate of performance pay as in the States I see; do you have their respective figures?!!!
Old 10 June 2003, 08:33 PM
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Medders... argue sensibly and keep personalities out of it... use your 'Pocket Book' to take down details if your memory is not 100%... don't personalise your statements...
Old 10 June 2003, 08:41 PM
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Avoid my post if you like hypocrite, but youre a bigger danger.

in all your quotes, you have said "the police". Is that not a generalisation ? I think you'll find it is.

You think pursuits shouldn't happen. i disagree with you.

Are you saying if criminals got harsher punishments then it would be ok ?

You're phrase - "no they shouldn't - end of" makes me think you're a world renown expert in the field of police pursuits. Then I remebered you are Mycroft, street racer who pastes facts from the web into forums and pretends he's an expert

Out of interest, what makes you think you're such an expert in the matter ?
Old 10 June 2003, 08:44 PM
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You should use the I-net and the ACPO web-site [they will shut the page soon no doubt]

2630/142 = 5.3% worse than 1 in 20...

As TRRL said... in the same year all the Cameras in the UK could be said to have saved just 60 lives... if we stopped all high-speed pursuits more than 80 lives would be saved... all those cameras are less good than stopping macho-men driving in a 'red-mist' of stupidity...

Old 10 June 2003, 08:47 PM
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Please avoid personalities... well that fell on barren ground... didn't it!
Old 10 June 2003, 08:51 PM
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You really are missing my point.

You are saying that pursuits are stupid and dangerous because they drive recklessley / fast / whatever.


My point is, you are in no position to call anyone let alone someone who is doing there job.

I odnt want this to degrade into another Mycroft / pepper thread, but Mycroft, If you will brag about doing the same thing yourself, don't slag off others for the same thing. It's really dumb.

And my memory is fine thanks. I remember all of your posts as i read them all with interest and they've stuck in my mind really well.

Old 10 June 2003, 08:56 PM
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And the "death reduction" by stopping pursuits is fault ridden as are all your facts. People whove stolen cars don't drive nicely until the police show up. It is a well known fact that they drive like maniacs regardless (not in ALL cases admitedly - but the bare facts dont tell all)
Old 10 June 2003, 09:07 PM
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I'm glad you will remember me, perhaps I will get decent service next time I'm burgled and won't have to do the investigating myself... ... 'Cos you was all crap last time!

As I have managed in my time to 'bust' at least a dozen Special Branch Officers... I too know the value of a good memory...
Old 10 June 2003, 09:38 PM
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This is worth reading too for the non believers
Old 10 June 2003, 09:40 PM
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Medders: my "generalisations" as you call them are based on some years spent working with the police in a headquarters role and on observations made myself and reading many informative police manuals on the subject such as "Roadcraft" which refers to the "red mist" that afflicts some (too many) police officers. When I add this to the many months sat listening to traffic officers (black rats as they stylise themselves)and their attitudes I can only come to one conclusion- something needs to change.

We all generalise, particularly the police, it's what allows them to make snap judgements on who to arrest, line of investigation etc etc.

I merely stated I have some concerns with the gung-ho attitude I perceive particularly amongst younger officers and also jaded hardline old timers. As usual anything less than sycophantic praise is met with derision. What's wrong with saying things need to improve surely you believe there is room for improvement everywhere in life. The Police are no exception although their arrogance often leads them to believe otherwise.
Old 11 June 2003, 08:22 AM
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I agree almost entirely with what you say. There are few police officers though, who come on here, and unfortunately these anti police rants offend them (myself included). I like to think I am non of the things you and others have said.

The only purpose these threads acheive is to get steam off your chests and upset the coppers, some of whom provide or used to provide some valuable input to this site.

I know of several who don't post on here anymore because of a lot of this ill informed anti police nonsense (not aimed at you Nacro)

I know a lot of poeple get what they see as bad service from the police, and i know people have met a copper having a bad day, but they probably aren't reading this (the coppers).

The only ones who are reading this are the petrol heads, who know where most of you are coming from, and who are probably more likely to be understanding when scoobynetters meet them.....

Its fine to put your point across and give these examples, but is it really neccesary for people to post the "coppers are idiots" type threads. Most people dont have a clue what goes on the other side, yet feel able to post rash judgements based on internet and newspaper reports which are always biased to achieve a headline......
Old 11 June 2003, 06:18 PM
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A serious point, there is far too much of a "them and us" mentality on both sides. Surely we need to work together to create a climate where people act responsibly regarding speed and their driving not the current situation where drivers (rightly in my mind) feel persecuted for the smallest infraction, particularly by the police using automated machines to catch people. It depersonalises the process and actually leads to contempt for the law. For example I know someone flashed in roadworks doing 70mph( 2AM, empty road, cones gone just waiting for the camera to be removed) who will lose their job when convicted. That cannot be right.
Old 11 June 2003, 10:19 PM
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Mycroft, what an odd thing to suggest that because you only deal with a certain type of individual, one should assume all others associated with said individual should be thought of and treated with the same sort of contempt and hatred shown in this thread. How many other real life examples of such discrimination do you think we could find, but which are considered un-acceptable by any intelligent human being?

Simple? Yes, indeed, simple ideas and perceptions of life for simple minds. Are you trying to get a rise, or do you really believe everything you've preached thus far?

You argued so resolutely when someone accused you of saying that all cops were useless. They're all pickpockets now though? The underlying feeling conveyed here is that you consider this state of ignorance right and proper, yes/no?

"...when you and your like 'get this'..." -I don't think you can ever appreciate how many, if not most officers 'get' how much hatred there is towards them. It's a given... they're an authority. What else is an authority there for, if not to be challenged? When your knees are crushed by someone slamming them in a closed door because you fell as you chased them, when you're having bottles, bricks and stones thrown at you by some drunken mob whose sole intent is to cause you actual bodily harm etc. and you don't think they 'get' it? Just typing this makes me furious that someone could be so naive.
Old 11 June 2003, 10:31 PM
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Ex-Pug, you've fallen into his trap. Had I not have typed this he would have taken snippets of your post in quote form and given well thought out, yet empty responses, with a poor attempt at humour to each snippet.

The ignorant are best avoided.

I assume this post will be disected and given the mundane treatment
Old 11 June 2003, 11:06 PM
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Mycroft, what an odd thing to suggest that because you only deal with a certain type of individual, one should assume all others associated with said individual should be thought of and treated with the same sort of contempt and hatred shown in this thread. How many other real life examples of such discrimination do you think we could find, but which are considered un-acceptable by any intelligent human being?
This is all about perception, the fact is that many people see the force in exactly that way, we are all judged by the 'point of contact' that is why millions are spent by Corporations in an attempt to salve this natural human instinct... you again like so many in the force want us to overlook the the dreadful common-place experience and judge you by the rarified 'good works' only... well life ain't like that... is it!

Are you trying to get a rise, or do you really believe everything you've preached thus far?
Everything I have said, I stand by.

You argued so resolutely when someone accused you of saying that all cops were useless. They're all pickpockets now though?
This is the overwhelming face you present to us all now, you are a bunch of Highwaymen in Blue Serge.

"...when you and your like 'get this'..." -I don't think you can ever appreciate how many, if not most officers 'get' how much hatred there is towards them. It's a given... they're an authority. What else is an authority there for, if not to be challenged? When your knees are crushed by someone slamming them in a closed door because you fell as you chased them, when you're having bottles, bricks and stones thrown at you by some drunken mob whose sole intent is to cause you actual bodily harm etc. and you don't think they 'get' it? Just typing this makes me furious that someone could be so naive.
I think all of you think you are mis-understood, question for you to ponder... why are people throwing stones at you in the first place, why do drunks feel the need to call you all sorts of names... it is not 'AUTHORITY' I put it to you that it is the exact opposite 'CONTEMPT'... you may 'think' you have 'authority' but like so many coppers you may think that the badge and uniform give you that authority... it doesn't.

Ex-Pug, you've fallen into his trap. Had I not have typed this he would have taken snippets of your post in quote form and given well thought out, yet empty responses, with a poor attempt at humour to each snippet.
I do try my best...

The ignorant are best avoided.
I know but I persevere with you, just in case!

I assume this post will be disected and given the mundane treatment
It would be wrong not to oblige you, but as you have added nothing material to this thread except to turn the subject to me, there is little need for a dissection... a simple dismissal will be more than enough.
Old 11 June 2003, 11:10 PM
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Blah, blah, blah.

Well done.

Quick Reply: Idiot Coppers *pic included*

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