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Old 11 June 2003, 11:11 PM
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Don't you just love him? I do
Old 11 June 2003, 11:14 PM
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I've never had a problem in my dealings with the police. I treat them as I do most people - with respect, and in the way I would like to be treated back.

Simple fact, you break speed limits, you can expect to get 'done'. It's a 'risk' that most, myself included, take, but I'm fully aware of the consequences.
Old 11 June 2003, 11:24 PM
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No, Mycroft.

A little like yourself
Old 11 June 2003, 11:24 PM
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Only a VERY little...
Old 11 June 2003, 11:25 PM
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But the overall value remains the same.
Old 11 June 2003, 11:26 PM
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I never said I agree with your posts. I find them quite entertaining
Old 11 June 2003, 11:31 PM
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Did I mention rolling over and being shafted? Oh no that was you MyCroft. Careful you don't get carried away and start posting on things that you have no idea about again

AFAIK Mum's very proud of me
Old 12 June 2003, 12:49 AM
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Mycroft, I don't think I've said anywhere that people don't do as you do. That is to say, scratch the very surface of a world they know little about, and expect everything beneath to be much the same. What I HAVE been saying throughout is that these all too commonly held beliefs are a nonsense.

Life, Mycroft, is what you make it. You could generalise, make assumptions, jump to conclusions, and advocate the sort of predjudices that help ruin society, and indeed you have. What a thing to say "no matter how great some of you are you are in many eyes just part of a gang of pick-pockets". In essence, 'I know not all of what you do is bad, but alot of people only get to see the bad side, so sod it, I'm with them!' Roll over and follow the herd anyone? It's certainly alot easier isn't it.

As for your question, they do it because they are drunk. They do it because they are not fully in control. Since there aren't many other walks of life willing to stop them breaking into shops, assaulting others, and generally causing a nuisance, it falls upon the Police. It doesn't get any more complicated to answer than that. When you started talking about authority you lost me to be honest. I think the police have certain powers, that I think makes them an authority. If you break a law, they can place you under arrest. I'm pretty sure that puts them in a position of authority.

"you again like so many in the force want us to overlook the the dreadful common-place experience and judge you by the rarified 'good works'" -Rarified good works? Really? Honestly, how much do you know of any officers good works? How much do you know of the hours upon hours of investigation, paper work and such, resulting in successfull prosecutions, and what one might refer to as good police work? Do you think it just doesn't happen? Do you assume that because you don't see it, or hear about it, or witness it first hand, that it doesn't happen?

Some people on here certainly do, and my whole argument, if nothing else, is to say that this is bollocks. Your argument it would seem (and you'll correct me if I'm wrong), has been to say, 'yeah, they might do good stuff very occasionally, but it's only the bad stuff we see, and that's all that counts'. It's almost as if you expect bad cops not to exist. Sure it's wrong, it's the worst sort of wrong, but you'll not see a day when they're all sweetness and light, 'cos life ain't like that, is it? What sort of world do you live in?

Just by the by, another assumption made appears to be that I'm a police officer myself. I am not. I doubt I'd be quite so emotional about the subject had it just been me that put my life on the line for the general public day after day.
Old 12 June 2003, 09:02 AM
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Mycroft, I don't think I've said anywhere that people don't do as you do.
It is not as I do, I merely highlight the thinking of many and you agree with me.

What I HAVE been saying throughout is that these all too commonly held beliefs are a nonsense.
They may be 'wrong' but they are not 'nonsense' these commonly held beliefs are perfectly sensible, they are confirmed on a regular basis by traffic officers all over the Country... perhaps failure to see this on your part is a major component of the problem.

Life, Mycroft, is what you make it. You could generalise, make assumptions, jump to conclusions, and advocate the sort of predjudices that help ruin society.
Life is also what others put upon you to endure. You could just accept what you are told to do, be considered guilty before innocent, and be part of a group that enforces those sort of things that help ruin society.

What a thing to say "no matter how great some of you are you are in many eyes just part of a gang of pick-pockets". In essence, 'I know not all of what you do is bad, but alot of people only get to see the bad side, so sod it, I'm with them!' Roll over and follow the herd anyone? It's certainly alot easier isn't it.
It is a dreadful thing to say... but tens of thousands and by the end of this years 'big push' on the devil known as the 'Speeding Motorist' there will be perhaps upwards of a Million motorists who will have had their fill of Mobile camers/ Gatsos'/ Specs and the like, and then you have indeed a herd of very p!ssed off people and their one target is... see if you can guess who their venom will be directed against... do you think the local MP will be barracked for all those tickets?, perhaps an MP will stand up and take the flak?...

As for your question, they do it because they are drunk. They do it because they are not fully in control. Since there aren't many other walks of life willing to stop them breaking into shops, assaulting others, and generally causing a nuisance, it falls upon the Police. It doesn't get any more complicated to answer than that. When you started talking about authority you lost me to be honest. I think the police have certain powers, that I think makes them an authority. If you break a law, they can place you under arrest. I'm pretty sure that puts them in a position of authority.
To me arresting someone is actually a sign of not having any authority... it is the use of power... the 'power to arrest and detain' but it is not authority... it is a position of POWER not AUTHORITY... that is why there are so amny Laws and regulations... as Authority diminishes the number of laws increases... you respect authority... you throw stones at those with none.

"you again like so many in the force want us to overlook the the dreadful common-place experience and judge you by the rarified 'good works'" -Rarified good works? Really? Honestly, how much do you know of any officers good works? How much do you know of the hours upon hours of investigation, paper work and such, resulting in successfull prosecutions, and what one might refer to as good police work? Do you think it just doesn't happen? Do you assume that because you don't see it, or hear about it, or witness it first hand, that it doesn't happen? Some people on here certainly do, and my whole argument, if nothing else, is to say that this is bollocks.
It does happen I'm sure... and the number of TV Police serials and Detective soaps/plays give you huge free publicity for all these good works... and yet for the most part despite this fantastic piece of free PR and all this POSITIVE media attention tens of thousands of people call them PIGS/FILF/SCUM etc...
Do you think that I could be given the 'right to reply' to a program like 'The Bill' with a flip-side program called 'The Filf' you know, showing the less positive side of our boys in blue... what a shame that the traffic officer destroys so much of that positive vibe and replaces it with contempt.

Your argument it would seem (and you'll correct me if I'm wrong), has been to say, 'yeah, they might do good stuff very occasionally, but it's only the bad stuff we see, and that's all that counts'.
It may not be all that counts but it certainly counts heavily against the Police.

It's almost as if you expect bad cops not to exist. Sure it's wrong, it's the worst sort of wrong, but you'll not see a day when they're all sweetness and light, 'cos life ain't like that, is it? What sort of world do you live in?
It has nothing to do with 'good' or 'bad' it is to do with perception... the Police are perceived as additional Tax collectors, there has always been a degree of corruption throughout the entire service... from SPG to C11 all are prone to corruption.

Just by the by, another assumption made appears to be that I'm a police officer myself. I am not. I doubt I'd be quite so emotional about the subject had it just been me that put my life on the line for the general public day after day.
Just as I'm cast as someone who cannot see beyond the general consensus simply because I articulate it!
We are all given 'sides' live with it.

On the subject of putting your 'life on the line' I must include this last statistic from TRRL and it is a cracker...

Traffic cops... dangerous Job?... Yes course it is!
Road worker... dangerous Job?... yeah but not as dangerous as the Traffic cops...

Wrong, that A-road and M'way road worker is 16× as likely to be injured or killed doing his work than the Traffic cop...

Yet I see no-one standing up for him or programs like 'The Bill' giving him the sort of positive PR the police expect for doing a cushier, safer job!

As he goes to work he has to run the gauntlet of Gatsos and such-like to do a more dangerous job than those who would tax him more...

Old 12 June 2003, 11:20 AM
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With such comments as "I merely highlight the thinking of many and you agree with me", or "Just as I'm cast as someone who cannot see beyond the general consensus simply because I articulate it", following "that is EXACTLY how I and thousands see you", it is difficult to cast you at all. I don't believe you've really taken time yet to clarify whether or not, in your case, seeing is believing. I'd be interested to know.

I don't think that there's anything sensible about prejudice. You either have the common sense to appreciate the bigger picture, or you don't. As with many aspects of racism, it's assumptions based on ignorance, and as such can never be sensible... in my opinion... which seems to differ from yours greatly, and there's not a lot to be done about that.

"...and be part of a group that enforces those sort of things that help ruin society." -This really is farcical. If anyone needs me to explain why, you probably need to find another thread to read.

This is taking ages; I don't really have time to finish properly. I will say though that the example given at the end regarding road workers and traffic police (who actually have to be fairly low risk as a unit compared to some others!) is hardly a revelation, and will not come as much of a surprise I think. You say that no-one stands up for him, well, is there any need? They know the risks, they do the job, much like the police. Except the police, along with all this free PR you talk about, receive no end of abuse, un-like the road workers.

Just because as performance car drivers, some view traffic police with a certain amount of distain, the rest of the force should not be tainted in the same way. I believe people that do so are short sighted... amongst other things. You believe that this is the norm, and as such is acceptable. There doesn't really seem much point in further argument.
Old 12 June 2003, 09:22 PM
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With such comments as "I merely highlight the thinking of many and you agree with me", or "Just as I'm cast as someone who cannot see beyond the general consensus simply because I articulate it", following "that is EXACTLY how I and thousands see you", it is difficult to cast you at all. I don't believe you've really taken time yet to clarify whether or not, in your case, seeing is believing. I'd be interested to know.
There is no dichotomy in the quotes you post...

I don't think that there's anything sensible about prejudice. You either have the common sense to appreciate the bigger picture, or you don't. As with many aspects of racism, it's assumptions based on ignorance, and as such can never be sensible... in my opinion... which seems to differ from yours greatly, and there's not a lot to be done about that.
Is it prejudice or is it just seeing things at face value?
You don't need common sense to see the bigger picture... you need more/better information, 'common sense' will in fact tell you that if you feel hard done by then you probably are being hard done by...
You cannot compare the loathing of the Police to Racism... they are not even in the same league... most people base racism merely on colour or looks, the hatred of the Police is based mostly on experience on the road...

"...and be part of a group that enforces those sort of things that help ruin society." -This really is farcical. If anyone needs me to explain why, you probably need to find another thread to read.
No it is not farcical at all, if as a result of clumsy, heavy handed policing people take to the streets then that is indeed devisive and breaks the bonds in Society.

This is taking ages; I don't really have time to finish properly. I will say though that the example given at the end regarding road workers and traffic police (who actually have to be fairly low risk as a unit compared to some others!) is hardly a revelation, and will not come as much of a surprise I think. You say that no-one stands up for him, well, is there any need? They know the risks, they do the job, much like the police. Except the police, along with all this free PR you talk about, receive no end of abuse, un-like the road workers.
No abuse?, are you serious, think again... cans thrown at them, people drive at them, get out of cars and attempt to assault them... no badge to hide behind...

Just because as performance car drivers, some view traffic police with a certain amount of distain, the rest of the force should not be tainted in the same way. I believe people that do so are short sighted... amongst other things. You believe that this is the norm, and as such is acceptable. There doesn't really seem much point in further argument.
Not just performance car drivers... a huge cross-section of drivers... and it is not just traffic cops... as someone who has had his house burgled I can say frankly that the phone call was a waste of the 5p spent... and I am not alone in thinking this either... I would be hard pushed to find anyone in my circle of friends with a real genuine respect for the police, the type of person 20 years ago that still had huge respect for them... now the contempt is almost seething...

You may find the debate has 'fizzled out' a bit... the polarization of our views will mean simply no common ground is there for us to share... but I hope that what I have typed has provided some food for thought and that is all that can be gained from such dichotomy of views.

When I was younger I respected what the police did and thought them to be a force for good, I think now that too much police time and effort is spent dealing with what are basically decent law abiding motorists and penalising them fiercely for a minor infringement of one of the thousands of petty little laws on the statute book... at some point in the near future I believe that almost every motorist will come to this point of view, that is when the whole thing breaks down... and yet a little bit of common sense from 30 senior officers and the entire downward spiral could at least have the brakes applied...

Question... what is the first thing you do if you are travelling at 70mph on the Motorway and you see a huge accident just a mile ahead of you?
Old 13 June 2003, 12:10 AM
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One quick example. The vandalism of Gatsos, its about the only bit of vandalism condoned by the majority of ordinary citizens. Thats cause most people know they are mainly unnecessary and the ones that are needed are placed in revenue areas NOT following the original guidelines.

And I think I read somewhere that deaths are going up despite the introduction of speed cameras and 'crackdowns' what does that say about this policy?

And Mycroft is simply repeating what most people think regarding attitudes to police regarding '****' interpratation to our laws.

There are many high profile laws that are absolute crap IMHO, cannabis? massage parlours? funnily enough these are 2 areas that police are lenient on in certain areas despite both being illegal.
Old 13 June 2003, 12:12 AM
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Massage parlours are not illegal, nor is prostitution. Soliciting is.
Old 13 June 2003, 12:44 AM
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Mycroft, I appreciate what you say with regards to the perception of the police force, and I also agree that in many instances, the officers do themselves no favours in the way they act towards members of the general public.

However, I still hold the fundamental belief that it is nothing short of moronic for people to view the entire police force with the same tainted outlook as many here have expressed. Nothing will change that, and I can see that for those who have already made up their mind, a change of view will be equally unlikely.


[Edited by Ex_Pug - 6/13/2003 12:45:07 AM]
Old 13 June 2003, 06:29 AM
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Speed cameras create more distractions on the road than anything else.
Most normal people are living their lives in FEAR!
Who doesn't speed, even if accidently for a few hundred yards when they are unsure of the speed limit because it isn't displayed properly etc.
Sadly, nowadays, most drivers are concentrating on making sure they are doing exactly the speed limit, as some forces are operating a zero tolerence policy, (those with cash problems probably).
The drivers eyes are on the side of the road looking for cameras, cops with laser guns, mobile vans, and their speedometer, NOT the road ahead, other motorists, pedestrians etc.
Cash is more important than safety to this government.
Old 13 June 2003, 08:55 AM
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It may come as a big shock to some of you, but the vast majority of police officers dont prosecute speeders !

Most people dont see a police officer unless something bad happens or they break the law........

If you want to base an opinion of thousands of men and women in the country on a meeting with an individual after you were caught speeding then thats extremely narrow mainded.

But hey, some people have respect for others, some people don't. I treat people as i would expect to be treated.....

Old 13 June 2003, 04:20 PM
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So a brothel isnt illegal? ROFL
Old 13 June 2003, 05:35 PM
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The only reason the Police appear ticket people less is because the machines are doing it for them... the siting of Gatsos' is under Police advisement... not by traffic cops, but in the Constabulary HQ Traffic division, so the problem is beyond just the Traffic cop, it goes deeper... the location of some Gatsos' means they have only one real use... money raising... so the guidelines say 'within 1 mile of a location that has suffered 3 deaths in the previous 3 years... that 'guideline' to which we all signed up to was when the figures were at their peak... now the numbers have dropped the scheme rather than being left or moderated has been ramped up... and the guys in the HQ are solely responsible... the sin of 'omission' is still a sin... just standing up and saying 'Hey, this camera is not needed it doesn't fit any of the parameters and guidelines as set out in the paper'... but having a spine seems to be talked about but for the most part... missing.
Old 13 June 2003, 06:09 PM
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Speed cameras create more distractions on the road than anything else.
Most normal people are living their lives in FEAR!
Who doesn't speed, even if accidently for a few hundred yards when they are unsure of the speed limit because it isn't displayed properly etc.
Sadly, nowadays, most drivers are concentrating on making sure they are doing exactly the speed limit, as some forces are operating a zero tolerence policy, (those with cash problems probably).
The drivers eyes are on the side of the road looking for cameras, cops with laser guns, mobile vans, and their speedometer, NOT the road ahead, other motorists, pedestrians etc.
Cash is more important than safety to this government.
So true! The **** nature of the speeding enforcement these days has led to me being in exactly that situation. And I consider myself a far less safe driver because of it. If my eyes are on the speedo then they are not on the road.

If the govenment REALLY cared about road safey then they would do what we all know needs to be done and improve driver training. The current system is sh**e. People should be taught from the word go about APPROPRIATE speed. The whole speed limit system should be reviewed, is this going to happen? NO. Because those in power can just sit there and claim to be doing the "right thing" and just keep the funds flowing in. It makes me sick. When did the police/govenment etc stop serving the peoples interests?
Old 13 June 2003, 08:08 PM
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Would be nice if that would work (and i'm not condoning the use or siting of cameras here) - but how on earth are you going to convince EVERY 17 year old to drive appropriately?

Smokings bad for you. It says so in 3 foot high letters on the packet now. I think you'll find people still killing themselves slowly with ****. A different example i agree, but look how much its drummed into people to not do it and they still do !

As for this looking at the speedo - not the road ahead, I think most of the poeple trying to catch you will be on the road ahead. Big yellow gatso's, coppers in big yellow and blue cars, or yellow jackets. All on the road ahead. A lot of people just dont pay any attention to the road ahead or their speedo. People like this deserve a ticket. I used to choose carefully where i looked for speeders. My force have a broad "tolerance" for speedng, and you have to go some to get a ticket. I dont think there are even that many gatso's in my force area ( could be more - i dont get around that much these days )

The number of times I'd set up the laser in a 30 zone in clear view, full uniform and a bright yellow jacket. Oh and i'm 6'5"
if you miss me, I think most people would agree you need talking to as you are not paying attention. Most coppers I know do the same.

So I'm afraid this police putting massive resources into catching speeders is utterly not true (in my force area)

There are VERY few traffic cops (too few in my opinion) and lots of appalling driving out there.

And it still remains a fact that more people die on the roads each year than are murdered.

If anyone finds a way of fixing this I'll buy them a pint

Maybe Mycroft could make everyone a "driving like a **** meter"
which can pick up people who are driving like a **** and then drives them to the nearest police station to surrender?


Old 13 June 2003, 08:55 PM
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### on earth are you going to convince EVERY 17 year old to drive appropriately?
Graduated licence and car ownership... just like m/bikes can be made as 50cc then 125 cc then what ever, 17's to 20 are limited to small, limited cars... then IF they have an accident free 18months they can take a further test and they can drive something more mainstream, Performance vehicles are only to be used by drivers who have passed a further test at 25... simple and easy and gets people mobile...

As for this looking at the speedo - not the road ahead, I think most of the poeple trying to catch you will be on the road ahead. Big yellow gatso's, coppers in big yellow and blue cars, or yellow jackets.
So, can we expect a refund for the driver caught in the past by grey Gatsos', snide cops in snide places and those in un-marked cars... what a stupid thing to type... we do spend far too much time looking for the next taxman/meter that will degrade our wealth and depress our spirits... please post where everyone can apply for the refund for the fine that came about from a snide Gatso/Cop/Un-marked car... can I say Medders sent me and its OK!

A lot of people just dont pay any attention to the road ahead or their speedo. People like this deserve a ticket.
We are all guilty of that... you included... you at last reveal your true colours, the only persons who deserve your approbation are people who are by there actions, drive in a manner likely to cause harm to themselves or others... not 'you deserve to be taxed because for a short while you were inattentive, so tough titty, chump.' Thank-you for revealing your self so openly.

I used to choose carefully where i looked for speeders.
You know, in the light of your previous paragraph, I believe you!

And it still remains a fact that more people die on the roads each year than are murdered.
Yes, that is the same the World over... the figure to look at is miles travelled against road deaths... then you realise that we are in fact safer than anywhere else in the World... Even the land of the Volvo/SAAB there is more death and injury per mile than here. I do wish the 'impression' of bad driving in this Country was dispelled, we aree not that bad! The Average driver is in fact a couple of hundred time safer than the average traffic cop who is trying to preach to us... get real, if the average UK driver was as dangerous as the average copper on the road the death toll would be not 2630 per year but... 456,000!
Pot/kettle/black/calling/the'A.. re-arrange please...

Maybe Mycroft could make everyone a "driving like a **** meter"
Don't need one... just look for a flashing blue light!

[Edited by Mycroft - 6/13/2003 8:56:05 PM]
Old 14 June 2003, 10:02 AM
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Having re read your replies to people Mycroft - I've noticed quite a lot that you quote people, and then in your reply actually change the subject. You also twist peoples words in a truly unique way.

Its actually quite sad that you feel the need to troll this board with off of your big man talk, but on each occasion you've sparked one of these "debates", every single time you've failed to come up with the goods as soon as anyone with real knowledge of the subject your discussing comes up.

It would appear you know a little about a lot, where you get that from I'm don't know. You certainly don't know me or anything about me so please dont try ant tell me what i think or what i do. You also know very very little about how the police work (and I'm assuming this from your ridiculous postings)

Anyway - you've managed to bring yourself notorioty in a real negative way. Well done for that. I actually hope to meet you as I'm intrigued as to if you're like this in real life rather than some wierd internet persona.....

Maybe one day.
Old 14 June 2003, 10:28 AM
Adrian F
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Despite the long running debate between Mycroft and Medders i think that the menbers of the Police force either current or Ex who are posting are missing the point that the rigid enforcement of speed limits by Police forces has created a change in the general public's view and this is now reflected in their lack of support for the police in many area's of life where previously it would have been there.

To ignore the cross section of people who try and help the people in the Police forces by saying this approach to speed limits is creating wide spread problems in the relation ship is equally narrow minded as some other opinons.

I personal spoke to a MET CID officer when i was giving a witness statement about a stabbing i saw on the street and said that the speeding issue was losing them public support and he in a job supposedly information lead said it wasn't a problem? If people don't pass him information it is a problem!

As to anti Police i was brought up to support and respect them my Great Grandfather was a policeman and my Parents were fervant supporters with the view that in general the Police did a good job. well not anymore and this is because of the approach to speed limit enforcement with the coresponding lack of interest in other crimes like vanadlism, burglary and Drugs which people see as a much bigger problem than speeding.

As to loss of life it is very sad but there are only a small proportion of road death's caused by exceeding the speed limit. The total deaths on the road is not that different to how many die of alchol and is less than number who die from dieases caught from the NHS when in hospital because of bad working practices! which is more indefensable? Yet when was the last nurse or Doctor sent to prision for killing some body by a mistake?

Last but not least Speeding is not dangerous the Police can provide names addresses of over a Million people last year caught speeding yet still a live and well!!!!
Old 14 June 2003, 10:41 AM
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Why say it wouldn't work? It's not really been tried, plus given how badly the current system is working is it that big a gamble? true you can't make EVERY 17 yr old drive properly but you can lessen the number that drive like tw*ts, make the test harder for a kick off. "Advanced Driving"? Make that NORMAL driving. Graded licening - a possible plan and something that I think could work if carefully done (plus I don't agree with it being done based on age. Experience and mileage is a better way. I'm only 22 yet I've got a hell of a lot more on the road experience than most people my age).

You speak of wide tolerances in your area? Well mine is a different story. I've known plenty of people being done for 35 in a 30, generally not in areas where it was dangerous to do so. Including a lovely GATSO situated at the the end of a 30 zone just before the road becomes 50. I've even heard (and I'll admit this is only something I've heard 2nd hand) is that someone got done for doing 32 in a 30.

I'm not one who wants to see less traffic police, I think that if they are out there doing a sensisble job, picking up the real nutters who are out there endangering the rest of us not just meeeting that months quota than I would welcome them. As it stands though everytime I see a cop car I'm nervous, watching my speedo and him.

Old 14 June 2003, 11:03 AM
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Having re read your replies to people Mycroft - I've noticed quite a lot that you quote people, and then in your reply actually change the subject. You also twist peoples words in a truly unique way.
The reason for the quotes is to avoid the 'twisting of words' etc... I just take the text and return it to you with all your faults exposed... the fact you seem to see this as twisting your words tells me and many others that you have not really thought about what you are saying or that you are as shallow as my replies expose.

Its actually quite sad that you feel the need to troll this board with off of your big man talk, but on each occasion you've sparked one of these "debates", every single time you've failed to come up with the goods as soon as anyone with real knowledge of the subject your discussing comes up.
People post things like 'hey Mycroft...' or 'what do you think Mycroft.' or whatever... replying is not being a troll, just attacking an individual and not posting valid comments on the thread subject is being a troll... you do seem to do a lot of the latter and not the former... well thaty is my observation anyway.

It would appear you know a little about a lot, where you get that from I'm don't know.
Well it is better than knowing sweet F.A about fvck-all...

You certainly don't know me or anything about me so please dont try ant tell me what i think or what i do. You also know very very little about how the police work (and I'm assuming this from your ridiculous postings)
True, but your postings do reveal 'something' about you...
I only post a point of view, and I never tell you 'what' to think just ask you to 'think'... the fact that you are affected by my postings to the extent that you reveal means I am doing a good job... thank-you for the compliment... unintentional I know, but still welcome.

Anyway - you've managed to bring yourself notorioty in a real negative way. Well done for that.
False sincerity.

I actually hope to meet you...
False hope.

I'm intrigued as to if you're like this in real life rather than some wierd internet persona.....
False perceptions.

The subject is idiot coppers... if you are in the force then you have kept to the subject... in your own unique way... hahahahahahahahahahahahaa

Maybe one day.
Old 14 June 2003, 11:30 PM
Rich and Mini
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Making 17 year olds drive round in a low cc car is pointless, they will still want to go fast/faster, so will rag the car everywhere on the car's limit. Better they have a car that's capable of being chucked about a bit.

I'm 18, but have a Saxo VTS. It's a pretty quick car, but that doesn't mean I drive it irresponsibly. I've got far more driving experience than most people my age, simply 'coz I've been driving since I was 6. I know how to handle the VTS, and yeah, sometimes I push it, but only when I feel it is 'safe' to do so. Don't we all?

And to whoever is moaning about doing 100mph on a motorway, take responsibilty for your own actions! You were 30mph over the legal speed, and were caught. Tough luck! No one to blame but yourself? You know the law, you chose to brake it, yet you still moan?

Old 15 June 2003, 01:16 PM
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600cc, 55mph limited... 'til passed a futher test.

I don't know how long ago you passed your test amtey, but trust me, in a few years time when you have some more experience under your belt you will see your present driving skills as rather poor... that is the way of experience... you are continually 'at your peak' because you are continually getting better at what you do... so whilst learning roadcraft you will always feel that you are good driver... it is only with a little 'distance' that you can look back and see just how 'shockingly awful' you were... trust me, that is life...

Old 15 June 2003, 01:53 PM
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Thumbs down

"And to whoever is moaning about doing 100mph on a motorway, take responsibilty for your own actions! You were 30mph over the legal speed, and were caught. Tough luck! No one to blame but yourself? You know the law, you chose to brake it, yet you still moan?"

Brake? responsibilty?

I suppose you are referring to me. And I suppose you have never broken the speed limit?

Being a very experienced driver of 18 in a shopping trolley of course you are the last stop for opinions and experience of driving and speeding I happen to have held a licence for over 12 years and in that time have managed no tickets or any fault accidents. In fact the only accident I have had is a **** teenager in a shed car backend me when he wasn’t paying attention to the road and causing £3500 worth of damage to my 2 month old P1

While I’m here younger drivers are responsible for a disproportionate number of accidents than their numbers.

100.4 miles an hour in excellent driving conditions/environment in a very capable car with a good driver is more preferable to me than a novice driver with no experience travelling at lower speeds.

As I have said previously, you try travelling 70 mph on a motorway these days and see how much of a pain in the **** it is. I’m willing to bet that my brake discs are bigger than some wheels that were on cars 30 years ago when this 70 limit was imposed. Don’t even get me started on stopping distances and the pathetic tables they produce in the highway code.
Old 15 June 2003, 03:37 PM
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Mycroft, I mostly agree, just don't presume all young lads drive the same. I'm much more experienced than most 18 year olds behind the wheel of a car. I could drive before most of the lads my age could spell. I am not "shockingly awful" though (trying not to sound arrogant ).

Scooby nutter, you obviously have a bit of a chip on your shoulder, so I shall try not to **** you off too much. I meant it was your own fault for doing 100mph. You knew how fast you were going, you knew the speed limit was 70mph and you got caught. The fact you are an experienced driver, and your car is capable of doing 100mph doesn't come into it! If you were to have a freak tyre blow out at those speeds, you wouldn't stand much of a chance of keeping the car in control, even less so than at 70mph. Think of the people in the emergancy crews who would have to cut you out of your car.I presume you are facing a ban and/or a big fine? Unlucky.

I do speed yeah, sometimes. BUT, I know it is wrong, and wouldn't come on here bitching if I was caught, afterall, I'd of been breaking the law?! My Saxo may not be a Subaru, but it shifts alright for a 1600. Not far off a UK Impreza Turbo to 65-70mph as it goes. Shopping trolley? Oh dear. I work hard to pay for my cars and insurance, I'm only 18 and have a insurance group 14 car. Not a 1.2 Nova.

Old 15 June 2003, 04:56 PM
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Think of the children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

a la Simpsons

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