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Tony Martin to be sued by burglar???!!???

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Old 15 June 2003, 07:19 AM
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Is this thread for real???
Old 15 June 2003, 11:02 AM
The Zohan
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Ignoring Mycrofts comments as he chooses to blatantly insult and disrespect all others with his remarks - Fearon left his rights at the door of Martins house when he chose to break the law and break in to rob Martin of has possesions. It is that simple. As for recourse through the courts, No way or at least it should be. At the moment there is little punishment for burglary and now the opportunity of a pay out for the scum criminal if you injure them whilst they are robbing you.

We would be better piling our posessions outside our house with a note saying come and get it.

The law is wrong it is that simple. Whilst i realise Fearon has just won the right to sue and may not get a penny how the hell can and proper justice system allow him the right to do this.

Perhaps the 40 or so of Fearons victims of his crimes should sue him for post traumatic stress disorder caused by him. Perhaps all victims of crime should do this.

I Bet the system would change soon enough once they realised it was benefitting the victims rather than the scum.
Old 15 June 2003, 11:21 AM
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Perhaps the 40 or so of Fearons victims of his crimes should sue him for post traumatic stress disorder caused by him. Perhaps all victims of crime should do this.
Problem there, Paul, is that:
a) Even if you were successful, the scum wouldn't have any assets in their name. So, not only would you not get your award, but you wouldn't get back even your own leagal costs. And,
b) You wouldn't get legal aid to fund it.

Old 15 June 2003, 11:42 AM
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Mycroft is pslewis without the humour.

I never read/acknowledge/reply to anything he has to say.
Old 15 June 2003, 11:49 AM
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Claudius or any other French/Euro peoples - how does it work in your countries, Do criminals have the same rights, do tthe victims get treated like they do in te UK. i would love to hear if no one objects to my semi-on-topic-hijack.
Old 15 June 2003, 12:11 PM
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Hi Paul

I'm not sure, but yes, they have the same rights. It's all about the human rights / European law etc. However, I'm pretty sure they would get told to fvck off if they wanted money. Unless one of those famous lawyers would take the case to get media coverage and would start a big mess screwing with every aspect of the law to make it last as long as possible and use every single legal resource available...

The thing is, they handle it differently. You dont go to jail if you are an honest person shooting a burglar in your own property. In France, for example, you would call the Gendarmerie, they would ask you to drop by the next morning and take your statement. They would actually be quite happy having one less thief to chase. They're tougher with criminals than with honest people, although they can be a PITA when you speed A neighbour of mine shot a burglar once, no problems. Gendarmerie is also fed up with setting up speed traps when they are basically soldiers (Gendarmerie is part of the French Army) and want to do a real job...
Old 15 June 2003, 01:07 PM
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That is the best way Claudius... spot on!

Sadly because so many people over here do not know how to use this Democracy properly the Government see them as fools...

The Europeans wouldn't be turning on the Solicitors they would be targetting the Government for their 'pot-shots'...

All the time people in this Country are stupid enough to think that targetting the wrong people will change anything we are lumbared with the toss-pots we have in charge...

It amazes me that people on here get really angry, but at the wrong people...

If you want the law to change or the law to be interpreted in the manner more in keeping with what you believe right, then attacking Solicitors is plain dumb, and just re-inforce the Governments view that you need nannying...

Read what some of you type here and that is the impression that I get... yeah, you are p!ssed off with this guy and you choose to have a pop at the Solicitors... the Government remains totally un-affected by your anger... so nothing will change... that is why I think you are stupid... you are just not 'sophisticated' enough to use the Democracy gifted you effectively and so you get a nanny state... you are the seeds of your own frustration... you are laughable... or perhaps you like to be seen as impotent...

In Europe, the Solicitors in similar cases would not be targetted, the Gov't Dept would take a serious hit though... ****-loads of well aimed and well argued opinions would fall at their door... and things would change...

Old 15 June 2003, 04:45 PM
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Hi Mycroft,

I take it you are getting back to me regarding my statement on page 3 which said

What's really upsetting is all these stupid people who makes the laws are the ones that you guys voted in...
I am also disappointed in that it was completely ignored, but then again, people dont want to face the real problems which they view as impossible to resolve, but prefer scratching the surface or finding an easy target indeed.

I agree it's pretty short-sighted.

Last time a similar thing happened in France, the politicians got involved. (That was when a policeman shot an illegal immigrant during a border / customs control when the guy refused to stop and almost run him over: they accused him of homicide but everybody was against them and it got "forgotten" ).
Old 15 June 2003, 07:56 PM
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Hi there matey... yes, sadly the reason we have a bunch tossers in charge is because there is a huge number of dummies in this Country...

The other thing we have in this Country is our belief that 'rules are rules'.. have you noticed that many on here say things like 'I was doing 10mph more than I should have, I knew the rules and was quite rightly punished'... I'm paraphrasing but you get my drift, well that attitude is ingrained here, the Bureaucrats here 'Copper-plate' our laws, they close any opportunity for lee-way... 'rules are to be obeyed', so we 'hog-tie' everyone to the word of law and not the real 'gist' of it... the EEC is a good example... the Euro-crats pass a daft law... we obey it to the letter, the French/Germans/Dutch say 'Yeah, right, we'll 'obey' that and then largely ignore it, unless it gives them an advantage... we have all seen this in action here and it makes us furious... but we have brought it upon ourselves... with that 'I was doing 10mph more than I should have, I knew the rules and was quite rightly punished' attitude of so many in this Country we are doomed to be p!ssed on from above for the foresee-able future...

Fore-lock tugging people hog-tied to petty rules and even asking to be punished for minor infringements who when finally annoyed enough fire their anger at the wrong target... like I said, stupidity.

[Edited by Mycroft - 6/15/2003 8:04:25 PM]
Old 16 June 2003, 02:24 AM
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And with that last post we have gone full circle.... within this thread blame has been apportioned to Tony Martin, the pikeys, the lawyers and now the government/electorat (us). Mycroft would now have us believe that WE are to blame for this sorry saga for not pre-empting such a case and voting accordingly.

Tony Martin, the electorate, the government, me, you, mrs miggins etc etc have all sat here and done nothing, whinged, passed silly laws, waxed lyrical etc etc blah blah, but....

only 2 people are directly involved in this saga by their own will and with the intention of comitting an atrocity upon someone else. Only two people entered this sorry saga with the premeditated intention of doing something nasty to someone else.

One of those people is dead and the other one alive. One is now trying to use the law to rob his victim for a second time.

If this is to happen there must be a plaintiff (fearon), a legal representative of low moral fibre (his lawyers), law that supports his case and government that supports that law.

Each are valid targets, yet we have been branded "stupid" for tackling the lawyers despite them being voluntary participants and open to public opinion with the power to refuse the case immediately.

Given our appraoach has been "stupid" I eagerly await an explaination as to how we can influence the other parties, namely Fearon, the law or the government within the timescales of this case...

[Edited by ajm - 6/16/2003 2:29:42 AM]
Old 16 June 2003, 09:11 AM
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Mycroft would now have us believe that WE are to blame for this sorry saga for not pre-empting such a case and voting accordingly.
No, I believe that apportioning blame is soully in the domain of those with the facts of the case at their finger-tips. The laws are ours... all of them are enforced in our collective name, if you don't like the laws then deal with those that write it or interpret your demands.

If this is to happen there must be a plaintiff (fearon), a legal representative of low moral fibre (his lawyers), law that supports his case and government that supports that law.
Why low moral fibre [LMF]? Every defendent has to be defended even the German war criminals had that... thousands of people in England died at the hands of the German threat, yet we sent one of our best QCs' to defend them, and he did the best he could with the hand dealt him... would you call the men who fought for the lives of those dispicable creatures to have had LMF? No, to stand against a crowd is not LMF it is strength, to argue against the rabble is the mark of a man... by definition, LMF is the domain of the 'mob follower'

Each are valid targets, yet we have been branded "stupid" for tackling the lawyers despite them being voluntary participants and open to public opinion with the power to refuse the case immediately.
OK, has anyone here [except me] sent anything to the body responsible for the decision on Legal Aid or the review body in the Houses of Parliament? I expect the answer is no, this forum has 'gone for' the easy [wrong] option.

Given our appraoach has been "stupid" I eagerly await an explaination as to how we can influence the other parties, namely Fearon, the law or the government within the timescales of this case...
See above
Old 16 June 2003, 10:12 AM
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The point is that we have gone for the option most likely to have a direct affect on this case. It only the "easiest option" by virtue of the fact that the lawyers are the most accessible part of this, and are therefore the most likely to be swayed. That is the reason, and I don't think the reasoning behind it makes us "stupid".

Writing to the houses of parliament, whilst a positive action, is likely to be futile as they will be unable to reverse decisions and policies in time to make any difference to this case.

The lawyers on the other hand could pull out tomorrow if they wanted to.
Old 16 June 2003, 10:26 AM
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The point is that we have gone for the option most likely to have a direct affect on this case. It only the "easiest option" by virtue of the fact that the lawyers are the most accessible part of this, and are therefore the most likely to be swayed. That is the reason, and I don't think the reasoning behind it makes us "stupid".
Sadly, no, I think you will find that you have all gone for the 'option' least likely to bring about what you ask. It remains remarkably stupid.

Writing to the houses of parliament, whilst a positive action, is likely to be futile as they will be unable to reverse decisions and policies in time to make any difference to this case.
Why do you think that? What makes you think that barracking an unelected person who is carrying out his duties and gets money for it is gonna get a better result than writing to your MP [who relies on popularity to get an income] who is obliged to represent the interests of you and has to acknowledge your correspondence... if 100 people wrote to any MP of any constituency and made their thoughts known, trust me, he would have to deal with this for you and you will make an impact... that is the 'intelligent' use of democracy... and it can be made to work... but it is not as 'satisfying' as sending the Solicitors a seething letter is it... you don't want democracy or change... you want to whinge...

The lawyers on the other hand could pull out tomorrow if they wanted
To be replaced by another at increased costs to us!!! Now is that clever or stupid?

Old 16 June 2003, 11:49 AM
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What Mycroft says is true: you can either vote for someone else or write to your representative.

My personal opinion on this is that none of the above will have much effect, and that the right to vote is an illusion you believe in because you WANT to believe it.

Deep down inside, you probably know that you cannot do jack shït about anything, and that's why you want to "whinge" as Mycroft says. Makes sense.

The truth is this: you are governed by a bunch of oligarchies; your democracy is illusionary and nothing you can theoretically do will ever change any of your problems. You think it could, but it cannot.
Old 16 June 2003, 12:36 PM
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I have shared my opinions and my reasoning, You think its stupid, I don't. Oh well.

We aren't achieving anything here so time to move on....
Old 16 June 2003, 12:40 PM
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The truth is this: you are governed by a bunch of oligarchies; your democracy is illusionary and nothing you can theoretically do will ever change any of your problems. You think it could, but it cannot.
The alternative is to become a part of the aforementioned establishment. Even a revolution or civil war only replaces one set of politicians with another, and it is the autocrats who sit behind the scenes who hold the real power.
Old 16 June 2003, 12:44 PM
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AJM, Your opinion is not stupid [well, to my eyes anyway] I think your method of trying to make your opinion count is stupid.

[Edited by Mycroft - 6/16/2003 12:45:30 PM]
Old 16 June 2003, 01:27 PM
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The points that Mycroft made are perfectly valid. It might help if he put them a bit more politely though!

It is down to our government that we are having to put up with all this "PC" nonsense that is going on. The only way is to leave the government in no doubt that if it continues they will be out of power.

As Mycroft said, the government treats the electorate as though we are stupid and not able to see what they are up to. This country is being used as a vehicle to further their own selfish interests and we will be all "sent to the wall" at the appropriate time. The act of "dumbing down" is perpetrated in order to create apathy which will act in their favour when it comes to voting,until eventually our votes will be so devalued that we are effectively disenfranchised. Tony Martin's case is useful because it detracts attention, and we can do nothing about it at the moment anyway. It is hoped that it will be forgotten about in 2-3 years time.

Old 16 June 2003, 03:07 PM
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The alternative is to become a part of the aforementioned establishment. Even a revolution or civil war only replaces one set of politicians with another, and it is the autocrats who sit behind the scenes who hold the real power.
Absolutely. Along the lines of "if you can beat them, join them".

The thing is, while it's perfectly possible for you to by an Evo in case you cannot keep up with them in a scooby, it is much more difficult to join the few companies that rule the world and become a decision maker in there... although not impossible, just improbable...

It would be easier psychologically for the average individual if they knew for fact that they have no say so they can mind their own business rather than waste their time on issues they cannot influence.
Old 16 June 2003, 05:50 PM
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M ad
Y obbish
C lown
R amblings
O f a
F rigging
T wit

well, he said that PS = Pretty Stupid!! so, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah!!

Seriously though - All rights are left at the point at which someone crosses the line to steal or do harm to someone else!!

I don't give a flying fukc if the 16 year old had a mental age of 8 - he was old enough to do the crimes hes old enough to be blown away ........ saved us decent folk a fortune!!

Lobby the solicitors acting on his behalf - little may you know, BUT - they failed to turn up to court in April to represent the ScumBag - anything to do with our e-mails?????? Who knows!!! maybe we DID make a difference!!

I see that Tony Martin may have to sell his home to fight the case - whilst the Scum gets the very society he abuses to pay for his fight!!

Pi55ed off????????????????? youre dead fukcing right I am!!!

Old 16 June 2003, 06:16 PM
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All rights are left at the point at which someone crosses the line to steal or do harm to someone else!!
Are they really? Some rights yes, taking away someones right to life seems rather extreme.
.. you could invite someone into your property kill them and then claim they 'broke in' having no-one to call your evidence into question makes for an intersting if a little barbaric idea.
.. shoot at their legs.
.. not into the body.
.. this Mr. Martin had handled a 12bore all his life.
.. he knew the consequences and he still went ahead.
.. shoot low with a 12bore and trust me those little pellets will deflate any anger in your burglar...

I don't give a flying fukc if the 16 year old had a mental age of 8 - he was old enough to do the crimes hes old enough to be blown away ........ saved us decent folk a fortune!!
Really, you don't give a flying fvck and yet you call yourself one of the decent folk... hmmmmm... decent folk don't shoot kids in the back or support those that do.

Lobby the solicitors acting on his behalf - little may you know, BUT - they failed to turn up to court in April to represent the ScumBag - anything to do with our e-mails?????? Who knows!!! maybe we DID make a difference!!
I doubt if it will make any material difference except cost me [the taxpayer] more money... thank-you for wasting even more of my money so that you can behave like a fool. No really it must make you proud to waste more of my hard earned because you act like a buffoon... perhaps you can waste some more by causing the Solicitors to require police protection... I'll go out and work hard, and you just do your best to waste my tax penny.

I see that Tony Martin may have to sell his home to fight the case - whilst the Scum gets the very society he abuses to pay for his fight!!
We'll see, I bet he can get idiots like you to start a fund to get him released... go on... he is mad... and care in the Community is right up your street I think!

Pi55ed off????????????????? youre dead fukcing right I am!!!
And MAD as hell... hahaha

[Edited by Mycroft - 6/16/2003 6:25:10 PM]
Old 16 June 2003, 06:34 PM
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I just can't see what your problem is with killing someone who is making the lives of countless thousands a living hell???

Give me a 12 bore and I, too, will shoot the Scumbags in the back, front, side, head - I don't care where, as long as they were no longer to give anyone else a living hell!!

Have you thought, for one moment, what life has been like for the people that 16 year old robbed and beat up?? they are probably inside their homes right NOW at the age of 80 TERRIFIED of every rattle, of every creak .............. its right and proper that he was killed!!

Mycroft - so??? tell us, what would you do to the people who have put a price on Tony Martins head?? You sound like you live in the gypsie camp ..... so, what do you tell them?? Do you explain to your brother (who, incidentally, is also your cousin, father, uncle and mother!!) that its OK that Tony Martin gets killed????


[Edited by pslewis - 6/16/2003 6:35:26 PM]
Old 16 June 2003, 06:52 PM
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I just can't see what your problem is with killing someone who is making the lives of countless thousands a living hell???
I think you are 'over-egging the pudding' by saying this one lad and his 'Fagin' is 'is making the lives of countless thousands a living hell???', still, don't facts ruin a good arguement! hahaha

Give me a 12 bore and I, too, will shoot the Scumbags in the back, front, side, head - I don't care where, as long as they were no to give anyone else a living hell!!
You wouldn't, believe me, it is difficult enough to kill even when under threat, well it is if you are not completely mad... so you and this Mr. Martin are brothers under the skin maybe? My experience is that even the most gung-ho of my old buddies are reluctant to shoot someone... you need to have something 'missing' to do it...

Have you thought, for one moment, what life has been like for the people that 16 year old robbed and beat up?? they are probably inside their homes right NOW at the age of 80 TERRIFIED of every rattle, of every creak .............. its right and proper that he was killed!!
Yes, and it still doesn't merit Murder as a form of 'Idiotic Revenge'

Mycroft - so??? tell us, what would you do to the people who have put a price on Tony Martins head?? You sound like you live in the gypsie camp ..... so, what do you tell them?? Do you explain to your brother
I have no 'first hand' evidence of this 'bounty' on his head... I do have first hand evidence of the seething hatred spat on the 3rd person in this 3 act tragedy.
You sound like you live in an Asylum hahaha how do you explain your not taking your medication...

Try to avoid targetting me in your diatribe of hate... If you can... there's a good chap.
Old 16 June 2003, 07:06 PM
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I was planning not to get inolved in this thread again, but as the insults have kept flying I'd like to make an observation:-

You have made your arguments clearly, concisely and repetitively. Unfortunately you are still at odds from the majority of of us, and despite pepping up your tirade with profanities and insults we remain unconvinced.

So, since your views remain the minority on this particular subject don't you think now would be a good time to get over it and move on?
Old 16 June 2003, 07:22 PM
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You have made your arguments clearly, concisely and repetitively. Unfortunately you are still at odds from the majority of of us, and despite pepping up your tirade with profanities and insults we remain unconvinced/
The profanities have come from others not myself... re-read and you will see that I have actually toned down the language since page 2... I think actually that some here are now looking at this differently and I hope that some have reconsidered there approach toward barracking the Solicitors...

So, since your views remain the minority on this particular subject don't you think now would be a good time to get over it and move on?
I'm not so sure they are in the minority... I think from the way so many of the more vocal here have fallen silent that they now see themselves as rather foolish... if you want a subject to die then the real way is to stop posting, you will notice that I have only 'responded' for quite a few pages, I haven't needed to, I have won the arguement to so many and I am doing is mopping up the slow and dull-witted... hahaha
Old 16 June 2003, 10:19 PM
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Fine. I have side stepped your mop, however this shall be my last contribution in this thread nonetheless. Lets put it to bed.

Obviously I am assuming that, true to compulsive form, you will need to post your "final thought". Thereafter we can consider this tedious matter closed.

[Edited by ajm - 6/16/2003 10:22:12 PM]
Old 17 June 2003, 12:04 AM
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it is difficult enough to kill even when under threat
Have you ever killed someone, Mycroft?
Old 17 June 2003, 12:24 AM
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mycroft - i hope to god you are just trying to stir things up. forget legal aspects et al, view this with *common* sense. clearly you have never been the victim of any sort of crime, else you would have a very different perspective. me, well, i've suffered home break ins, car theft, carjacking @ gunpoint, the lot. a 12 guage blast to the head is too good for some of these people.

you try to boast yourself as an intellect yet you merely portrait yourself as a total ****. how sad.
Old 17 June 2003, 01:05 AM
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Mycroft said:

I'm not so sure they are in the minority... I think from the way so many of the more vocal here have fallen silent that they now see themselves as rather foolish... if you want a subject to die then the real way is to stop posting, you will notice that I have only 'responded' for quite a few pages, I haven't needed to, I have won the arguement to so many and I am doing is mopping up the slow and dull-witted... hahaha

lol, you cant honestly believe that can you?

The reason why people are not responding is because they are sick and tired of you!!!! I know that is why I have kept quiet!

If you had just thoughtfully put down your thoughts then fine, perhaps a sensible debate could have followed and you would have come out in a better light.

But, even if you were right, the fact that you have been rude, offensive and generally annoyed people has meant that the opposite has been true. You also seem to be convinced that you are right on every level - with you there is no compromise or respect for anyone elses view. In your mind, if people hold a different view they are less intelligent than yourself (still waiting for a reason why you think you are so superior to everyone BTW), ruining the country and above all completely wrong.

You so havent won the argument. People just cant be bothered to discuss anything with you because they know it wont be a sensible debate.

Like Midget above, I have been the victim of numerous crimes, several vehicle thefts, muggings, robberies and so on. Again, like midget and the others on this thread, I would stop at nothing to protect myself, my loved ones and my property.

[Edited by JohnMcC - 6/17/2003 1:07:46 AM]
Old 17 June 2003, 06:53 AM
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I Understand some of your points Mycroft....

It would have been great if Martin had shot the scum from the front. Then most of this madness wouldnt be going on.

One point: As part of one of my Jobs I have been "Very close" to a group of "said scum" .No They never trust you...but over the years we had some business.... let me tell you. They are an epidemic. One small family caused havoc every week . Thousands of pounds worth of problems and theft.More than 1/2 million ayear (What the total cost would have been)

They are rats. if only they could be poisened.

Quick Reply: Tony Martin to be sued by burglar???!!???

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