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Gays to be able to get "married"

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Old 29 June 2003, 05:48 PM
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you're trying to make me say that normal doesnt mean much and that everybody is abnormal in one way or another
I don't have to make you say that, you seem to be doing a damned fine job of it yourself.

Seriously though, it was just a question, intended to determine what you meant by 'abnormal'. I'll accept that homosexuals are statistically not a majority, but I think the word 'abnormal' sounds rather judgemental and is likely to be inflammatory.

everytime I say something, you jump in and say the contrary for some reason
Firstly I didn't jump in and say anything contrary to your comment as I'd already expressed my opinion that gays are normal in a post prior to yours; all I did was ask a question to try and better understand your view.

The fact that it was your post I questioned was not relevant. I was genuinely curious about your view, and I'd have asked the same question no matter who had made the comment.

Whatever you may think, I do not scan this board for your posts just to contradict them. I'm sure if I could be bothered to look, which I can't, I could find numerous posts made by you, which I didn't respond to. However, on the threads where we do respond to each other, do you really find it surprising that we often disagree, given our vastly different situations and points of view?

I did not meant to insult you in any way
You may not have meant the balloon-sucker comment as an insult, although given other comments you have made in the past, I am a mite suspicious of this claim. However, saying I was trying to make myself look smart reads rather like a jibe, don't you think?

You seem to be implying that I have some sort of issue with you personally, which is not the case. Although I am rarely of the same opinion as you, I can respect your ability to think and put your case rationally, which is more than can be said for many of the other users on this board. Given this ability, I think you let yourself down too often by resorting to insults and petty jibes. That's a shame IMO.
Old 29 June 2003, 05:49 PM
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Hmm this has gone a bit awry.
The point I was trying(obviously not very well)to make was that once again the government will spend time to legalise these so called marriages for gays whilst foregoing the rights of the MAJORITY of tax paying co-habiting people.

Why should two gays have rights to inheritance tax, pensions etc of their partners when others cannot.What makes them so special.

As for the normal-abnormal debate. We were put on this earth to procreate and no other reason. So therfore gatys are not normal as they cannot do this. Not yet anyway.Sure theres some gov funding trying to solve this while countless others die from more common diseases.

Old 29 June 2003, 05:52 PM
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I can see no harm to anyone in what has been proposed.

Thier sexual orientation may vary to the norm so should we pick on all minoroties like goths, short people or Impreza owners ?

I have no issues with anyones sexual orientation on the make compariosons between gays and kiddy-fiddlers is pathetic.

Society should be doing more to embrace all cultures. races and beleies to create a more tollerant and understanding society, but then again we love to have someone to pick on on this country don't we.

Maybe we shouold be less tollerant to the racist poor white trash that seems to be breeding .

Old 29 June 2003, 05:55 PM
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foregoing the rights of the MAJORITY of tax paying co-habiting people.
Why should two gays have rights to inheritance tax, pensions etc of their partners when others cannot.What makes them so special.
Eh? Homosexual couples need to commit to each other during a formal ceremony in order to get these benefits, as do heterosexual couples. It's the same situation for both homosexual and heterosexual couples, so what's the problem? The rights of co-habiting people remain intact because if they want the benefits of being married, they can get married.

And where does "tax-paying" come into this? I'm pretty sure homosexuals pay taxes too!

Edit: Can't spoll today!

[Edited by TurboKitty - 6/29/2003 6:09:26 PM]
Old 29 June 2003, 06:00 PM
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As for the normal-abnormal debate. We were put on this earth to procreate and no other reason. So therfore gatys are not normal as they cannot do this.
So what's your view on infertile people? And how about people who are capable of having children but don't want to?

To be honest, you sound like a very bitter person. Will gay couples being able to get married and have the benefits of marriage take anything away from you personally? Do gay people do you any harm? I'd suspect the answer to both of these questions is "no", in which case, why should it bother you?
Old 29 June 2003, 06:10 PM
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I don't have to make you say that, you seem to be doing a damned fine job of it yourself.

I think the word 'abnormal' sounds rather judgemental and is likely to be inflammatory.
That's why I used it!

Firstly I didn't jump in and say anything contrary to your comment as I'd already expressed my opinion that gays are normal in a post prior to yours; all I did was ask a question to try and better understand your view.

I do not scan this board for your posts just to contradict them. I'm sure if I could be bothered to look, which I can't, I could find numerous posts made by you, which I didn't respond to.
Ok, I believe you

However, on the threads where we do respond to each other, do you really find it surprising that we often disagree, given our vastly different situations and points of view?
No, I dont You're right

You may not have meant the balloon-sucker comment as an insult, although given other comments you have made in the past, I am a mite suspicious of this claim.
I can see that! LOL

You seem to be implying that I have some sort of issue with you personally, which is not the case.
I believe that, too

I can respect your ability to think and put your case rationally, which is more than can be said for many of the other users on this board.
I think the same thing about you. Which is why I'd rather talk to you than others on here; whether we agree or disagree is of no relevance to me: the interesting part is the way your arguments are constructed

[Edited by Claudius - 6/29/2003 6:11:26 PM]
Old 29 June 2003, 06:12 PM
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OK, who are you and what have you done with the real Claudius?!
Old 29 June 2003, 06:14 PM
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Have we another scoobynet wedding on the cards?
Old 29 June 2003, 06:21 PM
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OK, who are you and what have you done with the real Claudius?!
I'm the new Claudius; I had to kill the old one as he displayed various forms of antisocial behaviour
Old 29 June 2003, 06:23 PM
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Have we another scoobynet wedding on the cards?
Not sure; let me go see that picture again and see how much of that balloon she can fit into her mouth! LOL
Old 29 June 2003, 06:27 PM
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Old 29 June 2003, 06:34 PM
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T kitty,
Straight couples not married but co ha-biting do NOT have the same rights to the things I mentioned as gay couples if this law is passed.


[Edited by Chip - 6/29/2003 6:38:18 PM]
Old 29 June 2003, 06:37 PM
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I dont see why you would have the same right not being married as people who are married simply because you live in the same place?
Old 29 June 2003, 06:41 PM
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Chip, to get the benefits, both homosexual couples and heterosexual couples have to be married, yes? So unmarried homosexual couples do not get the benefits in the same way that unmarried heterosexual couples do not, right? So where is the unfairness? I'm really not seeing your point here, so please explain.
Old 29 June 2003, 06:44 PM
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For clarity: by "married" in my previous post, I mean formally and legally committed to each other in an appropriate and recognised way.
Old 29 June 2003, 06:46 PM
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Chip said quote:"We were put on this earth to procreate and no other reason"

You might believe you were "put" on this earth, personally I believe the whole thing is just chance. As for the purpose of life being to procreate, well I just have to disagree with you on that score as I believe there are enough people infesting this planet already. I don't need to add more of them.
Old 29 June 2003, 06:47 PM
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TK Just noticed the strap-on bit on your profile. Explains a lot maybe.

Old 29 June 2003, 06:51 PM
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Turbo seem to imply that sex between same sex couples is 'normal'..and you bash my comparison with paedophilia...well how about this for food for you think that brothers and sisters should be abled to get married too?? Are they not 'consenting adults' who 'are harming no-one'????Should they not have the 'right to get married' by your twisted logic????

Or do you find the idea sick?? If so, by your logic, you are a biggot, narrow minded and a freakin hypocrite.
Old 29 June 2003, 06:54 PM
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Nice one turb.Put her in her place.

Old 29 June 2003, 07:03 PM
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Thumbs down

It's a nice sunny evening. Get out and enjoy it.

Arguing about gay rights It's just more erosion of the social fabric of this country IMO. When will the PC madness ever end?
Old 29 June 2003, 07:04 PM
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It wont if the replies on here are anything to go by.

Old 29 June 2003, 07:04 PM
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Quick point turbo: a brother and sister would have the potential to breed, Therefore there is some logic in saying such a union could have adverse consequences. What about a brother and his brother? As far as I'm aware there is no legislation against that and while I have to say the idea isn't one that appeals to me on the whole, I'll go with the idea that there is no specific harm or deviancy in a same sex relationship.

Personally I can't understand why we can't just let them get on with it- give them equal rights (no better, no worse) than striaght people. To quote an episode of blackadder, "it just leaves more red hot totty for us real men". In fact on that vein I'd prefer it if more men were homosexual so I would be in (even-LOL) greater demand by the female population.
Old 29 June 2003, 07:08 PM
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Chip, I couldn't agree more with your sentiments. For too long this government has been doing it's level best to undermine family values amd pander to the minorities.
Why is it that when you express views such as this you are branded as Homophobic ?. It is exactly the same when anyone speaks out against the Asylum Seeker situation. They are branded a Rascist.
Old 29 June 2003, 07:08 PM
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I believe there are enough people infesting this planet already. I don't need to add more of them.
Good point; actually, a lot of heterosexual people say that as well. I read somewhere that there is space for about 10 billion pêople on the planet, so I say all this heterosexual sex has to have an end put to it before it gets out of hand! LOL kidding, of course
Old 29 June 2003, 07:17 PM
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Yep, whatever happened to family values.Shame really. And they probably call it progress.

Old 29 June 2003, 07:21 PM
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Chip said "whatever happened to family values" we covered that in the incest part of this thread and decided it probably wasn't a good idea.

Seriously "family values" never existed excpet in the minds of some warped victorian sex perverts who hid their vile lust under a thin veneer of respectability. I think what your yearning for is actually a return to the double standards of yesteryear.
Old 29 June 2003, 07:21 PM
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turboman786, a brother and sister cannot marry (and possibly have children) for a very good, scientific reason, i.e. inbreeding tends to lead to birth defects. They may well be consenting adults but there is a good reason not to allow them to marry; this reason does not exist for homosexuals, especially since they are unable to breed at all, so your argument is fatally flawed. Once more you are attempting to use totally invalid comparisons.

In first trying to compare homosexuals and paedophiles, and then trying to compare homosexuals with the case of a brother and sister wanting to get married, you've shown that you do not understand this situation very well and cannot construct an argument to save your life.

Chip, your comments go a long way to explaining why you have a problem with this. I asked you, in a perfectly civil manner, for an explanation, you came back with insults. IMO that speaks volumes. And if you think turboman's poorly thought out knee-jerk reaction put me in my place, well, it must be nice to be so easily pleased. Now, are you going to explain why you think "married" gays getting the same rights as married straights is unfair, or have you actually realised that can't, because it's not in the least bit unfair?
Old 29 June 2003, 07:23 PM
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Why is it that when you express views such as this you are branded as Homophobic?
LMAO! Could it be that it's because you are being homophobic, perhaps?!

This thread is getting to be absolute class!
Old 29 June 2003, 07:25 PM
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Be careful voicing opinions like that, you'll be cast as a bigot. Then again, if this sort of legislation is passed, normal families could become the minority. Or is that the master plan of our government. Just think of all the public money that could be wasted then, setting up "normal" self help groups etc

Old 29 June 2003, 07:31 PM
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I didnt write whats in your profile. YOU did. Why I ask.

As for not having an answer.In my original post I stated it was unfair that two gays will have more rights than two straights as you call thenm that are living together.So why is it fair then that the poofs get the entitlement immediately yet a couple who have lived together for say 30 years but not married get nothing. Is that fair.Do you relly think so.


Quick Reply: Gays to be able to get "married"

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