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5 year Old Son being Bullied

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Old 07 July 2003, 01:03 PM
LG John
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LMAO @ fast blokes suggestion

Red I believe I can give a useful perspective I was bullied right the way through primary school and high school and two things remained consistant throughout.

1. The teachers/school ultimately did f-all
2. That I never hit back

The reason that I never hit back was because my mum drilled into me from a very young age that I do not hit other people under any circumstance. Unfortunatly I took this to the letter and as soon as the bullies had the mental edge over me (i.e. they battered me once without me doing anything about it) I was there's for the duration of my schooling. I then got a reputation as a walk over and all the bullies would have a go. The worse bullying I got was from a female who mentally tortured me for over a year and also laid into me on several occasions safe in the knowledge that I wouldn't hit a women.

So, many years on have I changed? You bet? I still try to avoid situations and (touch wood) so far haven't been in any fights at all but I can say that I wouldn't hesitate to thump the living cr@p out of someone that hit me first. I also wouldn't even pause for a second if a lass hit me, she'd instantly be hit back twice as hard (FWIW, IMHO women are far more evil when fighting than guys!) I also have taken up a martial art recently which I really enjoy and I like learning stuff that I hopefully won't have to use but that is benefitial to know and benefitial to the body to learn (toning, flexibility, etc).

IMHO, your son has to nip this in the bud NOW! Get him doing something active over the summer like a martial art or boxing, etc that will teach him how to handle himself and more importantly build his confidence and probably be enjoyable as well. When term starts again if the bully has a go your son must level him pure and simple! I know it sounds brutal and I know its hard to encourage but now my mum (who is physically sickened even by the thought of violence) will agree with me that I should have marched into school and thumped the living cr@p out of the head bully. Of course, bullies tend to hunt in packs and there is a chance your son will get outnumbered the next day on his way home from school. This is where its important not to be intimidated by the numbers! If he get a bloody nose from 3 of them then the next again day he goes in, he picks the lead bully again and beats the cr@p out of him again. This continues until the lead bully realises that no matter what him and his cronies does he's the one that going to take the pounding. Believe me this will end it very quickly and your son will get known as someone that will defend himself.

The hard bit (as someone said) is to then ensure that it doesn't go to your son's head and he himself starts to cause trouble.

I realise this seems so violent and harsh but I suffered this from primary 4 to 4th year and have had a lot of time to reflect on it since. Looking back it all started with 1 kid back in primary 4 and I should have pasted him there and then.

I assure you that a few after school scraps and a telling off from the teacher is nothing compared to what your son will suffer if the bullying doesn't end now. He needs to stamp his authority on this kid and he needs to do it NOW!

Another reason to do it now is that 5 year olds fighting is pretty pathetic and they can do little more than bruise each other or maybe get a bleeding nose. If your son finally decided to do something about it when he's 16 thats when fights (and the consequences of fights) are far more serious and likely to involve weapons, etc I've known people that have been really badly beaten up at around aged 16 but at aged 5 its unlikely a fight would be too serious.

All in my humble opinion
Old 07 July 2003, 01:11 PM
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Come on carter, read it without the high horse... You're putting intentions into Bravo's mouth/fingers/whatever

Regarding the 6 weeks of self defense, I'd go for Aikido. It's purely self defense, and is great. I did it for a while, and it's a good 'un.

The ex-lax suggestion gets my vote too.

Ultimately, the correct thing to do is escalate it through the school to the governors. They will already be aware that this kid is a PITA, and this may give them more cause to take action whatever the action may be.

I'd be livid, so you have my extreme sympathy.
Old 07 July 2003, 01:11 PM
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My mistake bravo, what with your rock username and threats to deal with it all at home time, I thought you were advocating violence. No intentional insinuation then? At all?
Old 07 July 2003, 01:22 PM
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The only kids who don't get bullied at school are those who can look after themselves physically. Unfortunate, but a fact of life. Diplomacy doesn't work on juvenile bullies.
Old 07 July 2003, 01:30 PM
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Used to happen to me when i was a lad till one day one of the two lads in question had me in a head lock .... kept asking to let go he wouldnt ... in the end something snapped and i brought up the best uppercut i will ever do. Spilt the lads nose and he ran off crying. Guess what he never touched me again and neither did his mate......Funnily enough 20 years on he is one of my best mates.

Im not saying its the right way but sometimes its the only way
Old 07 July 2003, 01:30 PM
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my next door neighbour has the same problem.they have 4 kids,3 of which are of school age.they all got bullied which resulted in them changing was o.k for a while,but has recently started again in the new school.their mum is really worried now,as the eldest is going to secondary school in september,and he's the one who gets it worse.he's not a wimp,just quiet.his schoolwork has suffered badly over the last few months and he always tries his best to get out of's a shame kids have to go through this,they should be able to enjoy their youth and get a good education,it's not right that some little brat should ruin it ,and get away with it!if this child is as bad as you say,and his parents can't control him,maybe social services shoud be involved as he obviously has neighbour has contacted police on sevral occasions,so parents of certain children have had warnings,which will mean they will be prosecuted if this continues. i really feel for you,and your little one as i know how heartbroken my neighbour has been.i hope you're able to get this problem sorted soon,it shouldn't be allowed to go on any longer.i'm just sorry i'm unable to give any good help or advice.. good luck..

from Donna. (turboray's wife).
Old 07 July 2003, 01:32 PM
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my thoughts and sympathies with your little'un red.

I was bullied at primary school, kid was about 3 years older or something, cant remember.

got to the point where one day at a local swimming pool him and about 4 of his mates ganged up on me, i must have been about 7 or 8, i had to leg it out the swimming pool and find a phone box, make a reverse charge call to my dad who picked me up.

Its not just physical abuse that hurts, its very emotional, and i felt humiliated.

My primary school helped out, but when these things happen after he left for senior school there is sod all they can do.

last time i saw him, my sister was driving me home, i was still only 8 or so. I pointed out who he was, she pulled the car over - and to this day i have never seen anyone get that same vehenmous (spelling) bolloking ever, the bully fell over he was so shocked at the verbal torment he was recieving, he left in tears, was nice for me to see him getting his own medicine.

its hard to get your self esteem back after being bullied in any shape or form, i hope you get it sorted soon red.
Old 07 July 2003, 01:35 PM
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Gary, the same thing happened to one of my mates. The guy that bullied me bullied him as well and one day he snapped and really hit him! God, looking back his face was a real mess (badly swollen lip)! It was quite amusing for the next few days as my mate teased him a little

I also saw one of the guys that I used to live in fear of stacking shelves in Tesco's. Seeing him made me realise how utterly un-intimidating he actually is
Old 07 July 2003, 01:41 PM
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Very true Saxo boy.

Infact the bit that makes me laugh is that the bullies at school who were always so much bigger than the rest of us stop growing quickly and the ones who were bullied end up towering above these half-wits.....A lad I went to school with who used to take a lot of stick is now head bouncer for half a dozen pubs around my way. He never hits anyone, he never has to, he is massive and a look from him is good enough. Fair play to him i say
Old 07 July 2003, 01:45 PM
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That's eaxactly true Kenny - when we're kids, we think anyone who talks a good game must be hard as nails. Irrational fear has a lot to do with it.

It's tough to tell a kid to go to school and basically have it out with his/her tormentor, and that you'll support them whatever happens, but sometimes it's the only way. They might lose the battle, but usually they'll win the war, as nobody wants to pick on somebody who might fight back.
Old 07 July 2003, 01:49 PM
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i find it quite satisfying seeing those who bullied me,walking in and out of the job centre,in scruffy clothes on the dole,when we drive past them in the scooby!we've a nice home,family,car,etc... and what do they have?tatty little bedsits and no job!

sweet justice,don't you think?!!

Old 07 July 2003, 01:55 PM
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I'd advise the self-defence classes. When I was a youngster we moved to a new area and I received some attention from the other kids due to my "funny" accent. My Dad took me to the gym, I joined the boxing class and never looked back. I was never bullied again As soon as the first one of them was sat on the floor with a blooded face they realised that there are softer target elsewhere.

It is still a useful skill now and I'm in my late 20's.
Old 07 July 2003, 02:01 PM
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I havent read anything yet from a different perspective. Like why are they being bullied in the first place. I have never been bullied at school or anywhere else.

From memory the only people that were bullied were quiet kids that kept to themselves, or were 'different' in some sort of way. I would suggest that the reason they are getting bullied is that they dont have much social skills. Does this kid go to any after school clubs? Is there something that sets him aside from other kids mentally or physically?

As suggested some form of self defence classes could be used, however that probably might not deal with what the underlying problem is. In fact it could worsen the situation.
Old 07 July 2003, 02:03 PM
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The real irony is that very often the bullies aren't that hard at all!! Its the quiet big guys that tend to pack a punch

The other problem is that I found by secondary school I'd try to get on the bullies side by picking even softer touches to pick on myself! This doesn't work and also I didn't have the heart to be a bully. In fact, I was a cr@p bully and never hit them anyway
Old 07 July 2003, 02:04 PM
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Its a sad world.

I got picked on only once at school, the first week of primary by some way older kid. Told my mum about it a bit tearfully at the school gate at hometime. My mum (an iron lady) marched me into the playground kicking and screaming and made me point him out, whereby she backed him into a corner and shouted at him till tears ran down his face. Never had any problems again.

If that were to happen now, she would probably be had up in court by his ambulance chasing sh1tter parents.
Old 07 July 2003, 02:06 PM
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555 - you should become a social worker. They suggest daft things like that too. Try telling Lisa and other affected parents here that it's their fault for not teaching their kids social skills. Wake up. It's the bullies who have no social skills, and have to resort to their bullying tactics.
Old 07 July 2003, 02:11 PM
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Red Dog,
My boy suffered from bulling for 18 mths, what did the Headmaster or school governers do about it...jack sh*t, i went to school time and time again rgds the bulling, all i got was "we are dealing with the matter".. like f**k were they dealing with it, they were hoping to sweep it under the carpet.
In the end i told my son to wake up and sort it once and for all cos this ain't going away and i can't help him as even putting ur finger on a child under 16 is classed as a Assault, but i would back him whatever action he took.
I taught him a few tricks to do BUT the first was to wait for the wa*ker, sorry bully to HIT FIRST, and make sure there were plenty of people to witness it, and by god was i pleased to receive a phone call from school saying my son had been in a fight and could i come into school to spk with the head.
This kid had ago at him in the dinner hall in front of every body, it turned out that he knocked my lads drink on the floor then slapped him on the head as he went to pick it up, my boy then squared upto him, but didn't see the teacher entering the dinner hall but this bully did, in short, my son beat the sh*te out of him and then to top it of rubbed his plate OF mash,beans,sausage and gravy in his face in front of all the kids there, and yes he was suspened for 2 weeks, because the teacher said and i quote "i've never in my life witnessed such violence in an attack on another pupil as Nathan did to this boy" to which i answered you try being bullied for 18mths when bugger all is done about it, see what anger u build up.

Well after that im pleased to say he was allowed back into school, on the understanding this never happened again, which it hasn't and the bully, well he melted into the back ground and never bothered him again.
That day my son got his self respect back which he lacked when he was being bullied, he was 11 when it started in 7 days he's will be 16, leaving school soon and hopefully wants to join the army when 17.

I've have 3 other boys who have never suffered (yet) what Nath did, but if they did i would tell them to do the same, and back them all the way.
Old 07 July 2003, 02:25 PM
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As far as self defence classes go- if someone lacked social skills (I'm not saying this is the case here) then the classes will help with that too. You meet lots of other lads (all boys when I was there) your own age and socialise with them in a friendly and competitive atmoshere. It's a win-win situation whichever way you look at it.
Old 07 July 2003, 02:35 PM
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The only thing 'wrong' with my son is that he likes a laugh and wants to be friends with everyone, just like I did when I was at school.

The problem started when Marcus was moved from reception class into year 1. It happened half way through the school year. Him and 3 others were doing really well and they needed 4 spaces in the reception class for children coming up from nursery, so they moved them into this higher class. Before he was moved, this boy was his friend but now he has become his enemy.

I have studied psychology 555 and believe me, it's not the bullied that have the problems, it's the bullies.

A lot of people who have replied to this thread have been bullied in the past and feel very strongly about the situation, so suggesting that the bullied are the ones with problems is treading on very thin ice.

Do you not remember ever being bullied because you were the one doing the bullying?!

My partner used to bully at school, but the only kids he singled out were the bullies. He made their lives a misery for a short time and the majority never went back to their old ways. Shame there can't be something like that officially in place in the playground!

[Edited by red_dog104 - 7/7/2003 2:37:01 PM]
Old 07 July 2003, 02:39 PM
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I was bullied badly at school. Primary and Secondary. Secondary got very serious. I held a knife to my chest and threatened suicide several times.

My parents had alot of dealings with the school but not alot happened.

Even when I lashed out at the people doing it they were too thick and continued the next day. The worst thing was, I was the one who got into trouble even though the school knew I was getting bullied. I was 6ft at the time so it was assumed I was bullying them. [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

The stupid part is I'm now 6'4 25 stone and I still get smaller people trying to give me agro [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img] Why?
I have come to the conclusion that most of the people on this planet are a pathetic waste of space.

Now when I see people being bullied it really annoys me.

The school is powerless to do anything. They are not allowed to touch the kids, reprimand them or anything. The parents either don't care or encourage it.
The total lack of discapline at an early age is going to continue to make the problem worse. Personnaly I say beat the **** out of the little *******.

[Edited by Sith - 7/7/2003 2:43:40 PM]
Old 07 July 2003, 03:01 PM
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Heres goes....

1. the school will do nothing.

2. Chances are the parents of most bullies are a bit scummy themselves.

I remember many years ago a friend who lost her husband told me her son was been bullied badly at school. I was for a bit and still remember it. Its a terrible thing to go through. I love her son to bits. He was my best man at my wedding.(16 year old best man)

I went to the school and asked to speak to the head teacher. I had already checked to make sure the situation was true. The head teacher did not realy want to know........... and as I have heard many times warned that this little boy would be in trouble if he hit back etc...

I asked him to repeat what he had just told me.

I stand by my words............... I then danced this head teacher around his office. Telling him that this was the same scenario and should he try to hit me back he would be in even more trouble than he was at that moment!! This teacher was so "its got nothing to do with me..)

I will only go to war on 2 accounts. Someone abusing a child/female in anyway .

I am sick of this country..... no one cares anymore.... Look around and tell me different.

Get into the school and tell the head teacher you hold him fully responsible. And make sure they understand.

This is your child. a Gift from "Whatever". Look after it.
Old 07 July 2003, 03:05 PM
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How does being a lad from Yorkshire moving to a school darn sarf with a northern accent get round the fact they are different

I got called a common poor northern **** when I moved to Landan

Fooking suthen ****s
Old 07 July 2003, 03:10 PM
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So im a bully now am i? I was a popular member of every school/college i went to, who was articulate and sociable. I also out most of the nights in swimming, rugby, football clubs, cubs etc, cant see how that makes me a bully I also have studied psychology, one of my degree pathways.

So for offering an alternative solution to 'go learn to beat some1 up' im being castigated. Hmmm whos attempting to bully now.

As far as its the bullies that have the probem, yes thats in an ideal world. Unfortunatly is doesnt really help your situation does it, as at the moment youre the one complaining and your kid is the one thats having a hard time.

As suggested the best route is to find out why hes been bullied and start from there.

And Telboy, mr. constructive arent you, go put words in some1 elses mouth, cause im not interested in you or your pathetic comments.

Im not against self defence classes etc etc, but in some cases IMHO will escalate the situation and youre in a worse position. I managed through school without such classes. Was helped by naturally being fit and big built at that age by doing after school activities.

My younger brother by, a year, was bullied by a kid at school for his name, I sorted it personally in a non 'social worker' way by beating the **** out of the kid. Regularly see the same person and have been friends for many years.

Waves goodbye.
Old 07 July 2003, 03:17 PM
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bye bye..........
Old 07 July 2003, 03:19 PM
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My eldest was a right one at juniors, constantly in trouble for hitting back, which the school could never seem to see was responding to provocation.
When he started secondary, his mum read him the riot act: he was NOT to hit back, and he WAS to report every bit of bullying and let the school deal with it.
You guessed it: within 6 weeks he was marked out as a wimp, and the target for every bully in the place.
He stuck it for about 4 more weeks, then snapped one day after being hit under the eye in a science lab, and knocked the kid out with a lab stool.
He got a week's suspension, and the kid who'd hit him got nowt, as the school refused to believe he'd been hit first....despite a photo of knuckle marks under his eye. They wouldn't even listen to me when I went in to detail about all the bullying that went on, even though EVERY thing that happened to him was documented.
he didn't get much more problem after that, but his year head hated him:

One of the problems with wanting the school to deal, is that their hands are tied. They go for a permanent exclusion,and some review panel somewhere will throw it out. What else do they have these days?
Old 07 July 2003, 03:24 PM
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I would suggest that the reason they are getting bullied is that they dont have much social skills.
Which particular part of your above comment did i misconstrue then?
Old 07 July 2003, 03:29 PM
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scoobynutta555, I wish I and everyone else on this thread could be in as smug position as you but unfortunately, our lives and way of thinking have been shaped by the way we were bullied. I know you don't understand because, as you so rightly pointed out, you have been very popular throught your life, so please feel free to gloat.

Oh and I never said you were a bully now did I? I asked a question. No need to get defensive.

If you feel the need to insult my child further then please feel free to mail me and I will put you right.
Old 07 July 2003, 03:41 PM
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If I might venture an opinion. I think this is a direct result of single mother parenting. The child has no proper male role model and so grows up with a lack of insight when it comes to male self confidence. An effeminate child will naturally become the target of the class bully.

The other cause is undoubtedly the culture of Political Correctness. The bully cannot be punished by the school and therefore has free license to behave however he wants in the sure knowledge that he won't be punished. I expect that his parents colude in this as well judging by what you said.

Every week we seem to hear of stories of kids commiting suicide and things because of bullying. I think until the law is changed so that bullies can be identified and given suitable corperal punishment, this sort of thing will go on inchecked.

The alternative, of course, is that your kid sticks up for himself. The bully will soon look elsewhere for his 'entertainment'.


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