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Is this what British life is all about?

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Old 10 September 2003, 06:45 PM
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What an honest man.
Old 10 September 2003, 06:56 PM
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This thread has the potential to go classic (did I say this about a Saxoboy thread ? )

So lets not worry about PC stuff too much OK ?

5:30 wake up, can't sleep, light up cigarette
5:40 make coffee for me & missus
5:41 stumble over one of the cats
5:42 decline p*ss and feed other 4 cats first
5:59 ok, time for the psss
5:50 feed damned fish & turtles as well
5:59 open filter drain valves, watch poop go by
6:00 log on to a few BBS's, most are down or boring as ****
6:10 look for locked threads on Scoobynet, they are the most entertaining notice hatred in Muppet
6:20 don't do shaving, showering only a few times a week, but the other S can't be postponed
6:30 tell off some people on a BBS that don't know how to keep their fish healthy. Gloat.
7:00 let mailwasher deal with pen1s enlargement stuff
7:01 avoid wife as she wakes up - we both have a very bad case of morning attitude
7:02 decide that alcohol doesn't really make for good mornings
7:10 download some stupid vid about someone burning a clutch. WTF ?
8:00 kiss wife goodbye, she's off to work
8:01 wonder if I want to start working already...
8:02 feel guilty, so start working anyway
12:00 look at clock... blimey, that was a good rush. IT is sometimes wonderful. Gloat at invoice that will follow. Feel good about being able to work for 4 hours and totally forget the time/surroundings !
12:10 pick up guitar, turn amp to 11, do some metal riffs
12:11 ouch, that head still hurt, damn, neurofen it is
12:20 find something to eat
12:21 OK, cats wanted feeding first, then the fish
12:22 french fries will do nicely
13:00 watch news on telly, get bored
13:20 another work stint behind the PC, wondering if it's time to put on some clothes actually
19:00 oops, work really went well today. gloat at new functionality added to program
19:10 time for 1st whisky. go to home studio. beat drums. aaarghh, what a relief
19:15 WTF ? that sound stage is all wrong. start messing around with mics. try to find out what goes where again...
19:50 leave studio disillusioned. that sound was all wrong. I suck at drumming. Think about suicide.
20:00 throw some more food into the pond: they are pigs really
20:30 wife comes home, ignore her "did you have a good day ?" question
21:00 take time for a good meal, mostly italian stuff, fresh ingredients, but like fast food just as much
22:00 prove to wife I'm still the smartest guy in the world by giving my answers to some daft quizz.
22:01 explain to wife that I was actually right, but the quizz makers had it all wrong. Expect instant respect. Don't get it ???
22:10 have domestic
23:10 wonder why wife went to bed in such a mood ??? take guitar and prove to self I'm a fecking artist [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]
24:00 look for more locked threads on Scoobynet. Gloat that I didn't reply to any of them. Pat self on the back for self restraint
1:00 watch US tennis finale. See, small country eh, but...
4:00 wake up, go to bed

The funny thing is... that's one day, the next one can be totally different

Old 10 September 2003, 08:03 PM
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Although I haven't read it all, it's a good topic

Life is indeed the same shít over & over again. But I intend to change that, or die trying.

My average day?

8.52 Radio comes on. Time to get up
9.03 Alarm comes on. Hit snooze
9.15 Better get up
9.30 On the motorway wondering if 3.5k RPM is ok on a cold car
9.35 Swear at every driver of a german car
9.36 Swear at every over driver
9.58 Arrive at work
10.00 Banned from SN, so Check a few other forums
10.02 Stretch
12.00 Go for lunch
13.00 Come back for lunch
13.30 Finish surfing the net during w*rk time
13.31 Do some work
17:00 Slow down & start doing more Research
18:00 Go home
18:05 Swear at BMW drivers
18:06 Swear some more
19:00 Home
19:05 Give up on finding a dinner
19:30 Internet for a bit
20:00 Now
21:00 Go into the garage to do a work out
22:00 Play some guitar
23:00 Here
00:00 Bed to play some computer games or watch TV
01:00 Lights oot

Yeah, I have it easy, but FFS it is so boring!

I might take up base jumping
Old 10 September 2003, 08:31 PM
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A day in the life of Bluto

08:00 Alarm goes off
08:03 Go for the usual three S's
08:30 Cook breakfast, bacon egg hash browns
09:30 Walk into village for a morning paper, bump into postman/next door neighbours wife/binmen
09:34 Arrive at newsagent, spend the next 7 minutes talking about the weather/state of the nation/new labour[img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]
10:00 A bit wound up after slagging govt off arrive back home. Put kettle on and make a cup of coffee
10:10 Read paper......
11:25 Set off with paper in hand to the local
11:30 Arrive at local, greet landlord/lady and order a pint of Adnams
12:05 Bar snacks available, order lunch: Scampi chips peas or a ploughmans with plenty of pickle
13:30 2 pints later and its off back down the lane home
13:35 Wander into garden and do a bit of gentle digging/planting
15:00 Tea and biscuits with Mrs Roberts down the lane
17:30 Dinner
18:30 Feet up watch TV go on computer and join in the fun on Scoobynet
21:00 Off down the local
23:20 3 pints of Adnams later and back home
23:30 Off to bed zzzzzzzzzzzz

Except Sundays where at 09:30 its time to wash the Wagon

Old 10 September 2003, 08:38 PM
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That's it then, I want his life
Old 10 September 2003, 08:42 PM
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07:00 go round old farts house and do his missus
08:00 go round saxo boys house and do his bird
08:45 go round Andy Tangs place and do his other half

09:00 make sure Luke is outside the police station on *** duty, and then do his wife...

9:30 wake up
10:00 get on scoobynet

the rest of the day is quite uneventful.

Old 10 September 2003, 09:04 PM
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I think I'll take BB's sleeping life and Bluto's waking life. Can the people mentioned please post pictures of their other halves to inhance the reality of the dreams. If they are dodgy, just post pictures of any fit birds - how am i going to know the difference?

Old 10 September 2003, 09:04 PM
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You left out cleaning the sheets after the passage of the Single-Furrow Mattress Plow

Old 10 September 2003, 09:06 PM
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hahahahahhah great analogy (sp?)

Old 10 September 2003, 09:23 PM
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15:31pm: Call logged with I.T.

16:15pm: IT finally comes round.
Christ, you think that's bad! IT can take days to get to a call (I should know I'm the one doing it )
Old 10 September 2003, 09:46 PM
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What a load of old ****e, sixty or so posts and not a one of you has found the time in his day for a **** !

Your even bigger liars than females on that subject !, especially the ones that 'work' from home with broadband available.

Bring it on, ammended schedules please with the truth, you manage to include all the scatalogical detail.

Se you later masturbators !
Old 10 September 2003, 10:40 PM
LG John
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Ok, ok...this is honestly a classic day for me:

6:50am: Mobile alarm goes off..really annoying beeping!! Hit snooze.
6:56am: Alarm goes off again, hit snooze.
7:02am: Alarm goes off again, hit snooze.
7:08am: Alarm goes off again, I want to get up and do some kuk sool training....but I hit snooze.
7:14am: Alarm goes off again, hit snooze.
7:20am: Alarm goes off again, hit snooze.
7:26am: Alarm goes off again, hit snooze.
7:32am: Alarm goes off again, hit snooze.
7:38am: Alarm goes off again, I look over and remember that I did have a bird once.......a long time ago
7:40am: Make a move for the shower just to be beaten there by flatemate.
7:41am: Have some cereal.
7:45am: Nip back to bed for morning bait.
7:45:30am: Into shower
8:00am: Watch 'Rise' and eat toast. Kate is wearing a skirt - consider another bait.
8:30am: Make final preperations to leave, forget lunch I made the night before.
8:40am: Start the car and juddddder my way to the bypass.
9:10am: Arrive at work having been totally wound up by tractor drivers, white van drivers, women doing 55mph in the outside lane and the guy in the 911 that wouldn't indulge me by blowing me away
9:15am: 'What did you do last night?' chat.
9:30am: Scan scoobynet
10:00am: Follow up calls from the pissy emails I have
10:30am: Eat
12:00noon: Now very stressed with normal day-to-day work
12:15pm: Scan scoobynet for a while
13:00pm: Go to tescos get a massive lunch, eat at desk and surf
14:00pm: Back to work
14:15pm: Dump.....large!
14:30pm: More work hassle
15:00pm: Go out on site visits: in the middle of nowhere with a scooby. Finally begin to enjoy myself
15:15pm: Fuel surge mid bend, spin out, crap myself, move on
15:30pm: Fill up car.....AGAIN!
16:00pm: Back at office, doss around for a while
17:00pm: Leave for home, journey as before.
17:30pm: Caught in traffic at Gogar roundabout, judder city, no air-con, crap radio tunes and people pushing in.
17:45pm: Get in and make tea
18:00pm: Channel 2, simpsons
19:00pm: Having killed an hour on SN, watch simpsons on sky one
19:30pm: Go to kuk sool and realise just how inflexible and uncoordinated I am.
9:00pm: Head for gym
9:15pm: Shift some weight in the gym, busted shoulder still hurting but ignoring the pain!
10:45pm: Head home for another meal
11:15pm: Surf for suitable material
11:45pm: Transfer new material to laptop in the bedroom
11:50pm: Bait
11:51pm: Out cold
3:30am: Wake up needing a p*ss, how bugging!
3:35am: Still p*ssing!
3:36am: Fall on way back to bedroom
06:50am: Repeat

Thats it, pretty much
Old 11 September 2003, 12:55 AM
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I haven't read all the replies so someone's bound to have suggested this...

It's all clearly fiction as there's NO way on Earth that IT support would respond the same day!!

Old 11 September 2003, 01:33 AM
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I live my life in two very differn't way's

0530 alarm goes off and I have to get up
0535 shower then breakfast
0555 start work
1100 lunch
1200 return to work
1800 shift change
1810 Dinner
2000 off to bed (I like my sleep)

Repeat this for 14 day's then I get to go home. I work offshore and all my day's feel like ground hog day. The latest fad in my head runs it's course and I research every last little part of it until I order some piece of cr@p that I'll never use but at least it's a box to open when I get home.

14 day's at home almost bore me as much as when I'm working.....

Scare myself silly in car .. (tell myself I'll never do it again )
Play counterstrike until real life seems weird
only escape I get is my girlfriend but I'm way too cynical to believe that'll last.

I don't know what the answer is to the cycle of boring **** that most folks have talked about is but I'll read on in the hope of finding it.
Old 11 September 2003, 01:45 AM
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All this get up before 10am lark? howdo you guys do it! on a bad day i start work at 10am, but finish at 7pm or 10pm and on a good day i start at 2pm and finish at 10pm! early starts are bad for your health! but what do i do when i'm at work? well, i'll watch a video or two, chat up some pretty foreign girls, annoy lots of other people and have as much fun as i can! oh the joys of running a video library
Old 11 September 2003, 08:35 AM
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I'm taking pictures of bus drivers this week....

Old 11 September 2003, 09:58 AM
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0530 Mobile alarm #1 goes off
0532 Mobile alarm #2 goes off
0540 Mobile alarm #1 goes off
0542 mobile alarm #2 goes off
0550 Clock radio goes off
0550 Mobile alarm #1 goes off
0552 Mobile alarm #2 goes off
0553 get out of bed to make us a coffee
0554 open door and get molested by 5 cats
0555 stumble down stairs with cats playing "lets see if we can trip him up" game
0555 step in cat puke
0556 wipe cat puke on nearest cat
0557 put kettle on
0558 change litter, gag, notice crap on floor
0559 pick up crap and stick it in their food bowls
0600 make coffee
0601 walk up stairs - cat's still playing "lets see if we can trip him up"
0602 get to bedroom, trip on rug, spill coffee all over floor - there goes my deposit
0602 get into bed stinking of coffee
0603 quick snuggle, switch on sky news. Cheerier than normal today, suicide bombings, schoolgirl suicide that tosser david blaine
0605 drink remains of coffee, miss mouth and pour over duvet
0615 get up to make partner lunch
0616 walk downstairs - cats still playing game
0617 make lunch, feed cats
0625 switch on pc, log on, receive emails from women next door who want me
0630 partner goes to work, make cuppa and bacon sarnie
0631 hear "bleuargh bleaurgg bleaurgggggggggggggggggggggh" turn round to see one of cats projectile vomiting
0632 pretend nothings happened, finish making sarnie and cuppa and go back to bed
0700 get up, go downstairs, vomit has gone. 2 cats are licking their lips looking smug
0701 make cuppa and go upstairs to pc
0701 surfing, working
0702 finish work and carry on surfing
0730 need a ****, find a pile of mags
0815 back on pc after making cuppa and putting washing on
0830 phone call from ex - argue about money
0840 phone call from bank - argue about money
0900 phone call from credit card company - argue about money
0910 perform survival tactic and bury head in sand
0930 thirsty, make cuppa and get head out of sand
0945 surf, shout at cats, get cold so get dressed
1000 remember I forgot to flush toilet - have one last look
1005 forgot why I went to bathroomn so have a crap
1030 work, do CV
1200 make lunch, remains of last nights dinner, hot chile - should be fun at gym later
1300 go to shops to get paper, be a miserable old git to the school kids
1330 go round old house to make a mess, just to **** ex off
1400 feeling smug, go home and make a cuppa
1410 get home, cats have eaten half my plants and deposited contents on floor, get the vanish out
1411 find cat and spray it with vanish. It doesn't
1430 grovel for work
1630 go downstairs to start dinner
1730 finish dinner - has a bottle of wine in so should be good
1731 sit on sofa to watch a bit of TV - move arm, hear a squelch. Cat's didn't eat all their puke
1732 clean arm on nearest cat
1800 partners back
1810 go to the gym - get on joggers overlooking the pool - laugh at the fat people swimming. Fall off jogger.
1900 get home, put dinner on, have shower
1910 open wine
1920 serve dinner, sit down, put dvd on
1945 ex calls - argue about money
2000 credit card company calls - argue about money
2010 3rd glass of wine - only allowed 3 a day so using pint mugs
2200 go to bed - cats play "lets see if we can trip him up game"
2201 cats succeed
2230 try to go to sleep
2330 try to go to sleep
0030 try to go to sleep

etc etc

what an interesting life eh?

Old 11 September 2003, 10:19 AM
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craigH - clearly the cats aren't your possesions
Old 11 September 2003, 11:23 AM
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Got some good laughs from this thread. Of course we could each be living in a cardboard box by Charing Cross station, so maybe life's not so bad!

Old 11 September 2003, 11:41 AM
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here's my boring day

07:40 - rudely awoken by mother using hairdryer
07:45 - back to sleep again (probably?)
08:10 - dog pushes bedroom door open and loud bang wakes me up
08:11 - curse dog for waking me up, feel like ****
09:45 - noise wakes me up, what the hell was that? workers outside, argrhgrhr can't be much after 8, waaaahhh nearly 10
10:00 - get up at this ungodly hour
10:05 - check email and SN
10:34 - get breakfast
10:37 - watch MTV
11:00 - phone company about a job interview, answering machine again
11:30 - phone company and get through. arrange an interview for tomorrow at 3pm, arhgrhgrhgrhrgrhgrh
11:40 - start typing this, time to revert to yesterday
12:00 - go to M&S and buy lunch
12:30 - eat lunch and watch TV
13:55 - try and get this damn PIC chip to work properly
16:55 - call round at a mates house, no car outside. call anyway, turns out he wrote the car off last week 3 weeks after passing his test.
18:00 - eat dinner, curry, that sucks
18:45 - kick sister of my PC and surf net
20:00 - start whoring like mad in muppets
13:00 - go to bed
Old 11 September 2003, 12:02 PM
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06.00: Wake up in cardboard box by Charring Cross Station
06.02: Wonder why I smell of p1ss.
06.03: Realise 5 drunks on their way home p1ssed on me last night.
06.15: Go to McDonalds, Burger King, Wimpy Pizza Hut etc. and lick cheese and salad from inside discarded cartons and fries from dumped bags.
07.30: Swear and shout abuse at commuters.
08.30: Sit in underpass and beg for change.
10.30: Go to offy and buy some Special Brew
11.30: Now in stupour and swear at Japanese tourists who film me for 15 minutes.
12.00: Realise I have **** myself.
12.45: Steal trouser from Oxfam shop.
13.00: Wash **** in cleaners cupboard in Burger King using J-Cloths and some Vim.
14.00: Find discarded Pret-a-Starbucks Vennison and Quals egg sandwich on Granary rolled on French Maidens thighs sandwich. Tastes like ham and egg mayo.
15.00: Find a litre of Brasso, cocktails !!.
16.00: **** myself again.
17.00: Back in Oxfam shop. Doddery old biddy takes pity and gives me suit.
17.15: Back to Burger King and my ablusions cupboard.
18.00: Abuse and swear at same commuters
18.15: Receive a lectur from City Broker on " its all my fault and I dont need to be like that ".
18.30: Realise I have'nt p1ssed in all day.
18.31: Realise I have 3 times but just haven't noticed.
19.00: Meet Stinky, Blotchy and some guy called Ewan Blair for Brasso Cocktails on the Embankment.
20.30: Spew over some American tourists in Leicester Square, feel very patriotic.
21.00: Dance like a raving fool for que to go see Premier of " Four ***** and a Nancy Boy" starring Hugh Grant. Get £11.75 in change. Thats tomorrows Special Brew sorted.
21.45: McDonalds, Burger King etc. for more carton licking and other discarded food delicacies.
22.00: Find passed out bag lady. She doesn't smell to bad so 27 of us take turns.
23.30: Beat up tramp who has nicked my spot at Charring Cross, Claim my turf.
24.00: Realise my turf is covered in puke and p1ss, ah well at least its warm.
24.30: Fall asleep wondering how the rest of East 17 are doing.
Old 11 September 2003, 06:14 PM
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Old 11 September 2003, 06:27 PM
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08:10 - dog pushes bedroom door open and loud bang wakes me up

That would have been locked on Muppet Show ... I think ...

Old 11 September 2003, 07:11 PM
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pmsl @ daiscooby!!!

oh, and lizard
Old 11 September 2003, 07:20 PM
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Nice one Dai
Old 11 September 2003, 08:47 PM
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7.00am wake to tea cup being stirred in kitchen.
7.05 get brought to me, corn flakes and suppliment shake.
7.10 switch on Sky, look for fit presenters in short skirt.
7.15 finish flakes, leaver bowl on bedside table.
7.20 finish shake, leave in bowl.
7.25 best get out of bed.
7.26 pull on work clothes I set ready last night.
7.28 sit in conservatory and put on Overalls and boots.
7.29 finish watching weather on tv and leave house
7.31 arrive work after v short walk
7.32 say morning to all, don welding hat, gloves.
7.33- 9.57 grind, weld, hammer, swear, repeat.
10-10.20 munch prepared lunch box, putting ready meal in fridge for lunch.
10.21 look at clock, think better get up in case boss comes back.
10.43 actually get up....
10.43-11 scratch head at drawings and Scientifically wild **** guess some measurements (someone else will fix it if it doesn't fit, boss not around to ask...)
11.01 laugh at apprentice who injures himself everyday on something.
11.05 stop laughing and don welding mask to hide cheshire cat grin.
11.06 go to bog and take one, have a dump while I'm in there.
11.10-12.58 weld, grind, hammer, sweat like a pig.
12.59 put sweet and sour chicken in Micro for 8 mins.
13.00 hear gun shots
13.01 go find marksman testing his new colt Navy.
13.02-13.35 play with guns
13.36 throw now cold sweet and sour in bin.
13.37-16.04 welding, grinding, until I see a work mate come in and say, you going home today, it's gone four. drop tools where they are, grab lunch bag, write lies in time sheet book and leave.
16.06 arrive home remove boots, overalls
16.07 lean in bathroom switch on shower.
16.08 now half undressed, switch on PC, check mail, sit down cos I have mail, reply, check vip list on SN,
17.50 the shower is still running.
17.51 turn off shower.
17.52 surf SN some more. notice more body building threads.
17.53 do a load of half hearted exercises, stop when I feel pumped.... (Fcuked ;D)

18.30 make suppliment shake.
18.45 tea arrives in front of pc courtesy of Mum. Dont feel hungry due to shake, but stuff it down anyway.
19.00 turn on shower again, and get in, think about going into garage.
19.45 sit down at pc and surf net, mostly SN.
20.00 think about going to garage.
21.00 go out and lock garage as it's too late now.
22.00 still surfing
23.00 turn on sky.. game channel
23.30 make more food
00.00 go to bed in the company of Game channel.
00.00 and 30 seconds start snoring...

7.00 am
Repeat .

Old 12 September 2003, 01:36 AM
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Great post.

1200-- wake up
1230-- SSS
1300-- watch tv, do domestic stuff, laundry, dishwasher, etc.
1400-- look at various BBS', check email, open chat programs.
1500-- make food to take to work.
1600-- go to work. spend 8 hours doing very little, mostly surfing.
2030-- lunch/dinner
0030-- relief arrives.
0100-- go home.
0300-- go to bed.

Rinse/repeat Tuesday through Saturday. Sometimes I get up early to go out to the beach (15 minutes from the flat). I've never been on a schedule like this so I'm still getting used to it. I see the missus for one day a week, Sundays only and an occasional Monday. I was tired of living in Miami...too many rude people, lots of crime, and expensive. Moved to another city in Florida, close to the beach, but no IT industry at all. I don't like it very much and have found out today that I'll be working for the next 20 days without a day off. I'm sure the missus will like that, though I do get to keep the Scoob and should have a large paycheck in a few weeks.

Old 12 September 2003, 08:43 PM
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I forgot to feed my dog in my post lol
Old 09 October 2003, 01:51 PM
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Life's what you make it.

[Edited by paulr - 9/10/2003 2:14:04 PM]
Old 09 October 2003, 02:22 PM
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"18.00: Average looking girlfriend arrives home with her sister 22 who does one hell of a turn."

I take it the gf doesnt look at scoobynet?!

Edited to say:

"20.45: Quick grope of girlfriends sister while she is putting kids to bed, make plans to meet Friday afternoon for some fun and frolics."

You dirty (but lucky) bugger!!!

[Edited by Scooby96 - 9/10/2003 2:24:32 PM]

Quick Reply: Is this what British life is all about?

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