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Robbed AGAIN by Blair.

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Old 03 October 2003, 07:21 PM
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"Likes of Fearon getting out after serving 2/3rds of a sentence for dealing Heroin"

Sadly he only served ONE THIRD of his sentence [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime - my ****!

Old 03 October 2003, 07:31 PM
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trouble is banging the scum up for longer doesn't really work.

i) it costs a shed load in tax payers money to keep people in jail
ii) when they get out they still do more crime in any case.

i'm sure a party that campaigned on "let's build 100 more prisons, double the length of sentences and abolish parole" would get a fair bit of support but do you want to pay for that?

why don't we have a scheme were we sent our scum out to some place like, let's say, Sierra Leone, where they will probably be murdered within a few hours in any case, and in exchange take hard working Sierra Leonians over here to bolster our economy. Bit like what happened with Australia... except then they just wiped out the natives instead of exchanging.
Old 03 October 2003, 07:47 PM
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Blair and his government are greedy liars. Period.

I didn't vote for him, too bad this country is full of thickos that believed his untruths.

Anyone taking odds on B.Liar being assassinated if he gets another term?
Old 03 October 2003, 08:53 PM
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i dont ******* well belive it..

22 doped up junkies cost a council 22 million a year and the

pc dorks reckon locking them up isnt the answer...

there reply... they need educating not to use drugs....

BLOX it costs thousands to keep em in prison and thousands to hold there hands so they can do it again....

it only costs 22p for a bullett!!!

whatever happened to the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few...

why do the pc brigade do it.... cos they want to be everbodys friend.... all sugary lambs and bunnikins comes home safely every night....

get real and smell the roses.... we live in a hard fast real world..

wars are dirty and people die... life aint all fluffy and pleasantville is just a movie...

somtime youve got to do things you dont like .... buts thats life.... and the sooner we accept that the sooner we can learn that at some stage when we say no we mean no!

Mart ( well pi**ed off, and ill ram his bloody rose up his ****)
Old 03 October 2003, 08:58 PM
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cos they want to be everbodys friend.
Trouble is you cant please all the people all of the time.About time they learnt that.


[Edited by Chip - 10/3/2003 9:01:07 PM]
Old 03 October 2003, 09:30 PM
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Locking crim's up does cost a lot of OUR cash, great way to spend it. It may not stop them committing further crime when they are released, but at least they can't rob cars or houses when they are locked up.
Spend more on banging em up and less on trying to "educate" them.
**** like Fearon contribute absolutely nothing to society but know how to screw the most out of it. Should have kept him in for his full stretch, along with all the other lowlifes who are released early for "Good behaviour".
Old 03 October 2003, 09:48 PM
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Here we go with the anti-government anti-Blair etc <yawn> etc.

Getting a bit fed up with all this moaning and Blair bashing. Everyone likes to have a go at Blair on this BBS, but nobody seems to have any practical and workable solutions or a credible alternative. 90% of the time on here I read absolute gibberish about the Labour government. I have studied politics and keep a keen interest in it. Sadly, the rent-a-quote mob on here with the same boring questionable accusations and half truth’s seem to revel in their ignorance.

Food for thought number one: "bring back the Tories" over my dead body. The present rabble is totally unelectable.

Number two: what’s the credible alternative? I happen to believe that Labour under Blair is the best that’s about at the moment.

Number three: I find there is a direct correlation to woeful spelling mistakes (not simple typos) and political ignorance, especially here.

Number four: can just imagine Charles Kennedy or IDS (the invisible man) running the country cant you?
Old 04 October 2003, 02:25 AM
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my next door neighbour and his mate robbed my house while i was a sleep in bed and the police told me one of them was up on nine counts of robbery but cause he is sixteen he will get away with it. where is the justice in that!!!!!!!!!!!
Old 04 October 2003, 07:49 AM
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cornder: thats shocking- at least you know who it is, and I'm sure they will get whats coming to them


1) I didn't vote for Labour at the last election
2) The present governement havn't banned moaning (yet)

Therefore: I believe I have a right to air my grievances.

As for actually doing something about it, I intend to.... At the next election I shall be voting conservative.

Contrary to media rubbish I believe they are a credible alternative. Just because IDS is not a master of PR like our current clown show doesn't mean he lacks the ability to run the country.

By voting conservative I am confident they will do their best to stop this country turning into a nanny benefit state, banning things right left and centre, cuddling criminals and rape by tax.

If you have studied politics you should be able to see through the press driven facade placed around poor old IDS, just as you should be able to see through Blairs thinly veiled deception, textbook body language and bull$hit.

Lastly, you have the right to agree or disagree, but its my choice.

(p.s. what was that old dinner saying?.... never talk about politics.... )
Old 04 October 2003, 10:07 AM
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Of course you have the right to an opinion and of course you may vote whichever way you see fit. My point is not necessarily whether the current government are good or bad, but whether or not we as a nation feel that the Tories are a creditable alternative.

If you seriously believe the Tories are going to be better for the country then OK. I am worried as I remember why we voted them out last time. Paul you say you want safe streets, good education etc. etc. and the current governmnet haven't delivered that.

Well the Tories had 18 years to do the same so are you saying they deliveed us all this last time? If so why do the current government have to do it now as it's already been done?

I'm not saying Labour are perfect, but it does worry me the way people have this romantic notion that when the Tories were in power everything was rosy and wonderful. It wasn't.

Please try and understand that I'm not saying Labour are doing brilliantly etc., but it does worry me the way people forget how bad the Tories really were especially in the last six years of their term.



P.S. Paul - ease up on the BNP thing, there are many many reasons as to why the BNP are getting the support they are getting and it is not as simple as your idea of 'let's blame the government'. Bear in mind the last time this sentiment was strong (with the National Front) was in the mid 80's and look who was in power then!
Old 04 October 2003, 04:15 PM
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I dont think anyone in Scotland will forget the Tories in a rush, the mention of the re introduction of the poll tax will raise the question again of "Why did Scotland get it a year earlier than the rest of the "supposed UNITED Kingdom"? I think a change would be good, as much as I dislike the Tories because it would force everyone involved to re evaluate the policies, leave them in power too long and they become complacent and gung ho with their "doesnt matter what we do, there is no chance we will lose the next election because no one else is any better" Stability is a bad thing in politics and single terms might force some change for once and if it didnt then your out!
Old 04 October 2003, 05:36 PM
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scoobynutta555.totally agree with your post mate. say things are going from bad to worse in certain areas.Crime,i'd probably agree,but to say education and health........well whats your solution.

Basically Labour are trying to put more money into these,but someone has to pay for it.One of the main ways of funding education is the cuoncil tax but as they put it up,everyone moans,so they put up NI...again moans.


And please dont bring out that old chestnut about they have enough money,but waste it.

In mine and your life if we want to improve our car/house etc it means working harder/saving more/paying AMAZES me that people should think its any different for the government!!!!!!!!!
Old 04 October 2003, 05:43 PM
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Well I work in the health service and hospitals now have nearly as many managers as nurses and nobody can work out what the hell half of them do! That cant be financially sound when a few years ago they had a quarter of the management and still got the job done.
Old 04 October 2003, 06:57 PM
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have a read of Jaf's reply just below your post, kinda says it all and that old chestnut of not spending the money wisely, i am sure you and Labour would not like to hear it again, thing is it is true and not just me saying it!

In my business i do a lot of work with the NHS, Police, Local Government and transport industry and a see and hear a lot.

and finaly Paulr I almost admire your undrelenting, blind devotion to your leader. He must be very proud
Old 04 October 2003, 07:24 PM
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and finaly Paulr I almost admire your undrelenting, blind devotion to your leader. He must be very proud

He is very proud,have you seen my signed 8x10 of TB.Pride of place in the living room...
Old 04 October 2003, 07:26 PM
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Old 04 October 2003, 08:40 PM
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>Labour or New Labour, different name, same policies. Tax and waste.
Brilliant analogy, well done that man.

Proper Charlie, well, your name speaks for itself. So we DON'T have serious crime now? 3 shootings in the last week, thanks to policies encouraged by "blow your house down" Jack Straw when he was Home Secretary havent helped. The chief constables p1ssed all over his back and blinded him with phoney crime figures. And blind pugh Blunkett isn't doing any better at fending off the do gooder lesbians and queers in suits who still think they are part of the University students union [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]
We need to get this shower of **** out of govt before total anarchy sets in. [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]
Bring back Thatcherism, it worked.
Old 04 October 2003, 08:52 PM
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Vote BLAIR and make it FAIR!!

Old 04 October 2003, 10:14 PM
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Bluto22b, thanks very much.

To all of Blair's Babes,
Taxation is a neccesity, even us Tories recognise that. What I object to is blatant mismanagment of our economy. Our current Fiscal Policy seems to be run along the lines of "Spending is great, never mind the results". TB and co are forever extolling the virtues of more cash here and more cash there. They are not so keen on demonstrating the results of this expenditure.
It has been demonstrated that "Tax Free" day has moved forward by SEVEN days under this administration. This additional taxation is made up of 45 Stealth Taxes introduced by Mr Brown. What quantifiable benefits have we seen for our extra taxation ?

Old 04 October 2003, 10:17 PM
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Old 05 October 2003, 09:16 AM
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What quantifiable benefits have we seen for our extra taxation ?


1.MIG...our poorest pensioners are now better off.FACT.
2.Working Family tax credit......under the Tories anyone earning a low wage with 5 kids was better off on the dole...not any more.
In fact i'd go as far to say limit unemployment benefit to 6 months now(if anyone is still on it).In fact move towards abolishing ALL benefits for anyone NOT working.

At least under Labour it pays to get off your backside in the morning.

There you are,two benefits of our extra may not like it/you may disagree....but dont deny it.

Old 05 October 2003, 10:45 AM
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2.Working Family tax credit......under the Tories anyone earning a low wage with 5 kids was better off on the dole...not any more.
People without the means to support their children have no business having kids in the first place - I wouldn't call incentivising people to have kids they can't support a benefit of taxation.

Whatever government that comes in really has to work towards abolishing all benefit to those who have the choice to be able to support themselves.

Where is all our tax money going?

1) Supporting other people (SOME who could support themselves)
2) Waste and inefficiency. Why is it that the government needs MORE money to provide LESS services than in the past?
Old 05 October 2003, 12:31 PM
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People without the means to support their children have no business having kids in the first place - I wouldn't call incentivising people to have kids they can't support a benefit of taxation.

But they do,thats life..some folks just cant keep the old pecker
under control.Its better to deal with reality than live in a world of if only's.

As for waste and inneficiency......not that old seadog...
Old 05 October 2003, 12:35 PM
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--But they do,thats life--

But Its not life, its a culture of sticking your hand out and expecting to recieve which is being perpetuated further by NL.
Old 05 October 2003, 02:24 PM
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But Its not life, its a culture of sticking your hand out and expecting to recieve which is being perpetuated further by NL.'re missing the point.Its a sad fact of life that there are full time jobs out there that pay around 10k per annum,and some of these are held by people with 3/4 kids/wife and a mortgage/rent to pay.At one time under Maggie their best option was to stay on the dole,doing nothing,only getting out of bed to sign on.At least under NL they are working,just with a bit of support from a few high earners like yourself...

How else do you expect them to pay for SKY.......could you live without UK gold?.....

Old 05 October 2003, 02:53 PM
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Yeah, and 17 year olds on anti depressants and 2 kids, and assylum seekers have their own council houses while the people on 10K a year have to struggle to get any property and worse still homeless people are living on the streets in the same town as the assylum seekers who want to work to pay their way and are not allowed!
Old 05 October 2003, 03:43 PM
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Vote BLAIR and make it FAIR!!

Dont you mean:

Dont vote for Tony
Cos he's a phoney.

Old 05 October 2003, 03:45 PM
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Great, someone's finally said it.

If you can't afford kids - don't have them and I don't just mean financially.

I love it when people moan about the fact they might lose their child allowance if Labout keeps on with all this - if I was in power there wouldn't be any child allowance.

Old 05 October 2003, 04:54 PM
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But your not are you. Labour or should that be New Labour are supposedly the party that believes in family values.

I do agree that if you cant afford kids then dont have them.
However, what is bloody annoying is when they bleat on about all these tax benefits then just take them off you. Why cant they for once just be honest with people.Seems to me like Tony and his buddies just dont know the meaning of the word.

Old 05 October 2003, 05:59 PM
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If you can't afford kids - don't have them

Thats a vote winner.Unless you earn at least 20k you are not allowed to have kids..........


Quick Reply: Robbed AGAIN by Blair.

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