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"Having children is a lifestyle choice..."

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Old 08 October 2003, 01:44 PM
Andy McCord
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It makes me feel really proud that me & my missus who have opted out off having children to concentrate on enjoying our lives to the full B4 we turn a pair of fisons growbags, & that our hard earned money is partly paying for the likes of that family last night to sit on there fat ***** cashing in on the state, mine & yours tax, contributing to there well being, bless them, you can imagine them driving down to the doctors for the first pregancy check singing were in the money, lend it spend it, rolling along
Old 08 October 2003, 01:45 PM
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Since I don't want kids, I'd not mind much.

And there's a big difference between saying that parents should be able to provide a decent standard of living for their children and they need to be earning £50k. A lot of people manage to bring up kids perfectly well on less than that without feeling the need to sit on their ***** sponging, so mentioning 50k is a bit overly dramatic, no?

And whether we are talking about kids, dogs, or a car, people should only have what they can afford. It's about responsibility, and as far as I am concerned, responsibility is what parents, or potential parents need in large quantities.
Old 08 October 2003, 01:46 PM
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So Saxoboy, when you loose your job (or never had one) and have no means of supporting yourself or your family, will you still exercise your right to have children?

I strongly disagree that anyone has a 'right' to have children no matter what.

It’s like those people who exercise their right to have children even though they have a hereditary disease that they ‘know’ they will pass on to their kids yet still go through with it just so they can have a new toy to play with. Makes me sick thinking of how selfish most people are.

Loads of folk have kids solely because they are useless divots with nothing better to do with their worthless unfulfilling lives.
Old 08 October 2003, 01:48 PM
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Would we? I doubt it. Overpopulation is the worlds problem. I doubt you could give me one example where underpopulation is making things difficult for the human race.
Yes I could. If everyone elected not to have kids, things would be very difficult for the human race as we would become extinct!
Old 08 October 2003, 01:52 PM
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Were not talking about everyone though, are we.
Old 08 October 2003, 01:53 PM
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At the end of the day children are a very expensive luxury.
I, personally, don't think it matters how much you earn. Once you have them it is a life, and more importantly lifestyle impacting situation.
I honestly believe, anyone earning up to [for example] 150K per annum can say they would not be financially stung by having children. Why, because you are going to want to give them the best you can on what you earn. Simple as that.
And all this foolishness about spongers. Yes there are people who take the p1ss and more out of the state when it comes to "handouts". But there are also a lot who don't.
Also, just because you are on the lower rungs of the social ladder does not mean you will be a bad parent. You see something on the box and there it is ... must be true. Must be all of them.
The state of play in the world today I don't understand why people are riding bareback anyway. Nowadays a child coming along would be the least of my worries ...
Old 08 October 2003, 01:57 PM
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Were not talking about everyone though, are we.
Well I was. Look what I said at the top of the page.
Old 08 October 2003, 01:59 PM
LG John
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The state of play in the world today I don't understand why people are riding bareback anyway
LOL, but it feels sooooooooooooo much better
Old 08 October 2003, 02:02 PM
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In general I meant Carl, I mean ffs don’t get bogged down with semantics please, its hardly a realistic proposition that everyone on the planet is gonna stop having kids.

Bajie, spot on about the state of the world today, I don’t understand why anyone 'would' want to bring kids up in this shambolic world.
Old 08 October 2003, 02:03 PM
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LOL at saxoboy You need to sensitise yer **** by pounding it with a hammer then
Old 08 October 2003, 02:03 PM
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Thing is though Saxo, I pay for my right to drive in so many ways. Just as I'd expect to pay for children, if I wanted them.

People should be able to have kids, I agree. However, the welfare of the children is the important thing and if someone wants a child enough, they should also want to take care of him/her well. That includes being able to provide sufficient financial support.

Nobody should be expected to pay for someone else's decision to have children.

[Edited by TurboKitty - 10/8/2003 2:07:30 PM]
Old 08 October 2003, 02:13 PM
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What would you do if you got pregnant.
Keep it.
Put up for adoption.
Does the sperm donor have a say.

I know a few girls who have found themselves in this situation. All were using protection. All of them made the right decision.

Old 08 October 2003, 02:16 PM
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Agree Tiggers re the wanting to prove they are a real man etc. Guy at work just had a kid, I mean its only 6 months old and what does he do, he buys a feckin great people carrier, lol.

Look at me Im so fertile I'm gonna fill this waggon in no time, saddo.

Also pisses me off those folk who dress their kids up like mini-me's, Beckham springs to mind, and the ones who have their kids ears or even eyebrows pierced when they are about five year olds.

Even worse IMO are the muppets who bring thier kids up as veggies before the kid even has a chance to taste a nice bit oh dead animal
Old 08 October 2003, 02:21 PM
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Here's a (contraversial) thought.

Am I the only one whe thinks evolution has gone into reverse?

The successful end of society is so busy working / succeeding / not having time to meet people, that they don't breed.

Meanwhile, those who haven't the inclination to get off their ar$es / are lazy (arguably the evolutionary weaker stream) breed like rabbits 'cos the state provides and they have nothing else to do.

Old 08 October 2003, 02:23 PM
Brendan Hughes
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Money argument - if you wait until you can afford to have kids, you'll never have them. We've agreed to that on here before. Now people seem to be advocating it's simple to know when you can.

Oh, btw, I know the kids of a lot of rich people - and they ain't much better than what you saw on TV last night.

Vouchers for dedicated kiddy stuff might be better than cash for ****, though administratively costly to do.

Biggest problem is the poverty trap, with people refusing to get off benefits. Work on that one.
Old 08 October 2003, 02:38 PM
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--Biggest problem is the poverty trap--

Poverty trap or money pot? Hard to tell sometimes.
Old 08 October 2003, 04:19 PM
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<mature head on>

regarding your unpleasant neighbours, collect plenty of dog cr@p and chuck into their garden on the quiet (sounds like Friday night would be a good time for you to do this weekly task)

<mature head off>
Old 08 October 2003, 05:01 PM
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They have two dogs that seem to manage that on thier own np, that's when their not doing it all over the street, cheers
Old 08 October 2003, 05:59 PM
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Biggest problem is the poverty trap, with people refusing to get off benefits.
Even though Jye is right in that it's not always clear, this is a big & real problem. Where I live, it is often more expensive as say a single parent to work than it is to not work at all.

I'm not saying "so it's right then", no, but what does a person do when they realize it's creating more problems and brings in less money to actually work ? Governments in Belgium/Holland are aware of this massive problem and are trying to find a way to fight this rather complex situation.

Avoiding the discussion of "having the right or not", you can't always predict what will happen next in your life, and some people *do* get dealt with bad cards (divorce, loss of jobs etc...).

The TV program has shown you some complete morons. Sensation. I don't think you should base your thinking on that example.

Oh and Chuck, only 5 to go Bet people will be p1ssed off when you go to collect your cheque in yer 22B
Old 08 October 2003, 06:05 PM
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It's about self respect and morals though Evil, both of which are sadly lacking in the UK atm.

Some people think that its their right to include housing benefit when saying they are worse of if they take a job. Well I'm sorry but they need to be smacked about the head and told in no uncertain terms that housing costs are outwith the equation as are passport benefits and local council charges.

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