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Getting sick of these untaxed, uninsured, unlicensed asylum seekers in town.

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Old 18 February 2004, 07:06 PM
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where are they coming from? did,nt all this start with the bosnia thing years ago, and aint that over now, so who are they and what are they trying to get away from
Old 18 February 2004, 07:47 PM
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I love to read about the workshy, lazy, untaxed, uninsured, sponging immigrants, love the way it winds up the workshy, lazy, untaxed, uninsured, sponging Brits !

Seriously though, these 'economic migrants' have to get around, they come from countries where insurance is optional, MOT non existent and tax a strange concept, no wonder the cannot be arsed cos they couldnt get insured anyway, a lot of natives find it difficult so no wonder they resort to clapped out deathtraps to get around.

That doesnt mean I am saying its right, I am saying its ineviatable and until the goverment really crack the whip on uninsured drivers from all walks of life (insurance disk ?0 its oing to happen, that poor kid who was killed by an immigrant could have easily been killed by one of the thousands of British no-hopers that live the same way with less excuse, remember wife swap, look at that fat ****.
Old 18 February 2004, 09:11 PM
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I'm racist.....

i hate everyone !!
Old 18 February 2004, 09:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Poor Guy
Im getting really annoyed with the government now.
Sick of these asylum seekers in our town who cant drive, have their bought for them by the government and dont have a license or insurance or road tax or even MOT.

Almost had the front end of the scooby taken of by one in a shagged old nissan.
And the reason im pissed off with the government is that they wont let the fuzz take the unlicensed w@nkers off the road. Just flaming typical that they can do what the hell they want while playing the race card where i fork out thousands to keep me and my car legal on the road.

why is the government letting them get away with it? are we bending over for the do gooders again?

whats this country coming to?
Poor guy,
Are you telling me that after just passing your test you are now driving a scoob.

Old 18 February 2004, 09:56 PM
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The way I see things are, Ze Germans vill be taking oser Europe with Ze French zoon. The French are just a bunch of Onion wearing stuborn muppets. No longer thank us for bailing them out in WW2. Should have left ZE Germans there.
The Spanish? Well, one of my best mates is one and Manyana sums it up well.
Scandanavian countries, well it's cold alot and they stick to themselves.
Ireland, just sit back, drink guinness and count pots of gold.

Former Soviet block, as long as the women are nice, bring them in, otherwise as said in Phoenix Nights 'Send 'em booggers back'

The above should be read with . Tongue in cheek!

Through this thread the Racist card keeps getting played. It's getting on my t!ts.

If a Black / Non White person calls me Whitey, that's Racsist to me. But know one reports this. If a Black person is Racist to a White nothing happens. Only the other way round, this irritates me.

I have friends of all different creeds. If I meet a Black person and I don't like them, this doesn't make me racist, but in some eyes it does. If said person has a go at me in the street and I tell them to sling their hook. The racist card is played again. If I were to get involved in a fight with a Black person this can be used against me as a Hate Crime because the do-gooders and the Police will take the Black persons side automatically because they are Black. After all, all Whites are racist and Xenophobic by default.

Just because some one does not like ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS comming into this country and taking handouts that they should not be given, specially if a native English person (regardless of colour) falls on hard times and gets nothing from the Government (regardless of who's in). Does not make them racist. It means they have an opinion.

The people in the UK are called racist if they object to a Mosque being built. But you try and build a Church in their country and see how far you get. We as a nation tolerate other beliefs and ideals.

Brendans issue with his wife is separate from Poor Guys original statement. could have been phrased better but I know what he means.
One of my best mates has a Chinese wife. Another person I worked with has a Mauritian wife. He got Racist verbal attacks from non-Whites but could get no one to act on his complaints. If she got rascist verbal attacks people would listen to her. Double standars yet again.

To close, Illegal immigrants are a pest, generally they have no intention of working, are just here to scrounge. If they thought otherwise then they would be legal immigrants.

Sand bucket, fire extinguisher, flame proof jacket and Fire engine on standby.
Old 19 February 2004, 12:17 AM
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Talking Every Cloud......................

Well asylum seekers / illegal immigrants wash my car twice a week during the winter. About the only positive aspect of the whole damn situation.

Old 19 February 2004, 02:00 AM
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The problems we face today are not isolated to having one causal factor. We have a multitude of different social and economic problems of both a national and an international scale. Some of our national problems could be solved quite easily if we had any politicians of a mindset to set forth an effective from of social reform. We need a political party with a new Social ideology to tackle some of the oldest problems that we still face today. You doubt that what we face today are old problems dating back hundreds of years? Then pick up a History book and you will see that we are just emulating the past 400 odd years or so from our past.

Michael Howard's (minimumless) rather quaint 'Laissez-faire' (let it be) attitude to government is not the answer we need as a nation. If this method of government had been allowed to prevail during the previous centuries then we would all still have a long way to go to receive any tangible levels of social reform and we all would sadly be lacking an education of any substance.
Tony Blairs back to work ideology sounds good but is doomed to failure, due to it not improving everyones lot.
We need strong political leaders with a vision that will encapsulate all our dreams and ambitions and not divide us any more than we already are. If no political party that is willing to give us the strength of leadership and a vision for the future that we so desperately cry out for receives any media time. Then you have to ask why, they the media, are not delivering the message to us. What have the media powers et al got to gain by the continuation of the status quo.
If you divide a people, you will control them and if you stop them from uniting, you will eliminate them...
In the past large advances in society have happened because of and during advances in other fields. For Immigration to be sold to the public they have to see a virtually instant benefit. Find one area of life that everyone suffers in regardless and show a way immigration will solve this problem they currently face and you will have a winner. Failing that, just create the problems to begin with and then sell immigration as a quick fix to the problems they face!
We are being engineered to perform a basic task for society, that is the provision of labour and once women became unhappy in the role of providing mans (the workers) sexual services and wanted to be out working as well then who was going to provide the next generation of workers.
We are not facing any new problems, what we are lacking is new solutions and new discoveries in other fields that will have an impact on these areas that people find themselves concerned about.

Read some history and sociology books and you will realise that nothing changes. Why? you ask. Simple it is because there is one constant in all of this, it is us mankind and our own insationable selfish greed, QED.
Old 19 February 2004, 03:21 AM
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Jeezo! how long has that taken me to read that whole thread! Some interesting points of view and I have noticed a few things, someone mentioned that any crime involving white/non white involvement is usually classed as racially motivated - why? are 2 people of different ethnic origin not allowed to have a disagreement? I remember a few years ago that sir peter condon (met police commander) got slagged to hell and back for quoting crime statistics about the high level of young blacks committing crime - he was reading FACTS ffs! I also have to agree with B2zero about the point he/she made about the amount of homeless/addicted british people who get no help at all, despite large areas of places like Glasgow being dedicated to housing assylum seekers - a point which the people shouting racist have still not answered! And what the hell are the continual references to which newspaper the person writing percieves the previous poster to read? Is this some sort of class bashing - new form of racism perhaps? As regards the first post, the author seems to be getting accused of all sorts of racism for merely posting his point of view, at no point did he mention skin colour and there is obviously a problem in his area with these people, and I know in a place the size of where I live that if there were assylum seekers everyone would know who they are, some dodgy haircuts and jumpers like your grandad used to wear (I know - sweeping generalisation) And as regards ease of entry into this country - try telling the Australians there is a boat load of assylum seekers heading their way and see what their reaction is! and we used to send our criminals there, and now we cant even get in!
PS, We used to have a female at work who had alternative sexuallity who was an absolute pain in the @rse, I was her line manager and had a rant at the boss one day about her and the boss told me I couldn't discriminate because of her sexuallity, I wasn't I replied am I not allowed to dislike her cos she's a carpet muncher! Bit off track but the same applies to race/colour, do we have to like all people of a different ethnicity to us or be classed as racist?
Old 19 February 2004, 09:39 AM
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Having read through the whole post I feel I have to say the following.

Although I am not racist I don't find it acceptable that I am not allowed to walk down certain streets in this country without fear of violence because they are "black" controlled.

Who do these people think they are??!!
Old 19 February 2004, 10:32 AM
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If you can answer the following question

Am I a Racist?

Then yes you are a Racist.

To many people are racist for it ever to go away, just because you are a racist it does not imply intent to do others harm or injustice.

People have no qualms about being members of the SNP and promoting Scottish nationilism but say to someone you are a BNP member and see what happens, the PC media brigade brand them as Racist in a negative fashion.
People should be asking themselves why our system wants to stop the British people from standing up for themselves.

My answer to the racism question when asked it was, I don't know, I can't answer the question.

Last edited by STi VII; 19 February 2004 at 10:34 AM.
Old 19 February 2004, 10:38 AM
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are you saying that the BNP aren't racist?

if you seriously believe that, then either you don't know much about the BNP or you do not know much about racism. FWIW i think that the attitude of the SNP to the English is bordering on racist, too.
Old 19 February 2004, 11:00 AM
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Every other animal in the world resists integration with other herds/tribes/groups of its own species.

Why do so many people assume/insist that 100% of humans can overcome this instinctive reaction?
Old 19 February 2004, 11:03 AM
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even the very harsh fines that every trucker gets when an "illegal" enters the UK in his truck don't seem to help. (you did know about this fine did you ? It's about 2K UKP per head. Has been so since 1997...)
This system works brilliantly. Immigrants wanting to get to the UK hang about near the Ports and the Tunnel. They lie in the road to get trucks to stop and then pile a load of immigrants on the back of the truck. 1 trucker vs 30+ people are not good odds so they comply. They get to the Port and tell the French authorities who shrug and say "it's not our problem". The trucker gets to the UK, reports it to the UK authorities who promptly charge him with bringing in illegals.

The French do not want them so don't do much if they try and get in to the UK. It has got to the point now where many truckers meet up a few miles away from the ports and do the last few miles in convoy and won't stop for anything. This is putting people's lives in danger and all because the French take the attitude that they do.
Old 19 February 2004, 11:04 AM
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Poor guy,
Are you telling me that after just passing your test you are now driving a scoob.
Old 19 February 2004, 11:07 AM
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Originally Posted by TelBoy
Every other animal in the world resists integration with other herds/tribes/groups of its own species.
every other animal in the world takes a crap outdoors. it doesnt mean we have to as well

intergration is another thing that seperates us from animals and enables us to be the dominant species on the planet.
Old 19 February 2004, 11:14 AM
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Tel - that's kind of what i was alluding to in my post, however many pages back that was. It's natural to feel more comfortable with what you know - however that doesn't mean ignorant attitudes should be accepted.
Old 19 February 2004, 11:16 AM
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Certainly that has arisen from greater intelligence, but i wouldn't have said it was as a result of integration at all...
Old 19 February 2004, 11:22 AM
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technological integration, maybe... ?
Old 19 February 2004, 11:25 AM
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every other animal in the world takes a crap outdoors. it doesnt mean we have to as well
And they also, breath, eat, sleep, drink, breed etc.

No we don't have to crap outdoors, some choose to. Certain things are deeply engrained and social interactions between humans, although more complex do not differ vastly from other animals.
Old 19 February 2004, 11:25 AM
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Different issue altogether. Personal integration is what has *not* been responsible for Man's advances - indeed, if we didn't have to spend so much time/money/effort defending or attacking other humans, just think what else all that energy could have been put towards.

But you can't change human nature, however ideal it might be in theory.
Old 19 February 2004, 11:32 AM
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seems like a slightly reactionary argument: "you can't change human nature" so you might as well accept, what? war, racist attacks, rape, theft, etc etc.

it's human nature, innit guv - she had a short skirt on, she was asking for it. 'course i decked him - he was wearing a turban, wasn't he?

Last edited by ProperCharlie; 19 February 2004 at 11:32 AM.
Old 19 February 2004, 11:33 AM
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Yep, pretty much. Although the attempts to change it are valiant, i have to admit. But ultimately futile.
Old 19 February 2004, 11:36 AM
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Originally Posted by OllyK
And they also, breath, eat, sleep, drink, breed etc.
not too sure what your point is here, but i was citing things that differ us from animals (in other words, saying "animals dont do it so why should humans?", is not a valid argument). sure, there are plenty of things we do the same. but it's some of the differences that make us the dominant species.

obviously crapping inside ISNT one of them that makes us dominant... but our ability to work together on a LARGE scale (and integrate) has enabled us to achieve things and progress in ways that we otherwise wouldn't have been able to.
Old 19 February 2004, 11:45 AM
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What "LARGE" scale advances would you say have been made as a result of inter-racial human integration?
Old 19 February 2004, 11:47 AM
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well to be fair, i think things like millions of people learning to speak a second language have significantly contributed to technical advances - imagine what it would be like if scientists couldn't share the results of their research due to language barriers....
Old 19 February 2004, 11:50 AM
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Originally Posted by TelBoy
What "LARGE" scale advances would you say have been made as a result of inter-racial human integration?
my point was one of human integration in general, not necessarily inter-racial integration.

in other words, it took a lot of people working together to:
* get into space
* make computers
* enable air travel

etc etc
Old 19 February 2004, 11:52 AM
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Still no replies to the valid points made earlier about the homeless and addicted britons being denied housing in favour of assylum seekers , this is bound to breed contempt, it would appear that britain is no worse than many other countries as regards racism (Check the news about the Middle East and Iraq any day of the week), Reverse racism (positive discrimination) is more likely to become a major problem, ie. bloke at ex's work looked over for promotion, result; tribunal based on? yep you got it - racial discrimination. At the tribunal the guys last 5 years appraisals shown in evidence saying "not ready for promotion" which he had signed, Result? thrown out no case to answer, this seems to be becoming a popular way of going about things for a lot of different minority groups, is it cos I is black/gay/dyslexic/ugly etc etc <<Ali G mode off>>
Like said in the original post there are certain groups of people in this country who the authorities are powerless to even talk to never mind arrest them if they commit a crime (Met police stop and search - as long as they are not 14 to 30 yr old blacks or asians cos thats persecution) despite Condons/governments statistics that this group(s) were commiting the (slight) majority of street crime in certain areas,
Old 19 February 2004, 11:59 AM
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Milo/PC - all valid examples. But not related to racial harmony.

*Lots* of people, including many reading this thread from the sidelines, feel very awkward with the pressure to accept, integrate and co-operate.

But it's extremely difficult, if not impossible, to voice that opinion without being shouted down as some sort of thug. And all they're doing, in my opinion, is displaying instinctive human behaviour.
Old 19 February 2004, 12:07 PM
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Poor Guy - could you clarify please? You just said "nope" when asked if you drive a scoob but on another current thread you say "dont own one. ocasionally (sic) drive daddys one tho".

This would be uninsured for you perhaps, like those damn asylum seekers? My apologies if I have this wrong.

Quick Reply: Getting sick of these untaxed, uninsured, unlicensed asylum seekers in town.

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