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Should UK ban smoking in public?

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Old 29 March 2004, 04:40 PM
Dream Weaver
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Originally Posted by Harry_Boy
Seeing that passive smoking costs the NHS dearly, as well as causing death & misery for thousands, why should the minority of the population that smoke inflict their filthy habit on the majority that don't?

And it's not about smokers' civil liberties being eroded either. After all, they have a choice of going outside to smoke. At present, the non-smoking majority don't have any choice but to inhale second hand carcinogens....
Fair point, like I say, its not really the smoking thing that bugs me (I am giving up shortly), its just the banning thing. If this was beer being banned I would feel the same.

The best way to work it is having smoking/none-smoking rooms, and/or smoking/none smoking pubs, end of. They do that in Hawaii, the clubs have a smoking room, everuones happy
Old 29 March 2004, 04:40 PM
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The thing is in the day of Chinos' a good night could be measured by the amount of cigarette butts collected in your turn-ups.
What have future generations got to look forward to, assuming Chinos' come back in?
Old 29 March 2004, 04:41 PM
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Bottle tops or empty wraps of class A drugs?
Old 29 March 2004, 04:43 PM
Dream Weaver
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So, what else shall we ban then?
Old 29 March 2004, 04:43 PM
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ban it, its minging
Old 29 March 2004, 04:44 PM
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Beards and moustaches.
Old 29 March 2004, 04:49 PM
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Originally Posted by fatherpierre
Bottle tops or empty wraps of class A drugs?
Oh yes, a good old family gathering at the Carrols.
Old 29 March 2004, 05:20 PM
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No {freedom}
Old 29 March 2004, 05:39 PM
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It's banned here in California and I think that's great. Was in Nevada last weekend (where it's legal) and came back with a suitcase full of stinky clothes. Why should I have to put up with that?!

I'm an former smoker.
Old 29 March 2004, 05:48 PM
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Here in Canada, they are leading the way with banning smoking. Canada likes to ban stuff. Caffeine is banned from all soft drinks except brown coloured ones - Coke & Pepsi. Considering the massive amount of coffee that Canadians drink, this is ridiculous.

In Ottawa, they banned smoking from all bars - 10% of them closed within 6 months. In British Columbia, within weeks of banning smoking in bars, 800 people lost their jobs.

Smokers drink more - ask any publican. Smokers stay in the bar longer and visit bars more frequently. Why they can't rule that there has to be a separate area for smokers, rather than ban outright, I don't know. This would keep everyone happy.

In the US, loads of underground smoking bars have sprung up. They actually have Police task forces with nothing else to do than look for smoking bars. What a waste of Police resources FFS.

Every bar I've been to in Canada that has smoking/non smoking areas - the smoking area is always full and the non-smoking area virtually empty.

Here in Toronto, the smoking ban in bars start 1st June. I intend to give up smoking before then or I'll stop going to bars. I'm sure I won't be the only one. Either way the Ontario government loses out on a chunk of tax revenue.

Maybe we should do a poll on how often people visit bars and whether or not they are a smoker.
Old 29 March 2004, 05:53 PM
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I would love to see it getting banned. But not under this goverment. They are slowly decatagrising (sp ?? sorry ) Cannabis !
Old 29 March 2004, 05:56 PM
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Be nice to come home from the pub not smelling like a stinking old ashtray as well.
Totally agree.
Ban it.
I have to put up with having my dinner at work in a room of smokers
Old 29 March 2004, 05:58 PM
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Smoking is an addiction the same as any other, if I declared myself an alcoholic the government would give me a daily allowance to buy alcohol but where is the support for smokers? I agree that it is anti social to non smokers but so are a lot of other things including the alcohol mentioned previously (not many smokers beating up their wives after having a ***) Also heard an interesting fact when they banned smoking on aircraft saying that the air quality actually dropped because they turned down the air re-circulation causing all the germs to remain in the cabin, so why arn't the pubs and clubs forced to put in better air con because in clubs you cant go outside as they wont let you back in. I believe that the result will be more fights because of irritability of not getting a smoke combined with the alcohol,
PS, in case you havent worked it out I'm not in favour
Old 29 March 2004, 05:59 PM
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"I believe that the result will be more fights because of irritability "

maybe we should ban retards that cant control themselves then!
Old 29 March 2004, 06:05 PM
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ban it smokers stink

it also makes you dead
Old 29 March 2004, 06:42 PM
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Old 29 March 2004, 07:18 PM
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No-one will ever win this argument, but to completely cut off 1 group is wrong IMO.

Surely things would work with a smoking and non smoking section in pubs etc - that way everyone wins. By just cutting off one section of people what does that achieve.
Trouble is - as has been noted elsewhere - having separate sections doesn't work very well, for the simple reason that in any group there are both smokers and non-smokers. The smokers have no choice where to sit, so the non-smokers either have to sit apart from their smoking friends or put up with the fumes. (Sadly that's the way it always works out in practise - maybe things would be different if everyone sitting in the smoking area had to smoke).

So, every time I go to a bar or restaurant I can guarantee I'll come back with my clothes and hair stinking, health effects notwithstanding. My only alternative is to stay in and have no social life at all. Why should I have to put up with this?

Without a ban, one group is cut off completely - the non-smokers. We have no choice but to put up with smoke, or confine ourselves to the tiny minority of bars and restaurants with genuinely clean smoke-free areas. With a ban in place, there's still nothing to stop anyone popping outside for a *** if they really can't do without it.

(Never, ever even taken so much as a drag).
Old 29 March 2004, 07:19 PM
King RA
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I am currently a smoker and would gladly see a ban in all public places. It would make it much easier for me to quit then.
Old 29 March 2004, 07:53 PM
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They banned smoking in one of Glasgow's student bars and lost over £50K in takings in a couple of months, the ban has now been lifted

Re the smells etc, why don’t clubs have decent air conditioning and extraction systems that would help? Probably to keep the place hot and sweaty so they can sell more booze no doubt.

And these worries about passive smoking, I'd like to see some hard statistics about this, everything I have read seem to be either very inconclusive or regards the dangers of passive smoking as completely nonexistent. Out of over 100 studies apparently only one small study saw even the slightest risk from passive smoke.

I'm surprised at you UB and a few others here who bleat on about political correctness and the erosion of personal freedom

It would make it easier to quit though thats why I doubt this will happen, the government put up the cost of **** to raise revenue, why else would they be so concerned about the cost to the tresury of tobacco smuggling, they dont actually expect people to stop buying them ffs. If it does happen look forward to a huge increase in the other classic revenue raisers, petrol and booze, party on, aint life great in the ol UK of A

Last edited by Jye; 29 March 2004 at 07:57 PM.
Old 29 March 2004, 08:22 PM
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They banned smoking in one of Glasgow's student bars and lost over £50K in takings in a couple of months, the ban has now been lifted
That's why it has to be a blanket ban. Groups which include smokers just go elsewhere given the option. But, if it's the same everywhere, that's not an issue. Would that bar have lost so much if every other bar were smoke-free as well? Of course not.
Old 29 March 2004, 08:40 PM
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But surely this just shows that people dont seem to want no smoking bars. If non smoker were such a majority in drinking establishments then they wouldnt have had a problem. Perhaps non smoker being more health concious overall just dont drink enough booze, in which case they arent going to bring in enough revenue to keep pubs open in the long run.
Old 29 March 2004, 09:07 PM
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55 year old man across the road from me (nice bloke) had both his legs cut off below the knee - 6 months later he had a big stroke and got paralised in his remaining limbs and kept pi$$ing himself - 2 months after that he had a massive heart attack - now he pushes up daisies for our local cemetry where his wife and 2 daughters go and cry on a regular basis - he never smoked a *** in his life.

He was landlord of a local pub for 25 odd years.

rip for a passive smoker

Old 29 March 2004, 09:16 PM
Dream Weaver
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Whereas my great auntie has smoked 20 a day and is now 78 - has never had any health problems, and is more on the ball than me.
Old 29 March 2004, 09:18 PM
Dream Weaver
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Theres always an answer for both sides of the coin.

Re the non-smoking area, and groups I am the only smoker in our group of friends, so when we go to the pub i happily sit in the non-smoking section with them. When I fancy a smoke, I nip through to the smoking bit - simple as.

As someone said though, the non-smoking section is always dead

Smoking is nasty, and smelly, but so are many other things - cars for one. I would like to see what this thread would be like if they banned performance cars And for those that say it doesn't harm anyone, it does, and we tend to get out and drive more than most - weekend meets, trackdays etc etc
Old 29 March 2004, 09:40 PM
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Gee how many - let's ban it threads can we get going?

As somebody else said - let's ban everything that somebody objects to:
Smoking - coz passive smoking is bad and affects others
Drinking - coz people get violent or drive and kill people
Cyclists - coz they don't use lights at night, jump red lights and wobble everywhere
Horses - coz they can be jumpy and may damage the car
Motor Vehicles - coz of the polution and death caused to pedestrians
Cows - they are supposed to put out more C02 than cars
Coal Power stations - coz of the polution
Nuclear Power Stations - coz of the radiation risk
Electricity - coz people can electrocute themselves
Gas - environmental damage drilling for it and people may comit suicide and the polution
Hunting - it's inhumane
Cats - coz they crap everywhere and kill the native wildlife
People - breathing causes lots of C02 polution
Animals - breathing again

OK - let's nuke the planet and leave the plants to it, they seem to be OK, mind you we do need to watch out for the triffids!

Why have we turned it to a "ban it" culture. I am well aware of the somking risks, the drinking risks and the driving and numerous other risks. I don't partake in all things risky only some. If I encounter something I don't like I move away from it:
Somebody smoking - sit somewhere else
Somebody with vile perfume (welcome to my workplace) - sit somewhere else
Drunks - leave and go elsewhere
People driving like idiots - get out of the way, let them pass or pass them

There are many things out there I don't like that are other people's pass times or hobbies or even ways of life, I just don't see what is so special as to allow me to dictate to them that they must conform to my way of thinking. If they are there first, I move elsewehere, if I am there first I ask them to move and if they don't I will. It isn't that hard.
Old 29 March 2004, 09:50 PM
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I really want to know if those who want to ban smoking also want to ban alcohol, and if not why not. The arguments against smoking would be equally if not more persuasive than those for banning smoking. A reduction in health problems, violence, vandalism, robbery, burglary, murder, rape, STD's, anti social behaviour, drink driving, faimily abuse, days off work, etc. All caused by this so called 'socially acceptable' drug.

Alcohol is also the only drug that damages every organ in the human body.

Banning things is just more government control and meddling in our lives.
Old 29 March 2004, 09:55 PM
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Angry Ban it completely

Smoking kills.

It will help people give up and on a personal point of view, I am FED UP of smelling like a feckin' ash tray after 10 mins in a bar or pub.

Old 29 March 2004, 09:56 PM
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If they are there first, I move elsewehere, if I am there first I ask them to move and if they don't I will. It isn't that hard.
You find me a pub that's not full of smoke on a Friday night. A smoke-free corner of the pub that I might otherwise choose to drink in would be nice too. Fact is, in my local, the beer is good but the atmosphere stinks. Why exactly should I always be the one that has to move?
Old 29 March 2004, 10:00 PM
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I really want to know if those who want to ban smoking also want to ban alcohol, and if not why not
I don't. The reason is that I can go out, drink in moderation and do a) no serious harm to myself, and b) no harm whatsoever to others.

On the other hand, someone smoking at the next table always stinks, and therefore always spoils my enjoyment of being in the pub in the first place.
Old 29 March 2004, 10:02 PM
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I bloody hate it the way I cant go to almost ALL the places here in UK as I have to consider my 6 month old daugher's health and well being first. I took her to a pub restaurant once for lunch , and even being in the seemingly clean large non-smoking area her clothes still stank of smoke the next day. Disgusting on a baby, let alone a babe!

It should be in a closed smoking room or separated off to the patio/terrace/beer garden. It should be prohibited (not B A N N E D) when this is not possible/practical.

27 months, 3 weeks, 2 days and I still want one of the expensive, stinky, cancerous unjustifiable smoky sticks...

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