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Should UK ban smoking in public?

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Old 30 March 2004, 01:24 PM
Andy Tang
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My comments from another thread

We are living in a nanny state, but someone needs to tell the govenment that common sense has to take priority!

I believe that it's the nanny state attitude that has dragged the country down! As if we are unable to make choices, as if we can't be trusted, as it we can take take some responsibility! And all because IMHO the UK has gone mad with trying too hard to be PC!

Don't smack/punish children - Look to the nearest Nova to see the consequences!
Soft sentencing from courts - Look at the crime statistics
Soft govenment policy - Look at the outcry about asylum seekers
Hard policy on drivers - Increased costs in petrol, road tax, insurance, increase in cameras, use of police time, etc.
Public services stretched to their limits - due to underfunding from the govenment

Yes, there are things that we like that will kill us, be it smoking, drinking, drugs, bungee jumping, driving quickly, gambling, whatever!

But FFS, let people make a choice, but please let us take responsibility for our lives!
Old 30 March 2004, 03:56 PM
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Its a very, very sad situation in Ireland, I was reading about it in the papers today. No one wanted it, not the Irish people anyway. Another piece of Euro legislation foisted on them by unelected *****.

The main thing I took from reading the article was how sad everyone was that the old men who used to sit in the pub smoking thier pipes and nursing a pint of guiness for hours on end were now banned from something they had been doing for decades. Everyone said all the romance had gone from the pubs, even the tourists and non smokers. Most were empty. A sad day indeed for the magic of Irish pubs. I hope the no smoking fraternity go over on holiday soon to tell them like it is.
Old 30 March 2004, 04:00 PM
Dream Weaver
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Originally Posted by fatherpierre
Alcohol? Na, never.

The ban is only mentioned in the context of public places. Drinking booze is banned in many places in the UK. Where I live you will get a £200 fine if found drinking on the streets.

And I know what you mean about getting glassed - I'm from Leeds and have seen it a few times in some less than nice places I've been to.

They were very smokey places - I wonder if that contributed to the violence? LOL
Just wait for the violence when hardened (drunk) smokers are told they cant smoke by a 16 year old bar person

I added the hardened bit, cos I can actually manage more than an hour without a *** if needs be
Old 30 March 2004, 04:09 PM
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People are already defying the ban in Ireland.
Old 30 March 2004, 04:11 PM
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Smokers drink more when they cant smoke, proven statistic. Let the fun commence.
Old 30 March 2004, 04:42 PM
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I remember when smoking was banned on the upstairs of buses. People kicked up a fuss for a few weeks and then no-one smoked after that.
Old 30 March 2004, 04:55 PM
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All the pro-ban people are missing one point. A total ban means that even if a pub wanted to, they cannot provide a COMPLETELY SEPARATE area of the pub for smokers. This is what p1sses me off.

In London, Ontario, many bars spent tens of thousands of dollars to provide completely separate (ie closed off completely) and ventilated areas for smokers. A non-smoker wouldn't be able to smell any smoke unless they actually went into the smoking area. When I went out with a group that included non-smokers, we would sit in the (nigh on empty) non-smoking part of the bar. The smoker(s) would then trot off to the (packed) smoking room for a ciggie every now and then - preferable to going outside when it's -45C!

However, depsite the fact that non-smokers already had a totally smoke free environment, they banned smoking anyway. They use the reason that employees are at risk. Even private clubs cannot allow smoking if they have any employees - even if they don't go in the smoking area FFS.

This, across Canada, has resulted in bar closures, redundancies and reduced profit for many bars/breweries etc. Even if smokers still do go to bars, they go less often and they stay for less time - especially in the winter.
Old 30 March 2004, 05:01 PM
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Lightbulb Yes Oh Yes.....

...... then I promise I shall no longer fart in public. Fair deal ? Done then.
Old 30 March 2004, 05:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Jye
For gareth, many heroin users are from middle class or professional backgrounds and can both afford and control their drug use. Others though cannot. So should we legalise heroin because 'some' people can handle it, or keep it illegal because other cannot?
Legalize it. It's none of my (or government's) business what people do with their own bodies, but the moment someone's heroin use has a negative effect on someone else then it does become everyones issue. Smokers can smoke themselves to death in their own homes - that is absolutely none of my business. Same goes for herion users. Or alcohol abusers. Or overeaters. I couldn't care less what they are doing to themselves. Should they commit a crime to pay for their herion or cigarettes or bacon butties or Special Brew then I care a great deal. Should their cigarette or herion use cause them to neglect their child I care a great deal. And if they expect my taxes to pay to fix them because of their own stupidity then I care a great deal too.

Do what you like matey. It's none of my business. If it affects me though it becomes my business. See smoking near me in public or driving while high.
Old 30 March 2004, 06:40 PM
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Originally Posted by fatherpierre
I remember when smoking was banned on the upstairs of buses. People kicked up a fuss for a few weeks and then no-one smoked after that.
Some folk still do, and on trains as well. Tell them what for and you are liable for trouble. Most people turn a blind eye to people like this; they even turn a blind eye to those getting hassled by neds etc.

Same for gareth, do you really think someone determined to thwart authority cares what you think, you're fair game. BTW I agree with you, it’s just not workable though unless you become some sort of vigilante.

Laws only affect the law abiding.

Last edited by Jye; 30 March 2004 at 06:43 PM.
Old 30 March 2004, 06:48 PM
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Smokers corner Well said Jerome btw.
Old 30 March 2004, 07:29 PM
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Originally Posted by gareth123
Should they commit a crime to pay for their herion or cigarettes or bacon butties or Special Brew then I care a great deal. Should their cigarette or herion use cause them to neglect their child I care a great deal. And if they expect my taxes to pay to fix them because of their own stupidity then I care a great deal too.
Do what you like matey. It's none of my business. If it affects me though it becomes my business. See smoking near me in public or driving while high.
Welcome to the real world, you do already pay taxes for drug rehab and alcohol abuse programmes, so why not help smokers who are addicts just that there addiction is legal as well?
Old 30 March 2004, 08:02 PM
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gareth doesnt stay in the real world, he stays in CALEEFORNEEIA!
Old 30 March 2004, 08:38 PM
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Originally Posted by jaf01uk
Welcome to the real world, you do already pay taxes for drug rehab and alcohol abuse programmes, so why not help smokers who are addicts just that there addiction is legal as well?
Since it happens today does it mean I have to like it? Can the taxpayers offer support to people who over eat too? Perhaps we can have clinic supply them with a couple of salads per day after checking that they've not been using cheesebugers. Where do you draw the line? I resent my taxes being spent on weak losers. There are more important uses for the money.

But, if people want to abuse themselves they are utterly free to do so as far as I'm concerned - provided they don't run crying to government/taxpayers/me when they hurt themselves.

Jye Aye.
Old 30 March 2004, 09:19 PM
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So should we ban cheeseburgers, or just weak losers? I know a man who once thought like that
Old 30 March 2004, 09:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Jye
So should we ban cheeseburgers, or just weak losers? I know a man who once thought like that
Are you referring to PETA? I'm pretty sure they want to ban cheeseburgers.

You can't 'ban' weak losers, you can just let nature take it's course. If society artifically supports it's pathetic losers you'll end up with everyone hardworking and decent supporting a bunch of loser chavs. Cool.

Right, I think I'll stop work, drink too much, claim it's a disease and lie on the sofa in a drunken stupor while you taxpaying mugs buy me my Special Brew. Cheers!
Old 30 March 2004, 10:01 PM
Dream Weaver
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Nice attitude to life
Old 30 March 2004, 10:35 PM
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Yep! Paid enough taxes to support these people thankyouverymuch and yet the country continues to go down the ****ter at an increasing rate of knots. Working well, innit?

I think I'll join them. Send me some of your money, I can't be arsed to provide for myself.
Old 31 March 2004, 12:06 AM
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I smoke and go to pubs lots. If I worked in a pub and didn't smoke I'd be pissed off at inhaling loads of smoke, fair point, passive smoking may well affect you at that level. But in general how much damage does the average punter get from other people's tabs? They'll be banning over-fueled rally replicas next, cough. Then again you could get a decent job and not work in a pub. Par for the couse I say.
Then again, when in NY, the smoking ban meant that I met a lot of fun people outside tabbing that I wouldn't have met otherwise.
I'd probably have a drink or 2 less, due to running in and out all night, and maybe 10 less **** too, so I'm for it!
Old 31 March 2004, 09:54 AM
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I am an ex smoker and am really pleased that I have kept off it for 8 years. I dislike the smell of cigarette smoke intensely now and realise what an unpleasant and anti social habit it is. It is not only the possible harm from passive smoking, it is also the unpleasantness of having to put up with it.

I disagree totally with the idea of banning it however. If people are well aware of the gross dangers of smoking then it should be their own choice if they still want to do it.

I think that public places should provide a separate room for smokers and if necessary it should be law that they have to use it. If a pub or restaurant wants to ban smokers off their own bat then it is their right to do that also. It is a selfish and unreasonable act to smoke in the presence of people who dislike it. Those who smoke on trains etc in non smoking carriages are beyond the pale and deserve to be thrown off the train.

Smoking in restaurants is particularly bad and it is no good having a portion of a room for smokers only since the smoke still bothers everyone in the room. I don't see why I should have my meal ruined by someone's lack of thought for others.

Just a bit of respect for others is all it takes, it is only a matter of behaving in a reasonable manner after all.

Let me remind you Jye that the pollution of the atmosphere by green house gases is also vastly increased by aircraft. It takes about 40 tons of fuel to cross the Atlantic! This is never mentioned by the authorities of course because of the big money tied up in air transport. Much easier to just blame the cars etc and use it as an excuse to squeeze more and more money out of motoring.


Last edited by Leslie; 31 March 2004 at 09:59 AM.
Old 31 March 2004, 09:57 AM
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People in this country have zero respect for others though, this thread shows that, lol
Old 31 March 2004, 10:07 AM
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Thats true Jye, and I very much regret that.

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