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Old 11 November 2004, 10:48 AM
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I can't understand why the smell alone isn't enough to put people off. Smokers, take it from me you absolutely stink. Also chewing peppermint gum after smoking doesn't get rid of the smell it just mixes the two smells together.

If I told someone they stank of BO I am sure they would be horrified so why don't smokers care that they stink of cigarette smoke??

I personally don't care what people do to themselves as long as it doesn't affect me. Inject Heroin for all I care as that has no effect on me wheras smoking in a pub will affect me due to the fact I have no choice but to breath in your smoke.

With Cigarettes being around £5 a pack now if you smoke 20 a day you are spening £150 a month on something you really don't need. Personally I think people who smoke are pathetic and weak if they can't get through the day without doing something that is slowly killing them.

Smokers usually come out with the line that they don't care if their life is cut short by their smoking. The reality is you won't just die 5 years earlier your whole quality of life will be reduced. Considering how smoking affects the ageing of your skin I am amazed that so many women do it.

Oh well I guess it's only a matter of time before it's banned in this country as well.
Old 11 November 2004, 11:10 AM
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I don't disagree with anyone!* I just wonder whose throat you think benefits from having your opinions rammed down it.

*Actually there are knock-on effects of some of the things I've mentioned. A person who's chosen an awful diet may then require treatment for say a knee op due to wobbling around on their lardy frame. This has a direct effect on NHS waiting lists. The same can be said of extreme sports participants or someone who gets in a fight/falls down the stairs/damages their liver/beats up their wife/goes on a detox programme due to alcohol. It's all relative I agree.

As an underscore the last time I used any of the NHS Hospital resources which I contribute heavily to was when I was 6 and had a tonsilectomy.

As I've said before I don't smoke around non-smokers, but It's out of choice, and will one day be out of legislation. It's never going to be because a bunch of people who may or may not be healthy and clean-living but are certainly over-opinionated tell me I'm wrong to do it.
Old 11 November 2004, 11:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Jap2Scrap
I just wonder whose throat you think benefits from having your opinions rammed down it.
do u ever wonder whose throat it benefits to be enhaling nasty toxins? (I had to slip it in as it seemed a good oportunity to pipe up although I understand you dont smoke whilst around none smokers but if your in a pub with a group of smokers would u light up then?
Old 11 November 2004, 11:28 AM
Dr Nick
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Intersting thread and plenty of oposing opinion.

My view is that non smokers should be allowed to go about without having to breath in carcinogenic fumes.

But I don't think it is right to victimise smokers.

Nobody in Britain could say that they don't know **** will kill you. So these people know what they are doing. And I am very grateful to them. These folks are giving their lives to fund the NHS. The duty on **** more than covers the entire NHS anual budget. So they are paying for their healthcare when they croak, as well as yours (if you don't smoke).

If they all stopped smoking tomorrow the government would be right up **** creek.

And then YOU would have to pay for it. More income tax or higher duty on petrol anyone?

Let these folks live and die in peace.
Old 11 November 2004, 11:39 AM
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If passive smoking is so dangerous (and Im not convinced it is) then just treat **** like class A's and ban them completely. After all, isnt the nanny state worried about the health of children and non smoking family members in their own homes? They will probably suffer even more exposure after the ban. Strange how asthma is still on the rise when smoking generally is on the decline.
Old 11 November 2004, 11:51 AM
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two wrongs don't make a right..................

There is no sensible reason to smoke. The problem with smokers is that they cannot face the fact they are drug addicts.
Old 11 November 2004, 11:59 AM
Ted Maul
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I don't want people driving cars on the roads where I walk as it is polluting my lungs, but the government doesn't stop it. Is this really much different from the smoking issue?
Old 11 November 2004, 12:11 PM
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Ted, u saying u dont have a car then? 90% of the adult population has a car and those that dont use other modes of transport including bus/tram/train etc Id estimate a guess off 5% of the population dont have a car out of principle for polution reasons. its a modern life that cars drive around and they ARE being made to emit less polution, are ****?
Old 11 November 2004, 12:18 PM
Ted Maul
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I have a car, I also smoke.

My point is that it is proven that car pollution is bad for your health, and there are other forms of transport that could be used - electric vehicles etc, but we all still pump dirty cancerous exhaust fumes into the air around us.

If 95% of the population smoked then Scotland wouldn't have passed this rule.
Just because car drivers are in the vast majority doesn't mean that they are not causing health problems.

Is it not my right that if I use a public road to walk, then I should be entitled to be protected from dangerous fumes? just like non smokers going to the pub?

Old 11 November 2004, 12:22 PM
Drunken Bungle Whore
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I see your point - but I don't want to sit next to an exhaust pipe while I'm eating my dinner any more than you probably do. Cars can be driven outside and smokers can smoke outside.

Smoking areas in most retaurants (if they exist at all) are laughable. If you cold guarantee the smokers would sit in an enclosed room, served only by other smokers, then fair enough.
Old 11 November 2004, 12:27 PM
Ted Maul
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With respect to the point about being outside, as I live and work in London my outside world is being polluted to the extent that it will impact my health. This cannot be said for cigarette smoke to the outside world as the quantites of smoke pushed into the low level atmosphere by cigarette smokers is miniscule compared with the amount being pumped out of exhaust pipes.
Old 11 November 2004, 12:32 PM
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OK, so what you saying? ban cars now? lets go back to horse and carriage?
Old 11 November 2004, 12:34 PM
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I have just as much right as you have to post on this forum. Show me where in my post I said that you must stop smoking. If you read it properly you will see that I said it was right that you should have the choice what you do in that respect.

I also gave everyone the true facts of the likely consequences of smoking from my own experience to help you to make the decision that you are entitled to do. I don't feel ashamed in any way of doing that.

I also said that the no smoking laws are fair in order to protect others from the dangers of passive smoking. I wonder how you can honestly counter that opinion.

You have to accept that smoking in public places such as restaurants etc is anti social behaviour and very unpleasant as well as dangerous to other people.

If you want to put your head in the sand and whinge about those sentiments, that is also your choice. Diifficult to shout against the undeniable facts though.

Old 11 November 2004, 12:51 PM
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Do I feel compelled to reply again?

Yes, to just one question:

Originally Posted by davegtt
if your in a pub with a group of smokers would u light up then?
Depends on the pub.

High ceilings, extraction, no hanging smoke, good amount of room between people, myself having a beer, probably.

Crowded, close proximities, already smoky atmosphere, dingy, I'd probably go home because I wouldn't be able to stand it myself.

I actually hate second hand smoke. I hate the smell of it on my clothes and in other's cars. My car doesn't smell of smoke, if I have to smoke in the car it's with the window down. I smoke outdoors during my working day, and that's 3 or 4 a day max. I might have the odd one in the evening at home, but that's my home and it's confined to one room. I don't smoke around my daughter - ever. If I'm out for the evening, clubbing for example, I'd like to think that the majority of the time I'll be entertained to the point of distraction anyway and won't need to have a ciggie hanging out my gob all night. As others have said, clubs are full of smoke anyway, if you're going to go home smelling like you've smoked all night then you might as well actually do it

Last edited by Jap2Scrap; 11 November 2004 at 12:52 PM. Reason: typo
Old 11 November 2004, 12:53 PM
Ted Maul
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Originally Posted by davegtt
OK, so what you saying? ban cars now? lets go back to horse and carriage?
I'm saying that it is hypercritical to celebrate the end of smoking in pubs when the car issue continues.
Old 11 November 2004, 12:55 PM
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jap2scrap, thats fine, good enough answer, only asked because if you wanted to go out on a friday and saturday night and mingle as such you dont have much choice but to put up with ciggy smoke, its damn awful. even worse when your in bed and the misses comes home from a night out gets in bed and as she comes closer you can smell her hair its really rank. (talking about the hair on her head before any1 starts )
Old 11 November 2004, 12:56 PM
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not really, as I said cars are a sign of modern life, we put up with it because it carries benefits. what benefits does smoking have? and as stated above by some1 else the cars are outside and still provides me with some level of oxogen
Old 11 November 2004, 01:10 PM
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I feel for the traditional pubs and their patrons, pubs where for decades people have smoked will now have to close. One traditional pub in Inverness is already making plans for a spring closure. Perhaps they will open up as fragrant smelling whine bars

I remember visits to Ireland where the old boys were sitting quietly in the corner of their local, smoking pipes or rollies while nursing a pint to while away the day. Somehow it just wont be the same. I imagine some of the gimps in this thread would be tapping them on the shouder saying, 'hoy old gits, you're polluting *my* atmosphere, now **** off home' lol

It's funny that McConnell thinks there will be some sort of economic benefit to Scotland, with more customers going to pubs when the ban is introduced. Funny, I have never noticed any lack of custom in the pubs where I drink.
Old 11 November 2004, 01:38 PM
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May I suggest that smokers fit a Catalytic Convertor to their **** then, if we are comparing cars to smoking!

Old 11 November 2004, 01:45 PM
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Originally Posted by pslewis
May I suggest that smokers fit a Catalytic Convertor to their **** then, if we are comparing cars to smoking!

May I also suggest that those who have decatted their Scoobys(ies?) recat them.
Old 11 November 2004, 01:47 PM
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Well done Scotland.

Smoking stinks and is bad for your health. I for sure do NOT want to breathe in smoke that has been floating around some random peasants lungs.
Old 11 November 2004, 01:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Senior_AP
some random peasants lungs.
BTW S_AP, you are not, and never will be another pslewis
Old 11 November 2004, 01:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Senior_AP
Well done Scotland.

Smoking stinks and is bad for your health. I for sure do NOT want to breathe in smoke that has been floating around some random peasants lungs.
So go to the pub with all youre mates !

Whoops sorry.
Old 11 November 2004, 01:50 PM
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Thumbs up

Originally Posted by letdown
So go to the pub with all youre mates !

Whoops sorry.
Old 11 November 2004, 02:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Jye
You can just see it like everywhere with no-smoking places.

"Im going for a smoke"
"No please dont ....think of the damage you are doing to my lungs......You are sooooooo selfish:"
"Oh **** it I ll stand outside the smoke free pub with 90% of all the other patrons"
"Are you sure? its cold outside"
"Nah mate youre allright....its dead inside"

Old 11 November 2004, 02:04 PM
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I actually thought you were implying Senior_AP had no m8's
Old 11 November 2004, 02:09 PM
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letdown, thats true anyways in the summer for pubs with beer gardens only winter that your gonna have that problem.

Because smoking NOW EFFECTS YOU DIRECTLY people want to cause a fuss and be so selfish to moan at the others who choose not to breathe in nasty fumes..... its effected me all my life breathing in other peoples smoke and alot of the smokers didnt give 2 hoots, now its banned and it effects your life style your more than happy to kick up a fuss and complain... Swings and roundabouts people. just the roundabout has changed direction for once
Old 11 November 2004, 02:16 PM
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Don't suppose I'll get any answers but do any of you non smokers ever partake of the herb that mellows. If so how?
Old 11 November 2004, 02:23 PM
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If they did they would prob lie and say vapourisers
Old 11 November 2004, 02:28 PM
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Originally Posted by FrenchBoy
Sod the health aspect of it! Smoking is just plain unpleasant. The smell of your clothes after you've been to a pub/club is disgusting.

We have a no smoking policy at work and you can smell the smokers a mile off when they come back inside. Are they unaware of how repulsive they smell?

For this reason alone it beggers belief why people do it. Those chemicals must be mighty powerful.
When you're a smoker you really don't realise how bad you smell. I used to smoke (20+ a day for over 20 years ) and couldn't stand listening to non-smokers going on about how horrible it was, I really couldn't understand why they hated it so much and thopught they were all a bunch of whinging *******.

Then, four years ago I stopped smoking and then began to realise how truly disgusting the smell of cigarette smoke is to non-smokers and how bad I must've smelt when I smoked I hate the smell of it now so much I avoid going anywhere where there might be people smoking which means I rarely go to the pub any more which I miss

I can't wait for the day when I can wander into any bar knowing I won't come out stinking as badly as I did when I smoked. I can't be alone in thinking like that, surely pub trade will increase as the majority of people by far in this country now are non-smokers and a lot would all start visiting pubs again if smoking was banned inside?

Quick Reply: Well Done Scotland

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