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Old 06 December 2004, 08:05 PM
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I didnt think that moses was being anti-simetic (against jews), infact I believe he says that Jews and muslims have a lot in common and it wouldnt be incorrect to say that they were the same....he was commenting on the forceful existence of Isreal and the hard tactics / terrorism of Sharon and his chums.

There is a difference.....
Old 06 December 2004, 08:40 PM
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thanks imi u are right mate , ted maul would confirm i aint anti jew and i as a muslim and from arabic bloodlines from the past , i am a semite too same as the jew so wheres the anti semite, if we muslims ourselves are semites.


idf the israeli soldier, its the truth not historic bullsh1t, your own rabbis admit their were evil rabbis of old who had changed the law and old testament to suit the leaders and kings of old and to suit themselves, u guys are the one who changed your story to suit the predictions of God

when God said to abraham in the torah your own book, sacrifice thy only son? only son for 13 yrs of abrahams was the father of the arabs, ishmael, and not isaac, it has been changed to only son isaac, it seems God forgets in the torah that abrahams only son for 13 yrs was ishmael and how can then after a few chapters it changes to isaac the sacrifice, when truly its a lie.

but your rabbis and historians add isaac as the only son to suit their own idelogy, and the romans and enemies beforehand had destroyed all the books and burned them, the torah, talmud, gemerah , and some were left over and some werent, jews forgot their own language, according to your own historians, it was the arab muslims who had taught them the vowels and how to use them in hebrew and yiddish, coz the romans had virtually destroyed your language, the oldest torah and old testament recorded was in greek, when greek wasnt even your own language, so where do u get all this history from hey, i want to know.

it says in the torah, prophet moses died when he was 125 yrs old and till this day no one knows where he is BURIED.

well if the book was from God, God knows where he is BURIED, but ask a rabbi this, he would say well, it was from MOSES. but moses cant talk from his grave and write a book, so WHERE do u get this story, some say it was yeshua bin noon ( joshua ben nun), but joshua moses best friend knows where his mate was buried.

so either its a made up ending or a plagarism or historians wrote it down after so many hundreds of yrs.

u have a brain and im sure u will use it.

then the blasphemy against king david peace be upon him.

well Allah says in the quran, the jews are cursed by the tongue of david and jesus.

u wonder why God says that in the quran, well first u change the law given to God to david and change the history and blaspheme against a prophet.

in the old testament, david commits adultery with bathsheba, as muslims believe prophet david was not an adulterer but a holy messenger of God who doesnt commit these evil and henious sins.

u say he has sex with bathsheba a wife of uriah the great warrior and brave man, who was out in the field giving his life for king david and fighting the enemies a great general , so bathsheba gets pregnant by david, and she tells david that if uriah finds out, theirs going to be trouble.

so where was God the master when david was having sex with someone elses wife, did God not punish him, did he condone it, a holy man a chosen one of God commiting these evil sins.

so david calls uriah his general, gets him drunk and tells him to go to his wife, basically take a rest and dont go back to war, but spend time with his wife, why so tomorrow uriah will think he had sex with his wife and ,made her pregnant, so david and bathsebas sin will be hidden forever.

but uriah refuses the king and says how can i rest and go home, while my soldiers are out giving their lives and fighting the enemy, glory be to God, guys, uriah was a brave man, but he goes to war and guess what, the holy prophet according to the bible , gets uriah killed and makes it look like the enemies done it.

how sick a lie against david and bathseba, holy messengers of God dont do these crimes.

and then king davids son rapes his own half sister and then she says to him because u raped me, u need to marry me, but ammon refuses too, can u believe it, even incest is approved in the old testament, which is a lie, and God punishes david, guess how, coz david commits adultery , God makes king davids son, sleep with davids 10 wives, basically his own stepmothers, in front of all of israel .

dont tell me these words are by God, for f*** sake, its not its from the devil
Old 06 December 2004, 09:01 PM
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idf here have a look

and pls do tell them, the bible u see in the churches and schools is a toned down version, its too xxx rated for children and people to read.

it doesnt call a spade a spade, in hebrew and greek texts, the word translated to ******* or *****, has been toned to less provoking words

it says in the bible that a ******* wont enter the congregation not even till the 10th generation, well how many in europe are born out of wedlock, majority aint it.

according to the bible u aint allowed in the churches,
chapels etc etc.

but the word ******* gets changed to illegetimate and alot of other words toned down too.

like cumming on the floor, when onan was sleeping with his wife, he didnt want to give tamar a child so he pulls it out and spills it on the floor and God kills him
etc etc

thats where u get the word onanism, as in ejaculating outside the womb

and here idf for u

your history

3. ABRAHAM: He wedded his own sister (Sarah.) (?) (a) "Why saidst thou (O Abraham), she is my sister? So l might have taken her to me to WIFE . . . now take her (Sarah) and go thy way. GENESIS 12:19 (b) "And yet INDEED she (Sarah) is my sister (!) and she became my (Abraham's) WEE" GENESIS 20:12 Hagar Abraham's wife! " . . and (she, Sarah) gave her (Hagar) to her husband TO BE HIS WIFE GENESIS 16:3

Unfulfilled prophecy (a) "And I will give unto thee (O Abraham), the land wherein thou art a stranger, ALL THE LAND OF CANAAN (Palestine), for an ever-lasting possession, and I will be their God GENESIS 17:8. Also GENESIS 13:15 and EXODUS 32:13. Poor Abraham (pbuh) did not receive a single square foot of land FREE! (b) "And he (God Almighty) gave him (Abraham) NO inheritance in it, NO, NOT SO MUCH TO SET HIS FOOT UPON; but he (God) promised that he would ,give it to him for a possession . . ." ACTS 7:5

8. *******: This word occurs in the Bible THREE times (a) "The ******* shall not enter the congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth generation . . . DEUTERONOMY 23:2 (b) "And a ******* shall dwell in Ashdod . .ZECHARIAH 9:6 (c) "But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then ye are *******S and not sons. " HERREWS 12:8


11. DAVID: "Man after God's own heart"— Commits adultery with Bath-sheba the wife of Uriah: (a) "And David sent messengers, and took her (Bathsheba); and she came in unto him, and he LAY (had intercourse) with her. . . 2 SAMUEL 11:4 (b) David wickedly caused the death of Uriah, the husband of Bath-sheba. 2 SAMUEL 11:6-25 (c) David shamelessly dances NAKED, see in index under "PROPHETS, but naked."

Old 06 December 2004, 09:02 PM
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20. INCEST: "Sexual intercourse between two persons who are too closely related." (New Collins Dictionary). For example, between father and daughter, son and mother, father-in-law and daughter-in-law, brother and sister, etc. INCEST IN GOD'S BOOK (?) BETWEEN A FATHER AND HIS DAUGHTERS: (a) "That night they (both the daughters of Lot) gave him (their father Lot) wine to drink and the older daughter had INTERCOURSE with him ... "The next day the older daughter said to her sister, I slept with him last night. now let's get him drunk again tonight, and you sleep with him. Then each of us will have a child by our father. So that night they got him drunk and the younger daughter had INTERCOURSE with him ... "In this way both of Lot's daughters became PREGNANT by their father. " GENESIS 19:33-35 (From the "Good News Bible- In Today's English"). In the older Versions, like the King James and the Roman Catholic Versions, "SEXUAL INTERCOURSE" is vaguely described as "COLLECTING THE SEED OF OUR FATHER." INCEST BETWEEN MOTHER AND SON: (b) "While Jacob (Israel) was living in the land, Reuben (his firstborn, his eldest son) had SEXUAL

INTERCOURSE with Bilhah, his father's concubine. GENESIS 35:22. The older Versions of the Bible, use the word, "lay" for SEXUAL INTERCOURSE. INCEST BETWEEN FATHER-IN-LAW AND DAUGHTER-IN-LAW: (c) "When Judah saw her (Tamar, his daughter-in-law), he thought she was a prostitute, because she had covered her face. "He went over to her at the side of the road and said, "ALL RIGHT, HOW MUCH DO YOU CHARGE?" (He did not know that she was his daughter-in-law) {The words in parenthesis i.e. within brackets from He did not know to daughter-in-law are not in the original Hebrew manuscripts. They are the editors g loss.}

"She said, what will you give me?" (To have sex with me) 'He answered, I WILL SEND YOU A YOUNG GOAT FROM MY FLOCK "She said, "All right, if you will give me something to keep as a pledge until you send the ,goat. ' . . He gave them (the pledges) to her. Then had INTERCOURSE, and she became pregnant GENESIS 38: 15-18 (Quoted from the ''Good News Bible"). CONCUBINE and WIFE are synonymous terms in the Bible. Look for it in the index under ''KETURAH" (the third wife of Abraham). Out of this incestuous relationship between a father-in-law and his daughter-in-law, twins were born, who were destined to become the great-grand-fathers of Jesus Christ see Matthew 1:3; "And Judas begat Phares and Zarah of Thamar . . . INCEST AND RAPE BETWEEN BROTHER AND SISTER (d) " . . he took hold of her (Thamar, his sister, not to be confused with Tamar in "c" above,, and said unto her, Come lie with me (have sex with me), my sister. "And she answered him, Nay, my brother (Amnon, one of the sons of David, the man after God's own heart) do not force me . . . "But he would not listen to her, and since he was stronger than she was, he overpowered her and RAPED her (his sister). " 2 Samuel 13:5-14 WHOLESALE RAPE AND INCEST BETWEEN SON AND HIS MOTHERS! (e) So they set up a tent for Absalom (another son of King David) on the palace roof, and in the sight of everyone, Absalom went in and had INTERCOURSE with his father's concubines " 2 SAMUELS 16:22


21. ISHMAEL OR ISAAC?: A controversy has raged between the people of the Bible and the House of Islam as to which of the sons of Abraham (pbuh), Ishmael or Isaac was offered as a sacrifice.

The Bible is quite clear in designating the offering:

"And he (God Almighty) said, take now thy son, THINE ONLY SON . . ., whom thou lovest, and et thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering . . ." Genesis 22:2.

If at anytime, an offspring of Abraham (pbuh) can be described as "thine only son: it could only be Ishmael, because for more than thirteen years, he was the only son and seed of Abraham.

God Almighty acknowledges Ishmael as the "son and seed" of Abraham in no less than twelve places in the Book of Genesis alone. At no time was Isaac the only son and seed of Abraham!

The false pen of the scribe was in the hand of the Jews who edited the Books of Moses (pbuh), as the prophet Jeremiah bewails:

"How do ye say, We are wise, and the law (the Torah) of the Lord is with us? Lo, certainly in VAIN made he it; the PEN OF THE SCRIBE IS IN VAIN." Jeremiah 8:8

When the Jews are found to convert an Israelite into an Ishmaelite when no motives are involved, then how much easier for them to change the word "you only son Ishmael" to : your only son Isaac!"

Confirm the Jewish sickness in your Bible:

"Amasa was a man's son, whose name was Ithra an Israelite . . . " 2 Samuel 17:25

Contadicted by

". . . and the father of Amasa was Jether (dame as Ithra) the Ishmaelite." 1 Chronicles 2:17

Old 06 December 2004, 09:06 PM
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and this is what the zionist radical rabbis used to approve the murder of palestinians

and idf was talking about israeli deaths, yes their evil and sinful, i condemn innocent deaths, but my words dont matter to u.

check the bodycount and see the ratio of palestinians butchered, to get one terrorist u guys easily kill hundreds in the way and kids, well palestinians believe their doing the same, where does it stop.

here is the verse your extreme settlers and rabbis use to approve butchery of palestinians and kids and destruction of land and homes.


31. MASSACRE: At the hands of the Jews— (a) "Now therefore KILL every male among the little ones, and KILL every woman (female) that hath known man by lying (having sex) with him. "But keep ALIVE for yourselves all the GIRLS and all the women who are VIRGINS." NUMBERS 31:17-18 "And the Jews salvaged for themselves 32,000 virgins, verse 35; see also verse 40. (b) But of the cities of these people, which the Lord thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou (o Jews) shall save alive NOTHING that BREATHES. DEUTERONOMY 20:16 (c) 'And they (the Jews) UTTERLY DESTROYED all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, ox and sheep, and ***, with the edge of the sword " JOSHUA 6:21 (Even donkeys were not spared) (d) "He (Joshua) let NONE remain alive." Joshua 10:28


please mods dont delete this, were only having a discussion, ted and myself came along way to understand each other, he is like a brother now and yes we have our major differences, im sure idf and myself can work something out too

cheers and yes IDF i agree , we muslims have very evil people among us too, doing evil and using Gods word to commit atrocites, its sinful and wrong and they will burn in hell for it
Old 12 January 2005, 10:36 AM
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This is Mungo's thread, so perhaps he should who say has hi-jacked it.

Or does hi-jacking come naturally to 'minority' extremists????

10th+ Generation Anglo-Saxon and possibly a bit of Roman and pagan!!

Last edited by Hol; 12 January 2005 at 10:38 AM. Reason: Because Scoobynet is not a soapbox for politics
Old 12 January 2005, 06:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Hol
This is Mungo's thread, so perhaps he should who say has hi-jacked it.

Or does hi-jacking come naturally to 'minority' extremists????

10th+ Generation Anglo-Saxon and possibly a bit of Roman and pagan!!
I only see Moses presenting his viewpoint on this thread and obviously a few of you who completely disagree with him but dont have the ***** to have a discussion by presenting their side of the story......
Old 12 January 2005, 06:08 PM
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Iron like a Lion in Zion

yes indeed the cats there have very crisp shirts.
Old 12 January 2005, 06:19 PM
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Originally Posted by imi
I only see Moses presenting his viewpoint on this thread and obviously a few of you who completely disagree with him but dont have the ***** to have a discussion by presenting their side of the story......

Oh Get real!

I know Ill make a (cough) real point up of my own cos I have lost all credibility and alienated anybody who could have cared.

Old 12 January 2005, 06:46 PM
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I'll take it that you have nothing to contribute to the discussion........

Another one bites the dust................LOL
Old 12 January 2005, 07:20 PM
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Originally Posted by imi
I'll take it that you have nothing to contribute to the discussion........

Another one bites the dust................LOL
Imi shoots, scores and proves the point!
Old 12 January 2005, 09:26 PM
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cheers imi bros and haha where did this thread creep up from

happy new yr, lets not argue

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