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Anybody else giving up smoking?

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Old 01 June 2005, 11:56 AM
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Falling off a ladder helped me to stop, but I can't recommend it!

Old 01 June 2005, 01:31 PM
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Default a book for insomniacs

Originally Posted by Leslie
Falling off a ladder helped me to stop, but I can't recommend it!

HA HA HA. Very funny and very true

It's true that Allen "Wann" Carr is quite possibly the world's most boring author.
Avoid avoid avoid

Old 01 June 2005, 01:44 PM
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It's true that Allen "Wann" Carr is quite possibly the world's most boring author.
Avoid avoid avoid

Never did he claim to be a writer.

I think you'll find he makes no apologies for being boring as he needs to be repetative and dogmatic to get the message buried into your subconscious. He discusses (and apologises) for this in the book.

I tried patches, gum, cold turkey, cutting down, inhalator, hypnotherapy and all failed...

This book is highly effective ... boring or not

He knows his subject inside out.

Old 01 June 2005, 02:03 PM
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Each to their own I suppose.....

How's it going Deep?
Old 01 June 2005, 05:29 PM
Deep Singh
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Agree, each to their own.

Suresh, day 11 now and not too bad. Still on loads of gum, but I can start to cut back on that later. Beginning to see the benefits ie my skin looks better(I'm quite vain!) I seem to sleep better and feel better in the morning.

Actually get more done at work now because I'm not wasting all my 'quiet moments' having a ***!

I have to succeed, otherwise a heart attack in the next 10 years will be a cert( South Asian genes I'm afraid old boy!)

Old 02 June 2005, 08:34 AM
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good luck deep!

i gave up at new year, been on at least 20 - 40 a day for 20 years. i used the nicorette freshmint gum, about 6 a day at first, then went down to none.

the main thing is, if you want to give up/keep on giving up, you will. its only when your hearts not really in it that you'll fail.

ive put on half a stone since giving up, despite a lot of gym work etc. apparently ciggies really do speed you metabolism up, but it also sorts itself out in time. dont know if this is true or not, but id rather be a jean size bigger than having *** breath and fingers, which smell fekkin bad man, you only realise this when you quit.

**** are for suckers, its sad but true.what a waste of fekkin money all these years
stick with it!
Old 02 June 2005, 03:54 PM
Deep Singh
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Hiya mate long time! How many times have you changed your car since the last time I spoke to you then? ( LOL)

Seriously though, thanks for the kind words.
Old 02 June 2005, 05:14 PM
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Buy a T25 with the money your saving Deep.
Old 02 June 2005, 05:23 PM
Andy Tang
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Good luck Deep.

I tried the Allen Carr book recently and went for about 2 months, but when I started again, I didn't re-read the book.

Recently I went cold turkey and after another couple of months, slipped back into it.

I am going to an Allen Carr clinic on Monday for a 5 hour session. I'm looking forward to it and have heard many good things about both the book and the clinics.

I decided a couple of days ago that I *wanted* (rather than I should or must) to give up, looked at all the options (hypnotherapy, NHS support groups, Allen Carr clinic, etc) and bit the bullet on the one that see me the quickest.

Good luck with the gum

I sit opposite a guy at work who went cold turkey last year, he has now saved enough for a trip to Sydney!!

Some will say that £200 is a lot of money for the clinic, but in my eyes it's a small amount for such a great gain. (2 months worth of Marlboro Lights to me) If I take to smoking in the 3 months after, I will get a free 'top up' course, and if that fails money back. I'd be happy if I never see that £200 again.
Old 02 June 2005, 08:13 PM
Deep Singh
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Hi Shane. I'd have to smoke a 200 **** a day to save that much!! Have you seen the T25 WRC Ltd in members gallery? Sweeeet!!
C'ant remember what you bought, was it a S200 or Boxter?

Andy, different things work for different people and I have a number of friends who swear by hypnotherapy. Saying that though the only 'system' clinically proven to work is patches/gum in combo with counselling. Anyway wish you the best of luck matey.

Old 02 June 2005, 08:59 PM
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Glad you are still sticking with it Deep, my other half assures me it gets easier with each day. He said the Nicotine gums taste revolting aswell! He just uses normal gum now and hasnt had any cravings lately. Keep going Deep, it will be worth it in the end.
Old 07 June 2005, 09:13 AM
Andy Tang
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You're right Deep, but I've tried NRT (gum, patches, capsules and inhalator), as well as willpower, but the only thing that has made it easy was the Allen Carr method.

I read the book (yes it is poorly written) and that worked, but after going to the clinic yesterday, there were obvious things that I missed when reading the book.

I would recommend the book, but to those who can't be bothered, too lazy, don't like reading, etc, I would highly recommend the clinic.

I hope all is going well with your chosen method!
Old 07 June 2005, 11:16 AM
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Keep it strong you folks who are quitting!

From, the physical benefits:

Giving up tobacco can save you from a lot of illness and grief. Here are some immediate and long-term health benefits:


20 Minutes

Blood pressure and pulse drop to a normal rate
Temperature of hands and feet increases to normal

8 Hours

Carbon monoxide level in blood drops to normal
Oxygen level in blood goes up to normal

24 Hours

Chance of heart attack starts going down

48 Hours

Nerve endings start regrowing
Ability to smell and taste begins to improve

2 Weeks to 3 Months

Circulation improves
Walking gets easier
Lung function improves up to 30%
"I can talk again when I walk up stairs!"

"It's great to not have to clear my throat all the time."

1 Month to 9 Months

Coughing, sinus congestion, tiredness and shortness of breath are less
Cilia (small hairs) regrow in lungs to better handle mucous, clean the lungs and reduce infection
"I've missed so much less work because I get fewer colds and sore throats."

"It's such a relief to not be bogged down with those headaches."

"I can concentrate so much better."

1 Year

Risk of coronary artery disease is half that of a smoker
"I'm not scared by heaviness in my chest in the morning anymore."

5 Years

Lung cancer death rate goes down by one-half
Risk of stroke becomes same as non-smoker
Risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney and pancreas goes down
In addition: If you have a chronic illness like diabetes, asthma or kidney failure, quitting can dramatically improve your health.
Old 07 June 2005, 11:59 AM
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Andy Tang has hit the nail on the head ..

Excellent advice
Old 07 June 2005, 12:52 PM
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Gave up for New year, first week was a bit of a "niggle" - few arguments with the Mrs, then it just got easier and easier. I think you need to "want" to give up to succeed - I didn't do it for health or money reasons, just becuase I wanted to, and as such found it quite easy!

Can't stand the smell of smoke on my clothes after going down 't pub now though!

Stick with it people, you really do start to feel a hell of a lot better (although the money I saved on **** went on gym membership - so some benefits could be through that i s'pose!)
Old 07 June 2005, 01:12 PM
Steve vRS
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Day 4 for me and not wanting another vile poison ravaged stick ever!

I ordered an Allen Carr book off Amazon last week. I patched myself up on the Friday night and didn't have a *** all day Sat. The Allen Carr book arrived on Saturday Morning so I started to read it and found it interesting but I couldn't see how it would help me to escape smoking. It wasn't till I finished the book on Sunday that I realised that this was his autobiography that I'd read and I needed his stop smoking book . I used patches on Sat and Sunday and still felt fine, popped to WHSmiths Monday lunchtime and bought the proper Allen Carr book. I read it yesterday and decided I no longer needed the patches never mind a gasper.

Today is going well too! The best thing is I can play with my son for ages now and not get annoyed and want him to go to his mum so I can have a ***. How sad was that!

Old 07 June 2005, 01:33 PM
Andy Tang
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My daughter is 6 weeks old and things like this research should make me quit, as I was not smoking around my daughter and made a point of washing hands before picking her up.

The problem is when you think you should or you must quit, especially with external pressure from partners, family, friends, etc. Knowing the consequences and the health issues don't stop smokers from smoking.

My wife said that if I wanted to smoke then it was my choice, but we would change our lifestyle to fit it in!

That was the day I decided I *WANTED* to quit smoking.

Good luck Steve, although you don't need luck, you are already a non-smoker. Enjoy it!
Old 07 June 2005, 08:17 PM
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Andy - I must let my baby daughter take half the credit for me quitting too. Being able to be around to look after her for a while is significantly more important than having a smoke in my gob with a pint, despite the fact that I quite liked it!!!
Old 07 June 2005, 08:26 PM
Chip Sengravy
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The Allen Carr book arrived on Saturday Morning so I started to read it and found it interesting but I couldn't see how it would help me to escape smoking. It wasn't till I finished the book on Sunday that I realised that this was his autobiography that I'd read and I needed his stop smoking book
...what a cabbage

I got the alan carr stop smoking book, the only thing it helped me give up was reading, what a load of tripe, saying that, I didn't give much chance, got to the end of the first chapter and chucked it under the bed.
Old 07 June 2005, 08:52 PM
Deep Singh
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Hi guys.
Over 2 weeks now and its going quite well. Beginning to cut down a little on the gum etc. Getting used to not being a smoker and liking it. Feel great when I tell people I d'ont smoke!!

This may sound a bit sad but I've genuinely been touched by the support I've had here over the last two weeks. Probably why I still lurk here even though I d'ont own a Scoob anymore!!

The thing that keeps me going is the thought of lying in a hospital bed with lung cancer knowing that I could have prevented it.

Old 07 June 2005, 08:56 PM
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Well done Deep

Now hurry up and get that T25 as a well done gift for yourself.
Old 07 June 2005, 10:23 PM
Deep Singh
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Originally Posted by G00ner
Well done Deep

Now hurry up and get that T25 as a well done gift for yourself.
I'll wait till you get yours Shane so I can testt drive your's first
Old 08 June 2005, 12:03 AM
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Sounds like youre doing well Deep, i had my last one on Saturday night, when the pack finished, cold turkey at the moment, i have the alan carr book to read, its w**ked on 2 of my friends lets see if i can be the 3rd. It kinda made me realised last saturday that i should, out of around 50 people at a BBQ, there was 2 of us smoking and they had no ashtrays, how annoying

its having one or lots with a pint that will be the killer for me, yes yes, mind over matter, im w**king on that bit.
Old 08 June 2005, 12:33 AM
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5 months now still craving but determined not to ever touch them again after 20 years plus it's all in the mind F**k patchers and gum
Old 08 June 2005, 03:30 AM
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8 days and counting for me. I'm on the patches and eating mints whenever I get a craving for a I'm eating about 20 mints an hour.
Old 08 June 2005, 08:10 AM
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Its the best feeling going when you know you have finally cracked it and the thought of another *** makes you feel ill.

Old 08 June 2005, 08:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Leslie
Its the best feeling going when you know you have finally cracked it and the thought of another *** makes you feel ill.

I absolutely agree with that

On another note I often see parents (more often than not the mothers) smoking in the car with their kids strapped in the back. It really shocks and saddens me that they have so little regard for their kid's health. How can they do it?
Old 08 June 2005, 10:14 AM
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i am starving hungry though. *pops another chewing gum*
Old 08 June 2005, 04:45 PM
Deep Singh
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Originally Posted by scoobchrissy
5 months now still craving but determined not to ever touch them again after 20 years plus it's all in the mind F**k patchers and gum
Jeez, still craving after 5 months. I thought it would have gone in that time!!

Last edited by Deep Singh; 08 June 2005 at 04:46 PM. Reason: grammer
Old 08 June 2005, 04:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Deep Singh
Jeez, still craving after 5 months. I thought it would have gone in that time!!
It shouldn't be a physical craving by now, but mentally you may still want one.

BTW you may want to Edit you edit text about grammar to fix the spelling mistake

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