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Old 03 August 2005, 11:11 PM
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There are many examples of Christian extremism...IRA, Serbian paramilitaries that slaughtered 7,000 Muslims men and boys, opposing Christian tribes in Rwanda that led to Genocide. Listen extremism takes many forms and types in our society not just Muslims. Bin Laadin and his likes have been hated and detested by Muslims well before 9/11. Islaamic Scholars were warning about him and his likes well over 10 years ago. People say that the Muslims should do something about these extremists then tell me this exactly what? Islamically we are to inform Muslim or Non Muslim Authorities of any activities that are to do with or will take part in any form of Suicide/Homicide Bombings, Assasinations, Hijacking or kidnapping.

The same rules that apply to the Muslims should apply to everyone else...why the backlash. When the IRA or Loyalist Paramilitaries commited atrocities why was there no backlash against any type of Catholic or followers of the COE (Irish or otherwise)? Why did not all the Catholics and COE openly free themselves and condone and apologise for these action because they disowned themselves from those actions.

Peter that was not an Islamic Court that was a backward pakistani Court because Islamically rape carries the death penalty so how could the ruling of rape be suggested as the 'solution' for this?!!! Most Pakistanis from Pakistan are ignorant of Islam and label Pakistani culture as Islam.

By the way there are a number of 'Anti-Terrorism' Conferences that will be taking place in Birmingham and London over the next couple of weeks. Muslims and Non-Mulsims are very welcome. I will get the details if people want...people will have the opportunity to ask knowleagable Muslims questions about Terrorism and other topics with no fear at all.

As a Muslim I hate these low lifes as much or even more than you guys do...they destroy lives, relations, Islaam and achieve absolutely nothing. The end result of suicide in Islaam is Hell not Paradise however it is done. Islaam forbids injustice and harming the animals let alone a fellow human being. We are not even allowed to destroy the fruit bearing tree as it brings about benefit.

Killing a Muslim or Non-Muslim in Islaam deliberately carries the death penalty.

I hope that this sheds some light.

Old 03 August 2005, 11:51 PM
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No offence to 330uk, but its just the typical sort of PC cr@p we get force-fed by the BBC and government and its really wearing thin with me, and probably a lot of others too
You dont read the Daily Mail do you ? I think we have alot of 'political correctness gone mad' Dail mail readers on here.

Its not about Political Correctness, its about being a civillised society. I hate people who think its great to offend others because they are being rebelious and cool.
1 in 10 people in London are Muslim now. Im not being some Liberal guardian reading wet blankett, just a bit scared at attitude of some people. Especially 'our community' against 'the others'.

By the way Im not Muslim. Im a half Chinease, half Scottish Chinease pagan from Germany living in London
Old 04 August 2005, 02:15 PM
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the answer is simple! when the muslims stop blowing up OUR country and start living like British citizens then the police will stop harasing them it ain't rocket science.
Old 04 August 2005, 02:22 PM
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Originally Posted by moses
threatened i mean, battered, punched , hijab ripped aff and beaten, then the wimmin do have a reason to defend dont u think
I thought this was how you treated women in muslim countries anyway!!! aren't they 2nd class citizens in their home countries? why else would they be made to cover from head to toe in a whatever you call it with just an eye slit to look through. it is close to barbaric behaviour if you want my opinion. me thinks it is about time the muslim community came into the 21st century.
Old 04 August 2005, 02:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Petem95
I seem to remember a Muslim girl being ordered to be gang raped by 12men in Pakistan because her brother commited adultery, and this 'punishment' was ordered by an Islamic court, or Imham or something? Forget the exact details - but it was ******* harsh.

Moses, how can you even use the word honour when describing a group of murders who beheaded an innocent women?
where did i use the word honour for chopping an innocent womans head, or did u misquote me as usual

and regarding the first paragragh, well a blatant lie, either u did this as a mischeif or u didnt read the news and just heard hearsay

that poor lassie's rape was ordered by evil tribal chiefs, not the islamic court or anyone islamic, rape or sex out of marriage is 100% a sin anyone orders it, aint islamic, these were revenge orders from sick ******* tribal leaders the panchayat as we say in punjabi, in order to take revenge of her brother ******** a girl from their tribe or family

it was an evil and those people should have been killed but musharaff wants to follow western law and jail some of them instead of killing them.

so its very sad of u , using the phrase islamic court when it wasnt, u make sick pete, didnt know u go that low too , to tell a lie
Old 04 August 2005, 02:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Wurzel
the answer is simple! when the muslims stop blowing up OUR country and start living like British citizens then the police will stop harasing them it ain't rocket science.

same should be said about u as well then , stop harrasing others countries and killing them and invading them and u shall not be harrased by terrorists, it aint rocket science is it?
Old 04 August 2005, 02:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Wurzel
I thought this was how you treated women in muslim countries anyway!!! aren't they 2nd class citizens in their home countries? why else would they be made to cover from head to toe in a whatever you call it with just an eye slit to look through. it is close to barbaric behaviour if you want my opinion. me thinks it is about time the muslim community came into the 21st century.

u know the truth and what u said is bull**** for u to incite

i wont fall for it today

woman in britain r not even 2nd class citizens but meat to ravage and not even human , but to expose and to exhort money from their body etc
Old 04 August 2005, 03:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Wurzel
I thought this was how you treated women in muslim countries anyway!!! aren't they 2nd class citizens in their home countries? why else would they be made to cover from head to toe in a whatever you call it with just an eye slit to look through. it is close to barbaric behaviour if you want my opinion. me thinks it is about time the muslim community came into the 21st century.

Q.Why does Islaam degrade women by keeping them behind the veil?
The status of women in Islam is often the target of attacks in the secular media. The ‘hijab’ or the Islamic dress is cited by many as an example of the ‘subjugation’ of women under Islamic law. Before we analyze the reasoning behind the religiously mandated ‘hijab’, let us first study the status of women in societies before the advent of Islam.

1. In the past women were degraded and used as objects of lust
The following examples from history amply illustrate the fact that the status of women in earlier civilizations was very low to the extent that they were denied basic human dignity:
1. Babylonian Civilization:
The women were degraded and were denied all rights under the Babylonian law. If a man murdered a woman, instead of him being punished, his wife was put to death.
2. Greek Civilization:
Greek Civilization is considered the most glorious of all ancient civilizations. Under this very ‘glorious’ system, women were deprived of all rights and were looked down upon. In Greek mythology, an ‘imaginary woman’ called ‘Pandora’ is the root cause of misfortune of human beings. The Greeks considered women to be subhuman and inferior to men. Though chastity of women was precious, and women were held in high esteem, the Greeks were later overwhelmed by ego and sexual perversions. Prostitution became a regular practice amongst all classes of Greek society.
3. Roman Civilization:
When Roman Civilization was at the zenith of its ‘glory’, a man even had the right to take the life of his wife. Prostitution and nudity were common amongst the Romans.
4. Egyptian Civilization:
The Egyptian considered women evil and as a sign of a devil.
5. Pre-Islamic
Before Islam spread in Arabia, the Arabs looked down upon women and very often when a female child was born, she was buried alive.

2. Islam uplifted women and gave them equality and expects them to maintain their status.
Islam uplifted the status of women and granted them their just rights 1400 years ago. Islam expects women to maintain their status.

Hijab for men
People usually only discuss ‘hijab’ in the context of women. However, in the Glorious Qur’an, Allah (swt) first mentions ‘hijab’ for men before ‘hijab’ for the women. The Qur’an mentions in Surah Noor:
"Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: and Allah is well acquainted with all that they do." [Al-Qur’an 24:30]

The moment a man looks at a woman and if any brazen or unashamed thought comes to his mind, he should lower his gaze.

Hijab for women.
The next verse of Surah Noor, says:
" And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands’ fathers, their sons..." [Al-Qur'ân 24:31]

3. Six criteria for Hijab.
According to Qur'ân and Sunnah there are basically six criteria for observing hijab:
1. Extent:
The first criterion is the extent of the body that should be covered. This is different for men and women. The extent of covering obligatory on the male is to cover the body at least from the navel to the knees. For women, the extent of covering obligatory is to cover the complete body except the face and the hands upto the wrist. If they wish to, they can cover even these parts of the body. Some scholars of Islam insist that the face and the hands are part of the obligatory extent of ‘hijab’.
All the remaining five criteria are the same for men and women.
2. The clothes worn should be loose and should not reveal the figure.
3. The clothes worn should not be transparent such that one can see through them.
4. The clothes worn should not be so glamorous as to attract the opposite sex.
5. The clothes worn should not resemble that of the opposite sex.
6. The clothes worn should not resemble that of the unbelievers i.e. they should not wear clothes that are specifically identities or symbols of the unbelievers’ religions.

4. Hijab includes conduct and behaviour among other things
Complete ‘hijab’, besides the six criteria of clothing, also includes the moral conduct, behaviour, attitude and intention of the individual. A person only fulfilling the criteria of ‘hijab’ of the clothes is observing ‘hijab’ in a limited sense. ‘Hijab’ of the clothes should be accompanied by ‘hijab’ of the eyes, ‘hijab’ of the heart, ‘hijab’ of thought and ‘hijab’ of intention. It also includes the way a person walks, the way a person talks, the way he behaves, etc.

5. Hijab prevents molestation
The reason why Hijab is prescribed for women is mentioned in the Qur'ân in the following verses of Surah Al-Ahab: "O Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women that they should cast their outer garments over their persons (when abroad); that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." [Al-Qur'ân 33:59]

The Qur'ân says that Hijab has been prescribed for the women so that they are recognized as modest women and this will also prevent them from being molested.

6. Example of twin sisters
Suppose two sisters who are twins, and who are equally beautiful, walk down the street. One of them is attired in the Islamic hijab i.e. the complete body is covered, except for the face and the hands up to the wrists. The other sister is wearing western clothes, a mini skirt or shorts. Just around the corner there is a hooligan or ruffian who is waiting for a catch, to tease a girl. Whom will he tease? The girl wearing the Islamic Hijab or the girl wearing the skirt or the mini? Naturally he will tease the girl wearing the skirt or the mini. Such dresses are an indirect invitation to the opposite sex for teasing and molestation. The Qur'ân rightly says that hijab prevents women from being molested.

7. Capital punishment for the rapists
Under the Islamic shariah, a man convicted of having raped a woman, is given capital punishment. Many are astonished at this ‘harsh’ sentence. Some even say that Islam is a ruthless, barbaric religion! I have asked a simple question to hundreds of non-Muslim men. Suppose, God forbid, someone rapes your wife, your mother or your sister. You are made the judge and the rapist is brought in front of you. What punishment would you give him? All of them said they would put him to death. Some went to the extent of saying they would torture him to death. To them I ask, if someone rapes your wife or your mother you want to put him to death. But if the same crime is committed on somebody else’s wife or daughter you say capital punishment is barbaric. Why should there be double standards?

8. Western society falsely claims to have uplifted women
Western talk of women’s liberalization is nothing but a disguised form of exploitation of her body, degradation of her soul, and deprivation of her honour. Western society claims to have ‘uplifted’ women. On the contrary it has actually degraded them to the status of concubines, mistresses and society butterflies who are mere tools in the hands of pleasure seekers and sex marketeers, hidden behind the colourful screen of ‘art’ and ‘culture’.

9. USA has one of the highest rates of rape
United States of America is supposed to be one of the most advanced countries of the world. It also has one of the highest rates of rape in any country in the world. According to a FBI report, in the year 1990, every day on an average 1756 cases of rape were committed in U.S.A alone. Later another report said that on an average everyday 1900 cases of rapes are committed in USA. The year was not mentioned. May be it was 1992 or 1993. May be the Americans got ‘bolder’ in the following years.

Consider a scenario where the Islamic hijab is followed in America. Whenever a man looks at a woman and any brazen or unashamed thought comes to his mind, he lowers his gaze. Every woman wears the Islamic hijab, that is the complete body is covered except the face and the hands up to the wrist. After this if any man commits rape he is given capital punishment. I ask you, in such a scenario, will the rate of rape in America increase, will it remain the same, or will it decrease?

10. Implementation of Islamic Sharee'ah will reduce the rate of rapes
Naturally as soon as Islamic Sharee'ah is implemented positive results will be inevitable. If Islamic Sharee'ah is implemented in any part of the world, whether it is America or Europe, society will breathe easier. Hijab does not degrade a woman but uplifts a woman and protects her modesty and chastity.

Last edited by Zuby; 04 August 2005 at 03:32 PM.
Old 04 August 2005, 04:28 PM
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Originally Posted by moses
same should be said about u as well then , stop harrasing others countries and killing them and invading them and u shall not be harrased by terrorists, it aint rocket science is it?
Moses ,I fully agree with you for once. Pull all our troops out of the Middle east and put sadam back on the throne so he can continue to rape, mame kill and torture his people, AFAIAC it is none of our business how he runs his country after all it is only the peace loving muslims that will be effected.

Now if you just learnt to spell, reading your posts might be worth while.
Old 04 August 2005, 04:55 PM
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Such dresses are an indirect invitation to the opposite sex for teasing and molestation. The Qur'ân rightly says that hijab prevents women from being molested.
I suppose you are a Muslim, and someone who learned Arab (as that is the only language you can really read the Qur'an in). I suppose you know there is not one verse that unambiguously states this, other than "cover hair & breasts". Or are you just a "google/copy/paste" scholar ?

It is also an insult, to women, and to men, and to Muslims who don't acutally wear a burqa. (them's the bad muslims right, tsk tsk, only a niqaab, bad Muslims bad).

Muslims should have the right to wear what they want. But there is no need to insult people who have a different dresscode.

Anyway, old OBL *is* winning. Polarisation on both sides, great
Old 04 August 2005, 04:58 PM
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Originally Posted by unclebuck
I’m confused.

Also we hear that young muslims are angry (for a change ) about the "shoot-to-kill to protect" policy of dealing with suicide bombers. Really? WTF are the police supposed to do then? Wave them on their way out of respect for Islam?!? Then praise Allah as the bombers explode their payloads?onder2:

It seems that once again society is expected to bend over backwards to appease these people when they do nothing themselves but moan and criticise and play the victim.


On one of the links i have posted there is a vid of a suicide bomber, apparantly injured, people go to his aid, out of compassion.... and the f*cker presses the button...

its graphic and definatly notr work safe, but it just goes to show the depths these people sink to..

nb this is not in the uk

some very good posts are coming through now on what we should expect of our immigrants..

it what we have been saying all along...


What a load of nonsense! Who are you referring to as 'our immigrants'? Are you on some Imperial/colonial fantasy trip? Think you are General Gordon of Khartoum??

What does "what we have been saying" mean?

Who is "we"?

Are you thick or what?
Old 04 August 2005, 05:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Wurzel
Moses ,I fully agree with you for once. Pull all our troops out of the Middle east and put sadam back on the throne so he can continue to rape, mame kill and torture his people, AFAIAC it is none of our business how he runs his country after all it is only the peace loving muslims that will be effected.

Now if you just learnt to spell, reading your posts might be worth while.

its not about saddam, its about oil and saddam as u know was fully supported by his masters the usa and britain before their dog went astray, its so boring spoken so many times lets start another subject shall we

and redfive cheers

burqaa i think it came from the persians as the chador did

here is the quranic verse

"O prophet, tell your wives, your daughters, and the wives of the believers that they shall LENGTHEN their garments. Thus, they will be recognized and avoid being insulted. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful." 33:59

i found this as well

God, the Most Merciful, gave us three basic rules for the Dress Code for Women in Islam (Submission),

(1) The BEST garment is the garment of righteousness.

(2) Whenever you dress , cover your chest (bosoms).

(3) Lengthen your garment.

While these three BASIC rules may not sound enough for those who do not trust God, the TRUE believers know that God is ENOUGH. God could have given us more details to the point of having graphs, designs and color rules, but He , the Most Merciful, wants to give us exactly these very basic rules and leave the rest for us. After these three basic rules every woman is more aware of her circumstances and can adjust her dress for her situation. Any addition to these basic Quranic rules is an attempt to correct God or improve on His merciful design.

We have no obligation to follow but God's rules, just as His messenger did all the time. Innovations and fabrications that added thousands of rules to the women dress code are nothing but idol-worship and should be refused.

but i do like a woman with a hijab , they look awesome wearing it
Old 04 August 2005, 06:00 PM
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Like this you mean ?

Is it very haraam of me to like her ?

Innovations and fabrications that added thousands of rules to the women dress code are nothing but idol-worship and should be refused.
Do we have a thumbs up smiley here ?
Old 04 August 2005, 07:43 PM
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RedFive you can read the Qur'aan in many languages...To clarify many issues in the Quraan we have the Prophetic narrations or the 'Sunnah' and further we have the understanding of the Qur'aan and Sunnah as passed on from the Prophet Muhammad to his Companions. So even though there may not be a specific verse in the Qur'aan that explains the womens covering there is full clarification from the Sunnah and the 'Understanding'.

How can a women covering and practising what she believes be an insult to men, women and Muslims. So what about nuns are they also an insult and priests and let us not forget people who like to dress in 'Gothic' dress etc.

Muslims and Non Muslims can wear what they want as there is no compulsion in Islaam and the action in Islaam whether it be praying or covering must be done purely for the sake of Allaah (Meaning the One Who truly deserves to be Worshipped Alone the One who Created the Heavens and the Earth and evrything within them and Sustains all the Lord of All Creation). If that action is done without the correct intention then the action will not be accepted. So if Muslims want to wear or not then they should do so with sincerity not because they feel obliged or forced as there is no point.

I hope that helps.

Old 04 August 2005, 07:44 PM
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Originally Posted by RedFive
Like this you mean ?

Is it very haraam of me to like her ?

Do we have a thumbs up smiley here ?

lol mashallah she is beautiful, just ask her dad for her hand in marriage
Old 04 August 2005, 07:57 PM
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redfive my bros here is a hijab hat

here r the young passionate sisters

here is a lil angel with a hijab

u can still be trendy with a hijab

Old 04 August 2005, 08:01 PM
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lol i luv this one lil baby angel

ooh i luv your eyes, will u marry me pls and bake me some nice cakes

our french sisters

oooh i luv the militancy nice

Old 04 August 2005, 08:56 PM
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Here is a case were forgetting what one looks like....
Old 05 August 2005, 07:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Aaquil

How can a women covering and practising what she believes be an insult to men, women and Muslims. So what about nuns are they also an insult and priests and let us not forget people who like to dress in 'Gothic' dress etc.

I hope that helps.

Perhaps close reading would help too Can you somewhere point out where I said this ?

I'll accept your apologies
Old 05 August 2005, 07:04 AM
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Originally Posted by moses
lol mashallah she is beautiful, just ask her dad for her hand in marriage
I think my wife might have a problem with that
Old 05 August 2005, 10:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Nugget bum
Here is a case were forgetting what one looks like....
LOL - I know which I prefer....

Old 05 August 2005, 01:14 PM
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Originally Posted by RedFive
I think my wife might have a problem with that

lol sorry didnt know u woz married, well it wont stop me even if i had a wife but i dont dare get another lady, my wife will slay a part of me
Old 05 August 2005, 04:54 PM
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If I misread your reply then forgive me I'll read it again properly!!!


Old 05 August 2005, 05:17 PM
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Tea towel jack?????
Old 05 August 2005, 05:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Nugget bum
Tea towel jack?????

it would have helped if we knew what u were talking about or maybe u r an asylum seeker and dont know how to speak anglais
Old 05 August 2005, 05:35 PM
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here i found a fatwah for pete

Name Muslimah - Pakistan
Title Punishment for Rapists
Question In the Shari`ah, is there a certain punishment for a rapist?

Date 02/Aug/2005
Mufti Ahmad Yusuf Sulaiman
Topic Crimes & Penalties
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear questioner, thanks for your question, and we implore Allah Almighty to help us serve His cause and render our work for His sake.

Islamically speaking, the raped woman is not guilty of any sin because she was forced to it beyond her control. Stressing this, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is reported to have said, “Allah has forgiven my Ummah for their mistakes, what they forget and what they are forced to do.” Thus, the raped woman is a victim and all members of her community should deal with her with honor and kindness and should encourage her to obtain her rights through all possible means.

In an attempt to furnish you with an answer to your question, we would like to cite for you the following fatwa issued by Dr. Ahmad Yusuf Sulaiman, professor of law and Islamic Shari`ah at Cairo University:

If a woman is raped, she should press charges against the one who raped her. If it is proved that she was raped, then the court must apply discretionary punishment or ta`zir on the rapist. Such discretionary punishment may reach the death penalty, according to some schools of thought. This is based wholly on the fact that the rape is confirmed through medical tests and court procedures, without the confession of the rapist himself.

In cases where the rapist confesses the crime, then the penalty for zina (illegitimate sexual intercourse) is to be applied to him. If he is not married, then he is to be whipped 100 lashes. If he is married, then he is to be stoned to death.

As for the rape victim, no punishment is to be inflicted on her. She is to be treated with dignity and honor, and all forms of help should be given to her to gain her rights.

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to write back!

May Allah guide you to the straight path, and guide you to that which pleases Him. Ameen


Title of Fatwa Suicide to Escape Rape
Date of Reply 13/May/2004
Topic Of Fatwa Suicide
Country Applied Lebanon
Question of Fatwa Scholars of Islam, As-Salamu `Alaykum wa Rahamtu Allah wa Barakatuh. Can a Muslim woman kill herself if she is 100% sure that she will be raped by a group of men? Jazakum Allah khayran.
Name of Mufti Sheikh Muhammad Saleh Al-Munajjid
Content of Reply
Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear brother in Islam, thank you very much for having confidence in us and we pray to Allah Almighty to help us achieve this noble task successfully. Also, we commend your concern about the affairs of your fellow sisters. May Allah protect our honor and save us against all forms of disgrace!

First of all, a Muslim woman should try her best to stick to the teachings of Islam and abide by the Islamic decorum, especially when dealing with people of the opposite sex.

If she is sexually harassed by the rapists, she has the right to defend herself. However, she is not allowed to kill herself under any circumstances because suicide is Haram (prohibited). The only One Who knows the Unseen is Allah. She never knows what will be the outcome of their criminal attempt; they may fail in carrying out their devilish plan.

Explaining this we'd like to state that a Muslim woman is faced with two possibilities: (1) She is prone to being subjected to rape or sexual assault and (2) this may drive her to committing suicide, a forbidden act. Here we can imagine the occurrence of two harms, one of them, relating to suicide, is certain, while the other, relating to her being subjected to rape, is something possible, but not certain. Thus, in this case, committing suicide is not permissible.

Moreover, we have to weigh the harmful effect of suicide to that of rape or sexual assault. The latter is endurable unlike the former. Besides, preserving one’s soul is among the necessities of life, whereas other objectives, such as preserving one’s chastity, come in the second degree among the fundamental goals that Islam is keen to realize. Thereby, it is not permissible for a woman, a victim of rape, to commit suicide.

Focusing on the question in point, the prominent Muslim scholar, Sheikh Muhammad Saleh Al-Munajjid, a Saudi Islamic lecturer and author, states:

“A woman who is forced to commit Zina (adultery or fornication) is obliged to defend herself and should not give in, even if she kills the one who wants to rape her. Self-defense is obligatory, and she is not at fault if she kills the one who wants to force her into having sex. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is reported to have said: “Whoever is killed in defense of his property is a martyr, whoever is killed in defense of himself is a martyr, whoever is killed in defense of his religion is a martyr, and whoever is killed in defense of his family is a martyr.” (Reported by Imam Ahmad and Ibn Hibban)

In addition, a woman is not allowed to kill herself for fear of being raped. A chaste Muslim woman is required to fend off the aggressor, but she is not allowed to go to the extreme and kill herself. If she kills herself, then she has committed suicide which is Haram. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is reported to have said: “The people of my Ummah are not responsible for acts that they commit wrongfully, for acts that they do forgetfully, and for acts which they are forced beyond their abilities.” Allah Almighty says, “…save him who is forced thereto and whose heart is still content with Faith…” (An-Nahl: 106)”

Excerpted, with slight modifications, from

May Allah guide us to the straight path and direct us to that which pleases Him, Ameen!

Old 07 August 2005, 07:43 PM
Nugget bum
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Originally Posted by moses
it would have helped if we knew what u were talking about or maybe u r an asylum seeker and dont know how to speak anglais
Dont worry Moses...The relevant people understand what i mean..

And i think you have a cheek calling my grasp of english.Have you read some of your posts??

Insight is a precious thing...
Old 07 August 2005, 07:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Nugget bum
Dont worry Moses...The relevant people understand what i mean..

And i think you have a cheek calling my grasp of english.Have you read some of your posts??

Insight is a precious thing...

my english is so cool and i mean it

see i dont read what i post, im a very fast poster and make alot of mistakes coz of my speed and i dont check my mistakes before i post

thats all
Old 07 August 2005, 08:06 PM
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Originally Posted by unclebuck
I’m confused.

It seems that once again society is expected to bend over backwards to appease these people when they do nothing themselves but moan and criticise and play the victim.

Is any surprise they are unpopular? Not to me.
Amen ..... and I'm not even religious.
Old 07 August 2005, 09:51 PM
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That's not a hijab hat.. thats from the highstreet

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