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Old 14 August 2005, 10:39 PM
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Originally Posted by MaDaSS
That is the most utter piece of bollox you could have written ffs.
Did Albert Pierpoint go out of business then? No, did he ****, He quit.
Read into that what you like, but he sure didnt quit due to lack of ppl to hang.
Nothing is a ****ing deterrant. Look at USA ffs.
What utter ****e.
So why do you think that it`s as bad as it is then ?

And can you explain why you think that the fact that there is no longer any deterrent has no bearing on why things are so bad ?
Old 14 August 2005, 10:44 PM
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Originally Posted by SimonGawthorpe
Lots of good posts on here,

Your mate must have been well gone to get arrested on 5 occasions for D+D. Sounds like he needs to go to Alchololics Annonymous!

erm,,, correct me if i,m wrong but cant you be arrested on suspicion of xxx crime

i remember being a passenger in a mates car as we travelled through a local town, my mate came past the police staiton which was positioned on left hand bend, as you come off a roundabout,, (bloody good planning !!) anyway we trundled round the bend at the posted speed limit.. 30mph and as we did so, the tyres made a squealling noise... nice smooth tarmac at the same time a fed starship which was coming up the road having just pulled out of the station, proceeded to light up and flagged my mate to stop...

without getting out of the car said officer wound his window down and proceeded to lambast my mate for speeding with his tyres "squeeeeeealling" as he came round the corner... !! despite claims to the contrary by my mate

On what he based his his claims on, we to this day dont know, but we do know said person was completely wrong

many years on and a valuable education behind me, i would dearly like to meet said officer again and introduce him to the joys of hysteresis.. and to prove without doubt that tyres can be made to squeal at speeds as low as 10mph on the right surfaces...

I remember being stopped one night for taking a mate home on my ex wifes moped. I had a full car licence, so i chucked him on the back and shot off up the road... only to be pulled by eric estrada about 10 minutes later....

we had the usual ,,,, your bike , do you know... and then eric, launches into textbook mode...

pad out, he,s getting ready to give me a ticket,

"have you got a full bike licence", he asks

"No" I replied i dont need one.

"I,ll ask you again" says eric "have you got a full bike licence."

"I have a full car licence" i replied, "i dont need a full bike licence."

Erics now starting to get really narked, and starts to spout chapter and verse... how i must have a full bike licence to take passengers, and to make things worse, i was displaying L plates... did i think i was some sort of elite who could flout the law and get away with it!!

I explained again, that i didnt need a full bike licence, as i was covered by my full car licence,

Eric was having none of it and proceded to start on the producer...

walks over to the bike and shines his torch on the vin plate.... to take the details...

and sure enough the data he was missing sprung out.... stamped in little letters....

cubic capacity 49.9cc


Eric looks up ..... its a moped......

Yes officer ive been trying to tell you for some time now.... i said trying not to laugh

Old 14 August 2005, 10:55 PM
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Originally Posted by MaDaSS
Another cause of this is that i really believe that the police have no backup from the courts. They do their job, get a case to court, to have some ******** judge screw em and let the **** they arrest go with a slapped wrist. Or give them some stupidly low fine or sentence that really does not tally with the crime.
I mean, who in their right minds gives the rights to a damn burglar?
Only the UK courts could do that ffs. I could get broken into, end up fighting a burglar, and then i would get sued, and the UK courts would help the burglar ffs.
When they shouldnt even be entertained as they were in my house.
(hyperthetical btw, not happened to me)
Or give them some stupidly low fine or sentence that really does not tally with the crime.
Which highlights what I said..........there`s no deterrent.
Old 15 August 2005, 12:45 AM
LG John
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There is a serious public relations disaster out there and every time I read a thread like this I am left with the distinct impression that the only group that doesn't recognise this is the police! Every time this issue is raised the police simply get defensive, and offer nothing in the way of leadership in finding a way forward out of this increasingly worrying situation.
This is very accurate IMHO My perception of the police is that they are seldom where you need them to be. I drive down the motorway to work at 80-85mph (traffic isn't bad the way I go) and I accept that I'm breaking the law. But I also spend a fair bit of my 'eyes straight ahead time' checking my mirrors to see up sliproads, peering at bushes and trees, etc because I'd be a very easy and very quick 3 points and £60. But when I step out for a night out on the town with some mate I'm not ashamed to admit that sometimes I'm afraid/intimidated. There are droves and droves of 13-19 year old gangs hanging around beating people up and causing a total menace yet little/nothing is done. I know the bobby's only do what there are told but why on earth do the Government not realise that most people are more afraid of the chavs roming our streets than some guy doing 85mph in a sports car that could drop to 0mph many metres short of where a 60s sports car would from 70mph when the limit was put in place?

SaxoBoy - Do you have any mates??
I suppose I have 3 distinct groups of 'mates' each group of which is 10+ stong. I'd say I probably have 5 really close friends, 10-20 further 'friends' and many more acquintances. Oh, and that doesn't include the many friendly people I regularly converse with on forums, msn, etc but in many instances haven't met face to face with. Why do you ask?

I pull him, explain i won't be giving a ticket as explained above and point out he speed and he says to me "I very much doubt i was going that fast"....Why the attitude..
Pete, from a civi point of view he didn't trust you is why he gave the 'attitude'. Granted you said you couldn't/wouldn't do anything but he'd be afriad that if he said, 'thanks mate, I was doing 86mph I'll think twice next time' that you'd use that statement/confession against him to produce a ticket. Most people are very careful about what they say to police when pulled. My flatemate got seen racing another car off a set of lights and the cop that pulled him tried very hard to get him to admit to having been racing????

Someone made the point that if my plate was illegal I deserve to be pulled over. I have an S2000 plate and its 100% the correct font and size, etc. The 'O' looks like a '0' and is placed a few centimetres left of where it should be. My car could still be identified 100% from any speed camera or road user so I feel there are more important crimes to solve than a slightly misplaced 'o'. Also, its extremely easy for other roadusers to remember my plate if they want to report me.
Old 15 August 2005, 08:56 AM
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Originally Posted by mart360
erm,,, correct me if i,m wrong but cant you be arrested on suspicion of xxx crime

To enable a Police officer to arrest someone they must have enough suspicion to justify the said arrest to the Custody Sergeant. They cant just pick on anyone, lock them up, take them to the station and say to the supervisor "I locked em up cause I didnt like the look of them Sarge"

If I locked a guy up for drunk and disorderly and at the station he was sober and coherent then my supervisor would let them go and boll**k me. Believe it or not we dont just bend the rules to suit ourselves.

i think police bend rules driving at >150mph to get used to car's abilities,dumping drunk people at psych hospitals as they cannot be bothered with paperwork or my favourite handcuffing a schizophenic patient then sitting on top of him as he is dangerous -five minute chat from psych-no handcuffs admitted informally and takes oral medication! a lot of police have no idea how to deal with people thinking they are gods when they are just jumped up little hitlers
all imho
Old 15 August 2005, 10:26 AM
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I was always brought up to have respect for the police and always did until I had reason to use them. I was standig at the side of the road waiting to cross talking to a friend when I was struck by a getaway car from a robbery. I sustained serious injuries including a broken neck. Many witnesses got information about the vehicle etc, and information was even received from an off duty police officer etc. The driver and passenger of the vehicle were convicted for robbing the shop, but it was apparently circumstantial that they were still driving the vehicle 45 seconds later when they struck me. Now in my eyes and my fathers (26 years in the police and now retired), it was **** all to do with circumstantial evidence, it was that the police were to damn lazy to properly investigate the crime. The car was recovered etc, but they said it was not possible to prove from it that it hit me, they didnt even look into it properly.
My views of the police have completely changed, they will always take the easy option. Slap a fine on a motorist for a number plate, stop someone for a defective taillight. I dont resent them for these things as I know that these people are breaking some law somewhere, but it just really gets to me that when it comes to doing some proper police investigations, most of them cant be bothered.
Old 15 August 2005, 01:02 PM
Stephen Pope
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I was stopped just over a year ago - i was doing weel over the tonne. The cops said they knew that but could not prove it as they did not get me with the video. they said they would do me with 93 - 97 or something like that or wreckless driving. the guy gave me a good talking to, saying that he was at a serious road accident involving these cars the day before. the guys were brand new. In conclusion, they did an excellent job. i kept my licebnse (albeit with 3 points) the guys got me to slow down and taught me a lesson. no problems with those guys whatsoever. And, the gut who bought our old flat was a road traffic poilceman and you could not meet a nicer guy.
Old 15 August 2005, 01:04 PM
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Originally Posted by dmc1980
I was always brought up to have respect for the police and always did until I had reason to use them. I was standig at the side of the road waiting to cross talking to a friend when I was struck by a getaway car from a robbery. I sustained serious injuries including a broken neck. Many witnesses got information about the vehicle etc, and information was even received from an off duty police officer etc. The driver and passenger of the vehicle were convicted for robbing the shop, but it was apparently circumstantial that they were still driving the vehicle 45 seconds later when they struck me. Now in my eyes and my fathers (26 years in the police and now retired), it was **** all to do with circumstantial evidence, it was that the police were to damn lazy to properly investigate the crime. The car was recovered etc, but they said it was not possible to prove from it that it hit me, they didnt even look into it properly.
My views of the police have completely changed, they will always take the easy option. Slap a fine on a motorist for a number plate, stop someone for a defective taillight. I dont resent them for these things as I know that these people are breaking some law somewhere, but it just really gets to me that when it comes to doing some proper police investigations, most of them cant be bothered.
sorry mate - just read your thread. i put my thread in without reading yours first. no disrespect meant at all.
Old 15 August 2005, 03:07 PM
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Originally Posted by steffiraf
The amount of paperwork that goes with an arrest is staggering and I know an arrest is not made lightly.
See! Laziness! Openly admitting that you can't be bothered to fill in the paperwork so would avoid arresting someone as a result!
Old 15 August 2005, 03:49 PM
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The thing that all police I have ever come in common with have forgotten, that includes members of my own family, is that they are employed to SERVE THE PUBLIC
Old 15 August 2005, 04:00 PM
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Originally Posted by mart360
erm,,, correct me if i,m wrong but cant you be arrested on suspicion of xxx crime

To enable a Police officer to arrest someone they must have enough suspicion to justify the said arrest to the Custody Sergeant. They cant just pick on anyone, lock them up, take them to the station and say to the supervisor "I locked em up cause I didnt like the look of them Sarge"
Unless the custody sergeant is also party to whats going on.

Mate I think it's you who needs to live in the real world. In 1999 I made a complaint about my local traffic police and was pulled 15 times in 3 weeks afterwards, Funny enough it stopped once I made a direct complaint to the Cheif Counstable
Old 15 August 2005, 04:32 PM
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Originally Posted by mad_dr
See! Laziness! Openly admitting that you can't be bothered to fill in the paperwork so would avoid arresting someone as a result!
I would post a lengthy scathing reply but i cant be ar*ed

Last edited by steffiraf; 15 August 2005 at 04:33 PM. Reason: crap spelling
Old 15 August 2005, 04:52 PM
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Originally Posted by steffiraf
I would post a lengthy scathing reply but i cant be ar*ed
Because it would eat into his valuable drinking and whippet racing time

He will be down t'pub later with his flat cap on, carpet slippers a pint of tetleys with his faithfull whippet, telling the lads how he's had a hard time on a bbs today and now he needs a rest from all the stress and tension of having to defend the actions of the members of his chosen profession.

Heartbeat eat her heart out

I bet they wished that the days of Claude Greengrass would return
Old 15 August 2005, 04:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Wurzel
Because it would eat into his valuable drinking and whippet racing time

He will be down t'pub later with his flat cap on, carpet slippers a pint of tetleys with his faithfull whippet, telling the lads how he's had a hard time on a bbs today and now he needs a rest from all the stress and tension of having to defend the actions of the members of his chosen profession.

Heartbeat eat her heart out

I bet they wished that the days of Claude Greengrass would return
WTF are you on about???
Old 16 August 2005, 10:57 AM
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Originally Posted by G.Mac
I generaly dont have a problem with the police myelf, but i do undertand where alot of people are coming from, having only had the scoob a few days I encountered a well mannered officer..NOT, he sliced the nose off me whilst he was entering the roundabout I was on at a dangerous speed, then carved another couple of drivers up, when I went to pass him to get out of his way before he caused an accident ( he was in an unmarked car) he stradled both lanes of the dual carriageway and slammed his breaks on (again dangerous) before putting his lights on, when we stopped we were on the inside lane of a 70mph dual carriageway (again dangerous) he then got out his car and shouted and I quote "your a f*cking ars*hole", he then ran round to the woman who had stopped infront of him to tell her she could go, and started walking over to my car, I wound own the passenger window o he could talk to me but intead threw open my door and shouted and I quote again "next time I'll have your f*ucking licence, now beat it" (again verbal abuse) then slammed the door of MY new car hut a hard as he could (vandalism)

so there you have it with officers such as this one no wonder the Police have a bad name, granted the vast majority of officers do a good job but when you come accross an officer such as this one blatantly breaking the law nevermind bending the law what chance have you got!

I did put a complaint in against this officer but never heard anything back (surprise surprise!!!)

Its quite unfortunate to hear such stories . .Officer obviouisly recruited from the chav ranks . .But its quite important not to think of the poluice as being under one umbrella . .There is good policing and bad policing . .The officer you described is obviously a thug and and an idiot . .Best thing to do is to stay calm and not be provoked . . My lates experince was a copper lifted his mp5 at me,. was flashing that mag lite , and telling me to slow down . . . My engine note was too loud for him . . .Will they soon start shooting boy racers now?
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