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what makes you proud to be british?

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Old 23 October 2005, 08:21 PM
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The Battle of Britain has to come tops of being proud to be British!

I recently served in the current war in Iraq and it made me proud to be British when the Iraq people kept shaking my hand and saying "Thank You" for liberating their country.
One elderly Iraqi gentleman told me "You British created the Great country of Iraq, and now you come back to give us our country back and make Iraq Great again!" Made me feel all warm inside.

I also noticed that all the different Coalition Troops looked up in awe to British Troops (soldiers/Sailors/Airmen), even the Yanks!

I remember being in a US Forces base in Baghdad City and being mobbed by the US Personnel! It was like being a Film Star!!!!! They think we're the 'Bees Knees'!

The bad thing about being out there, was that although the British public didn't support the war, we troops out there felt we didn't have any support of the British Public. Morale was rock bottom to say the least!
Old 23 October 2005, 08:55 PM
Brendan Hughes
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I'm proud as when my parents finally pass on I'll receive a big house with acres of lovely real estate in Sussex. I'm also proud that I speak the world language - everyone else has to work hard to communicate and write reports in the international environment, but for me it's a piece of cake! And I'm absolutely chuffed that I can go to most of the desirable worldwide destinations without all the hassle of applying for a visa.
Old 23 October 2005, 09:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Brendan Hughes
I'm proud as when my parents finally pass on I'll receive a big house with acres of lovely real estate in Sussex. I'm also proud that I speak the world language - everyone else has to work hard to communicate and write reports in the international environment, but for me it's a piece of cake! And I'm absolutely chuffed that I can go to most of the desirable worldwide destinations without all the hassle of applying for a visa.
That's not pride...

....that's boasting....

Old 23 October 2005, 11:14 PM
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Originally Posted by kingofturds
have you ever met me? you are accusing people of being ignorant and yet you pass judgment on people you have never met. serving side by side with your comrades in the kitchen cookin up grub hardly qualifies you as armed forces
nice try heraldo!
Old 23 October 2005, 11:17 PM
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Originally Posted by CyprusScooby

The bad thing about being out there, was that although the British public didn't support the war, we troops out there felt we didn't have any support of the British Public.
Nail on head!Not that i really care what half the biffs in this country have to say anyway.
Old 24 October 2005, 09:47 AM
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the fact that we just get on with it when the going gets tough

unlike most other places who winge like **** and throw there dummys out of the pram
Old 24 October 2005, 09:50 AM
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got to be proud of the great british weather
Old 24 October 2005, 09:50 AM
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Originally Posted by harvey
This country is going to the dogs. In fact it is becoming very third rate.
Too many trendy Wendies, local and central government run from ivory towers, totally out of touch with the majority of the poulation but staying in power, furthering their own doctrine and getting away with it because of public apathy. The average people just accept there is nothing they can do as individuals and there is nobody apparent with great leadership qualities to mould us all into a cohesive group.

If I had my way there would be some drastic changes.
If it is not in the interests of UK Ltd. it would not be a priority.
Resources in terms of money and effort would be concentrated on things to benefit the majority and not to look after narrow or cloistered interests.
Beurocrats wasting funds would be sacked.
Anybody in central or local government not discharging their responsibilities or fudging issues and delegating so that decisions did not rest at their door would be removed.
At present, many public servants operate on the principal that if you delegate and the wheel comes off then you are not in the firing line.
A coherent transport system that would take twenty years to achieve.
Competant managers in the health service, education and the police service etc.
Policement to be policemen not pen pushers.
A prison building programme. If you want to be anti social or a burden on society you will, after fair warning, be removed from society.
Parents responsible for the actions of their children to age 16yrs.
An end to a new innitiative or new law every week and a stop to change for change sake.
That's just the start but you have the picture.
I wish.............................................. ..........
thats pretty good harvey but you forgot to ban speed cameras
Old 24 October 2005, 09:57 AM
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stop providing single mums with housing and make them live with their parents until they are 21,that way they may take responsabilty and keep their legs closed
Old 24 October 2005, 10:12 AM
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I am proud to be English, very much so.

However I am not proud of England, a country that used to boast the highest standards in europe now ranks amongst one of those with the lowest.

It's a dull, drab, bland embarassement of a place.

A cultureless culture, a melting pot of ****e and over population making everyone just angry all the time.
Old 24 October 2005, 12:23 PM
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Cyprus Scooby,

I don't know where you got the idea that the British public did not support the troops. Yes it is true that the vast majority quite rightly was against attacking Iraq because we knew we were being lied to and that was later proved as well.

The point was that no one over here blamed the troops for being sent out there, poorly equipped as well and the whole country was behind them and was worrying about how many would be killed and injured.

You really should be a bit more careful before you make those kind of statements.

Old 24 October 2005, 12:43 PM
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Micky: Speed cameras are not that high up on the list as other things are far more important and by the natural evolution of what I envisage, many would come out of service anyway as useless beurocrats and wooly thinkers were replaced with those who were interested in UK Limited. If it benefits us all we do it.

There is clearly something far wrong when the consequences of minor speeding infringements four times in three years have profound and severe implications way beyond the punishments handed out for burglary, assualt, resisting arrest and so on.

Regards immigration, if people meet the criterion, set by OUR government then it is fair for them to come and live here and hopefully they will intigrate into our society and not live in clusters which are isolated and can become ghettos but that is up to them. Everybody should be free to follow their own religion. However those that commit criminal acts once here should be deported to where ever they came from after serving their sentence. If they face bad things in their own country, that is their problem. Don't come here and commit criminal acts. The message would soon go out.
It would make the UK less attractive to those we do not want in the first place.
Was one of the London suicide bombers not granted UK citizenship and then went on to get a signifigant criminal record.?????????? Correct me if I am wrong.

If you watch Crime Watch, a large proportion of those wanted are NOT British.

Why are there not regular organised sweeps at present, in areas where problems are endemic, to identify illegal immigrants (often East Europeans), absconders, wanted persons etc. Illegals should be processed, finger printed and deported. They are here illegally, they have no appeal and if they are caught a second time, 10 years hard labour and a further deportation. That will take care of the problem pretty quickly I would think.
(Misbehavoiur in prison, once you are there, BTW, is rewarded with bread and water regime and repeat offenders go on hard labour)

So how do you know who is who?
ID cards? I take the view that if you have nothing to hide then an ID card should not be a problem and could bring positive benefits. What this government are proposing however is totally ilogical and unworkable IMHO and again, commonsense has flown out the window. With the governments proposals there will be no need to carry the ID card and the police will only require it AFTER you are charged. ie not when you were arrested or stopped in the street. This government's motives for ID cards seem far different to the use to which ID cards are put on the Continent (and in our armed forces for instance) and the benefits I can envisage from a simple logical system will not accrue with the current crackpot proposals.

In addition to the badly thought out ID card proposals, this government has a disasterous track record on the implementation of IT based systems. I guarantee that this will turn into a debacle that will make Rail Track and all the other follies pall into insignifigance.

Now if you really want to sort out identity and reduce crime here is a proposal.
A DNA sample is taken from every child at birth and a national data base is created.
Age 16,17 or 18, whatever, you are obliged to have an ID card and that involves a DNA sample fed into the national data base. The DNA and ID card are co-related.
No ID card, you get get no driving licence, no state benefit, no bank account etc.
The police have an easier job and concentrate on essentials, illegals are easily identified but there won't be as many of them here anyhow because it will not be an attractive place for them to be.

I could go on but....................
Old 24 October 2005, 01:14 PM
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Fair play at football.
Our music.
The language.
Our "honest" service culture.(the yanks can keep the "have a nice day" for themselves)
Our sense of style.
Our sense of humour.
Our embarresment of success.
Our practical aproach to things.
Old 24 October 2005, 01:22 PM
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Winning the Rugby World Cup

Winning the Ashes
...a couple of fine British achievements
Old 24 October 2005, 01:29 PM
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Havent read through the thread but ................


**** the rest of ye's
Old 24 October 2005, 01:31 PM
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Originally Posted by sti-04!!
Havent read through the thread but ................


**** the rest of ye's
Just dont mention Scottish football............
Old 24 October 2005, 01:33 PM
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Originally Posted by paulr
Just dont mention Scottish football............
... are you romanov in disguise ???
Old 24 October 2005, 02:03 PM
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Originally Posted by paulr
Just dont mention Scottish football............

Thought the two were mutually exclusive just like English and Football
Old 24 October 2005, 05:18 PM
Drunken Bungle Whore
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Am I proud to be British? Absolutely! I'm proud of the countryside, the sense of humour, the food (Marmite and Branston pickle - though maybe not together! ), the buildings, our manic politeness, the music, the weather (odd I know, but I love the mad unpredictability of our weather!), our eccentricities, our love of animals, our history, our literary greats (Dickens, Shakespeare, Bronte, Austin etc, etc), our poets (Wordsworth, Shelly, Keats etc etc), our contribution to the world of science (Crick and Watson etc), our inventions, our explorers (Mallory and Irvine, Shalckleton, Scott) our daredevils (Donald Cambell) how we always love a looser (usually because it's us!), how we always give loads of money to Children in Need etc etc etc

Edited to add - our films (Ealing comedies, James Bond) our actors (Margaret Rutherford, Michael Caine, Alec Guiness and hundreds more), our theatre (the West End, amature dramatics), garden fetes, soggy barbeques, diasies (obviously) etc....

Am I proud to be a member of SN - no, not very often

Last edited by Drunken Bungle Whore; 24 October 2005 at 05:28 PM.
Old 24 October 2005, 05:31 PM
Robbie T
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However those that commit criminal acts once here should be deported to where ever they came from after serving their sentence. If they face bad things in their own country, that is their problem. Don't come here and commit criminal acts. The message would soon go out.
Harvey, i would elect you on this policy alone. It has been my view and feeling for a long, long time. I expressed this same view in the immigration thread (maybe not quite so eloquently!) and got slated big time.

Things to be (currently) proud of ... err best get back to you <ponders>

As stated by the '*****' (can i call you that?) our history has some brilliance dotted amongst it, maybe some of the worlds greatest people. Nowadays not quite the same, is it?
Old 24 October 2005, 05:33 PM
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Good post DBW,

Marmite and Branston isn't that bad together!


Last edited by Leslie; 25 October 2005 at 09:23 AM.
Old 24 October 2005, 05:48 PM
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I'm proud of who I am and where I came from, my hertitage and the past valliant greatness and independence this country has previously achieved. The principals and morailty that I was brought up with, being partially influenced by the past efforts of this country.

However, day by day, year by year it dimishes more and more, with society undermined by the modern selfish generations, the dilution by outside influences. The exponential increases in commercialism. And the complete lack of upstanding peers to lead this country with dignity.

Every Friday at 11:30pm on the high street I can't help thinking - do these people have the same values or respect as I do? Everytime I find another scrape/dent or whatever on my car I wonder how many upstanding honest people are left. Evertime our offices get broken into (trespassers jumping the barbed wire fences to see what they can steal occurs almost weekly) I wonder why are these people are allowed to exist at large in our communities without effort to control them? I wonder how it all became like this. As my business is taxed to the extent that it makes no profit, myself being further taxed to the point that the only way for the average person to live is to depend on credit and mortgages operated by incompetent and uncontrolled banks. All this whilst other people sit back and do nothing and reap off benefit payouts for having a child at 14, by inventing some medical condition or just by moving to this country.

It's saddening, I am proud of what this country WAS, but with the current affairs it makes me ashamed of what it has become.

Old 24 October 2005, 06:01 PM
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Originally Posted by ALi-B
I'm proud of who I am and where I came from, my hertitage and the past valliant greatness and independence this country has previously achieved. The principals and morailty that I was brought up with, being partially influenced by the past efforts of this country.

However, day by day, year by year it dimishes more and more, with society undermined by the modern selfish generations, the dilution by outside influences. The exponential increases in commercialism. And the complete lack of upstanding peers to lead this country with dignity.

Every Friday at 11:30pm on the high street I can't help thinking - do these people have the same values or respect as I do? Everytime I find another scrape/dent or whatever on my car I wonder how many upstanding honest people are left. Evertime our offices get broken into (trespassers jumping the barbed wire fences to see what they can steal occurs almost weekly) I wonder why are these people are allowed to exist at large in our communities without effort to control them? I wonder how it all became like this. As my business is taxed to the extent that it makes no profit, myself being further taxed to the point that the only way for the average person to live is to depend on credit and mortgages operated by incompetent and uncontrolled banks. All this whilst other people sit back and do nothing and reap off benefit payouts for having a child at 14, by inventing some medical condition or just by moving to this country.

It's saddening, I am proud of what this country WAS, but with the current affairs it makes me ashamed of what it has become.

...and then I turn on the TV only to see the grinning visage of Tony Blair as he makes yet another hollow speech full of false promises and half truths, and suddenly it all makes sense....
Old 24 October 2005, 06:05 PM
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Throughout history people have believed that the new generation is going to hell in a bucket - that's just part of getting old!

Stop being so fecking miserable and start counting your blessings instead!

Old 24 October 2005, 09:30 PM
Ben WRX Bug-Eye
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Originally Posted by Drunken Bungle *****
Throughout history people have believed that the new generation is going to hell in a bucket - that's just part of getting old!

Stop being so fecking miserable and start counting your blessings instead!

I'm in my mid 20s - wouldn't say i'm getting old, but I am more worried about the younger generations yes. Most of my friends in my age group feel the same way I do. We are intouch with what's really happening.

Count our blessings? I know you might think differently going by your user name, but I don't think of 24 hour drinking laws and an ever increasing binge drinking culture as a blessing.

Edited to add: and yes I do like to get rat arsed sometimes.

Last edited by Ben WRX Bug-Eye; 24 October 2005 at 09:35 PM.
Old 24 October 2005, 10:12 PM
Ted Maul
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blimey, it's getting a bit 1930's Germany in here. Get out there and do something rather than sitting on your **** spewing and moaning over the keyboard.
Old 24 October 2005, 10:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Drunken Bungle *****
Throughout history people have believed that the new generation is going to hell in a bucket - that's just part of getting old!

Stop being so fecking miserable and start counting your blessings instead!

Scary proposition at 26 years, having this view point and noticing the degradation for the past five or so years.

God knows what I'll be like when I'm 70

(probably not living in this country )

blimey, it's getting a bit 1930's Germany in here. Get out there and do something rather than sitting on your **** spewing and moaning over the keyboard.
Think I'll pass if you don't mind.... after spending 9 hours working today paying Gordon Brown, I'm not really in the mood to go out and pay him even more money drowning my sorrows And sods law is that if I do go out my house and do'll probably get broken into for the keys to my car

Last edited by ALi-B; 24 October 2005 at 11:30 PM.
Old 25 October 2005, 08:34 AM
Drunken Bungle Whore
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Ali B & Ben both mid 20's and feeling old already - scary when that starts to happen eh? "In touch with what's really happening" eh? I've always wondered just what that meant. Is it meant in an omnipitent sort of a way - are you some sort of God like creatures all seeing and all knowing - or are you simply assuming the rest of us don't actually know what's happening and if we did we'd start wearing tin foil hats to block the mind reading rays....?

Mods? If any of you are listening - please can we have a Victor Meldrew forum for all the miserable gits on here who like to do nothing more than have a good moan? (And I mean 'nothing more' as they seem to have no intention of trying to do anything about it!)
Oh - and back on topic - I missed out sporting heros from my original list - Roger Bannister, Steve Redgrave etc etc etc
Old 25 October 2005, 09:34 AM
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