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Fox hunters showing their true colours!

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Old 04 November 2005, 05:37 PM
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Originally Posted by _RIP_
ajm, farmers removing hedgerows and modern agricultrue, pesticides, motorways etc etc are a far bigger problem than cats. Why dont you shoot a few farmers and town planners m8
Maybe your argument (which is clearly unresearched) would be remotely relevent if it was farmers coming on here telling us that hunting is cruel.... but they are not, are they!

Its lackwits like Bravado2zero gobbing off about animal cruelty whilst at the same time releasing their little predators into the environment I have an issue with.
Old 04 November 2005, 05:39 PM
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I prefer the lackwit stance. Sorry.
Old 04 November 2005, 05:44 PM
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So what about the horse that died this week (best mate) does anyone think that was cruel the way he made to run for his life and ended up dying of a heart attack just so a few fat pikeys could place a bet on him?? bet they didnt think that would happpen, and what about all the horses that die in the grand national every year in the name of sport I personally dont think fox hunting should be banned at all
Old 04 November 2005, 05:46 PM
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Originally Posted by **************
You are so dim to think owning a cat is cruel its laughable. A pet cat is not generally owned for the purposes of hunting. A cat kills other animals because its part of its natural instinct that it can't adapt out of.
You know it kills, but you don't care because you want to own a fluffy animal. You won't take responsibility for the animals you are killing because 'its what cats do'. If you know that's what they do then you shouldn't release them, should you!

When I kill an animal I:

1) make sure its sporting
2) make sure its humane
3) make sure the species is legal
4) make sure the species is sustainable

I take responsibility for the animals I kill... while you prefer to remain in denial hiding behind a cat. Now *that* is laughable!
Old 04 November 2005, 05:46 PM
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I'm quite sure horses have died in hunts.
Old 04 November 2005, 05:48 PM
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Agreed but as a "sport" do we think horse racing is cruel?? the fact that you run an animal ragged for miles and it ends up being shot with a broken leg or dies of a heart attack??
Old 04 November 2005, 05:51 PM
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Killing an animal is sporting? Not in my book. We (humans) are far more intelligent and have far more equipment at our disposal to do the killing. Perhaps you should try fighting a wild animal on its own terms, without your ***** gun. May I suggest the species you hate so much and nominate the Tiger.
Old 04 November 2005, 05:53 PM
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Originally Posted by andypugh2000
Agreed but as a "sport" do we think horse racing is cruel?? the fact that you run an animal ragged for miles and it ends up being shot with a broken leg or dies of a heart attack??
Yes, most sensible people think horse racing is cruel and unnecessary. Gambling would be classed as cruel if the participants were not pond life.
Old 04 November 2005, 05:55 PM
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Originally Posted by **************
I repeat to your deaf ears (or the fact you are simply stupid) that I dont own a cat. Have you understood this yet?

And how exactly is your hunting sporting? You kill with a firearm don't you? Or are the pictures of you on this board just for show and you don't know one end of a rifle from another? If you kill an animal with a rifle how is that sporting? I suggest you try hunting an animal with your bare hands ajm, if you catch it then thats sporting. If you have to kill it with a scope and a rifle then that is not sporting, not unless the prey also had a rifle pointing back at you - and that is something I would like to see
Hmm, great minds. Perhaps we should hunt some ajm. Can you eat them? As that would make it OK
Old 04 November 2005, 06:00 PM
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Thanks for you input, do you think it will ever get banned though or are they not regarded as fluffy little victims

Personally I dont like horses but they taste good
Old 04 November 2005, 06:00 PM
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Originally Posted by **************
Could you please explain ajm why you think farmers are the ones who define the meaning of animal cruelty? I think you will find they are not the experts who define the meaning of a particular word or phrase in the english language I think all this country living has meant you have missed out on a few things ajm, like where you get your definitions from!
LOL Where the hell did you get that from?

Farmers define animal cruelty? Wtf?!

You are ignorant B2Z. We know in your 'oh so valuable' opinion that you think hunting is cruel and its ok to let cats kill as much wildlife as they like.... but then the reason your opinion meets my derision is because it is obvious you know very little about hunting or conservation.

I am an avid conservationist and I am extremely interested in wildlife, as you know. I love animals and yet I hunt/shoot/fish because I know that the two can coexist, and have coexisted for hundreds of years.

The fact you are unwilling to accept the opinion of those who know better shows that it is you who are missing 'a few things' old bean!

Are you still miffed about thinking I was jgc?
Old 04 November 2005, 06:00 PM
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Apart from the fact that opinions on this subject are so polarised its pointless most of you participating because you fail to understand the issues involved and wouldn't admit that the other side of the argument has any merit.

It isn't predominantly a pursuit of the landed gentry but the perception is that it is which is why Labour wanted it banned in the first place and has little to do with cruelty.

The same people on here bleating on about how cruel it is are probably the same people who, in the same breath will then complain about PC stupidity and how minorities are forcing their point of view on the rest of us.

There is a common misconception that it is one poor little fox that is run ragged all day which then collapses under an onslaught of hounds to die a long and lonely death. Occasionally this may happen but usually there are several foxes involved who intermittently go to ground or cross tracks to confuse the pack - generally this works well or if it doesn't then it is the older fox that is finally caught. Darwin at his finest.

If you have ever witnessed the slaughter that is the scene of a fox kill then you would understand that it is neccessary to control their population. They don't just kill indiscriminantly, they will maim, wound and generally leave their prey to die in their own pool of blood a long and nasty death. I know because I lost fifteen chickens this year when the fox could quite easily have killed one and moved on but when you come back to find half of the chooks still floundering around with legs, wings and various other bits removed you begin to understand that a fox is not the nicest of creatures. If people can contribute to their control, then its fine by me unless the alternative is snaring or some bad shots causing even more problems as the solution.

As for cats not being cruel I sometimes wonder which planet people are from as I'd assumed most people would have witnessed a cat playing with its prey which is a form of torture in my book and probably the reason why they are classed as wild animals. A dog would kill too if it didn't have humans to feed it but they are far more discriminate than cats.

I'm off for the weekend to get a life, so I'll leave it to the rest of you guys to argue your **** off all weekend.
Old 04 November 2005, 06:05 PM
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I love the Foxes kill Chickens argument.

Maybe if the Chickens didnt just sit around waiting to be eaten it would be better. And if anyone says they are in a hutch, surely thats down the Hutch not being Fox proof.

Old 04 November 2005, 06:05 PM
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Originally Posted by **************
I repeat to your deaf ears (or the fact you are simply stupid) that I dont own a cat. Have you understood this yet?

And how exactly is your hunting sporting? You kill with a firearm don't you? Or are the pictures of you on this board just for show and you don't know one end of a rifle from another? If you kill an animal with a rifle how is that sporting? I suggest you try hunting an animal with your bare hands ajm, if you catch it then thats sporting. If you have to kill it with a scope and a rifle then that is not sporting, not unless the prey also had a rifle pointing back at you - and that is something I would like to see
Oh good grief... the B2Z definition of what constitutes a sporting kill! Whatever next?

How about mushroom picking? Is that sporting? I use my bare hands!
Old 04 November 2005, 06:06 PM
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Humans are cruel and barbaric end of. So we obviously lay the blame for human created problems with animals. Who is the real animal I ask?
Old 04 November 2005, 06:07 PM
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Great point of view FCD, enjoy your weekend, off to Exmoor for a hunt
Old 04 November 2005, 06:08 PM
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Originally Posted by rr_ww
I love the Foxes kill Chickens argument.

Maybe if the Chickens didnt just sit around waiting to be eaten it would be better. And if anyone says they are in a hutch, surely thats down the Hutch not being Fox proof.

Presumably you've heard of free range eggs and understand what that term means? Actually, having just read your 'hutch' theory its clear you don't know the first thing about how chickens are reared.
Old 04 November 2005, 06:09 PM
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May I suggest ajm you take your guns to somewhere they might really benefit human kind. Perhaps some parts of Africa etc where humans are committing genocide on other humans. Perhaps faced with a tactical vehicle with a machine gun you might find some real sport.

btw you sound like the sort of person who straps fireworks to cats tails.
Old 04 November 2005, 06:14 PM
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Originally Posted by _RIP_
May I suggest ajm you take your guns to somewhere they might really benefit human kind. Perhaps some parts of Africa etc where humans are committing genocide on other humans. Perhaps faced with a tactical vehicle with a machine gun you might find some real sport.
I quite agree.... some human beings need a good cull too, but that isn't the issue here!

btw you sound like the sort of person who straps fireworks to cats tails.
Well you are mis-informed as B2Z then, aren't you!
Old 04 November 2005, 06:20 PM
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It's called a questioned opinion. And if you feel so strongly about culling humans why don’t you do something pro-active rather than venting your angst on domestic pets. As stated, what are you doing other than bleating in here? Surely you can take this issue on board along with the original topic.
Old 04 November 2005, 06:25 PM
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Originally Posted by alcazar
Oh dear, Matt, I think you're showing a bit of "upper class twittery" there

It WASN'T banned to protect poor fluffy foxes.
It WAS banned because of the barbarous way they so called "hunters" went about it.

Foxes can still be legally killed.

Just not torn to bits after being chased miles and miles.

Britain is a civilised country, and quite rightly, got rid of what was, in effect, making us a laughing stock.

And comments about the supposed class issue here. You don't see the lower classes and chavs doing it, do you?


Why no comments abouts the classes then. Surely that's why Blair banned it.
It wasn't anything to do with the way hunters did things. After all they allow battery chickens dont they so I dont think animal welfare was anything to do with it.

It was about vote winning though as Tony's mob thought that the working man was anti-hunting which it has been shown was wrong. In fact the majority of the UK populous are not against fox hunting, which totally surprised the Gov as they saw from the mass protests in London.

What is more worrying is the fact that since coming to power more time has been spent in the commons discussing or debating fox hunting than has been spent on the NHS.

Old 04 November 2005, 06:27 PM
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Originally Posted by _RIP_
It's called a questioned opinion. And if you feel so strongly about culling humans why don’t you do something pro-active rather than venting your angst on domestic pets. As stated, what are you doing other than bleating in here? Surely you can take this issue on board along with the original topic.
A questioned opinion? Questionable opinion would be more apt

My position is clear. I am 'venting my angst' on people who view hunting as cruel whilst releasing their own predators into the environment to indiscriminately kill indigenous wildlife.

The human culling was your idea
Old 04 November 2005, 06:29 PM
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Chip, somehow I dont think keeping chickens in cages is classed as barbaric. Should be mind but there you go.

Oh and you somehow think bliar with his 3 million quid gaf cares about the working man!!!

You sir are living in a dream.
Old 04 November 2005, 06:30 PM
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I have no beaf with you and I pose this question simply out of intrigue. How can someone be prepared to suggest that the death of five children is a desirable outcome as punishment for them stealing a car, but at the same time find the notion of fox hunting to be abhorrent.

I'm really not trying to catch you out here, just interested.

Old 04 November 2005, 06:32 PM
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Originally Posted by ajm
A questioned opinion? Questionable opinion would be more apt

My position is clear. I am 'venting my angst' on people who view hunting as cruel whilst releasing their own predators into the environment to indiscriminately kill indigenous wildlife.

The human culling was your idea
Mere semantics and babble ajm. I get more structured reasoning from the 15 year olds I teach. Your reasoning is outwith what any normal person would call for, hence you are outwith the norm, aka an outlaw or perhaps an upper class twit. Are you nice but dim?

And before you say, I do not teach English : D
Old 04 November 2005, 06:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Flatcapdriver
Presumably you've heard of free range eggs and understand what that term means? Actually, having just read your 'hutch' theory its clear you don't know the first thing about how chickens are reared.

Just what sort of lunatic Farmer keeps his Chickens outside when there are packs of slavering Foxes (and possibly Wolves, and maybe even a Bear or 2) ready to eat them all!

Quick Reply: Fox hunters showing their true colours!

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