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Housewives should be paid £29,000

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Old 19 February 2008, 03:26 PM
Ms Gooner 1
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Have I missed something - who says that staying at home looking after kids, picking up after them and cleaning their asses is money grabbing?
I've had ALOT of paid jobs - 9-5 etc etc, and I have NEVER worked so hard as what I do now! I'm not a money grabber. Infact, my husband doesn't get paid into my bank account, he doesn't give me money at all. We share everything we have.

But what I don't understand is - who is going supposed to start paying this amount? My husband? The Govournment? That's a bit outrageous as they already have problems with underage pregnancy's and all the rest of it - so what they are saying now (like back in the 80's) - get yourself pregnant girls, we'll pay for you to bring up your kids - and even throw in tax credits, milk vouchers and a complementary flat!
Old 19 February 2008, 03:29 PM
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Originally Posted by webmaster
This subject always cracks me up.

there are some key points :

1) I could have earnt more, but HE wanted me to give up my job to look after the kids.
Answer : Leave the bloke then. If you don't like it, don't do it. It was 100% your choice. Instead find a man who wants to stay at home while you go out and work. But not many women would want to find this man (this isn't sexest, its just a fact). Some, but not many.

2) staying at home and looking after the kids is a doddle.
Answer : Dream on. It just isn't. and secondly.. would you actually WANT to do it? I certainly bloody wouldn't! Anyone who thinks its an easy option, TOO has the option to do it. Find a woman who wants to go to work while you stay at home and look after the kids. But not many men would want to find this woman. Some, but not many.

Then we move on to the whole "how much should you be paid"?

Well, you know what? In some ways, I'd quite like to see that.

At the end of the day, its a job. It has a salary of sorts.

If Wife A, does exactly the same work as Wife B.. they go through the same traumas, the same stress, the same tiredness, loneliness, depression, etc, etc (and, lets not forget, also get the same joy and pleasures from their life also) ...

yet Husband A works his 4rse off and earns £1M a year, and Husband B works 9-5 and earns £30K a year...

Wife A, gets a considerably better lifestyle for her the amount of work she puts in, when compared to Wife B.

If / When they get divorced, Wife A gets a considerably better pay-off for the work she's put in.

It may be that I just have a really simple brain, but that doesn't add up to me.

In some ways, I think it would be much fairer to agree "housewife" (which I class as someone who has no job, and who does pretty much all the housework, and looks after then kids, etc) carries a theoretical salary. Then conceptually you both agree how you live your lives.

If you decide to live in a £3m mantion, and drive Ferrari's, well I'm sorry, your £50K (or whatever is decided to be the correct salary) has been spent by about February 3rd! When it comes to divorce time, you owe your husband a load of cash.

Of course, I'm being extremist here, but I do think the whole system is so badly biased against men, and its so polically incorrect to say anything other.
maybe I worded that wrong then (I'll reply to you .. everyone else is hiding now) What I meant to say was we both agreed that I would give up my job and look after the children, of course I wouldnt of done it if I didnt want to.

As for being actually paid for what I do .. receiving some monetry gain... then I disagree with this in principal... Its all about choices. If you dont want to do it dont do it.

I enjoy what I do ...
Old 19 February 2008, 03:31 PM
Luan Pra bang
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Originally Posted by Ms Gooner 1
looking after, I think I probably get to sit down at about 8pm at night - and I get up at 6.30am!
I think I have the hardest job in the world and I would pay to see a man try to keep up with it for one week! (Not sure I'd pay 29k to see it though LOL).
I work 80-90 hours a week at work grafting not meandering around at home with a few jobs to do.
If I make mistakes its costs cash and with over 10k a month in interest to pay on business loans too many mistakes and 20 people will loose their jobs me included.
You could not last doing what I do for a month let alone year after year with me being lucky to get 2 weeks a year off. Despite this I know that I am only worth what profit I make that month nothing more nothing less and I would not be so arrogant to presume any different.
Old 19 February 2008, 03:39 PM
Ms Gooner 1
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Originally Posted by Luan Pra bang
I work 80-90 hours a week at work grafting not meandering around at home with a few jobs to do.
If I make mistakes its costs cash and with over 10k a month in interest to pay on business loans too many mistakes and 20 people will loose their jobs me included.
You could not last doing what I do for a month let alone year after year with me being lucky to get 2 weeks a year off. Despite this I know that I am only worth what profit I make that month nothing more nothing less and I would not be so arrogant to presume any different.
EXCUSE me??? "meandering" around! I'm assuming you don't have kids! LMFAO.
As for doing what you do - I've done it!!! I've had jobs that saw me rise in the morning at 5.30 and not get back home till gone 8. I've worked in accounts myself and am only too aware how "mistakes can cost money"
The next series of wife swap that comes about - i challenge you to swap roles with me!
And where does the "arrogance" come into it??
I've not said that I expect anything - I had children by choice - I'm sitting on the fence with the topic thread - but I wont sit back and have someone waffle utter crap at me!
Old 19 February 2008, 03:47 PM
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A quarter to four and a fair bit of meandering starts.

Oh and Ms Gooner 1, I think you'll find for some odd reason that GIAS mentioned the term 'it's not all about money' for what reason I've no idea, you'll need to ask her.

What's for tea?
Old 19 February 2008, 03:49 PM
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When I said its not about the money... I meant some of do this by choice not for what monetry gain we could get out of it... Isnt that what the Original Post was about... getting paid for what we do?
Old 19 February 2008, 03:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Luan Pra bang
I work 80-90 hours a week at work grafting not meandering around at home with a few jobs to do.
If I make mistakes its costs cash and with over 10k a month in interest to pay on business loans too many mistakes and 20 people will loose their jobs me included.
You could not last doing what I do for a month let alone year after year with me being lucky to get 2 weeks a year off. Despite this I know that I am only worth what profit I make that month nothing more nothing less and I would not be so arrogant to presume any different.
As been said throughout this thread, YOUR CHOICE to do this.
Old 19 February 2008, 03:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Ms Gooner 1
EXCUSE me??? "meandering" around! I'm assuming you don't have kids! LMFAO.
As for doing what you do - I've done it!!! I've had jobs that saw me rise in the morning at 5.30 and not get back home till gone 8. I've worked in accounts myself and am only too aware how "mistakes can cost money"
The next series of wife swap that comes about - i challenge you to swap roles with me!
And where does the "arrogance" come into it??
I've not said that I expect anything - I had children by choice - I'm sitting on the fence with the topic thread - but I wont sit back and have someone waffle utter crap at me!

Awww Ms Gooner I was going to offer to swap with Luan Pra bang, I used to be a bank manager leaving the house at 6 not returning until after 9 some nights... and guess what... any mistakes I made cost money ..
Old 19 February 2008, 03:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Luan Pra bang
I being lucky to get 2 weeks a year off. .
2 weeks off..... I have the kids 24/7 every week.. no weeks off....

But its my choice
Old 19 February 2008, 04:44 PM
Luan Pra bang
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Originally Posted by Ms Gooner 1
EXCUSE me??? "meandering" around! I'm assuming you don't have kids! LMFAO.
As for doing what you do - I've done it!!! I've had jobs that saw me rise in the morning at 5.30 and not get back home till gone 8. I've worked in accounts myself and am only too aware how "mistakes can cost money"
Actually I do have a kid and looking looking after them, which I do whenever not at work is a peice of **** compared to working. As for you saying you have done what I do thats just not true is it. Commute time is not working and are you really saying you worked 6-7 days a week all year for years in a row running a business that paid the mortgage of your mother father sister as well as your own family ? What company is it you owned that did all this ? A job is very different to being on your own and having to make money from thin air to support your whole family.
All of which is pointless to the debate in that housewives have an easy life in this country and should be gratefull that all they have to worry about is kids and a clean house. Being hungry and homeless is a tough life looking after kids is not.
Old 19 February 2008, 04:51 PM
Luan Pra bang
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Originally Posted by girl-in-a-scoob
Awww Ms Gooner I was going to offer to swap with Luan Pra bang, I used to be a bank manager leaving the house at 6 not returning until after 9 some nights... and guess what... any mistakes I made cost money ..
What your mistakes cost you enough money to stop the mortgage being paid that month did they or forced you to sack people to save money? Every now and then you had to stay late did you, and I am sure you worked seven days a week very often ? Lets be honest being a bank manager is a peice of **** and muppet can do it they are glorified cashiers these days and I should lnow I deal with loads oif them. Any woman can cook clean and look after kids, genetically it is what they are built for so why complain about it ?
Old 19 February 2008, 04:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Luan Pra bang
What your mistakes cost you enough money to stop the mortgage being paid that month did they or forced you to sack people to save money? Every now and then you had to stay late did you, and I am sure you worked seven days a week very often ? Lets be honest being a bank manager is a peice of **** and muppet can do it they are glorified cashiers these days and I should lnow I deal with loads oif them. Any woman can cook clean and look after kids, genetically it is what they are built for so why complain about it ?

er yes they do... Im a partner in a self employed business. Before that I was an associate for an IFA which was my dad, so if I made mistakes not only did my mortgage not get paid but so did the mortgage of my parents... see we're not so different are we...

Difference being now... I run a business and a family at the same time BY choice I might add .. I dont winge and moan about it
Old 19 February 2008, 05:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Luan Pra bang
Any woman can cook clean and look after kids, genetically it is what they are built for so why complain about it ?
Thats a classic

You sound a bit like my Grandad, things have moved on a bit since his day, thank God.

Classic read, some good debating and baiting.
Old 19 February 2008, 05:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Luan Pra bang
Actually I do have a kid and looking looking after them, which I do whenever not at work is a peice of **** compared to working. As for you saying you have done what I do thats just not true is it. Commute time is not working and are you really saying you worked 6-7 days a week all year for years in a row running a business that paid the mortgage of your mother father sister as well as your own family ? What company is it you owned that did all this ? A job is very different to being on your own and having to make money from thin air to support your whole family.
All of which is pointless to the debate in that housewives have an easy life in this country and should be gratefull that all they have to worry about is kids and a clean house. Being hungry and homeless is a tough life looking after kids is not.
Poor kids
Old 19 February 2008, 05:24 PM
Luan Pra bang
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Originally Posted by girl-in-a-scoob
er yes they do... Im a partner in a self employed business. Before that I was an associate for an IFA which was my dad, so if I made mistakes not only did my mortgage not get paid but so did the mortgage of my parents... see we're not so different are we...

Difference being now... I run a business and a family at the same time BY choice I might add .. I dont winge and moan about it
Being self employed and being an admin girl for an IFA are not really the same thing as having ultimate responsability for 20 staff though are they ? The inability to tell the difference between the 2 is perhaps why women are best left at home.
Old 19 February 2008, 05:27 PM
Ms Gooner 1
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Luan - it seems to me, you have quite a "thing" about all you do. You probably have one "kid" (as you so delicately put it). When I had just ONE - life was a breeze, with Two it was slightly more complicatated having 3 is rather difficult. I had them by choice, I love them dearly and I don't think anyone is saying otherwise. Its not just the "having kids" bit though, its the mental side that goes along with it. The co-ersing a 4 year old to put her shoes on for school, when she REALLY doesn't want to go - keeping the 3 year old from pulling hair in the car and other "peacekeeping" skills - its mind numbingly dull on all levels - yet to not look after your kids costs MORE than money and houses doesn't it. NEGLECT is seen as quite a problem, so given the choice of paying my mortgage late or neglecting my kids - i know which I'd choose.
I haven't ever owned my own business - however, my husband is self employed and I generally do all his invoicing and shift rota sorting on top of my normal "chores"
YOU chose to do what you do and support your family etc etc.
I've not come on here ranting (as it seems to me is what your tone is), about how I make the earth rotate and trying to insult those that don't!
To get back on topic and stop a riot forming on who does what and why - should woman be paid for what they do? Guess it depends on who's gonna pay them - and as I said before - it creates the wrong polical point as to encourage people to have children.
Old 19 February 2008, 05:27 PM
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Luan. You crack me up.

Talk about extreme!

Imagine how much safer your mortgage will be if you didn't spend so much time on the internet!



Well said.


Basically, this is quite straight forward. Anyone who moans about how bad their deal is, either made the wrong deal, or is just beating themselves up about it for no reason.

Anyone who thinks looking after a couple of kids and a house is a doddle, is simply deluded.

Also, anyone who thinks that working 16 hours a day, 7 days a week is indicative of the norm, is deluded.

Therefore, anyone comparing a working week such as this with "the norm" in terms of a housewife, should instead be comparing it to looking after 6 kids, and an elderly family.
Old 19 February 2008, 05:29 PM
Ms Gooner 1
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Originally Posted by Luan Pra bang
Being self employed and being an admin girl for an IFA are not really the same thing as having ultimate responsability for 20 staff though are they ? The inability to tell the difference between the 2 is perhaps why women are best left at home.
Goodness with ALL that you do - you seem to have alot of time to be on here - shouldn't you be raising capital or something as opposed to wasting time on public forums like us "meandering" souls!
And before you return that - my kids are eating - and this is one of the few times i do actually sit down!
Old 19 February 2008, 05:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Luan Pra bang
Being self employed and being an admin girl for an IFA are not really the same thing as having ultimate responsability for 20 staff though are they ? The inability to tell the difference between the 2 is perhaps why women are best left at home.
where did I say admin girl

Originally Posted by girl-in-a-scoob
I was an associate for an IFA
Old 19 February 2008, 05:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Clarebabes
Pick out all the guys who think you are a money-grabbing biatch (especially with Subaru jackets on)
sounds a fine idea to me.....
Old 20 February 2008, 09:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Ms Gooner 1
WOW - isn't is amazing to see what a chauvanistic world we STILL live in!
I'm a "housewife" - I'd refer to is as much as a domestic engineer - and like many other's on here, if I wrote down my day from start to finish with every little detail - much like a "job description", you'd all get bored after an hour of reding I'm sure.
I DID choose to have children - and I'm not saying that anyone should pay me to do it - although it would be nice
but I often feel personally that whilst I am on call 24 hours a day (I have 3 kids all under 4), combine the housework, the shopping, the school and nursery drop offs etc, we also have dogs who need looking after, I think I probably get to sit down at about 8pm at night - and I get up at 6.30am!
I think I have the hardest job in the world and I would pay to see a man try to keep up with it for one week! (Not sure I'd pay 29k to see it though LOL).

And who mentioned Trolls ..............
so you're suggesting that men don't / can't do that, and calling other people chauvanistic?!

Maybe your other half sits on his backside all day and doesn't do anything with the kids and house, but don't assume all men are the same. I work full time, run a business, and spend a lot of time looking after our daughter (who has multiple disabilities). My wife can't work during the day, as child care isn't an option, so works evening, as often do I. We rarely sit down until after 9. We'd like another kid but literally don't have the time.

I'm well aware that spending all day looking after kids is hard (housework on the other hand isn't), and I know my wife does it better than me, which is why I go to work depite earning less than she would.

What's chauvanistic about that?
Old 20 February 2008, 09:50 AM
Ms Gooner 1
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Originally Posted by pwhittle
so you're suggesting that men don't / can't do that, and calling other people chauvanistic?!

Maybe your other half sits on his backside all day and doesn't do anything with the kids and house, but don't assume all men are the same. I work full time, run a business, and spend a lot of time looking after our daughter (who has multiple disabilities). My wife can't work during the day, as child care isn't an option, so works evening, as often do I. We rarely sit down until after 9. We'd like another kid but literally don't have the time.

I'm well aware that spending all day looking after kids is hard (housework on the other hand isn't), and I know my wife does it better than me, which is why I go to work depite earning less than she would.

What's chauvanistic about that?
I didn't say that ALL responses on here were chauvanistic? Nor did I imply that all MEN were chauvenistic - just pointed out that some of the views on here so far were chauvenistic! (now i'm getting tired of writing that word LOL).

Whilst I do think that women do, do the whole "stay at home" bit better, thats not to say that men CAN'T do it - because of course - they can! And do.

My other half doesn't sit on his **** all day - he works nights, 7 nights a week 10 & 14 hour shifts a night. Which means he gets in at 6.30am and sleeps until about 2ish, once up and around he does what he can, spends time with etc.

I have looked into going back to work, but finding work is harder than i ever imagined, mainly because employers see i have three children all under 4 and see me more as a liability as opposed to an asset!

Old 20 February 2008, 09:51 AM
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This is, and always will be, an impossible debate.

How much value do you place on spending all day with your kids? The working partner doesn't see them all day, how much is that worth? Should you pay the working half compensation for not being with his/her kids?
Old 20 February 2008, 09:56 AM
Ms Gooner 1
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Originally Posted by Dracoro
Should you pay the working half compensation for not being with his/her kids?
LOL - you'll probably find someone out there who would be willing to try
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