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The Palestinians really have hit a new time low...

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Old 25 February 2008, 11:36 PM
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Originally Posted by finalzero
It's interesting to mention the holocaust.. it happened and people suffered yet here we have the Israeli goverment performing like an oppressive regime hell bent on ethnic cleansing.
C'mon FZ, think about what you're saying. Holocaust, ethnic cleansing? By Israel? Let's keep things in proportion (without ignoring the horrors committed by all sides in this conflict).

If Israel is such a dreadful place for Arabs to live for fear of being ethnically cleansed (a digusting suggestion, BTW) why don't they leave? Because actually Israel is a better place to live than the alternatives. In fact, a petition was recently signed by the Arab villagers south of Jerusalem (close to where a new border is being suggested) in which they voted to stay on the Israeli side of any new division rather than be part of Jordan. This is a fact; I have been there; I have spoken to those concerned.

Jews have played the persecution card pretty well over the decades but when it comes to this kind of political propoganda, the Arab nations have now got them beaten at their own game. As your links testify.

Old 25 February 2008, 11:41 PM
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also richard if i offended u in anyway, i apologise, im so bitter at the moment its unbelievable, i hope u understand

i sometimes wish i woke up one day wae so much mujahideen superpower i would slaughter and make mountains of israeli army and thugs skulls and towers of it like genghis khan and tamerlane,. i am mongolian blooded aryan myself so i have that hint of brutality aboot me when i see an injustice so forgive me if i get angry

Old 25 February 2008, 11:55 PM
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Apology accepted

We are never going to agree on this, but my original post in this thread was to highlight the huge complexity of the situation and the immense difficulty in finding a solution. I don't think your dream to "slaughter and make mountains of israeli army and thugs skulls and towers of it" is a way forward. And I sincerely hope that is just your angry side speaking.

Let me ask you this: given the present situation, how would you resolve it humanely?

Old 26 February 2008, 12:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Hoppy
Apology accepted

We are never going to agree on this, but my original post in this thread was to highlight the huge complexity of the situation and the immense difficulty in finding a solution. I don't think your dream to "slaughter and make mountains of israeli army and thugs skulls and towers of it" is a way forward. And I sincerely hope that is just your angry side speaking.

Let me ask you this: given the present situation, how would you resolve it humanely?


my angry side and also some truth in it as well my friend, i dae feel like it, its the sense of betrayal richard, when the romans ejected the jews and when the christians slaughtered the jews, it woz the muslims who saved them and coz of them and most of all God that they werent exterminated and muslims brought jews back tae the holy land and other muslim lands etc as u know yerself and thousands of yrs ago it woz the persians who saved the jews and looked after them and as u know the persians r also the ancestors of alot of the muslims , muslims gave jews their own quarters in muslim lands so they can live a good life and judge according tae the torah and they never ever called them christ killers as u know we muslims luv jesus peace be upon him but instead knew some jews were evil and not all should be punished for it even if they said may the christs blood be upon us and oor kin till the end , as u know we muslims believe jesus woz saved and didnt die.

it hurts when we see whits happened tae the palestinians and how israel and zionists plot against the muslims and others,all they care aboot is themselves and the material life of this world and how much they can milk oot of people or corrupt nations tae suit themselves and peoples foreign policy, that hurts and muslims have always been their for them tae save them and this is how they pay us back.

way forward is, their is too much water under the bridge now and many immigrant invaders have had children and live in occupied palestine which is now israel, i want justice for palestinians and the right of return and equal rights and compensation and a sorry and homes and land given back etc etc im all for a 2 state solution or a single state solution called land of peace, for jews, muslims and christians and as u know the current israelis they aint even semites their aryan askhekanzi and russians who have nae link tae semitism but im all ready tae accept them as long as their is a just solution for palestinians.

it would be nice of their woz a single state and all the refugee camps in other countries and all the palestinians came back and the new name for the land woz just the land of peace.

but israel would never accept it and i doubt if hamas or others would, it goes against the "jewish state" and if the palestinians ever came back and got their right of return they would outnumber the jews

thats why its such a messed up policy that israeli government is letting anyone in as long as they can prove their great grandfather or great great great grandfather or mother were jews and people make aliya fae other countries and as u know their is a russian neo **** problem in israel, it proves God has other plans for this country, these neo ****'s dont believe their jews coz their great grandparents were and come their coz they r poor and russia is in the **** and they spit on graves of holocaust victims and other jews and vandalise cemeteraries and synagogus, just like whit the jews did tae muslims and their mosques and graves and built fancy hotels on thousand yr old muslim graves now these so called jews fae russia who made aliya tae israel wanna destroy israel fae the root.

israel took the right away fae palestinians and expelled them only tae let scum of europe come their and take over and this is how they pay back the so called jewish state.

u dae know aboot this problem dont u and the ultra hitler avigdor lieberman the most racist jew along wae rabbi yacov perrin and others like him

yes im all for a way forward , my heros in the state named israel r rabbi menachem froman and brother eliyahu mclean and also my hero uri anvery and many like him

u know noam chomsky, he is a real son of abraham, noam is my hero as is seymour herch, they r true jews not zionist ****'s

Old 26 February 2008, 12:18 AM
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Originally Posted by **************
Sky News Pictures - Assud the Bunny hamas rabbit

Hamas can only go one step lower than this and that's to actually strap the bomb belts to the kids themselves.

Absolutely sickening They are kids ffs And its not even being confined to Palestinian viewing but right across the Arab states. Propoganda at its VERY sickening worst.
Again? Is this not a repost from last year?????

Someone hates the Middle East!
Old 26 February 2008, 01:59 AM
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Good morning FF! (Apologies to others who are bored by this replay )

First of all, please be careful with your language. I can take it (because I understand you a little) and I greatly respect your sincerity and willingness to speak your mind. But you could get banned again. Which would be a waste

I am not going to argue history with you as I can't without masses of research which, from experience, I have found to complicate the siutation even further. It's also irrelevant from where I'm coming from now, so let's talk about the present, and how we move forward to a humane and practical resolution that is politically acceptable (as far as anything can be) and sustainable? Here are my starters.

Get that disgrace of an organisation called the United Nations to pull its collective fingers out and DO something. The Middle East is just one item on the urgent agenda (leaving Africa to one side for the purposes of this debate).

A ceasefire. An end to all violence from both sides. Permanently. Northern Ireland proves that this is possible (although I am sceptical about the permanence of it, long term) and in many ways it is a poor comparison. But I throw it in the pot anyway. Harsh penalties for any transgression.

Sort out Gaza. Suggestions: incorpoarte Gaza into Israel (again); make it part of Egypt; repatriate and compensate the Palastinians. I really don't know but the UN needs to get its ******* remit working. It is pathetic. Gaza could be used as a gambling chip for Israeli concessions on the West Bank.

Open those Israeli borders. With violence no longer a threat, that would be liberating in so many ways for all concerned. Eg I could drive a few miles to the wonderful city of Damascus, turn left and visit my friends in Lebanon, pop down to Beirut for a swim and dinner. Others could do the reverse and visit the wonderful city of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, the Dead Sea without having to fly via Cyprus. What a ridiculous situation we have now.

Quote "israel and zionists plot against the muslims and others,all they care aboot is themselves and the material life of this world and how much they can milk oot of people or corrupt nations tae suit themselves" How does that make them any different to other nationalities? Sad fact that we are all guilty of. Most people reading this will be more concerned about a few pence on the price of petrol than anything else

Old 26 February 2008, 08:07 AM
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Originally Posted by myblackwrx
What the **** have these drivelling posts go to do with the OP it was about a dodgy TV programme (if anybody can remember it was about a dodgy Hamas programme teaching hatred) but as soon as a little bit of religion is mentioned you get a few people getting on their high horses and have to drag the whole anti Jew,anti Muslim bollocks again

**** off over there and do something to help them instead of sitting at your keyboard.

Actually i did **** off over there and do something
to help protect the state of Israel in the 80s.
Now i may be a "Keyboard warrior" like other people but having served over there i feel i have the right to be!!
Old 26 February 2008, 12:02 PM
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Originally Posted by idf101
Actually i did **** off over there and do something
to help protect the state of Israel in the 80s.
Now i may be a "Keyboard warrior" like other people but having served over there i feel i have the right to be!!
How can one protect a "state", since 1948, that is in effect (From a regional/cultural persepctive) fictitious?
Old 26 February 2008, 02:25 PM
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Originally Posted by idf101
Actually i did **** off over there and do something
to help protect the state of Israel in the 80s.
Now i may be a "Keyboard warrior" like other people but having served over there i feel i have the right to be!!
fair play to you (

But this thread goes way off topic (which is the dodgy programme teaching kids to hate) yet it seems that a couple of people have to open up the topic of the last 1000 years of history, why?
Old 26 February 2008, 02:36 PM
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Originally Posted by freedomfighter
my angry side and also some truth in it as well my friend, i dae feel like it, its the sense of betrayal richard, when the romans ejected the jews and when the christians slaughtered the jews, it woz the muslims who saved them and coz of them and most of all God that they werent exterminated and muslims brought jews back tae the holy land and other muslim lands etc as u know yerself and thousands of yrs ago it woz the persians who saved the jews and looked after them and as u know the persians r also the ancestors of alot of the muslims , muslims gave jews their own quarters in muslim lands so they can live a good life and judge according tae the torah and they never ever called them christ killers as u know we muslims luv jesus peace be upon him but instead knew some jews were evil and not all should be punished for it even if they said may the christs blood be upon us and oor kin till the end , as u know we muslims believe jesus woz saved and didnt die.

it hurts when we see whits happened tae the palestinians and how israel and zionists plot against the muslims and others,all they care aboot is themselves and the material life of this world and how much they can milk oot of people or corrupt nations tae suit themselves and peoples foreign policy, that hurts and muslims have always been their for them tae save them and this is how they pay us back.

way forward is, their is too much water under the bridge now and many immigrant invaders have had children and live in occupied palestine which is now israel, i want justice for palestinians and the right of return and equal rights and compensation and a sorry and homes and land given back etc etc im all for a 2 state solution or a single state solution called land of peace, for jews, muslims and christians and as u know the current israelis they aint even semites their aryan askhekanzi and russians who have nae link tae semitism but im all ready tae accept them as long as their is a just solution for palestinians.

it would be nice of their woz a single state and all the refugee camps in other countries and all the palestinians came back and the new name for the land woz just the land of peace.

but israel would never accept it and i doubt if hamas or others would, it goes against the "jewish state" and if the palestinians ever came back and got their right of return they would outnumber the jews

thats why its such a messed up policy that israeli government is letting anyone in as long as they can prove their great grandfather or great great great grandfather or mother were jews and people make aliya fae other countries and as u know their is a russian neo **** problem in israel, it proves God has other plans for this country, these neo ****'s dont believe their jews coz their great grandparents were and come their coz they r poor and russia is in the **** and they spit on graves of holocaust victims and other jews and vandalise cemeteraries and synagogus, just like whit the jews did tae muslims and their mosques and graves and built fancy hotels on thousand yr old muslim graves now these so called jews fae russia who made aliya tae israel wanna destroy israel fae the root.

israel took the right away fae palestinians and expelled them only tae let scum of europe come their and take over and this is how they pay back the so called jewish state.

u dae know aboot this problem dont u and the ultra hitler avigdor lieberman the most racist jew along wae rabbi yacov perrin and others like him

yes im all for a way forward , my heros in the state named israel r rabbi menachem froman and brother eliyahu mclean and also my hero uri anvery and many like him

u know noam chomsky, he is a real son of abraham, noam is my hero as is seymour herch, they r true jews not zionist ****'s

If I could choose a noun and an adjective to describe the author of the above, they would have to be illiterate and delusional.
A very sad indictment on the education system in this country indeed.
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