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are you a police with a scooby?

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Old 27 January 2002, 01:18 AM
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Old 27 January 2002, 01:22 AM
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You obviously wont accept it how it is!! fair enough! (life aint with it!)
Old 27 January 2002, 01:29 AM
Little Miss WRX
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Case closed.


Old 27 January 2002, 02:36 AM
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Whats the problem here? As far as i can see it Danbo has put up a sensible argument and has not been righteous in any way whatsoever. Yeah hes a cop, but you are stereotyping a bit arn't you. Give the guy a chance! He could be way handy!!!
Old 27 January 2002, 04:02 AM
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Bit narrow minded there tigg.

Don't know if Danbo will like being seen as a commodity Paul?

[Edited by sasman - 1/27/2002 4:05:35 AM]
Old 27 January 2002, 07:48 AM
Little Miss WRX
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LOL, read the apologies Michelle thread,

He doesn't mind being the source of advice, as long as he doesn't get abused for his opinion.

Old 27 January 2002, 10:54 AM
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What a narrow minded view you have Tiggers. Having a whole family of relatives in the police force I can relate to Danbo when he says that a policeman/women is dealt with a lot more roughly in the courts etc - it seems that they are often to be made examples to the public i.e. if a policeman cant get away with it then you definetly cant. My cousin nearly lost her job because when her brothers ex girlfriend came around and punched her mother she restrained her (out of uniform) and was charged with assault.

There will always be the odd c*nt in any profession and it sounds like youve met one - but I personally think the police (a high majority) in this country do an admirable job for a pittance and I take my hat off to them.

Even if the odd one does get away with speeding so what - so do a load of other people. A guy at my work got away with doing 140mph simply because he argued in court that police (unmarked) started following him at 85mph and didnt pull him over until he hit 140 (he claimed he thought some nutter was chasing him and he was trying to get away)
Old 27 January 2002, 11:19 AM
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I concur totally with Danbo. I work in the Killingbeck Division of East Leeds, and I admit I exceed national speed limits, however do my best to adhere to the 30's and 40's in and around town centres / residential areas.

I also have colleagues at work with SP30's and there are certain traffic officers who will go out of their way to catch other officers speeding, or basically doing anything when the people they should be going for are the ar$ehole$ who nick the cars, and the ones who don't have insurance in the first place.

I have a BEL550 Euro and I also carry with me a copy of the legislation to wave in the face of the self-righteous officer who may or may not stop me and try to take it from me.

The difference between us officersm and the majority of the general public is that we know the procedures surrounding "routine" document stop / checks. We know when one becomes unlawful or inadmissable. I personally am a tutor, training new officers as they join, and I go out of my way to head them in the correct direction. Us motorists pay enough to this country in insurance / VEL / petrol taxes. Lets get the ar$ehole$ who increase our running costs. The ones who take take take.

...../rant mode over.

[Edited by BuRR - 1/27/2002 11:20:54 AM]
Old 27 January 2002, 11:32 AM
Nathan L
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I can assure you that if I was stopped for speeding the last thing I would say is "I'm a Policeman let me off"

Wow the magistrates would really love that reply to caution when it went to court. Oh and so would the 'Professional Standards Department' when they then took away my warrant card and suspended me on the spot for abuse of position and authority.

I am not whiter than white I can assure you. However you have to Police off your own standards and what you deem to be acceptable. I personally drive at 30 in a 30 40 in a 40 etc, but when I hit the National (Go like ****) sign I nearly always stretch the limit. I never speed check in the national speed limits with a radar gun for this reason only in 30's and 40's. However if you speed right in front me in a car with Police plastered down the sides in a national speed limit you are obviously not driving carefully otherwise you would have seen the car behind you in the first place.

If I get caught for speeding, which I have been in the past I kiss **** big style and would be the most apologetic person in the world. Its sometimes works and sometimes not. As Danbo says it all depends on who you get stopped by.

There are complete w4nkers in this job as there are in any profession but to say we are all as bad as one another is pure narrow mindedness. If I walked past you in the street in uniform you probably say “Oh look another w4nker” but if I met you at a Scooby meet in normal clothes you wouldn’t have a clue. We are not all the same just because we wear a uniform.

You obviously have a story to tell tiggers so why not get it off your chest and share it with us.

Old 27 January 2002, 11:44 AM
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Hi guys,

I think we'd best just leave this - you think I'm wrong and that is fine as everyone is entitled to an opinion (as I'm entitled to mine). I'm not apologising for anything I've said as I don't think I said anything I need to aplogise for. All I did was suggest that maybe being in the police might be an advantage if you are stopped for speeding (which if you were stopped by one of your work colleagues it surely must be!!). The level of feedback generated by that comment does make me think I've hit a nerve, but let's just leave it now.

As far as telling my story I don't think this board is the place, but suffice to say that over the last fifteen years I have been involved (not always directly) in several incidents with the police that have left my confidence in them shattered, but hey maybe I've just been unlucky!!!


Old 27 January 2002, 11:58 AM
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Nathan L, think you’ve got a real point about someone acting like a tit in front of Police car. The way I look at it is it’s the driver’s job to look out for danger, child crossing the road or whatever, but that includes danger to loosing your license – a cop car represents just that. Now unmarked cars are a whole other topic… that’s just dirty.

Old 27 January 2002, 12:05 PM
stephen emery
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we would all be f**ked without the cops.
one's i have met have been good chaps, even the bloke who booked me for speeding , and hence 3 month ban(92 in 60)
motor cops on the hole tend to be blo@dy good drivers to boot?

Old 27 January 2002, 12:23 PM
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Nobady knows Dick Grimes Then!!!!!
Old 27 January 2002, 04:10 PM
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Blimey,that stirred up a good response!!!! lol
Old 27 January 2002, 09:37 PM
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Bet ur happy with urself now Danbo, must amke it about 30 all.
Old 28 January 2002, 01:31 PM
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I want to say something. Being that I lived in Bolton uptil june 2000, I have always driven faster than the sign says on the Mways. Only because its ment to be a quicker route from A-B. Half the time its twice as long in distance. So I normaly have to make it up myself. I've never been stopped on the motor way but i had on my local roads a few times. Only once for going to fast (Accel from a stop to 35 in a 30 zone on B road with no houses within a mile) Stopped got out my car before the cop could pull out of the side rd. I $hit myself. He came up asked me why I stopped I said because I knew you was going to stop me. How did you know that. Well your head lights came on so I knew you was after me. He let me off and said keep it down. I was well happy. 2 Week before that my dad tried racing me but I let him go. Little did I know an unmarked Police car was behind me. He passed me and caught upto my dad and booked him of course I was blamed by him. He said I was egging him on. Anyway I moved to the US. Funny thing I get on the Interstate (motor way) and I`m doing 105 in a brand new hire car and I go over a hill (which slowed me down) and whats on the other side! A state trooper "Great" his lights come on and before he pulls out of his verge Im on the hard shoulder. of all the questions to ask "do you know why I stopped you?" Well you didn't officer I saw you pull out and theres noone but me for miles on this rd so it could only be for me speeding! After a 25 min lecture he lets me go. But man If I had got a ticket that day it would have been 1250 pound fine. traffic speads are so diffrent between The USA and the UK. IN the UK everyone drives at 90+ on M6. I came home last june and landed at heathrow and got on the M25 I started at 70 and people are wizzing past me so I speed up, 80MPH still being passed like I'm in reverse. 90MPH and still I feel like an obstruction on the rd. 105 and I`m beggining to keep with cars in the middle lane but still being passed for dead on the outside. This is at 10.30 in the evening. God knows how fast they go at 2am.
Old 28 January 2002, 02:03 PM
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Hey its nice to see some police being involved in a thread and it not degenerating into a "i got done for 31 in a 30 all coppers are w*****s" type thing.

Ive read all of the posts and wanted to add my 10p

I believe that the majority of traffic cops do a great job - they are very fair IMHO and generally speaking you only get knicked when you are doing something inappropriate or stupid. A bit of "good progress" on a motorway is generally ignored if traffic/weather conditions permit etc.

I just find it a damn shame that these good peoples names are tarnished by all the Gatso/Zero tolerance brigade!!! They must get a lot of grief/bad feeling for something thats nothing to do with them!


Old 28 January 2002, 02:12 PM
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There's not just traffic cops who own Scoobies you know
Old 28 January 2002, 02:41 PM
Jolly Green Monster 2
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I think it is bad that the Police get slated when as said earlier they are only enforcing it not making them.

I'd rather like to do the Police Patrol car job, but couldn't face all the rest that goes with it and when I realised that I cannot really drive like the 'Proffesionals'.

Should I hide my Radar Detector if I get pulled? silly question really... suppose it says "Speed Master" in big letters across the dashboard. Which isn't the case, although I admit to bending the national limit only as little.
Old 28 January 2002, 05:38 PM
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Great response, thanks people. Its odd, coz speed enforcement and all the bits of the job that people whinge about play such a small part in what we actually do that its almost silly.

People tend to forget that most of the time the last thing on our minds is whether someone is 2 miles an hour over the speed limit!! We also deal with every imaginable type of call from Serious car accidents to domestics and it is these jobs that take up our time really!!

Traffic process is just a very small part of our job that we have to do, and in a lot of cases will be with an aim to improving road safety for other road users. Sometimes, a usually careful driver will get caught the one time they are over the speed limit or whatever but lets face it, we all know what speeds etc we should be doing and its a risk you take should you choose to ignore it. However, as long as a driver is aware of whats going on around him, you will always see that marked car ahead or the car that 'could' be an unmarked Police car and can adjust driving accordingly. (I do not condone speeding but I see no trouble with making progress!)

It is nice to see that most people on here tend to understand that we are not all droids, and in fact most Of the Officers I know are well into their cars, trckdays etc etc.
Old 28 January 2002, 05:56 PM
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Good to see a rational and considered response this time. Lets hope it continues. My wife was stopped at 4am one morning, just checking to see it was't stolen. No probs with that, dialogue was polite reasonable and non threatening.
BTW that's the police not the missus

But it's a shame it wasn't BuRR that stopped me on the M1/62 link a few weeks back. I was genuinely apologetic and courteous, as were they. Just some old fart speeding in a Scoob.

Still got the ticket
Old 28 January 2002, 06:13 PM
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Just out of interest - what was the name of the guy who did you?

Just aside - the only problem with the motorway is that they're a dedicated unit in West Yorkshire, so I may not know the officer who processed you.

They are based at Wetherby (for the A1), Jctn 41 M1 and at Hartshead Moor services on the M62. Now this is my own personal opinion, but how boring is driving a Vauxhall Omega up and down the same straight bit of road day in and day out??

Anyway I live just a stone throw away from Jctn41, so you can imagine how wary I am in and around where I live, especially as there's a 3 miles stretch of dual carriageway (with NO residences lining it) more or less right outside my door!

I probably am much more wary than if I was not in the job. I think its the fear of being made an example of, not just by the courts, but by our own chief constables, eager to please that we are not a law unto ourselves, which is all and good, but sometimes the line is drawn a little too far.

/me senses an incoming flame from some motorway officer reading this (flame suit ON)

Old 28 January 2002, 06:24 PM
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I would agree, motorway policeing is not the most exciting!!! At least we do not have any dedicated departments, we just do the odd day!!! I would go crazy if I had to do that all the time, I enjoy the diversity of the job!
Old 28 January 2002, 06:40 PM
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I'll dig out the name, be a real laugh if it was you!! Wetherby Magistrates thats the boys.

Are you able to pop over to the rolling road thing at Well Lane next w/e?
I'll not tell the guys what how you earn a living....Honest
Old 28 January 2002, 06:42 PM
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I've met a couple of the guys already - Mellow Yellow and Tony Burns, and spoken to SCOBY on the telephone a few times.

I don't know whether to come or not, as it will only make me want to spend spend spend, and to be honest I ain't that flush at the mo'.

Also off work for the time being, due to an RTA at work. (I wasn;t the driver, btw )

[Edited by BuRR - 1/28/2002 6:42:49 PM]
Old 28 January 2002, 06:44 PM
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Sorry to hear that BuRR!!! Hope nothing too serious!!
Old 28 January 2002, 06:47 PM
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no - just the driver was following a car that contained 3 burglars (they'd just done a waterboard-type burglary on a 90 year old woman) and we dropped behind the car as it set off.

They drove up an enbankment and my driver followed it, however she lost control on some mud, and drove straight into a lamp post.

At least I know airbags work in Vauxhall Astras

However, not much good when you hit the windscreen before it goes off - my head went straight through the glass - and before you say YES I was wearing my seatbelt, but I'd slackened it slightly as I was getting ready to get out of the car to chase after the little ba$tard$, so the tension was taken up once I'd bounced my head back off the glass.

Had 16 staples in my head all through Christmas. Still hurts like **** tbh.
Old 28 January 2002, 06:48 PM
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Thumbs up

Most of you will not have been around when we had StuartL as a moderator on this BBS.

Stuart was a Police Scooby instructor and his advice was most welcome. I don't know his reasons for leaving but in the end most threads he got involved with ended up with a can you help me with this or a Police officer did that etc. I'm sure we would all get annoyed if we came on here to relax and only got asked about work.

So I hope Danbo can enjoy this board as himself and not just a Police officer and we all should remember that he is a BBS member first and just works as a Police officer.

Old 28 January 2002, 06:50 PM
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Ouch!!!!!!!! Not good!! When you hoping to get back. I bet that was an "I wish I'd been driving moment!!!" (had a few of em myself!!)
Old 28 January 2002, 06:52 PM
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Me too. (hoping it's not serious)

Enough of my hard earned going on cameras without adding compensation to my tax bill

BuRR, if you've already met that pair things can only improve. Wander over and watch me be embarrased, at least I'll be ahead of be of Bob T (I hope)

Drop u a mail L8r

Lee I was around, and agree entirely.
I think his imput was useful but it did move from Stuart please answer this to Stuart justify THAT. Plus a little of all Coppers are.....

[Edited by banshi - 1/28/2002 7:02:01 PM]

Quick Reply: are you a police with a scooby?

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