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ireland reject eu treaty

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Old 14 June 2008, 11:29 PM
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ratify |ˈratəˌfī|
verb ( -fies, -fied) [ trans. ]
sign or give formal consent to (a treaty, contract, or agreement), making it officially valid. See note at approve .
ratifiable |ˈratəˌfīəbəl| |ˈrødəˈfaɪəbəl| adjective
ratification |ˌratəfəˈkā sh ən| |ˈrødəfəˈkeɪʃən| noun
ratifier |ˈrødəˈfaɪ(ə)r| noun
ORIGIN late Middle English: from Old French ratifier, from medieval Latin ratificare, from Latin ratus ‘fixed’ (see rate 1 ).

As you can see, I've highlighted the origin of the word 'ratify'.

It is, Gentlemen, a complete and utter FIX.
We shall all soon be a very (un?) United Europe, one way or another.
Old 15 June 2008, 11:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Suresh
According to the Dutch media, the French minister for European affairs is asking the Irish to have another vote! Jean-Pierre Jouyet. According to this particular surrender monkey, there is no other option (other than accepting and respecting the wishes of voters in a free and fair referendum, of course) | Frankrijk vraagt Ierland om herstemming (article in Dutch)

Personally I'm a fan of the 'United states of Europe concept', but not if it is being sneaked in via the back door
Wouldn't you prefer to be in a truly democratic governing body. And wouldn't you prefer to be in a government which can make our own laws. Isn't it better to strive to be governed by a non corrupt organisation? How do you feel about being subject to a foreign police force and being ordered to show your identification for no other purpose than that you were walking past a control point? Do you think it would do any good if your MP for whom you voted was part of a band in the Eu Parliament which is only 10% of the Euro MP's in that House? You might be part of the Eu, but with no say whatsoever in the control of your own life!

Old 16 June 2008, 06:43 PM
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Didn't he callfor tie to reflect a few weeks ago too with a bit of bad news too?

Reflecton what FFS! Where's my bloody vote I was promised in the last Labour manifesto? Think I'll reflect on a non publically elected PM without a mandate too.
Old 16 June 2008, 11:35 PM
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Originally Posted by hutton_d
OK. So take a look at The Devil's Kitchen "MEPs: You're Too Stupid To Vote ".

The link is to Editor's Notes #3 - NEW EUROPE - The European News Source from which the last paragraph is: " ... Referenda and Democracy:
The EU has now accumulated significant (bad) experiences with
referenda. It was very delicately yet effectively communicated
by the Romanian social-democrat MEPs: “The referendum in
Ireland has demonstrated that direct democracy (by way of referendum)
cannot ensure the progress of the European process.
The security, liberty and prosperity of hundreds of millions of
European citizens ask for complex leadership actions, which
cannot be appreciated by heterogeneous populations, from the
point of view of the information level and the education one.
European integration is a process that must be conducted politically
by the elected representatives of the European citizens.” ... "

So, we're all too stupid to *understand the issues* but out elected leaders aren't .... and they know best .. what effing planet are they on???????

Really, its time to get the pitchforks.....
Old 17 June 2008, 04:40 AM
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I wonder if the Irish took time out to reflect on the cause of their economic boom in recent decades. Was it due to massive EU investment/grants/bribes, or was it due to bi-partizan agreements which were business friendly?

I certainly know what it was like in Ireland before the "Irish boom", and it wasn't pretty.
Old 17 June 2008, 07:51 AM
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I can't stand blooming EU.

Didn't it all start with Benelux?

Anyway,all seems so corrupt.Votors don't want it,just the politicians
Old 17 June 2008, 10:20 AM
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The thing is, some sorrt of reform is absolutely necessary. The legislation in place just is not designed to cope with a enlarged EU - So, things have to change, and some of the moves proposed by the Lisbon treaty make sense, a EU president for a longer term, rather than individual countries for 6 months for example.

When Labour promised a referendum, they should have made a big effort to explain what the EU constitution was all about, rather than basically give up the battle ground to The Sun and The Mail and the rest of Euro Skeptic press.

The average person has not got a clue what the Lisbon treaty is, or what it does, most of thier information comes from Euro skeptic sources . That is not a fault of the public, that is a fault of parliament and polticians for not explaining thing in a good enough way.

Make no mistake, we need the EU. We are not pulling out of it, so you can forget that little pipe dream. When the Tories get in, they will they reppeal the lisbon treaty like 42 days? Absolutely not.

Of course we won't adopt the Euro for the forseeable (and rightly so IMO), and we will resist a common foreign policy/Defence policy, but economically we absolutely need Europe.

There is nothing inherently "evil" about being in Europe and the benefits it gives you (just ask anyone from Melton Mowbray ). But, there does need to be much more transparency, much more accountability and much better PR from the pro-europe camp, because at the moment, the Euro-Skeptics don't even need to break a sweat.
Old 17 June 2008, 10:55 AM
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Originally Posted by hutton_d
We do not *need* the EU. We could pull out tomorrow and we would be better off. Even T. B. Liar admitted that 3 million jobs did NOT depend on the EU (after Nu Labia had been saying they did). What are the estimates for CAP? That they add about £1200 a year to the average food bill?

See my quote above re. referendums and how *inconvenient* they are for the politicians to see how wrong you are!

I;m not even going to get into a debate with you on this , Dave, it would be an exercise in futility

I'm not particularly pro Europe, but I certainly don't advocate pulling out of it. And judging by lack of any success by UKIP, nor do many other people.
Old 17 June 2008, 11:05 AM
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Nothing wrong with a trading agreement which is how we were conned into joining in the first place by the lying politicians of the time who knew exactly what the end plan was. They were all operating under the advice of Jean Monnet who thought the whole thing up in the first place and told them all how to fool us into eventual federation!

The only ones to really profit out of federation are the political leaders of course. But then the people are of no importance as ever! They can't wait until they no longer have to submit to elections to keep their jobs.

Old 17 June 2008, 11:20 AM
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It's just simple stupid things like weights and measures,also the story of dogs being banned from B&B kitchens because Europe says so.

And I am pretty sure it is Europe's wheeze on the 'Green' enviro nonsense that means our car tax is going to skyrocket so we can all fit into their big plans.

To top it all,the talk of a European Army.It just won't work.

Tower of Babel is the best description of the Euro farce and what will happen
Old 17 June 2008, 11:32 AM
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Originally Posted by lozgti
It's just simple stupid things like weights and measures,also the story of dogs being banned from B&B kitchens because Europe says so.
Whats wrong with decimalisation? It make much more sense that pounds and ounces. Kids are taught by the metric system, thats what we should cater to.

Besides, we ar eallowed to have imperial measures shown alongside metric now.

As for banning dogs from B&B kitchens - Good!! I don't want some filthy mutt eating off my plate of food thanks.

The problem is that again, the skeptic press focuses on non stories like "straight bananas" etc, trying to make the EU look as ridiculous as possible, without actually looking into the legislation.

Originally Posted by lozgti
And I am pretty sure it is Europe's wheeze on the 'Green' enviro nonsense that means our car tax is going to skyrocket so we can all fit into their big plans.
Hang on, you can;t have it both ways, we ar eeither the most expensive in Europe or not. You can't blame Gordon Brown and the EU for it.

Besides which, the othe rbig European nations - France, germany or Italy, do not want any form of anti car legisation at all, and indeed have argued against limits. Why? Because Peugeot, Renault, BMW, Prosche, Fiat et al do quite a lot fo thier respective economies.

Originally Posted by lozgti
To top it all,the talk of a European Army.It just won't work.
That's all it is - Talk , its not agreed. And to be honest, I don;t think ti will go anywhere in the short to meduim term.
Old 17 June 2008, 12:10 PM
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Originally Posted by hutton_d
There's a very persuasive argument about how kid's maths abilities started to decline when decimalisation came in and the old Imperial measurements went. Then you had 12 oz to the lb, 14lbs to a stone etc. Then it was all just 'powers of 10' which, I'll agree, *should* make things easier. But how many younger people do you know today that can't even do that???

Not all that persuasive to be honest. I mean that would suggest that all countries that use the metric system have worse maths - Which is obviously rubbish.

Originally Posted by hutton_d
But how many younger people do you know today that can't even do that???
Personally? Umm..None.
Old 17 June 2008, 12:41 PM
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The easier you make things, the less clever people become!

Old 17 June 2008, 12:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Leslie
The easier you make things, the less clever people become!

Or, to put it another way - make the basic stuff simple, leaving you more time to concentrate on the big problems

Coming from a software/hardware side of things, if you make something difficult to use, then you have failed.
Old 17 June 2008, 12:50 PM
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Saw a picture of a Bentley engine (closest I'll get)

Made me smile that instead of stamping '6.75 litres' on it they put 6 3/4

Nice one
Old 17 June 2008, 12:54 PM
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Originally Posted by lozgti
Saw a picture of a Bentley engine (closest I'll get)

Made me smile that instead of stamping '6.75 litres' on it they put 6 3/4

Nice one

Tsk - chickens, if they had any principles they would have done it in cubic inches
Old 18 June 2008, 12:54 PM
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Originally Posted by PeteBrant
Or, to put it another way - make the basic stuff simple, leaving you more time to concentrate on the big problems

Coming from a software/hardware side of things, if you make something difficult to use, then you have failed.
I can support that-just spent a very long time trying to get AOL to connect through a Netgear Router and it still won't work!!!!

Old 20 June 2008, 08:57 AM
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So,as I understand it,the Irish are being given 4 months to think about what they just did?

Old 20 June 2008, 10:09 AM
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Originally Posted by lozgti
So,as I understand it,the Irish are being given 4 months to think about what they just did?

That's the thing with referendum - They are all well and good, so long as you give the right answer - If you don't then the people that asked you question, will keep asking until you give the right one
Old 20 June 2008, 07:15 PM
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YouTube - Must watch TV! - The clip the EU doesn't want you to see

Hmm strange this did not make the news, mep's demanding a referendum?

All our upposed freedom we fought for in ww2 are being handed away on a plate
Old 01 July 2008, 09:04 AM
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i see poland are now refusing to sign the treaty
Old 01 July 2008, 11:37 AM
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Originally Posted by kingofturds
i see poland are now refusing to sign the treaty
I find it not only refreshing but also a great relief that the Polish leader is an honest man and is prepared to say what's what when it comes to the Lisbon version of the constitution and its value now that it was voted down by Eire.

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