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Ambulance has just arrived for mum...

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Old 22 June 2008, 05:34 PM
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Cheers mate, appreciate that and have no doubt
Move went off without too much drama, so no worries. Kids were good as gold, and I was in and out as quick as poss.

So a run down of since I last posted.....

Yesterday afternoon we walked the dog, then went had some lunch. Rested for a while then off to the hospital to see mum again. Plan being to leave there, meet the missus on the way, and then go take the kids to the cinema. Sadly the film we were going to see, Ironman, was sold out, so we booked The Incredible Hulk instead. This was a 9pm show. So we stopped off for a pizza in a nice lil Italian place.

Got out of thr film about 11.30, home and zonked!

Today, sorted breakfast, walked the dog, had my own breakfast, went to feed my sisters cats this morning, then off to the hospital to see mum. Collecting a paper and cup of tea on the way.
Then off to help my mate move. Chantal kindly took the kids for lunch at Maccy's. When we were done at the house, off to the shops to do some shopping for bits for mum, and pack lunches for the kids.

Pack lunches were a last minute thing, as I have just been told by my niece (11) that her mum will call me later to tell me she is not coming home today after all, and I need to take them to school, get them ready, feed them etc.
Although its 5.30 and still not even the courtesy of a text to ask me if I can do it.

Tomorrow however between getting them ready for school, making pack lunches, and getting them off to school, I also have to walk the dog, pay some bills, and be in all day for some people to come and rip out and refit the boiler (2 day job)

I should also point out that I know it sounds like im making a drama out of a house mums usual role. But its the sudden severity of it all, and the trying to build a routine around it all, as the rules change every day!

Right......... off back to the hospital now... no rest and all that
Old 22 June 2008, 07:27 PM
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Good job you've a holiday comig up, you're going to need it!
Old 22 June 2008, 09:12 PM
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Originally Posted by ScoobyWon't
Good job you've a holiday coming up, you're going to need it!
Yet to see if I can actually make it yet mate.

Sister talkin about the funeral for her other halfs sister (in-law as it turns out) being in just over a weeks time. And she is planning on going, which leaves my mum, in or out of hospital, on her own. Which im not happy about.

So got to see what the plan is there yet. If she is out of hospital, either my sister stays or I stay.........

Out of interest, my sister text me about 15 8.50pm mins ago, finally to tell me she is not coming home tonight, and wont be back til late tomorrow evening. But if I want I can pass the kids to a mate of hers. Im not one for throwing kids from pillar to post, so I have cancelled the theatre for tomorrow night now, in order to be home with them.
Old 22 June 2008, 09:55 PM
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Your sister doesn't have to be away for too long, whereas your holiday is booked and paid for.

Last year, in the space of one day, I prepared my pub for opening, drove to Wales from Nottingham, attended my cousin's funeral, and got back to Nottingham in time to have a couple of pints before closing down the pub and locking up. The kids and your mum will be more important than a pub, so I'm sure she'd want to make sure they are ok.

You deserve the break mate, you've been through loads, and even if you feel that you can battle on, I'd urge you to go so Chantal can have a break as, from what you've said, it sounds like she's been giving ou a lot of support too.
Old 23 June 2008, 08:14 AM
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Originally Posted by ScoobyWon't
Your sister doesn't have to be away for too long, whereas your holiday is booked and paid for.

Last year, in the space of one day, I prepared my pub for opening, drove to Wales from Nottingham, attended my cousin's funeral, and got back to Nottingham in time to have a couple of pints before closing down the pub and locking up. The kids and your mum will be more important than a pub, so I'm sure she'd want to make sure they are ok.

You deserve the break mate, you've been through loads, and even if you feel that you can battle on, I'd urge you to go so Chantal can have a break as, from what you've said, it sounds like she's been giving ou a lot of support too.
Yeah we both need the break mate, trust me. Its been a stressful year so far, but hey, these things are sent to try us eh.
As for my sister, I would never assume anything is important to her, until she actually makes an effort. She blows hot and cold, and drops things like a hot pot out the oven.
In all seriousness, if my mum came out of hospital at the end of the week, and the funeral was Monday, my sister would prob not think twice about asking mum to have the kids for a couple of days....... to me, thats shocking, to my sister, its expected.

The first day my mum had chemo we got out of the hospital a little early. I text my sister to say all was well and we were a little early. Her response was "oh thats good, do I still need to pick Daryl up or will mum make it on time?"

To me Florida is a safe haven right now, I just wanna get out there, and rest, even for a few days. If I have to come back early, so be it, but just getting there would be SO good.

To make matters worse, my Chantal has got a spare credit card for my so I can hire my car out there, it came through at the end of the week..... MRS M SNASDELL !!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr more stress, will the new one arrive in time?
Old 23 June 2008, 09:34 AM
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Day off to a disasterous start I have to say.
Walked the dog while taking the niece to the bus stop, took nephew with us. Saw niece off on bus. Came home, got ready and took nephew to school, planning to get there for 8.20 as its an 8.30 start according to him.

As we are leaving there is a van on the drive, builders arrived early to do the boiler. I asked nicely if they would wait while I ran him up the school. "No probs" was the reply.

We get there 8.20, its SHUT! Apparently now he tells me its 9am start!

Rush back, builder still here..... phew.
As they start to work, they request a few things moving to give them space, namley the kitchen in almost its entirity, and the bedrooms too. Everything in the rooms has to go. These are big rooms, so its big stress. At the same time, keeping the dog quiet and out of their way, so putting him outside, where he whines and jumps at the door.

Mid moving, my phone rings.. "hello, is that Daryl's uncle" says the voice..... "this is the school"
Turns out she has got there, very upset, and wants to go home. Im now in the house, with builders, my nephew, the dog, moving stuff, and cant get to the school to pick her up, but phew, thats ok, she is fine to come home on her own.

So now I have them both home off school, the dog here making a fuss, and the builders making a mess and asking for more and more to be done lol.

Thinking I am the only one having a bad day I sent a blanket text out to some people. Getting 2 replies in particular that made me feel normal.

Mate who moved yesterday.... was up all night on the toilet, after a dodgy pizza. And other half just got rear ended in a brand new car...

Hope everyone else is having normal days !
Old 24 June 2008, 08:04 AM
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Today is the day, mum is coming home today. However im not quite sure of how its gonna work just yet. She was taken off the oxygen yesterday, and her SAT's fell back to 90, so I am assuming she is meant to be managing this with the aid of oxygen at home, which she will of course refuse to use.

Got to take some clothes in for her this morning, she will see the doctor, and be released this afternoon, so I will of course collect her.

In the meantime, I am now kid free again, my sister came to collect them this morning. Kindly trashing the kitchen and taking loads of food etc from the fridge for their pack lunches. Leaving all the surfaces dirty, rubbish everywhere, and the room they have been sleeping in, in the messed up state the kids had left it in.
Thankfully I woke up, as she has not even bothered to do as I asked her and text me to let me know she took them.

I will text her shortly and lets see if she wants to be about for mum to come home, or if she will be "bonding" with the kids again after being away for SO long lol.

I know where my money is....and so the story continues
Old 24 June 2008, 10:16 AM
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Hope all goes well when your mum gets home Snazy.

I have to say you would really have to work at it to be as selfish as your sister. Can't believe the way she left your place and nicking your food etc.

Best wishes from here anyway.

Old 24 June 2008, 01:21 PM
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Right update time....

Just got back from the hospital, had a meeting with the doctors. A new doctor has been added to the watch, and she is very good I must say
We have all agreed, and managed to convince mum of the following....

She is not better yet, and needs to stay in til she is
She is to go on a drip to avoid dehydration
She is to have a scan of her chest as the pain has not gone away, and her SATs are still low, suggesting a clot on her chest.

As a reward for being a good girl I took her out in a wheelchair for a walk in the sun in the park She loved it, and it got her mentally set up for a few more days too, I think so anyway.

In the meantime I have social services coming round at 2 to see what they can do around the house to make things easier for her. So hopefully there will be some positive changes there.

Then there is my sister...... Back to her normal self, she is a little confused with her loyalties right now. The belief is, if all is ok with mum's scan, she can he home Thurs/Fri... I fly off to Florida on Sat (a tad selfish some might say) but sister will be about....... However.. She has now decided she wants to go to the funeral in Somerset which means there will be no one here for mum for the best part of 2 days!

She is currently having a strop about me daring to suggest she does not go, and is about for mum.

Aaaah well, im gonna take a 5 min break, and chill I think lol.
Old 24 June 2008, 01:31 PM
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Bloody hell, she just dont get it. I have asked her to be home for mum, and she is still going on about how she is going to the funeral but will cancel if she "has" to!

Without being cruel, she has been away the best part of a week already, without seeing her mum all this time, and leaving me with little time to take care of mum either.
Now she is planning on being away for another couple of days. Has no idea what the state of play is with mum.

Earlier she hinted that mum might have to move if they deem the house is not suitable. And also that they can keep her in as long as they want.

Not only does she not have a clue, but she pays no attention to what she is told either!
Old 24 June 2008, 01:37 PM
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If euthanasia was legal I'd suggest you persuade her to go for it. Your sister that is
Old 24 June 2008, 01:42 PM
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Originally Posted by ScoobyWon't
If euthanasia was legal I'd suggest you persuade her to go for it. Your sister that is
lol could not have put it better myself.
The kids would be ok too. I have had them 4 days in total, and she thinks they are looking healthier and lost a bit of weight.... says something eh!

And no I didnt starve them at all.

Might teach them some more manners next time I think. Hate seeing kids with no manners.
Old 24 June 2008, 01:44 PM
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Have you had them on LL foodpacks?
Old 24 June 2008, 02:02 PM
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lol how the hell did you work that out so quick
Old 25 June 2008, 09:20 AM
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Right, so last night...........

I had a nice relaxing visit with mum for a couple of hours, then my sister turned up.
Said her hello's then picked the paper up off the bed and started reading. News paper that is, not medical papers.
5 mins later she takes a phone call, then shortly after suddenly seemed to realise my mum was there.

Spoke to her on and off, but was far more interested in her "so I said, so she said" monologues!
Eventually her son started playing up, so she decided to wake the ward up telling him off, only for him to storm off in a strop.
She then spent 5 mins laughing at him as he walked back and forth across the entrance to the ward, trying to get attention.

At this point I called it a day and left!

During her brief recognition of mum she did manage to have a conversation in ear shot of mum, saying about how she was still going to the funeral on Monday and yet to find someone to have the kids.
Mum naturally offered and said she would have them, to which my sister responded very abruptly, "you cant, you're in here!"
But made it pretty clear that if mum is home Fri Sat Sun or Mon, she will happily dump the kids on her!

This whole thing is driving me mad. I can cancel Florida if I have to, but I have gone through so much recently, its the escape and break I need right now. Is asking my sister to take care of things for 2 weeks REALLY that much to ask!
Old 25 June 2008, 12:14 PM
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You must not cancel your holiday. You really need that and you have had so much trouble heaped upon you that you deserve it more than most.

You have to get away, have a great time, and rebuild your resistence to all the BS you have had to put up with from your totally selfish sister.

You must go as planned, and leave the rest of it in your sister's lap letting her know in no uncertaim terms that she is totally responsible for the really important person which is your mum while you are away.

Don't ask her to look after your mum-tell her!!!!

When you get back you will be strengthened up to be able to deal with your mum's problems far far better than if you don't take that break away from it.

Old 25 June 2008, 01:03 PM
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As Leslie said, make sure you take the holiday.

Could your sister not take the kids with her to the funeral? It may actually benefit them by making them know how they are expected to behave and show respect for other people. Actually, that sounds like what your sister needs too.

Why do I suspect that you'd take your mum with you if you could? And no, don't do that! You need the break.
Old 25 June 2008, 02:18 PM
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lol who gave me negative on my own thread ?
Old 25 June 2008, 02:22 PM
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Cheers guys, I wont be cancelling the holiday unless something serious happens now. Im only a flight away 24-7 regardless of cost. I can only hope my sister does the right thing. I will however be putting some arrangements in place so mum is definatly taken care of. None of those concern my sister in any way though.

As for taking my mum, that was the original plan actually, but with the chemo etc she didnt want to come

I shall indeed be fully recharged and ready to get stuck into things when I get back, at full strength.
Just been to the shops to get some new shelving units etc, so I can get everything out of the bottom cupboards in the kitchen and bathroom and raise them up so she can reach them without effort or danger

Also made some other changes around the house which should make life a little easier for her. More to do yet, but still a lot to get done today!
Old 25 June 2008, 02:33 PM
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Good man

Old 25 June 2008, 02:38 PM
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There is no doubt she is grateful for all the effort Snazy.Best wishes and look after yourself and your family.

Old 25 June 2008, 03:10 PM
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cheers guys.

Still wanna know who gave me negative lol. Speak up and be heard.
Old 25 June 2008, 03:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Snazy
cheers guys.

Still wanna know who gave me negative lol. Speak up and be heard.
< shaggy mode on >

Wasn't me

< shaggy mode off >

It might have been a mis-click, someone meant to give it a positive rating and clicked the wrong one.
Old 25 June 2008, 03:37 PM
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A mis-click? Oooh Like the one you just got
Old 25 June 2008, 03:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Markus
< shaggy mode on >

Wasn't me

< shaggy mode off >

It might have been a mis-click, someone meant to give it a positive rating and clicked the wrong one.
once it becomes a pink OK second time it goes to negative, so thats 2 people both clicking thumbs down.

Dont really care, but if it was on purpose, it saddens me to know there are such silent critics amongst us

Either way, my sister is useless, im going to Florida, and im also about to leave for the hospital now, so catch y'all later
Old 25 June 2008, 03:44 PM
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Just wait 'til Pete posts, he'll get an infraction
Old 25 June 2008, 06:22 PM
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oi Snazy,

bring us back a stick of rock from floridia,

seriously mate, use the time to do one thing


your big enough and wise enough to know your problems wont dissapear overnight, but if you fall over (so to speak) the problems could be a lot worse.

Your mum's in very capable hands, take the R&R while you can

who,s looking after the hound btw?

Old 25 June 2008, 08:17 PM
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Cheers Mart, give me an address and I will send you something back, not sure what yet though. Maybe the car rental bill lol.

I will chill as much as I can though. Have sorted with friends to pop in on my mum to make sure she is well, and has food etc, not that I dont trust my sister .....

Dog is going into kennels. And not bloody cheap ones either! Dunno whos smart idea that was lol

Originally Posted by mart360
oi Snazy,

bring us back a stick of rock from floridia,

seriously mate, use the time to do one thing


your big enough and wise enough to know your problems wont dissapear overnight, but if you fall over (so to speak) the problems could be a lot worse.

Your mum's in very capable hands, take the R&R while you can

who,s looking after the hound btw?

Old 25 June 2008, 09:24 PM
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Right here goes....
She was taken off the oxygen yesterday, and at almost the same time, put on a drip as she was getting dehydrated.
Over night her vitals became unsatisfactory again, with sat's dropping to 89%, her temperature went up again, as did her BP. Signs she was struggling to breathe properly.

So today, she is back on the oxygen, and a regular nebuliser, as well as the drip 125ml p/h. But more to the point, stable again.

She is on a shed load of drugs, inc 2 types of pain killers, 2 types of anti coagulants, anti sickness, antibiotics..... anti everything really lol.

Complaining loads now about not wanting to stay in there, but im managing to keep her "happy" so to speak. She was however a little pissed off today as she was hard wired, she could not go for a wheel around the park. Hoping to be able to do that tomorrow though, morning and afternoon

Managed a couple of hours of visiting today. Getting to know the other visitors quite well now too. My day was doomed from the offset, leaving a pack of bulbs in the trolley at Ikea was just the beginning. Got to the hospital, bought a tea for mum as she likes the ones from the canteen downstairs, walked in the lift and......... dropped it Doh

Was good to sit and chat with mum for the afternoon though, and get some truth out of her.
My sister on the other hand, she has asked about 4 times today if mum is allowed to come home yet. I get the impression its due to her being intent on going to the funeral on Monday, and really not getting the message that mum CANT cope with the kids.

What worries me now is, all this effort keeping mum in to get her better will be in vain if over the weekend mum wants to discharge herself, and my sister decides not to bother convincing her to stay. That would suit her to a T.
Without regular visits mum will definatly push for discharge asap, and without support from my sister, she will probably get it too.

Just paranoid now, but trying not to think about too many if when whys and whats.
Old 25 June 2008, 09:32 PM
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Sounds like you've had a real nightmare today Hope things are better tomorrow

Quick Reply: Ambulance has just arrived for mum...

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