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Old 12 February 2002, 03:39 PM
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Thanks Dom, I'll let you know when that happens, we can have a nice little 'applied torture' session. I'm sure the woodman carpark would accomodate us.

If anyone has seen 'fried green tomatoes at the whistlestop cafe' then they'll know what I mean when I say we'll have a BBQ as well and the secret is in the sauce!

Old 12 February 2002, 04:09 PM
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Yet another update

Got call from my dad to call police station. Dad mentioned that he'd seen a brick in the middle of the road last night, but when he came out in the morning it had moved to the other side of the road. So it looks like this could have been the cause of the damage, would certainly make sense, especially in light of the scratches on the screen and a-pillar.

Phoned the police station and all they wanted was more precise details about the damage and asked if I though it could be a drunk falling on it, we both agreed that it'd have to be a really big, heavy, large thumbed drunk, or holding something. So looks like someone lobbed a brick at it.

Think I'll examine things tonight and see what the brick looks like, who knows it might have fallen from someones house, if so then I'll have a chat and see if they are up for compensation.

Oh, and I've purchased a dump valve to cheer myself and the blackbeast up cos it's not happy, poor thing!

anyone need any bricks then
Old 12 February 2002, 04:57 PM
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Sorry to hear about your bad news Markus
Old 12 February 2002, 05:03 PM
Jolly Green Monster 2
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Could someone have run over the brick and the wheels thrown it at the car?

Which DV did you go for?
Old 12 February 2002, 05:22 PM
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the plot thickens

My brother, bless him, has been out with my digital camera. why? well, aparently they repaired the bottom of the road whilst I was away in the USA, and there is a big pile of rubble. He's taken a pic of the rubble, why? well the 'brick' aint a brick it's a (his words) "big bloody rock, it aint small mark!" so the theory is, ******** picks up rock down bottom of road, comes up the road, sees nice scooby (stop laughing at the back! ) and thinks "I'm jealous, let's trash it!" or something like that. Heave-ho away she goes, thump! damage to my car.

Brother has phone number of council/highways agency, whom I shall be contacting tomorrow with regards to compensation due to thier or their contractors failure to remove rubble which has now caused damage to my car. If they want to play hardball I'll get some legal representation (anyone up for that?) and sue the council for damages.

As for dump valve, it's a forge one, vent to atmosphere, as used by Rich Wild on his 320bhp MY96 car, so if it's good enough for him, it's good enough for me.
Old 12 February 2002, 08:08 PM
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How fluckin dare yoo suggest I would waste my time doing something like this mark ...I dont have the time and to be honest wouldnt go anywhere nr where u live or work i have much better things to do with my time oh and btw u didnt **** me off you done me the biggest favour ever!
Old 12 February 2002, 08:16 PM
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oh and btw ..i do have an alibi for last night just incase u seriously think id waste my energy on ...dont flatter urself!
Old 12 February 2002, 08:39 PM
Rikki 95WRX
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As a matter of interest...on the way home a few weeks back i drove in to the metal frame of a temprorary road sign (the sign had come out) and it has dented my door a treat. The frame was from a temporary road sign put in the road by a house contruction company working further down the road and I almost hit the sign a couple of days before - don't laugh - it is badly lit and didn't realise it was in the road until I was nearly upon it. The question there any chane at all I can get any compensation from the construction company. I didn't pursue it coz I guessed they would say vandals had destroyed the sign and left the metal in the road - over which they have no control.

Opnions appreciated please - sorry to hijack you thread Markus
Old 12 February 2002, 09:05 PM
Colin Berry
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Markus, are you sure you need a new bonnet. Im sure that a specialist can reshape it for you. Saw some similar work on the tv last week and a skilled worker with aluminium can do wonders.

Just a thought?
Old 12 February 2002, 09:53 PM
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Markus - this whole thing stinks, I had a similar experience about 3 years ago when a bunch of kids ( I assume ) worked my Pug 306 over with some bricks handily left at a building site. 3 grand later I returned and had to wait 2 hours for the police in a car with a couple of windows missing on a freezing Glasgow evening... did they do anything, did they f**k, usual platitudes leaving me to get home. Sometimes you just want to take the law into your own hands.... hope you get things sorted out real soon!!!

Old 12 February 2002, 10:21 PM
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holy fecking smoke 1k for an alloy hood/painting/fiting/fibreglass repaire and paint polish.
a bit steep me thinks

Old 12 February 2002, 10:54 PM
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mark, in the words of the great harland williams..aka..rocketman...'I DIDNT DO IT..IT WASNT ME'

SERIOUSLY should think a little deeper than first impressions...i realise you have done this by now..but you shouldnt have written that post naming the name that you did(even if you did say its not her still put the name together with the subject and that is not right) should close this thread and reopen without those comments adhered..fair?
Old 12 February 2002, 11:01 PM
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Angry should know that if we turned to vengeance it wouldnt be so half hearted and lame a**ed'd have mailed you your scoob in brown parcels..

as for your anger..i say let go of it..
anger leads to hate..
hate leads to suffffering ..tee hee.

buuut if you cant let go of your anger..i suggest staying that call to mr black and mr decker..sure they are cool guys to have in your corner during those ever-so-tricky ..erm..questioning sessions..but mr dremmel is far more

hope it gets sorted soon..and for less than you expect..that sucks..and your words next time!!
Old 13 February 2002, 08:36 AM
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kinda the response I expected, but I had to ask, ok, caught some flak from you and others for saying it but in a case like this you have to look at every angle. You know what I'm like about my car, and I regardless of what you say I know I pissed you off or at least upset you. I know you won't but accept my deepest apologies for accusing you, or at least thinking it was you. Was said in the heat of the moment. I've gone back and edited my post to remove the accusation, simply as a sign of good faith and my stupid too-quick-to-react type thinking.

Old 13 February 2002, 08:42 AM
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Just re-read your comments and worked out who you are (should have known you'd pop up sooner or later )

Anyway, I have edited my post to remove my allegation. You're right, it was a heat of the moment thing, you know what i'm like when I'm angry, and you wouldn't like me when I'm angry

Not much else to say

Oh, picture have been taken, and are being put onto website as we speak, so will post link/pic when they are up.
Old 13 February 2002, 08:44 AM
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thanks to the gang for popping down to the Woodman last night to cheer me up, much appreciated, don't think my mate Dave was too impressed at us talking scooby all night, so will apologise to him today. Cheers, it did help me feel better, plus good to see a sub-set of the gang again.
Old 13 February 2002, 10:08 AM
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It was nice to see the Beast (and of course you) again, hope we cheered you up. Say sorry to your mate from me aswell, he did look kinda bored with the whole conversation!

Get a Link to cheer yourself up, you know you want to.
Old 13 February 2002, 10:41 AM
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Markus i cant beleive someone like Suzy would do anything like that
I hae got to know both of you from here & you BOTH seem lik honest people
People split all the time but you move on, at the end of the day you had good times together but now is no time to blame each other for anything
& this is not the place to do it either
Come on guys you are both great people just keep your private lives private !!!!
Old 13 February 2002, 10:46 AM
Jolly Green Monster 2
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sorry to hear about the split...

hopefully you can still be friends...

Hope the damage gets fixed soon.


Old 13 February 2002, 11:38 AM
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you're right about the private lives thing, and I was a fool to even consider for a moment that suzy had anything to do with it, but it was a heat of the moment, "maybe" type thing. As I originally said, the only person I felt I had pissed off was suzy, but also as said, not her style, she's not like that.

Enough is a enough, group hug!

Anyway. back to the plot.

As mentioned, it's a rock, a big effing rock. it came from pile of rubble. I've spoken to the council and they are sending me a claim form, so you never know I might get them to pay for the repair, which would be nice, we'll just have to see.

So, you lot will have to put up with a dented beast, as you did before, for a little while.

thanks for all the support and kind words and pointing out i was foolish for saying some things.

hope no-one thinks any less of me, if you do, fair enough.

Old 13 February 2002, 11:45 AM
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Nothing for me to forgive you for mate !
we all say things in the hat of the moment
But maybe you need to apologise to someone else, who had nothing to do with this, & is obviously offended ! But then again im sure you probably have !
I hope you do get money from council !
Has the Dump Valve arrived yet ?
Old 13 February 2002, 11:55 AM
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thanks mate. I've sent an apology to someone, so going to leave it at that.

hope the council pays up as well.

DV not come yet, should get it tomorrow and hopefully fit it at weekend, though I might be getting the brakes done at the weekend (fingers crossed!)
Old 13 February 2002, 11:57 AM
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get your rocks off baby, get your rocks off!

The 'home' from where the rock was kidnapped from

ouch! that's gotta hurt!

More pics here if anyone is in the slightest bit interested
Old 13 February 2002, 12:01 PM
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Was it fairies? Hit your car with a rock and then left 50p?

Seriously, still stunned that some people would do this - nasty pieces of work
Old 13 February 2002, 04:18 PM
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Wink must have some cheap a**ed fairies in your neck of the woods...round here they leave £1..oh yes..inflation has hit large at the fairy hq ..redundancies are expected.. hence the lesser able fairies , who cannot pull in enough teeth , are becoming disillusioned at their future career prospects. this has the knock on effect of leading to sporadic fairy violence.its all becoming clearer eh?
i have seen it all before..back when i were a the winter of aught 3, things were bad for the wee folk...(flashback wavy lines and harp music plays....)

on a serious note.. bflat ..thats pretty serious in my book!!..sorry sorry..but the old ones are --well--the old ones..fair all round for the lame jokes..

annnnyways...they got ya bonnet scoopy bit!!..tis a bad thing been me when i say that mark had two bonnet scoops..and one he named pride and the other went by the name of joy..

i say ..march on the town hall with torches and pitchforks and much chanting of 'kill the beasts'...

oh and...i always turn up sooner or know this
Old 13 February 2002, 05:20 PM
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uh oh! he's lost it
Old 13 February 2002, 05:32 PM
Nathan L
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I take it I din't wake you up last night with that fecking great light pointed at your car

Old 13 February 2002, 05:35 PM
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nope, but then my bedroom is at the back of the house, hence me not having heard anything on monday night

would have only woking up brother and dad, so that's ok!

thanks to whoever shone the light though.
Old 13 February 2002, 05:36 PM
Jolly Green Monster 2
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That dent in the a-pillar looks rather nasty!
You did say that she was the only person you had pi55ed off and that it wasn't her style though... so in actualy fact you did say it couldn't be her.......but the association was there..

Sounds like time for a proxmity shield, with laser guns... could blast any rocks, cars, people into small pieces which are too small to hurt the paintwork.. might make cleaning the car more interesting too.. due to forgetting to turn the laser off or strange particles stuck to the paint work... like how did this pair of bollox get in the bonnet scoop?

As to the fairies, I blame mouth wash and tooth paste and brushes as they have improved so much.. if you are a tooth fairy you might want to think about a job change? how about a Scooby fairy and they could protect the cars? and sell the rocks......?

Serious question :

Do you have any guards under the two add on scoops? as I thought the passenger side went straight onto the battery? I looked at removing the covers underneath to aid cooling last year..
If there is no guard at all and driven in the rain do you not get lots of water on the engine?

Be excellent to each other


edited to correct my typos.. fairies were pressing the keys.. wasn't me 'onest guv.

[Edited by Jolly Green Monster 2 - 2/13/2002 5:38:50 PM]
Old 13 February 2002, 05:38 PM
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Party on dude!

No the scoops are completley open, never really had a problem with rain whilst driving or standing still. plus a couple of chaps have removed the blanking plates and have the normal vents and have not had problems. if worried about the battery one could cover that area with something.

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