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Should someone die in just over 1 hours time?

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Old 13 March 2002, 03:45 PM
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Ever tried asking God to help you find answers. Try it. You may get an answer in 20 seconds or 20 years. You never know. We all know theres something out there, we wonder, and some search. In the Bible God tells us that this wonder or little niggle inside us is for better words like a homming beaken built inside us and so we ask questions and try and find the truth. Keep going mate.

Old 13 March 2002, 03:57 PM
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Im sorry i dont mean to insult but the answers are right in front of you and it frustrates me sometimes that you cannot see them. Sorry. As for the dinos. So what?? What about them, Big creatures that existed a few years back. As for C-dating well lets not go there. There has been many ongoing arguments proposed about the reliablity and accuracy of C-dating so im not even going into that. As for evolution. Come on!! That ones a biggy. Every time i open some canned food etc i expect there to be food inside not some evolved beast from the incorporated combined chemicals. Food companies throughout the world spend Billions disproving evolution theory, and a theory is all it really is at the end of the day. Theres a log for your fire.

[Edited by scrappydoo - 3/13/2002 3:59:27 PM]
Old 13 March 2002, 04:01 PM
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scrappydoo, I have done the alpha course, I found it created more questions than answers though!

I found it very good though, well run by the chaplains at my local college
Old 13 March 2002, 04:03 PM
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Indeed! That's why I did Alpha 2 ...last one next week...still got millions of questions - but I guess it's half the point to make you think!

Doesn't help though

Old 13 March 2002, 04:05 PM
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Michelle, Questions are good. Its what gets us thinking. Certain areas of the course are however up for debate though.
Old 13 March 2002, 04:06 PM
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That is exactly what I thought of it.

We should get together and have a discussion about it.

I find that there are some things that my scientific, analytical mind will just not let me accept as answers.
Old 13 March 2002, 04:09 PM
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Science contains some answers,not always right but God contains more. :-)
Old 13 March 2002, 04:12 PM
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Having just watched the news... I think the guy did deserved to die. Not sure about making him wait 17.years and then Taking 8. mins to kill him...... Could have been done ages ago and within Seconds.
Old 13 March 2002, 04:13 PM
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Further to your posts on page 4 - I agree, no justice in the country. I enquired on behalf of my friend who was raped, and was told she'd be better off getting councilling and trying to forget about it, as it was her word against his. [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

As for someones comments on life imprisionment being more of a punishment - not over here it isn't - yeah you don't have your freedom - but they do seem to have too many creature comforts in prisions these days. IMHO

Old 13 March 2002, 04:14 PM
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I have found I end up opening more doors than shutting them, in other words, I am asking more questions and getting frustrated because I cannot find the answers or I am dissatisfied with the ones I do get.

Up until the age of 16, I went to church regularly, after that I questioned myself heavily about whether I wished to continue practising the Roman Catholic faith.

I decided that as I did not truly believe, I could not attend church as I felt it was wrong with all these strong doubts in my head.

I investigated several religions, joined the Alpha course, I still feel like I am on square one.
Old 13 March 2002, 04:15 PM
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Dr evil,

Ohh!! i dont know, i think tyson got all sorts of things whilst he was incarcerated. Sky TV even a phone. :-)
Old 13 March 2002, 04:16 PM
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Discussion is good...

I agree about some parts of the course, although ours was delivered really well and the discussion part formed the main part of the evening with everyone being honest..I think that was the best bit - I didn't even offend anyone!

I think these things take time unfortuntly...I perminantly feel like I'm on Sq 1!

[Edited by Jen - 3/13/2002 4:19:11 PM]
Old 13 March 2002, 04:18 PM
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I agree.

It is terrible to witness.

The justice system seems only to serve the criminals. I am disgusted at the state it is in and the state that this country is coming to. The justice system is corrupt apparently with bribes and such.

Such a small percentage of people ruining it for the majority.

Counselling can only help so far, the process of healing is a long and traumatic one. Huge amounts of support are needed. Sometimes the way victims are treated in court is enough to tip the fragile balance they have in their mind and a tragic loss of life can occurr from a poorly handled case. The justice system should be ashamed.

Old 13 March 2002, 04:19 PM
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You are searching which is very good, Christianity in MY opinion seems to be the only true faith out there. Stick with it though, keep looking and asking God to help you and he will. It will all be worthwhile in the end.
Old 13 March 2002, 04:22 PM
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I will keep searching, till I am satisfied I know what I want, how to do it, how I feel about myself and what my view is on faith and God.
Old 13 March 2002, 04:22 PM
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Re: Justice
unfortunaly alot of these things are still embedded with the "old boys club" - that's what frustrates me most!

I think the police genrally do their best with what they have, it's the old laws/traditions etc. that cause problems esp. the support the prison service get from the govt. ( I know several prison wardens and I don't thin kthey have an easy time)..the question being - what can be done?


[Edited by Jen - 3/13/2002 4:23:15 PM]
Old 13 March 2002, 04:23 PM
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As a matter of interest what branch of science do you study or have studied?
Old 13 March 2002, 04:24 PM
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I think what needs to be done is what we plan to do with the car hi-jacking situation.

We as a nation need to stand up as one and be counted.

Let us fight for what this country REALLY should be.

Let us stand tall and for once be proud to say we are British!!!!

The government NEED to listen to us, we NEED to FORCE them to listen!!!!
Old 13 March 2002, 04:28 PM
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Physics mainly
Old 13 March 2002, 04:31 PM
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Religion ??

You jest !!, if you cant prove it how can it exist ?? This goes for anything, there is no solid evidence for it so would should it be..

Dont talk to me about faith... If I told you that you could step into 20 tons of metal and fly at 40000 feet you would not believe me would you, you'd want the proof.. Whats the difference with religion ?
Old 13 March 2002, 04:35 PM
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I dont have to prove it to you or anyone. Its already been done matey. If you took a little time looking into it you would not ask such stupid questions, hence my previous statement, both cases to every argument.
Old 13 March 2002, 04:37 PM
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Go 'chelle!!!

Old 13 March 2002, 04:40 PM
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Nice one little miss Wrx. :-)

And on that note im off to study my own little branch. Ive got a report to do on Solid Phase microextraction. Should be Phun!!

Laters all!!

Old 13 March 2002, 04:46 PM
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dont you think thats its self conceited to believe that there has to be a greater purpose in life ?, whats different between us and other lifeforms on this planet.. Apart from higher brain function and a thumb ???

All because we think and emote doesn't mean there is a greater purpose in this life.. Religion is just a vehicle to make weaker people feel more secure/loved/wanted and stronger ones a basis for more control/power/position..

Old 13 March 2002, 04:54 PM
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I see what you mean about the purpose in life - now thats a good question. I'll have to think about that.

As for weakness, not sure about that one! I for one have just been feeling more insecure since looking into aspects of religion...and no, that's not 'cos anyone's influencing me, just me questioning myself. Believing something doesn't mean you throw away your brain, you still deal with all the aspects of living..

Also - religon used by the strong to create power? examples? It's usually the leadership skills that create power, as said before, you don't throw away your brain when you have a belief - if anything, you become stronger yourself. If you mean (it's always a bit hard to work out what people mean on the bbs! ) leaders such as in the East, they're taking advantage of a situation and offering a solution to people who are desparate for it, nothing to do with belief. Especially if you're a Christian, then you take God's view, not that of a leader!

er..think that's what you ment! Correct me if I'm wrong...

Quite a good debate this one!

Old 13 March 2002, 05:01 PM
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I dont have to prove it to you or anyone. Its already been done matey. If you took a little time looking into it you would not ask such stupid questions, hence my previous statement, both cases to every argument.
Eh? Please demonstrate one thing that I can go and recreate to prove the existence of God(please do not inlcude any eye witness testimony, literature from thousands of years ago or any other form of misguided ill informed tripe). In exchange, I will provide several things you can go and do to explain the happenings of the universe that are attributable to THE LAWS OF PHYSICS!!!!!!

And please don't mention faith, that doesn't cut it. I believe that the moon is made of cheese. I have total faith in that, so please disprove it.


P.S. Why, 2k years ago did primitive, uniformed, unenlightened, gillible people believe Jesus when he said that he was the son of God, when 10 or so years ago, David Koresh said the same thing, so the FBI killed him and the rest of the Chritian world labelled him a mad man? Could it be that both were right, and we killed the Christ in his second coming, oops! Or, more probably, both were charlatans who tried to pull the wool over the eyes of the people of the time but were seen for what they were and got rid of? Remember that 2k years ago, Jesus had a very small following and the Jews had him killed. A thousand years from now, David Koresh may well be worshipped by millions of gullible people as well!!!
Old 13 March 2002, 05:35 PM
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If you believe in such BS as christianism, judaism or the pope or whatever, you might as well believe Osama Bin Laden. Much better to look at than the pope IMHO.
Old 13 March 2002, 06:35 PM
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Well, that was one hell of a thread and it could have some way to run yet.

Its great to see a thread so well accepted and treated by most of you lot, Thanks!!

Better than reading the other cr4p that has been posted isnt it?

Old 13 March 2002, 08:10 PM
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Just because something happened a while back, that makes it less credible does it? Rubbish. If eyewitness testimony is just that then why use it in courts today? Jurors relay heavily on witness testimony alone and 80% of criminal cases where eyewitnesses are called to testify have secured a conviction, therefore we put alot of trust in it for some reason or another???????. Maybe you (Geezer) and a few others had better start writting to your MP to change it all in that case. As for David Koresh and his nutty movement (cult). You obviously havent a clue do you. Do you know anything about Christs second coming??? Judging by your statment you dont.. Like i said countless times on this thread mate if you listened, dont comment on what you dont know or havent experienced, preferrably the latter. Im not getting into now but if others members of faith and by that i mean true faith where reading your remarks they probably wouldnt even bother wasting their time replying. They would just put it down to your ignorance.
Old 13 March 2002, 08:19 PM
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As Pete said his victim had no choice, So I say hang him by his neck, personally I would make him die very painfully and very slowly probably just like his victim did.

Quick Reply: Should someone die in just over 1 hours time?

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