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What would you do if you hit a dog?

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Old 12 April 2002, 03:01 PM
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Quote 1:
Admittadly - my bad. Although the point remains that if you killed someones pet, and injured yourself/damaged your property, if you were face to face with the owner, you would not dare sue them. I hope the opportunity does not arise to you, and if you have sued in the past, then that makes you something of a heartless bugger [although there are mitigating circumstances - if someone sets their rottweiler on you and you jump in the car, and run over it attempting to escape - thats different...and highly unlikely].

Quote 2:
Thats my personal opinion. Enjoy.

Quote 3:
That was aimed at those of you who have never lost a pet in a violent/unexpected manner - road incident, badly aimed rifle on a farm etc. Its like asking a non-driver their opinion on lift off oversteer - if you've never done it, how can you comment on it?
Thats all.

Still dont like your attitude on this whole subject much, although at least you appear to have the intelligence to reply constructively, instead of most BB users replies of '**** off' [thats a generalisation from a whole load of BB's, BTW - not necessarily [sp?] here] - which frankly, just annoys me.

I stand by what i said, though, even if I probably have left most of it illegible...I dont proof read redmist posts.
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Old 12 April 2002, 03:09 PM
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if i hit a dog i'd take it to vet- end of story.

if i hit some of the muppets on here i would put them out of their misery- end of second story

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Old 12 April 2002, 03:14 PM
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I went past a black cat near to where I live about 3 weeks ago, I stopped turned around & parked up. It was a black cat very similar to one of ours & after checking it over it was obviously dead, but still very warm so must have just been knocked over.

I picked it up & placed it in a quiet corner of a hotel grounds & the wife telephoned the local council to inform them.....

What pissed me off is that when I was in the middle of the road (& I mean the middle) the amount of cars that went past & never even bothered to stop, look etc, just flew past me.

I had my back to oncoming traffic with my suit & tie on so hardly a car jacker...could have been a kid knocked over for all they knew!!!
One futher thing I will say is that people who dislike animals normally fall into a certain category, those who have animals will understand that one.

just my opinion's of course

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Old 12 April 2002, 03:21 PM
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Hmmmmmmmm good point, I don't know the anatomy of a cat or dog (sheep yes obviously ! ).

But I'd like to think I can differentiate between an animal close to death or not. Those close to death but OBVIOUSLY still suffering and in pain need to be dealt with as quickly and humanely as possible. It's not nice, it's not pretty but it has to be done. And yes I agree with you this would mean I was acting as God, arguably with no right to.

I'd just act in accordance with what I felt morally correct in the circumstances. Might not be everyones cup of tea, but I'll live with it.

Paraphrased from my original comments the correct action is 1) check ID/collar and try to contact owner 2) Contact/take to Vets (or RSPCA) 3) Contact police - in that order.

For the record I have two beautiful cats of my own and I'd be gutted if anything happened to either of them.

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Old 12 April 2002, 03:22 PM
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..thats another point I dont understand...
Shunty - you stopped, walked down the road as cars flew past you, therefore risking your life, just for an animal..

A family friend was killed as he stopped to help a deer..thats why I don't agree with stopping ... <unless legally obliged to do so obviously >
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Old 12 April 2002, 03:22 PM
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you misunderstood story 2- i was refering to ppl who notify their ins. co. of mods and those who train their dogs properly

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Old 12 April 2002, 03:26 PM
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Still better view than some on here...LOL...

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Old 12 April 2002, 03:27 PM
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quick richard, call the rspca and tell them to pack up and go home unless they can be allowed to rescue animals from big bags of cotton wool where there is no danger! muppet!

if your spoiler fell of your car i bet you'd soon go trotting back pass those dangerous cars to get it!


ps- flame suit on- i just dislike people call richard (sorry if thats a ridiculus generalisation, it must be catching )
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Old 12 April 2002, 03:31 PM
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LOL @ Tiggs
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Old 12 April 2002, 03:32 PM
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The problem with being so dogmatic (no pun at all intended) is that is depends on the circumstances.

To illustrate this point, I was driving along a wonderful back road a cople of years ago between Masham and Pately Bridge, over the moors. It was a lovely summer's day, dry road, no-one about ... other than a rabbit.

The poor sod ran out in front of me and, unfortunately, I hit it. Now, I'm certainly no vet, and I may not be the smartest person in the world, but I know what roadkill is, and this rabbit wasn't going to last much longer.

There was no point taking it to a vet - both of its back legs were crushed. I was in the middle of nowhere, didn't know the area, couldn't get a signal on the mobile. Even if I could have got it to a vet, what would they have done, other than give it a lethal injection?

So rather than watching it continue to shake, then die a little later, clearly in a huge amount of pain, I killed it. It's not a pleasant thing to do, but I believe I did the right thing.

Disagree with me if you will, but I'd do the same again.

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Old 12 April 2002, 03:33 PM
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Tiggs - I certainly wouldn't risk my neck for a piece of GRP or carbon fibre..what goods clutching a piece of bodywork when you're under the wheels of a 40-footer..same goes for animals. I would however risk my neck (dependant on risks) to help a human being..thus proving I aint the w***** I've been accused of being
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Old 12 April 2002, 03:38 PM
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Dogs stink..........

Cats rule...........

Oh and regarding my previous comment about what to do if I ran over a dog, its more than anybody did for any of the three cats my family have had run over on a main road. Its unfortunate but true, animals come second, if one steps out in front you do not cause another accident by swerving, braking whatever.

At the end of the day if you see an animal stood in the road, and large truck is baring down on it, I for one am not going to step in front of the truck to save the animal, and neither should anyone else. Harsh maybe but its the same situation if your behind the wheel of a car and the truck is right behind you, you hit the animal, and save yourself from any potential danger if you swerved or braked suddenly. At the end of the day, a dead husband/wife/father/mother isn't going to feed and cloth you or your family, a dead animal will......
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Old 12 April 2002, 03:40 PM
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so if your spoiler lay in the middle of a busy road what would you do?
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Old 12 April 2002, 03:42 PM
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Red face

This one turned a bit nasty,
Still stand by my first post,though.
And by the way I am nobodys cronnie,a cronnie may be,but i only answer to myself.And I dont aim for animals in the road on purpose,in fact i try to avoid them,same as i try to avoid hitting kerbs,bricks ect.
But if i hit a dog in my car i would pursue compensation for the damage incurred,coz it shouldnt have been there,obviously i would feel pity for the animal,and its owners but what can you do?:confussed:
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Old 12 April 2002, 03:43 PM
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Stop, risk life and limb to get it, and enjoy the look on Askews face as I fcuked off with his spoiler tucked under my arm

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Old 12 April 2002, 03:44 PM
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hopefully he would give chase and get eaten by your big effin dog!
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Old 12 April 2002, 03:46 PM
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I have looked in and am glad to hear that this is now such an emotive issue. There have been many more better thought out responses (although not all of them are my opinion).

Reading through the thread from the top still makes me angry at the attitude of our moderator and others on here.

However, I am pleased that lots of other people havce expressed their views and said that they would call a VET or police or something else more constructive if faced with the horrible situation.

On my own points I apologiose for my tone and language if it offended anyone but this thread was particularly offensive to me.

The notion that a cars life is more important than a dogs is for me totally alien (I'm not saying it is wrong). This is pretty powerful for me in that it goes some way to explaining the responses on here.

If I had an animal I'd be hoping that if it got ran over it would not be by someone that cared more about their car than it!

I hope that Richard in particular you can accept the fact that a lot of people found you offensive and that inhumane views like this might be best kept to yourself.

I too enjoy a lively debate and am not afraid to stand toe to toe with anyone on something I think I have a valid opinion on and from this perspective I have enjoyed it!
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Old 12 April 2002, 03:47 PM
Richard Askew
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so if your spoiler lay in the middle of a busy road what would you do?
...I would weigh up the situation and devise retrieval means dependant on my risk assessment (spot the H&S Manager )
a) quiet road - no risk to myself then I would get it..
b) busy road - no way..leave it to its destiny..

...same goes for animals..sorry if it upsets people...
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Old 12 April 2002, 03:47 PM
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dave, i wouldnt need to cause i am quite able to cross a road and pick it up myself (risky though it may be), the prob for richard is that he dislikes animals and so is not likley to own a retriever and even if he did it would prob tell him to go jump cause he's a nasty animal hater


ps- i'd have to back for my spoiler anyway cause i'd never get the ins. co. to pay up for it as i dont declare such things
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Old 12 April 2002, 03:51 PM
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I hope that Richard in particular you can accept the fact that a lot of people found you offensive and that inhumane views like this might be best kept to yourself.

I too enjoy a lively debate and am not afraid to stand toe to toe with anyone on something I think I have a valid opinion on and from this perspective I have enjoyed it!
...scoobynet being a public bbs allows us all to make our own personal opinions...I too have enjoyed the debate, I just didnt appreciate being called a ****** cos of my views...

Reading through the thread from the top still makes me angry at the attitude of our moderator and others on here. being a moderator has no impact on any of my views ARE NOT those expressed by scoobynet etc etc...
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Old 12 April 2002, 03:57 PM
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Thanks Richard - are you repeating yourself?

Take your medicine - you make a derogotary comment towards an animal and expect to get away with it - others thought the same thing about you I'm sure. I think some have spoken up.

I was only expressing my opinion and I'm sure in my last post I apologised for my tone and language to everyone it offended.

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Old 12 April 2002, 04:01 PM
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apology accepted,
I take it thats for callin me a cronnie?
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Old 12 April 2002, 04:05 PM
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Your views are similar to Richards - thats why I labelled you one of his cronnies.

If this is offensive then yes I apologise.
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Old 12 April 2002, 04:07 PM
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No need really,bin called alot worse.
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Old 12 April 2002, 04:09 PM
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Reidy - thanks for the well constructed debate..I'm glad that we have a difference in opinions and are both well educated enough to discuss them without resorting to any personal attacks.
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Old 12 April 2002, 04:10 PM
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Richard Askew - you seem to have dug yourself into a hole here and then kept on digging. Maybe you'll get eaten by an animal one day - I bet that would really pi55 you off.....
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Old 12 April 2002, 04:16 PM
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andrew6321 - thanks for your educated input into the discussion...
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Old 12 April 2002, 04:28 PM
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I really dont understand all this at all.

why because richard is a moderator does he have to have a non contraversial opinion.

where is there a law that says you have to love animals?

I know plenty of people that hate animals, but there is nothing here that says anyone would intentionally be mean to them.

This question is purely a matter of law. in which circumstances do you have to stop etc? which we have cleared up!

the fact is, the animal lovers on here cant understand why not everyone loves animals, that is because they are blinkered.

I was unfortunate enough to have killed a cat about a year ago.

It ran across my path, in a populated area but late at night.

I didnt stop. I hit it so hard I knew it was dead. I even felt it go under the car and new it couldnt have survived,

Does the fact that I didnt stop make me a barbarian?

As it happens I was devastated by what I had done knwoing I had claimed the life of a cat and was in too much shock to stop. I have had my own cat for 12 years which had recently died, and all I could think of was the owner.

I rang a friend (blowdog) who drove passed and saw the cat was in fact in one piece (unexpected) albeit dead at the side of the road. I think he called the police.

Eventually I came to a stop and saw an enormous chunk of bumper missing from my car due to the impact. A new bumper on my car fetches around the £4500 mark so I was forced to go back to pick up the piece of my car. My distress meant that a friend collected the part for me. I certainly didnt even give a thought to reclaiming the costs from the cat owner.

Does my failure to stop make me a bad person in the eyes of these prejudiced animal lovers?

I thinkyou are being most unfair to richard, who has made it clear that he is entitled to his opinion. Taking that away would be a far worse crime.

With the amount of crap in the world I still feel there are many more important issues occuring at the moment to fuel a debate of this magnitude, its just a shame that peoples priorities are apportioned as they are.

I actually care enormously for animals, but I would never value the life of any animal close to that of any human.
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Old 12 April 2002, 04:44 PM
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"where is there a law that says you have to love animals?"

What sort of muppet are you? Of course there isn't one b ut some of us have morals and consider themselves caring and considerate to others and animals.

"the fact is, the animal lovers on here cant understand why not everyone loves animals, that is because they are blinkered"

Do you really believe this?

Did I just buy the wrong car? (Nope - love my car - less than an animal though) Did I do something wrong as a child to deserve this? (Nope - was a good kid in general) or are there just some really stupid Subaru drivers?

I wonder?
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Old 12 April 2002, 04:49 PM
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Have not read every post on this one but i can say i am a dissapointed with some peoples sense of humour on this point. As you can see by my post name i have a dog. I am also a responsible owner. my dog is always on a lead as peoples reactions to 50kilo animals running at you with teeth showing is normally poor.So god willing will never be hitby a car.

However if he was i would like someone to take the appropriate action as he is my baby as if it was a child.
As for damage claims my dog has 3 million pound 3rd party cover to allow for these situations.

jUST my 5pence worth.
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