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Fishing - Barbaric or Sport?

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Old 21 May 2002, 01:07 PM
Ole Grey Beard
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Just a little fact for you to think about.

If the NRA did not make so much money out of fishing you would not have the polution free rivers & canals.

Check out the history of canals & rivers in the UK and you will find that it is down to fishermen reporting any polution or dead fish that has helped the revival of the waterways and the wildlife that rely on them.

Sea anglers were the first to notice the decline in sea fish also.

Hope you have do a little research to check up on this, then wipe your eyes, blow your nose and stop snivelling like a baby.
Old 21 May 2002, 01:15 PM
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To be fair, it isn't barbaric - it hasn't evolved that far. It's primitive savagery and we have been doing it the same way for millenia.
Doesn't make it wrong though...
Old 21 May 2002, 01:22 PM
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Bravo why you getting stressed ?

It's all this fishing your doing, turning you into a violent neanderthall type person.

Fish do bleed when hooked, I used to fish with my grandfather and I remember a trout he caught pi55ing blood every where. I also remember watching other people fish and it wasn't everytime that they wer hooked in the mouth.

It's just a barbaric sport and not once did I say all anglers just the majority that I've seen.


[Edited by RB170 - 5/21/2002 1:25:16 PM]
Old 21 May 2002, 02:03 PM
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I think people are getting a little over-excited by this thread. As has already been explained, fish do not have the nervous system capable of having the same experiences of pain and suffering as mammals do (cats, dogs, cows).

The comparison with the slaughterhouse is very relevant - how many people here who claim that fishing is barbaric are vegetarian? If you eat meat, then STFU. Either that or go and watch a cow being 'treated' at an abbatoir - particularly a kosher one (where the cow has its throat cut, and is left dangling by a hook through its leg until it has bled to death) and then decide whether you want to continue eating beef.

I'm neither pro-fishing, or veggie, but I'm not going to listen to hysterical cobblers about fish 'screaming' (clearly impossible, since they have no larynx).

The only cruelty I've heard about fishing (when properly done, with hook extractors, etc) is that occasionally the experience can dissuade the fish from eating. However, I've heard this denied, and I'm also sceptical that fish have memories that detailed. Since many carp in fishing lakes live to ripe old ages despite being repeatedly caught, I really can't put much faith in the reports.

The worst cruelty I've seen by a fisherman was some kids who thought it would be a good laugh to smash some fish to smithereens with a rod-rest whilst it hung (live) on the end of the line. Unnecessary and fairly nasty. But an isolated incident, years ago.

Those of you who are getting wound up by this should a) turn veggie, and b) put your efforts into stopping the far more cruel issues of battery farming, badger/bear-baiting, dog-fighting, fox-hunting, etc., and general animal cruelty by this nation of 'animal lovers'.

[Edited by MarkO - 5/21/2002 2:05:27 PM]
Old 21 May 2002, 02:14 PM
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smashing a fish up is not a problem is it? if you think its cruel its because you are relating the experience to yourself. a fish doesnt get scared or feel pain when hung up and smashed- it simply reacts to its surrounding- it will thrash about because it knows to react to escape when caught- it doesnt thrash about because it is aprehensive of what you'll do to it.

and it doesnt "feel" pain like we do- it knows its being smashed up but hasnt the brain to worry about the pain.

what next? dont swat flys?


ps- heres a debate... saw a programme on the guy that stared the animal rights movement- he argued (years ago) that it was wrong to kill an animal like a chimp which could tell fear/pain and suffering when humans in a state that couldnt feel these things were "protected".

which is interesting cause if you had a human that was unable to feel pain or suffer (for whatever reason) and you killed them you'd get in trouble but its ok to kill thousands of dolphins which can sense as much as us in relation to these issues.

(i hope the fishemen on here put back any dolphins they catch)
Old 21 May 2002, 02:15 PM
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fishing is in a minority - more people don't fish than do. I wasn't making a comparison against other "sports".
Old 21 May 2002, 03:22 PM
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OK so fishing isn't a blood thirsty sport.

You won't mind a quote or 2 then.

"If it was a trout that was bleeding then it should have been knocked on the head and taken home for dinner anyway"

WHY ?? because it was bleeding or because it was a Trout.

"and from the few times I have been trout fishing, they tend to swallow the hook and get hooked in the gut which requires them to be killed anyway"

So it's the Trouts fault that it swallowed what if thought was food, only to find out that it was infact a hook and that hook is now embedded in it's gut so sorry but now your gonna die ??

"I have never seen a carp bleed from being hooked in the lip, and very few get hooked in the gut, and they still survive this as they are much more hardy than game fish."

OK they survive so that makes it ok even though they may be gashed

"It is in anglers best interest to put the fish back as healthy as when they came out as if you injure a fish and increase its chances of infection all the other fish will be killed off too by disease and you wont be doing any more fishing on that particular stretch of water."

Impossible the only way that you put it back as heakthy as when you take it out is to not take it out in the first place.


[Edited by RB170 - 5/21/2002 3:23:30 PM]
Old 21 May 2002, 03:46 PM
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I love fishing. I go Carp fishing.

A fish can't feel pain as humans do. It has the lateral sensor line and 'feels' through the water.
Thats why a Pike can take a chunk out of a Carp, Bream etc and it will swim off without pain. A fish reacts to its environment.
If you pull on the line in one direction it will pull in the other. Auto reaction. It maps the pond / lake, hence it can patrol. It has very limited abilities to remember.
A fish has no pain sensors in its mouth / lips. Otherwise it would be in constant pain when it was nosing through gravel beds.

I am fed up with the asumption that most people use lead weights that effect Swans etc. This is another scare tactic put about by Petta and the RSPCA etc on the likes of Rolf Harris's program.
Lead weights have been banned for a while now and can't be bought in shops.

I use barbless hooks so it is easier for the fish to slip the hook. I have yet to see a fish with a mouth that has been 'ripped apart'.
If there is any damage it is treated with Klinik. A special antisepic lotion designed for fish.
We check the fish landed for Parasites and disease.
The NRA help with the upkeep of Rivers and Canals, fishermen have advised the NRA before about out breaks of disease in rivers that could have devastated fish stocks. Fishermen also can keep an eye on pollution in Rivers so the authorities can take the required action.

Also at most lakes in the UK there are special requirements for tackle and netting of certain fish.
Landing nets have a minimum size, special landing mats are used so fish are not 'thrashing' about on the ground but are placed on special mats, in most cases these are kept damp, or in my case, floating in the water, so when the fish is landed it goes straight on to a wet mat. I wet my hands before handling the fish so they are not 'boiling' when I touch the fish, this also helps to stop the removal of slime from the fish. I keep the fish out of the water for the minimal amount of time. Even though a fish can survive for some time out of water.

I will stop now.

Old 21 May 2002, 03:52 PM
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seems like some of you anglers don't know all the facts yourselves....
Old 21 May 2002, 04:43 PM
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I've still not seen any of the anti-fishing brigade correct my assumption that you're not vegetarians....

Bloody hypocrites...
Old 21 May 2002, 04:51 PM
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Can vegetables feel pain ?

Vegetable Preparation: What They Didn't Want You to Know!!!!

First off, instead of allowing vegetables to run free, vegetable farmers effectively fuse the vegetables into the very earth itself, rendering them immobile and helpless. There they continue to suffer the scourge of the elements. I assure you they are SMART enough to get out of the rain...they simply can't!

When it's "Pickin' Time" the farmers carelessly yank the vegetables from the soil (mangling their lower extremities beyond recognition) and throw them into a dirty cart, filled to the brim with their wounded green brethren.

The farmers then take the vegetables to the processing plant, where they undergo the SATANIC SEX RITUALS, violating and molesting the vegetables in various horrific ways. You may have noticed that some vegetables and fruits have shapes that are somewhat... erotic. Not to mention conducive to pleasure. I mean, I haven't noticed, but you ****ing sickos probably have.

After being PROCESSED (a procedure far too horrible to describe), they are delivered to the grocery store and placed into separate, segregated bins, where they will await sale. Their old lives forgotten, they are mere property now, to be bought and sold at whim.

Occasionally, when the rotting vegetables start to show signs of all the horrid abuse, the "produce boy" will come and spray them down with stinging, burning chemicals that they can even feel IN DEATH.

That's only a small sample of the abhorrent practices and procedures these vegetables and fruits undergo on their way from birth to your murderous malefic mouth. And these hardly do justice to the amount of pain and suffering they endure. So I've put together a small series of pictures to help illustrate just how appalling these practices are.

visit here for a the gallery of vegetable pain.

Old 21 May 2002, 05:02 PM
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But Wait the Veggies have a counter argument...

Almost any vegetarian food can be taken without necessitating the killing of the plant. This would include ripe fruits and nuts, berries and melons, seeds; also legumes, tomatoes, squashes, pumpkins, cucumber; plus okras, peppers and so many other vegetables. Potatoes are dug out from the ground after the plant has died. Even leafy greens can be picked a few at a time in one's own garden, leaving the plant alive and well.

Vegetables are generally annuals, harvested at the end of their natural life. Of course, in common commercial practice, many live plants are turned under by the plow; may fruit trees are axed down long before they would die of old age; and so on. Most vegetarians do accept the moderate and reasonable view that the plants at least do not have a sensory nervous system or physical brain with which to sense actual pain, whatever subtle psychic factor may be present. As we cannot live on the sand and stones of the world we are obliged to live by utilising the plant kingdom. This is clearly an intermediate form of life between the "dead" mineral kingdom and the highly developed animal world of which we are part.

But remember, animals must eat up to 10 times as much vegetable food to return a single unit of food value i.e.: meat. So even in terms of plant-life destruction, we see a 10 to 1 factor. Clearly, the question of conservation and even "kindness to plants", can only be a strong point for vegetarianism.

Well thats it I'm only eating single celled organisms I've personally harvested from the Sea. Any I catch whilst smiling will instantly be thown back lest I be accused of enjoying the act of capture.

Old 21 May 2002, 05:14 PM
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Good site for meat eaters and fish slappers...

Old 21 May 2002, 05:34 PM
Chris T
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I don't eat fish - I don't eat anything that comes from out of the water....

I have been fishing long ago - foul hooks and stuff seemed cruel as did having to strike or play the fish in.

BUT - don't ban things - enough things are banned - let's not ban anymore. its a matter or personal choice

I would far rather see commercial fishing - especially long line and dragnets severely curtailed than stop old codgers who want to go fish in rivers of a sunday.
Old 21 May 2002, 05:44 PM
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I caught a seagull once.
I heard one of my mates caught a frog too.
Old 21 May 2002, 05:47 PM
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I caught crabs once...

Old 21 May 2002, 05:47 PM
Pete H
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Eating meat is cruel, barbaric and wrong. That's why I'm having my canine teeth removed and hoping to grow another stomach like our bovine comrades.

I'm also not sleeping in a bed any longer. I just can't deal with the grief, thinking of all those blameless bed bugs who may be crushed by my callous actions.
Old 21 May 2002, 06:01 PM
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But if you get up - what will they feed on ?

Just another moral dilema to be faced
Old 21 May 2002, 07:46 PM
scooby nutter
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Fellow carp Anglers,these Senite's dont know what fishing is about.They read too much bulshi** on these PETTA websites,fishing is bad etc etc.

I say FUC* EM,bet there only bit of excitement is surfing the web looking at sites all night long,with their slippers on and a cup of coaco next to their monitor.
Now for all these people that slate fishing,e.g cruel,Bleeding fish lips,lead weight's(WTF!,we are in the year 2002)You can come fishing with me.We will do 2 days at a top uk Water(wyreside)and lets see if your mind is changed on your tunnelvision outlook.

Either that or we can go and beat up some of the local peadophiles and child abusers or wouldnt you have the bottle for that"They are harming and abusing Children","SO WHAT,lets pick on something easy where we wont have to lift a finger,like fishing"!!!
Soft Ba******

Bravo2zero,Sith Give it to em

Old 21 May 2002, 08:00 PM
uncle buck
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I used to go fishing when I was a kid - I've seen the suffering and slow death these activities cause.

Of course it's cruel and should be banned a.s.a.p.

It's pointless trying to 'rationalise' fishing, so don't.

If you like fish, have some respect for them. If you like being by water go and sit by the water, but leave the other animals alone.

It' just mindless to say that because animals are killed for meat it's ok for you to go around abusing animals

Please *try* to think it through before you go and hurt something else.
Old 21 May 2002, 08:19 PM
scooby nutter
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Uncle Fu** ,sorry Buck

Didnt you read any of the points raised by the fishermen on this thread!!
Try a trip to your local slaughterhouse or Battrey farm!Oh sorry bet your a Vegi now iv'e said thatYou cant return a Cow to the field after you have put a bolt through its brain and its still having a mad fit,believe me i have seen things in slaughterhouses that would make you puke.
Us Coarse anglers return all our catches,We tell the NRA when we think we have caught a diseased fish,We report all the Destruction that chemical factories/refineries pump into streams and rivers.You cant do this sat on your **** in front of the Gogglebox

What Next:BAN ALL cars from the roads,little ants are getting hurt because of their tyres .Ants have feelings ,didnt you know that.Save the Ants Save the Ants Save the Ants Save the Ants.How would you like getting run over by a big piece of rubber.
Old 21 May 2002, 08:40 PM
uncle buck
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ah - Buck - sounds a bit like F**k

who's a witty chap then - or maybe it's jolly fisherman humour?

I think I just made the point that whatever else cuel goes on it doesn't justify you joining in with your personal contribution in the name of 'sport'.

So you throw 'em back - no doubt to die a lingering death from the shock and injuries it sustained from you.

Just saw this on a randomly picked fishing website:

The best catches in a single day:-

Phil Mellor's 28lb fly caught pike - and on his first ever attempt at pike fly fishing.

136lb of pike in one hour for Paul and Liz Mart - a truly nice couple.

3 20lb plus pike in one day for Ken Simmonds - Ken's previous best pike being a 2lber!

Charles Reynolds finally achieved his dream of catching a 20lb plus pike - which he did twice in two days!

Dave Kirkland's two 20lb plus 'bait caught' pike in one day - his first ever bait fishing session for pike!

Shaun Clark's 28lb 'bait caught' pike - a memory his farther will never forget.

it's just f**kin' carnage. How can you justify that?...

oh well...

Old 21 May 2002, 09:15 PM
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Now I'm getting worried - Once Fishing has been banned (which it almost certainly will) the activists are going to try to stop my sport - and that would be a travesty.

Clay Pigeon Shooter
Old 21 May 2002, 09:17 PM
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And they whistle sometimes if you catch them just right
Old 21 May 2002, 09:43 PM
Si James
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What are they whistling?

A song by Marillion perhaps?

Or maybe "Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and smile, smile, smile."

Have you noticed that when you cut the heads of eels that can still squirm around for about an hour or more. How does that work then?

I love smoked eel. Go

The little critters get what they deserve the little squirmy bu99ers.


Old 21 May 2002, 09:56 PM
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Uncle Buck,
dead fish float, THAT IS A FACT, if all (or even a small proportion of) fish returned to the water "died a lingering death from shock and injuries" the banks of lakes and rivers would be littered with corpses. THEY AREN'T. (Unless you think they all float off to fishy heaven )
Old 21 May 2002, 10:00 PM
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I used to run a carp lake in North London, Boxers Lake in Enfield, and have fished for over 20 years. In that time I spent a great deal of my own time teaching local children to care for ythe fish and to respect the environment , tidying up thier litter etc. Anyone on here who thinks fishing is cruel should consider how many innocent insects are killed when moving the lawn or taking a car out for a blast. I don't know but I've scraped loads of flies of my car. Does that make me barbaric for having a car ?

As to it being boring you've got to go along way to match the buzz of catching a 30lb carp, better than a Scoob any day ! Its alos a great way to unwind and releive the stresses and strains of everyday life. i've seen some amazing sights whilst fishing, kingfishers, shrews, dragonflies, snakes. it can also be a great social scene with monster barbies and all night drinking.

Lets just play dumb and assume fish feel pain. Stick a huge hook in your lip and tie it to a bit of line. Get a mate to pull it and I don't think you'd try t pull too hard cos it would hurt like hell. Also if you were put underwater you'd drown !

If you want to talk about cruel and the destruction of our ecosystems look at commercial fishing where tons of undersize fished are returned to the sea each year...DEAD !! Thats cruel . At least us fisherman contribute to the restocking and pollution fighting of our waterways.

It does wind me up when something I love so much is attacked be people who might not have all the facts.

There are plenty of things in the world far more deserving of our disapproval.


PS Anyone up for a Scoobynet fishing day ?

Old 21 May 2002, 10:10 PM
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yup ... I'm always up for a weekend's fishing

For gawds sake make it an easy water though been on a water for two seasons so far and not a carp out yet saw the big koi come out on Sunday morning at 38-02 though.

3 weeks now 'til Holland ... anyone been on Sloterplatz ?


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