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Old 28 September 2004, 05:25 PM
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Default SQUID Help

I have SQUID running both at home and at work.

At work I can view images on forums etc fine, but at home i always get the red-x like when the referrer info is stripped. If i turn off "use proxy server" i can view the images ok.

I've copied the config straight from work to home but it still causes images to be blocked

Old 28 September 2004, 05:32 PM
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Referer info is a red herring, not sending a referer won't stop images loading (that is a lame attempt by photo hosting sites which is easily bypassed). Sounds more like something is being munged in between you and the remote site.

Copy the image location and paste that into your address bar, with and without squid in the middle. That's where the difference is. Are you sure your work squid.conf isn't doing anything special? Are you on Win32 or UNIX? There should be a squid log where you can see hits or misses and any errors.

Old 28 September 2004, 06:33 PM
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Doh didnt think to look in the cache log i will have a look.

The only pics that don't load are ones hosted on the site that can't be hotlinked - thats why i thought referer..

I'll have a look and get back
Old 28 September 2004, 06:49 PM
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Offending line in cache log is:
1096393334.973 621 TCP_MISS/200 361 GET - DIRECT/ text/html

Trying to access the pic url directly in address bar = blank. And with proxy turned off = blank. However called from the page with proxy off and they load fine . This was why referer ding'd a bell!!

grrrrr how annoying!
Old 28 September 2004, 10:44 PM
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OK they are checking referer (sic), obviously they don't know anything about HTTP or something. No reason that should cause you problems via Squid though. What's the referring page's URL?

The out-of-the-box config should work no worries, what's your work config like? Don't paste it public

Old 28 September 2004, 11:15 PM
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The refering page was the one ending in index.php (same as image) but with thread id in params instead.

As server isn't public facing I can paste config ok.


hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?

#acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?

no_cache deny QUERY
cache_dir ufs d:/squid/var/cache 1024 16 256
cache_access_log d:/squid/var/logs/access.log
cache_log d:/squid/var/logs/cache.log
cache_store_log d:/squid/var/logs/store.log
# emulate_httpd_log off
log_ip_on_direct on

mime_table d:/squid/etc/mime.conf
# log_mime_hdrs off

pid_filename d:/squid/var/logs/
debug_options ALL,1
log_fqdn off


diskd_program d:/squid/libexec/diskd.exe
unlinkd_program d:/squid/libexec/unlinkd.exe

auth_param basic children 5
auth_param basic realm Squid proxy-caching web server
auth_param basic credentialsttl 2 hours
refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440
refresh_pattern . 0 20% 4320

acl all src
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl to_localhost dst
acl SSL_ports port 443 563
acl Safe_ports port 80 # http
acl Safe_ports port 21 # ftp
acl Safe_ports port 443 563 # https, snews
acl Safe_ports port 70 # gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210 # wais
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535 # unregistered ports
acl Safe_ports port 280 # http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488 # gss-http
acl Safe_ports port 591 # filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777 # multiling http

# http_access deny all
# http_access allow all

# http_access allow manager localhost
# http_access deny manager

http_access deny !Safe_ports

http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports

# acl our_networks src
# http_access allow our_networks

# http_access deny all
http_access allow all

# http_reply_access allow our_networks

http_reply_access allow all

header_access Referer allow all

icp_access allow all

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# TAG: cache_mgr
# Email-address of local cache manager who will receive
# mail if the cache dies. The default is "webmaster."

# TAG: cache_effective_user
# TAG: cache_effective_group
# If you start Squid as root, it will change its effective/real
# UID/GID to the UID/GID specified below. The default is to
# change to UID to nobody. If you define cache_effective_user,
# but not cache_effective_group, Squid sets the GID the
# effective user's default group ID (taken from the password
# file).
# If Squid is not started as root, the cache_effective_user
# value is ignored and the GID value is unchanged by default.
# However, you can make Squid change its GID to another group
# that the process owner is a member of. Note that if Squid
# is not started as root then you cannot set http_port to a
# value lower than 1024.
# cache_effective_user nobody

# TAG: visible_hostname
# If you want to present a special hostname in error messages, etc,
# then define this. Otherwise, the return value of gethostname()
# will be used. If you have multiple caches in a cluster and
# get errors about IP-forwarding you must set them to have individual
# names with this setting.
# none
visible_hostname Cache-Server.SiDTECH

# TAG: unique_hostname
# If you want to have multiple machines with the same
# 'visible_hostname' then you must give each machine a different
# 'unique_hostname' so that forwarding loops can be detected.
# none

# TAG: hostname_aliases
# A list of other DNS names that your cache has.
# none

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This section contains parameters for the (optional) cache
# announcement service. This service is provided to help
# cache administrators locate one another in order to join or
# create cache hierarchies.
# An 'announcement' message is sent (via UDP) to the registration
# service by Squid. By default, the announcement message is NOT
# SENT unless you enable it with 'announce_period' below.
# The announcement message includes your hostname, plus the
# following information from this configuration file:
# http_port
# icp_port
# cache_mgr
# All current information is processed regularly and made
# available on the Web at

# TAG: announce_period
# This is how frequently to send cache announcements. The
# default is `0' which disables sending the announcement
# messages.
# To enable announcing your cache, just uncomment the line
# below.
# announce_period 0
#To enable announcing your cache, just uncomment the line below.
#announce_period 1 day

# TAG: announce_host
# TAG: announce_file
# TAG: announce_port
# announce_host and announce_port set the hostname and port
# number where the registration message will be sent.
# Hostname will default to '' and port will
# default default to 3131. If the 'filename' argument is given,
# the contents of that file will be included in the announce
# message.
# announce_host
# announce_port 3131

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# TAG: httpd_accel_host
# TAG: httpd_accel_port
# If you want to run Squid as an httpd accelerator, define the
# host name and port number where the real HTTP server is.
# If you want IP based virtual host support then specify the
# hostname as "virtual". This will make Squid use the IP address
# where it accepted the request as hostname in the URL.
# If you want virtual port support then specify the port as "0".
# NOTE: enabling httpd_accel_host disables proxy-caching and
# ICP. If you want these features enabled also, then set
# the 'httpd_accel_with_proxy' option.
# httpd_accel_port 80

# TAG: httpd_accel_single_host on|off
# If you are running Squid as an accelerator and have a single backend
# server then set this to on. This causes Squid to forward the request
# to this server irregardles of what any redirectors or Host headers
# says.
# Leave this at off if you have multiple backend servers, and use a
# redirector (or host table or private DNS) to map the requests to the
# appropriate backend servers. Note that the mapping needs to be a
# 1-1 mapping between requested and backend (from redirector) domain
# names or caching will fail, as cacing is performed using the
# URL returned from the redirector.
# See also redirect_rewrites_host_header.
# httpd_accel_single_host off

# TAG: httpd_accel_with_proxy on|off
# If you want to use Squid as both a local httpd accelerator
# and as a proxy, change this to 'on'. Note however that your
# proxy users may have trouble to reach the accelerated domains
# unless their browsers are configured not to use this proxy for
# those domains (for example via the no_proxy browser configuration
# setting)
# httpd_accel_with_proxy off

# TAG: httpd_accel_uses_host_header on|off
# HTTP/1.1 requests include a Host: header which is basically the
# hostname from the URL. The Host: header is used for domain based
# virutal hosts. If your accelerator needs to provide domain based
# virtual hosts on the same IP address then you will need to turn this
# on.
# Note that Squid does NOT check the value of the Host header matches
# any of your accelerated server, so it may open a big security hole
# unless you take care to set up access controls proper. We recommend
# that this option remain disabled unless you are sure of what you
# are doing.
# However, you will need to enable this option if you run Squid
# as a transparent proxy. Otherwise, virtual servers which
# require the Host: header will not be properly cached.
# httpd_accel_uses_host_header off

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# TAG: dns_testnames
# The DNS tests exit as soon as the first site is successfully looked up
# This test can be disabled with the -D command line option.
# dns_testnames

# TAG: logfile_rotate
# Specifies the number of logfile rotations to make when you
# type 'squid -k rotate'. The default is 10, which will rotate
# with extensions 0 through 9. Setting logfile_rotate to 0 will
# disable the rotation, but the logfiles are still closed and
# re-opened. This will enable you to rename the logfiles
# yourself just before sending the rotate signal.
# Note, the 'squid -k rotate' command normally sends a USR1
# signal to the running squid process. In certain situations
# (e.g. on Linux with Async I/O), USR1 is used for other
# purposes, so -k rotate uses another signal. It is best to get
# in the habit of using 'squid -k rotate' instead of 'kill -USR1
# <pid>'.
# logfile_rotate 10

# TAG: append_domain
# Appends local domain name to hostnames without any dots in
# them. append_domain must begin with a period.
# Be warned that there today is Internet names with no dots in
# them using only top-domain names, so setting this may
# cause some Internet sites to become unavailable.
# append_domain
# none

# TAG: tcp_recv_bufsize (bytes)
# Size of receive buffer to set for TCP sockets. Probably just
# as easy to change your kernel's default. Set to zero to use
# the default buffer size.
# tcp_recv_bufsize 0 bytes

# TAG: err_html_text
# HTML text to include in error messages. Make this a "mailto"
# URL to your admin address, or maybe just a link to your
# organizations Web page.
# To include this in your error messages, you must rewrite
# the error template files (found in the "errors" directory).
# Wherever you want the 'err_html_text' line to appear,
# insert a %L tag in the error template file.
# none

# TAG: deny_info
# Usage: deny_info err_page_name acl
# or deny_info http://... acl
# Example: deny_info ERR_CUSTOM_ACCESS_DENIED bad_guys
# This can be used to return a ERR_ page for requests which
# do not pass the 'http_access' rules. A single ACL will cause
# the http_access check to fail. If a 'deny_info' line exists
# for that ACL then Squid returns a corresponding error page.
# You may use ERR_ pages that come with Squid or create your own pages
# and put them into the configured errors/ directory.
# Alternatively you can specify an error URL. The browsers will then
# get redirected (302) to the specified URL. %s in the redirection
# URL will be replaced by the requested URL.
# Alternatively you can tell Squid to reset the TCP connection
# by specifying TCP_RESET.
# none

# TAG: memory_pools on|off
# If set, Squid will keep pools of allocated (but unused) memory
# available for future use. If memory is a premium on your
# system and you believe your malloc library outperforms Squid
# routines, disable this.
# memory_pools on

# TAG: memory_pools_limit (bytes)
# Used only with memory_pools on:
# memory_pools_limit 50 MB
# If set to a non-zero value, Squid will keep at most the specified
# limit of allocated (but unused) memory in memory pools. All free()
# requests that exceed this limit will be handled by your malloc
# library. Squid does not pre-allocate any memory, just safe-keeps
# objects that otherwise would be free()d. Thus, it is safe to set
# memory_pools_limit to a reasonably high value even if your
# configuration will use less memory.
# If not set (default) or set to zero, Squid will keep all memory it
# can. That is, there will be no limit on the total amount of memory
# used for safe-keeping.
# To disable memory allocation optimization, do not set
# memory_pools_limit to 0. Set memory_pools to "off" instead.
# An overhead for maintaining memory pools is not taken into account
# when the limit is checked. This overhead is close to four bytes per
# object kept. However, pools may actually _save_ memory because of
# reduced memory thrashing in your malloc library.
# none

# TAG: forwarded_for on|off
# If set, Squid will include your system's IP address or name
# in the HTTP requests it forwards. By default it looks like
# this:
# X-Forwarded-For:
# If you disable this, it will appear as
# X-Forwarded-For: unknown
# forwarded_for on

# TAG: log_icp_queries on|off
# If set, ICP queries are logged to access.log. You may wish
# do disable this if your ICP load is VERY high to speed things
# up or to simplify log analysis.
# log_icp_queries on

# TAG: icp_hit_stale on|off
# If you want to return ICP_HIT for stale cache objects, set this
# option to 'on'. If you have sibling relationships with caches
# in other administrative domains, this should be 'off'. If you only
# have sibling relationships with caches under your control, then
# it is probably okay to set this to 'on'.
# If set to 'on', then your siblings should use the option "allow-miss"
# on their cache_peer lines for connecting to you.
# icp_hit_stale off

# TAG: minimum_direct_hops
# If using the ICMP pinging stuff, do direct fetches for sites
# which are no more than this many hops away.
# minimum_direct_hops 4

# TAG: minimum_direct_rtt
# If using the ICMP pinging stuff, do direct fetches for sites
# which are no more than this many rtt milliseconds away.
# minimum_direct_rtt 400

# TAG: cachemgr_passwd
# Specify passwords for cachemgr operations.
# Usage: cachemgr_passwd password action action ...
# Some valid actions are (see cache manager menu for a full list):
# 5min
# 60min
# asndb
# authenticator
# cbdata
# client_list
# comm_incoming
# config *
# counters
# delay
# digest_stats
# dns
# events
# filedescriptors
# fqdncache
# histograms
# http_headers
# info
# io
# ipcache
# mem
# menu
# netdb
# non_peers
# objects
# offline_toggle *
# pconn
# peer_select
# redirector
# refresh
# server_list
# shutdown *
# store_digest
# storedir
# utilization
# via_headers
# vm_objects
# * Indicates actions which will not be performed without a
# valid password, others can be performed if not listed here.
# To disable an action, set the password to "disable".
# To allow performing an action without a password, set the
# password to "none".
# Use the keyword "all" to set the same password for all actions.
# cachemgr_passwd secret shutdown
# cachemgr_passwd lesssssssecret info stats/objects
# cachemgr_passwd disable all
# none

# TAG: store_avg_object_size (kbytes)
# Average object size, used to estimate number of objects your
# cache can hold. See doc/Release-Notes-1.1.txt. The default is
# 13 KB.
# store_avg_object_size 13 KB

# TAG: store_objects_per_bucket
# Target number of objects per bucket in the store hash table.
# Lowering this value increases the total number of buckets and
# also the storage maintenance rate. The default is 50.
# store_objects_per_bucket 20

# TAG: client_db on|off
# If you want to disable collecting per-client statistics, then
# turn off client_db here.
# client_db on

# TAG: netdb_low
# TAG: netdb_high
# The low and high water marks for the ICMP measurement
# database. These are counts, not percents. The defaults are
# 900 and 1000. When the high water mark is reached, database
# entries will be deleted until the low mark is reached.
# netdb_low 900
# netdb_high 1000

# TAG: netdb_ping_period
# The minimum period for measuring a site. There will be at
# least this much delay between successive pings to the same
# network. The default is five minutes.
# netdb_ping_period 5 minutes

# TAG: query_icmp on|off
# If you want to ask your peers to include ICMP data in their ICP
# replies, enable this option.
# If your peer has configured Squid (during compilation) with
# '--enable-icmp' then that peer will send ICMP pings to origin server
# sites of the URLs it receives. If you enable this option then the
# ICP replies from that peer will include the ICMP data (if available).
# Then, when choosing a parent cache, Squid will choose the parent with
# the minimal RTT to the origin server. When this happens, the
# hierarchy field of the access.log will be
# "CLOSEST_PARENT_MISS". This option is off by default.
# query_icmp off

# TAG: test_reachability on|off
# When this is 'on', ICP MISS replies will be ICP_MISS_NOFETCH
# instead of ICP_MISS if the target host is NOT in the ICMP
# database, or has a zero RTT.
# test_reachability off

# TAG: buffered_logs on|off
# cache.log log file is written with stdio functions, and as such
# it can be buffered or unbuffered. By default it will be unbuffered.
# Buffering it can speed up the writing slightly (though you are
# unlikely to need to worry unless you run with tons of debugging
# enabled in which case performance will suffer badly anyway..).
# buffered_logs off

# TAG: reload_into_ims on|off
# When you enable this option, client no-cache or ``reload''
# requests will be changed to If-Modified-Since requests.
# Doing this VIOLATES the HTTP standard. Enabling this
# feature could make you liable for problems which it
# causes.
# see also refresh_pattern for a more selective approach.
# reload_into_ims off

# TAG: always_direct
# Usage: always_direct allow|deny [!]aclname ...
# Here you can use ACL elements to specify requests which should
# ALWAYS be forwarded directly to origin servers. For example,
# to always directly forward requests for local servers use
# something like:
# acl local-servers dstdomain
# always_direct allow local-servers
# To always forward FTP requests directly, use
# acl FTP proto FTP
# always_direct allow FTP
# NOTE: There is a similar, but opposite option named
# 'never_direct'. You need to be aware that "always_direct deny
# foo" is NOT the same thing as "never_direct allow foo". You
# may need to use a deny rule to exclude a more-specific case of
# some other rule. Example:
# acl local-external dstdomain
# acl local-servers dstdomain
# always_direct deny local-external
# always_direct allow local-servers
# This option replaces some v1.1 options such as local_domain
# and local_ip.
# none

# TAG: never_direct
# Usage: never_direct allow|deny [!]aclname ...
# never_direct is the opposite of always_direct. Please read
# the description for always_direct if you have not already.
# With 'never_direct' you can use ACL elements to specify
# requests which should NEVER be forwarded directly to origin
# servers. For example, to force the use of a proxy for all
# requests, except those in your local domain use something like:
# acl local-servers dstdomain
# acl all src
# never_direct deny local-servers
# never_direct allow all
# or if squid is inside a firewall and there is local intranet
# servers inside the firewall then use something like:
# acl local-intranet dstdomain
# acl local-external dstdomain
# always_direct deny local-external
# always_direct allow local-intranet
# never_direct allow all
# This option replaces some v1.1 options such as inside_firewall
# and firewall_ip.
# none

# TAG: header_access
# Usage: header_access header_name allow|deny [!]aclname ...
# WARNING: Doing this VIOLATES the HTTP standard. Enabling
# this feature could make you liable for problems which it
# causes.
# This option replaces the old 'anonymize_headers' and the
# older 'http_anonymizer' option with something that is much
# more configurable. This new method creates a list of ACLs
# for each header, allowing you very fine-tuned header
# mangling.
# You can only specify known headers for the header name.
# Other headers are reclassified as 'Other'. You can also
# refer to all the headers with 'All'.
# For example, to achieve the same behaviour as the old
# 'http_anonymizer standard' option, you should use:
# header_access From deny all
# header_access Referer deny all
# header_access Server deny all
# header_access User-Agent deny all
# header_access WWW-Authenticate deny all
# header_access Link deny all
# Or, to reproduce the old 'http_anonymizer paranoid' feature
# you should use:
# header_access Allow allow all
# header_access Authorization allow all
# header_access WWW-Authenticate allow all
# header_access Cache-Control allow all
# header_access Content-Encoding allow all
# header_access Content-Length allow all
# header_access Content-Type allow all
# header_access Date allow all
# header_access Expires allow all
# header_access Host allow all
# header_access If-Modified-Since allow all
# header_access Last-Modified allow all
# header_access Location allow all
# header_access Pragma allow all
# header_access Accept allow all
# header_access Accept-Charset allow all
# header_access Accept-Encoding allow all
# header_access Accept-Language allow all
# header_access Content-Language allow all
# header_access Mime-Version allow all
# header_access Retry-After allow all
# header_access Title allow all
# header_access Connection allow all
# header_access Proxy-Connection allow all
# header_access All deny all
# By default, all headers are allowed (no anonymizing is
# performed).
# none

# TAG: header_replace
# Usage: header_replace header_name message
# Example: header_replace User-Agent Nutscrape/1.0 (CP/M; 8-bit)
# This option allows you to change the contents of headers
# denied with header_access above, by replacing them with
# some fixed string. This replaces the old fake_user_agent
# option.
# By default, headers are removed if denied.
# none

# TAG: icon_directory
# Where the icons are stored. These are normally kept in
# c:/squid/share/icons
icon_directory d:/squid/share/icons

# TAG: short_icon_urls
# If this is enabled then Squid will use short URLs for icons.
# If off then the URLs for icons will always be absolute URLs
# including the proxy name and port.
# short_icon_urls off

# TAG: error_directory
# If you wish to create your own versions of the default
# (English) error files, either to customize them to suit your
# language or company copy the template English files to another
# directory and point this tag at them.
error_directory d:/squid/share/errors/English

# TAG: maximum_single_addr_tries
# This sets the maximum number of connection attempts for a
# host that only has one address (for multiple-address hosts,
# each address is tried once).
# The default value is one attempt, the (not recommended)
# maximum is 255 tries. A warning message will be generated
# if it is set to a value greater than ten.
# Note: This is in addition to the request reforwarding which
# takes place if Squid fails to get a satisfying response.
# maximum_single_addr_tries 1

# TAG: snmp_port
# Squid can now serve statistics and status information via SNMP.
# By default it listens to port 3401 on the machine. If you don't
# wish to use SNMP, set this to "0".
# snmp_port 3401

# TAG: snmp_access
# Allowing or denying access to the SNMP port.
# All access to the agent is denied by default.
# usage:
# snmp_access allow|deny [!]aclname ...
# snmp_access allow snmppublic localhost
# snmp_access deny all
# snmp_access deny all

# TAG: snmp_incoming_address
# TAG: snmp_outgoing_address
# Just like 'udp_incoming_address' above, but for the SNMP port.
# snmp_incoming_address is used for the SNMP socket receiving
# messages from SNMP agents.
# snmp_outgoing_address is used for SNMP packets returned to SNMP
# agents.
# The default snmp_incoming_address ( is to listen on all
# available network interfaces.
# If snmp_outgoing_address is set to (the default)
# then it will use the same socket as snmp_incoming_address. Only
# change this if you want to have SNMP replies sent using another
# address than where this Squid listens for SNMP queries.
# NOTE, snmp_incoming_address and snmp_outgoing_address can not have
# the same value since they both use port 3401.
# snmp_incoming_address
# snmp_outgoing_address

# TAG: as_whois_server
# WHOIS server to query for AS numbers. NOTE: AS numbers are
# queried only when Squid starts up, not for every request.
# as_whois_server
# as_whois_server

# TAG: wccp_router
# Note: This option is only available if Squid is rebuilt with the
# --enable-wccp option
# Use this option to define your WCCP ``home'' router for
# Squid. Setting the 'wccp_router' to (the default)
# disables WCCP.
# wccp_router

# TAG: wccp_version
# Note: This option is only available if Squid is rebuilt with the
# --enable-wccp option
# According to some users, Cisco IOS 11.2 only supports WCCP
# version 3. If you're using that version of IOS, change
# this value to 3.
# wccp_version 4

# TAG: wccp_incoming_address
# Note: This option is only available if Squid is rebuilt with the
# --enable-wccp option
# TAG: wccp_outgoing_address
# Note: This option is only available if Squid is rebuilt with the
# --enable-wccp option
# wccp_incoming_address Use this option if you require WCCP
# messages to be received on only one
# interface. Do NOT use this option if
# you're unsure how many interfaces you
# have, or if you know you have only one
# interface.
# wccp_outgoing_address Use this option if you require WCCP
# messages to be sent out on only one
# interface. Do NOT use this option if
# you're unsure how many interfaces you
# have, or if you know you have only one
# interface.
# The default behavior is to not bind to any specific address.
# NOTE, wccp_incoming_address and wccp_outgoing_address can not have
# the same value since they both use port 2048.
# wccp_incoming_address
# wccp_outgoing_address

# DELAY POOL PARAMETERS (all require DELAY_POOLS compilation option)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# TAG: delay_pools
# Note: This option is only available if Squid is rebuilt with the
# --enable-delay-pools option
# This represents the number of delay pools to be used. For example,
# if you have one class 2 delay pool and one class 3 delays pool, you
# have a total of 2 delay pools.
# delay_pools 0

# TAG: delay_class
# Note: This option is only available if Squid is rebuilt with the
# --enable-delay-pools option
# This defines the class of each delay pool. There must be exactly one
# delay_class line for each delay pool. For example, to define two
# delay pools, one of class 2 and one of class 3, the settings above
# and here would be:
# delay_pools 2 # 2 delay pools
# delay_class 1 2 # pool 1 is a class 2 pool
# delay_class 2 3 # pool 2 is a class 3 pool
# The delay pool classes are:
# class 1 Everything is limited by a single aggregate
# bucket.
# class 2 Everything is limited by a single aggregate
# bucket as well as an "individual" bucket chosen
# from bits 25 through 32 of the IP address.
# class 3 Everything is limited by a single aggregate
# bucket as well as a "network" bucket chosen
# from bits 17 through 24 of the IP address and a
# "individual" bucket chosen from bits 17 through
# 32 of the IP address.
# NOTE: If an IP address is a.b.c.d
# -> bits 25 through 32 are "d"
# -> bits 17 through 24 are "c"
# -> bits 17 through 32 are "c * 256 + d"
# none

# TAG: delay_access
# Note: This option is only available if Squid is rebuilt with the
# --enable-delay-pools option
# This is used to determine which delay pool a request falls into.
# The first matched delay pool is always used, i.e., if a request falls
# into delay pool number one, no more delay are checked, otherwise the
# rest are checked in order of their delay pool number until they have
# all been checked. For example, if you want some_big_clients in delay
# pool 1 and lotsa_little_clients in delay pool 2:
# delay_access 1 allow some_big_clients
# delay_access 1 deny all
# delay_access 2 allow lotsa_little_clients
# delay_access 2 deny all
# none

# TAG: delay_parameters
# Note: This option is only available if Squid is rebuilt with the
# --enable-delay-pools option
# This defines the parameters for a delay pool. Each delay pool has
# a number of "buckets" associated with it, as explained in the
# description of delay_class. For a class 1 delay pool, the syntax is:
#delay_parameters pool aggregate
# For a class 2 delay pool:
#delay_parameters pool aggregate individual
# For a class 3 delay pool:
#delay_parameters pool aggregate network individual
# The variables here are:
# pool a pool number - ie, a number between 1 and the
# number specified in delay_pools as used in
# delay_class lines.
# aggregate the "delay parameters" for the aggregate bucket
# (class 1, 2, 3).
# individual the "delay parameters" for the individual
# buckets (class 2, 3).
# network the "delay parameters" for the network buckets
# (class 3).
# A pair of delay parameters is written restore/maximum, where restore is
# the number of bytes (not bits - modem and network speeds are usually
# quoted in bits) per second placed into the bucket, and maximum is the
# maximum number of bytes which can be in the bucket at any time.
# For example, if delay pool number 1 is a class 2 delay pool as in the
# above example, and is being used to strictly limit each host to 64kbps
# (plus overheads), with no overall limit, the line is:
#delay_parameters 1 -1/-1 8000/8000
# Note that the figure -1 is used to represent "unlimited".
# And, if delay pool number 2 is a class 3 delay pool as in the above
# example, and you want to limit it to a total of 256kbps (strict limit)
# with each 8-bit network permitted 64kbps (strict limit) and each
# individual host permitted 4800bps with a bucket maximum size of 64kb
# to permit a decent web page to be downloaded at a decent speed
# (if the network is not being limited due to overuse) but slow down
# large downloads more significantly:
#delay_parameters 2 32000/32000 8000/8000 600/8000
# There must be one delay_parameters line for each delay pool.
# none

# TAG: delay_initial_bucket_level (percent, 0-100)
# Note: This option is only available if Squid is rebuilt with the
# --enable-delay-pools option
# The initial bucket percentage is used to determine how much is put
# in each bucket when squid starts, is reconfigured, or first notices
# a host accessing it (in class 2 and class 3, individual hosts and
# networks only have buckets associated with them once they have been
# "seen" by squid).
# delay_initial_bucket_level 50

# TAG: incoming_icp_average
# TAG: incoming_http_average
# TAG: incoming_dns_average
# TAG: min_icp_poll_cnt
# TAG: min_dns_poll_cnt
# TAG: min_http_poll_cnt
# Heavy voodoo here. I can't even believe you are reading this.
# Are you crazy? Don't even think about adjusting these unless
# you understand the algorithms in comm_select.c first!
# incoming_icp_average 6
# incoming_http_average 4
# incoming_dns_average 4
# min_icp_poll_cnt 8
# min_dns_poll_cnt 8
# min_http_poll_cnt 8

# TAG: max_open_disk_fds
# To avoid having disk as the I/O bottleneck Squid can optionally
# bypass the on-disk cache if more than this amount of disk file
# descriptors are open.
# A value of 0 indicates no limit.
# max_open_disk_fds 0

# TAG: offline_mode
# Enable this option and Squid will never try to validate cached
# objects.
# offline_mode off

# TAG: uri_whitespace
# What to do with requests that have whitespace characters in the
# URI. Options:
# strip: The whitespace characters are stripped out of the URL.
# This is the behavior recommended by RFC2396.
# deny: The request is denied. The user receives an "Invalid
# Request" message.
# allow: The request is allowed and the URI is not changed. The
# whitespace characters remain in the URI. Note the
# whitespace is passed to redirector processes if they
# are in use.
# encode: The request is allowed and the whitespace characters are
# encoded according to RFC1738. This could be considered
# a violation of the HTTP/1.1
# RFC because proxies are not allowed to rewrite URI's.
# chop: The request is allowed and the URI is chopped at the
# first whitespace. This might also be considered a
# violation.
# uri_whitespace strip

# TAG: broken_posts
# A list of ACL elements which, if matched, causes Squid to send
# an extra CRLF pair after the body of a PUT/POST request.
# Some HTTP servers has broken implementations of PUT/POST,
# and rely on an extra CRLF pair sent by some WWW clients.
# Quote from RFC 2068 section 4.1 on this matter:
# Note: certain buggy HTTP/1.0 client implementations generate an
# extra CRLF's after a POST request. To restate what is explicitly
# forbidden by the BNF, an HTTP/1.1 client must not preface or follow
# a request with an extra CRLF.
# acl buggy_server url_regex ^http://....
# broken_posts allow buggy_server
# none

# TAG: mcast_miss_addr
# Note: This option is only available if Squid is rebuilt with the
# If you enable this option, every "cache miss" URL will
# be sent out on the specified multicast address.
# Do not enable this option unless you are are absolutely
# certain you understand what you are doing.
# mcast_miss_addr

# TAG: mcast_miss_ttl
# Note: This option is only available if Squid is rebuilt with the
# This is the time-to-live value for packets multicasted
# when multicasting off cache miss URLs is enabled. By
# default this is set to 'site scope', i.e. 16.
# mcast_miss_ttl 16

# TAG: mcast_miss_port
# Note: This option is only available if Squid is rebuilt with the
# This is the port number to be used in conjunction with
# 'mcast_miss_addr'.
# mcast_miss_port 3135

# TAG: mcast_miss_encode_key
# Note: This option is only available if Squid is rebuilt with the
# The URLs that are sent in the multicast miss stream are
# encrypted. This is the encryption key.
# mcast_miss_encode_key XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

# TAG: nonhierarchical_direct
# By default, Squid will send any non-hierarchical requests
# (matching hierarchy_stoplist or not cachable request type) direct
# to origin servers.
# If you set this to off, then Squid will prefer to send these
# requests to parents.
# Note that in most configurations, by turning this off you will only
# add latency to these request without any improvement in global hit
# ratio.
# If you are inside an firewall then see never_direct instead of
# this directive.
# nonhierarchical_direct on

# TAG: prefer_direct
# Normally Squid tries to use parents for most requests. If you by some
# reason like it to first try going direct and only use a parent if
# going direct fails then set this to on.
# By combining nonhierarchical_direct off and prefer_direct on you
# can set up Squid to use a parent as a backup path if going direct
# fails.
# Note: If you want Squid to use parents for all requests then see
# the never_direct directive. prefer_direct only modifies how Squid
# acts on cachable requests.
# prefer_direct off

# TAG: strip_query_terms
# By default, Squid strips query terms from requested URLs before
# logging. This protects your user's privacy.
strip_query_terms off

# TAG: coredump_dir
# By default Squid leaves core files in the directory from where
# it was started. If you set 'coredump_dir' to a directory
# that exists, Squid will chdir() to that directory at startup
# and coredump files will be left there.
# coredump_dir none
# Leave coredumps in the first cache dir
coredump_dir d:/squid/var/cache

# TAG: redirector_bypass
# When this is 'on', a request will not go through the
# redirector if all redirectors are busy. If this is 'off'
# and the redirector queue grows too large, Squid will exit
# with a FATAL error and ask you to increase the number of
# redirectors. You should only enable this if the redirectors
# are not critical to your caching system. If you use
# redirectors for access control, and you enable this option,
# then users may have access to pages that they should not
# be allowed to request.
# redirector_bypass off

# TAG: ignore_unknown_nameservers
# By default Squid checks that DNS responses are received
# from the same IP addresses that they are sent to. If they
# don't match, Squid ignores the response and writes a warning
# message to cache.log. You can allow responses from unknown
# nameservers by setting this option to 'off'.
# ignore_unknown_nameservers on

# TAG: digest_generation
# Note: This option is only available if Squid is rebuilt with the
# --enable-cache-digests option
# This controls whether the server will generate a Cache Digest
# of its contents. By default, Cache Digest generation is
# enabled if Squid is compiled with USE_CACHE_DIGESTS defined.
# digest_generation on

# TAG: digest_bits_per_entry
# Note: This option is only available if Squid is rebuilt with the
# --enable-cache-digests option
# This is the number of bits of the server's Cache Digest which
# will be associated with the Digest entry for a given HTTP
# Method and URL (public key) combination. The default is 5.
# digest_bits_per_entry 5

# TAG: digest_rebuild_period (seconds)
# Note: This option is only available if Squid is rebuilt with the
# --enable-cache-digests option
# This is the number of seconds between Cache Digest rebuilds.
# digest_rebuild_period 1 hour

# TAG: digest_rewrite_period (seconds)
# Note: This option is only available if Squid is rebuilt with the
# --enable-cache-digests option
# This is the number of seconds between Cache Digest writes to
# disk.
# digest_rewrite_period 1 hour

# TAG: digest_swapout_chunk_size (bytes)
# Note: This option is only available if Squid is rebuilt with the
# --enable-cache-digests option
# This is the number of bytes of the Cache Digest to write to
# disk at a time. It defaults to 4096 bytes (4KB), the Squid
# default swap page.
# digest_swapout_chunk_size 4096 bytes

# TAG: digest_rebuild_chunk_percentage (percent, 0-100)
# Note: This option is only available if Squid is rebuilt with the
# --enable-cache-digests option
# This is the percentage of the Cache Digest to be scanned at a
# time. By default it is set to 10% of the Cache Digest.
# digest_rebuild_chunk_percentage 10

# TAG: chroot
# Use this to have Squid do a chroot() while initializing. This
# also causes Squid to fully drop root privileges after
# initializing. This means, for example, that if you use a HTTP
# port less than 1024 and try to reconfigure, you will get an
# error.
# none

# TAG: client_persistent_connections
# TAG: server_persistent_connections
# Persistent connection support for clients and servers. By
# default, Squid uses persistent connections (when allowed)
# with its clients and servers. You can use these options to
# disable persistent connections with clients and/or servers.
# client_persistent_connections on
# server_persistent_connections on

# TAG: detect_broken_pconn
# Some servers have been found to incorrectly signal the use
# of HTTP/1.0 persistent connections even on replies not
# compatible, causing significant delays. This server problem
# has mostly been seen on redirects.
# By enabling this directive Squid attempts to detect such
# broken replies and automatically assume the reply is finished
# after 10 seconds timeout.
# detect_broken_pconn off

# TAG: pipeline_prefetch
# To boost the performance of pipelined requests to closer
# match that of a non-proxied environment Squid can try to fetch
# up to two requests in parallell from a pipeline.
# Defaults to off for bandwidth management and access logging
# reasons.
# pipeline_prefetch off

# TAG: extension_methods
# Squid only knows about standardized HTTP request methods.
# You can add up to 20 additional "extension" methods here.
# none

# TAG: request_entities
# Squid defaults to deny GET and HEAD requests with request entities,
# as the meaning of such requests are undefined in the HTTP standard
# even if not explicitly forbidden.
# Set this directive to on if you have clients which insists
# on sending request entities in GET or HEAD requests.
# request_entities off

# TAG: high_response_time_warning (msec)
# If the one-minute median response time exceeds this value,
# Squid prints a WARNING with debug level 0 to get the
# administrators attention. The value is in milliseconds.
# high_response_time_warning 0

# TAG: high_page_fault_warning
# If the one-minute average page fault rate exceeds this
# value, Squid prints a WARNING with debug level 0 to get
# the administrators attention. The value is in page faults
# per second.
# high_page_fault_warning 0

# TAG: high_memory_warning
# If the memory usage (as determined by mallinfo) exceeds
# value, Squid prints a WARNING with debug level 0 to get
# the administrators attention.
# high_memory_warning 0

# TAG: store_dir_select_algorithm
# Set this to 'round-robin' as an alternative.
# store_dir_select_algorithm least-load

# TAG: forward_log
# Note: This option is only available if Squid is rebuilt with the
# -DWIP_FWD_LOG option
# Logs the server-side requests.
# This is currently work in progress.
# none

# TAG: ie_refresh on|off
# Microsoft Internet Explorer up until version 5.5 Service
# Pack 1 has an issue with transparent proxies, wherein it
# is impossible to force a refresh. Turning this on provides
# a partial fix to the problem, by causing all IMS-REFRESH
# requests from older IE versions to check the origin server
# for fresh content. This reduces hit ratio by some amount
# (~10% in my experience), but allows users to actually get
# fresh content when they want it. Note that because Squid
# cannot tell if the user is using 5.5 or 5.5SP1, the behavior
# of 5.5 is unchanged from old versions of Squid (i.e. a
# forced refresh is impossible). Newer versions of IE will,
# hopefully, continue to have the new behavior and will be
# handled based on that assumption. This option defaults to
# the old Squid behavior, which is better for hit ratios but
# worse for clients using IE, if they need to be able to
# force fresh content.
# ie_refresh off

# TAG: vary_ignore_expire on|off
# Many HTTP servers supporting Vary gives such objects
# immediate expiry time with no cache-control header
# when requested by a HTTP/1.0 client. This option
# enables Squid to ignore such expiry times until
# HTTP/1.1 is fully implemented.
# WARNING: This may eventually cause some varying
# objects not intended for caching to get cached.
# vary_ignore_expire off

# TAG: sleep_after_fork (microseconds)
# When this is set to a non-zero value, the main Squid process
# sleeps the specified number of microseconds after a fork()
# system call. This sleep may help the situation where your
# system reports fork() failures due to lack of (virtual)
# memory. Note, however, that if you have a lot of child
# processes, then these sleep delays will add up and your
# Squid will not service requests for some amount of time
# until all the child processes have been started.
# sleep_after_fork 0

As you can see, pretty much the standard file!!! And EXACTLY same as one at work...

Last edited by SiDHEaD; 28 September 2004 at 11:17 PM.
Old 28 September 2004, 11:53 PM
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Hmm, difficult to tell what's wrong. I would remove the comment from this line:

# log_mime_hdrs off
and see what http_referer you're sending. I can't remember if that's a compile time option though, and I haven't used the Win32 version.

Old 28 September 2004, 11:56 PM
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Will give it a go tomorrow, cheers.
Old 29 September 2004, 08:27 AM
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Yes??? Oh, SQUID...! Sorry...
Old 29 September 2004, 09:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Squizz
Yes??? Oh, SQUID...! Sorry...
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