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Old 24 February 2003, 02:52 PM
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We will continue here again. For those of you who wish to continue

TURBOKITTY o not post here please.
Old 24 February 2003, 02:57 PM
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Thumbs down

Like that's going to work.

If you're free to spout health and fitness rubbish, I am free to point out that it's rubbish.
Old 24 February 2003, 03:00 PM
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Please feel free to cut/paste my bad advice.

Then shut the hell up and let others judge.
Old 24 February 2003, 03:08 PM
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Now that's one thing that never happens - tell a woman to shut up and she does.

Not gonna happen. They can't do it.
Old 24 February 2003, 03:17 PM
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I *could* do it. I'm just not going to.

Why should I follow instructions from someone who continually proves himself to be a narrow-minded fool?
Old 24 February 2003, 03:27 PM
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Turbo, Ive got £500.00 To bet.. Any charity you want.

Now lets finish this. Prove ,where I have given bad/dangerous advice etc.

Then let others judge and we can all sleep...

[Edited by Luke - 2/24/2003 3:28:16 PM]

[Edited by Luke - 2/24/2003 3:29:04 PM]
Old 24 February 2003, 03:30 PM
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You said, and I quote:

Come with me on a trip..And i will show you how to looses a stone in a week.
As I think I've mentioned, trying to lose a stone in a week is dangerous, (and pointless).

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Old 24 February 2003, 03:32 PM
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............You are a police officer.And if your not, you would fit in nicely...

[Edited by Luke - 2/24/2003 3:35:58 PM]

[Edited by Luke - 2/24/2003 3:46:00 PM]

[Edited by Luke - 2/24/2003 6:52:12 PM]
Old 24 February 2003, 03:40 PM
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No mate

just losing the six pack!! and My much younger wife has mentioned it.Also before i start training i control my diet for a month to help. (No Its not body building stuff)

Bloody hell why do I kepp on thinking Losing has double "oo's"

[Edited by Luke - 2/24/2003 3:43:43 PM]

[Edited by Luke - 2/24/2003 3:44:40 PM]
Old 24 February 2003, 03:42 PM
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Lose the six pack? Isn't the objective to develop one?
Old 24 February 2003, 04:26 PM
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I've heard it's the economy 24 pack in Luke's case
Old 24 February 2003, 06:37 PM
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I bet on a bad day I'm fitter than most!!

Anyway down to buisiness!!

Only eaten 3 pieces of bread today. This is difficult as I love bread. Some cereal and fruit. lunch was a bowl of salad. tonight simple pasta and salad..... Got to be done!!


[Edited by Luke - 2/24/2003 6:38:37 PM]

[Edited by Luke - 2/24/2003 6:47:30 PM]
Old 24 February 2003, 08:07 PM
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Remember lads.. All advice must be friendly and fun. We dont need any smart asses jumping in ...Moderators might be scared of bad advice been given.

click for direct link to the original thread that was moved to the muppet section . Due to "Bad advice been given(So who is the official diet expert to the moderators?? And it been turned into a slagging match!!! !!

[Edited by Luke - 2/24/2003 8:11:50 PM]
Old 24 February 2003, 09:14 PM
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Here's an idea... How about making all advice sensible, informative and likely to work?

Old 24 February 2003, 09:21 PM
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"It's so easy to be lured by quick-fix diets offering rapid, painless weight loss. I know, I've been lured in the past! But all the research, and my experience as a dietitian, show that making healthy and sustainable changes to your eating and activity habits is the safe and effective route to long term slimming success."

"Quick-fix diets are usually short-term with a rigid set of rules. While you may lose weight, the diets are too rigid to sustain for long. They're also likely to be nutritionally inadequate and could lead to problems such as iron-deficiency or poor bone health. They also don't help you to address your real obstacles to losing weight and keeping it off. And, as I have found with so many people, they can make you lose confidence in your ability to slim successfully."

"Losing weight healthily is not all deprivation and hard work as is so often the case with strict 'diets'."
Old 24 February 2003, 09:26 PM
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"According to a recent Which report, the last thing you should do if you want to lose weight is go on a crash diet."

"Once all the stored carbs have been used up, your body enters a kind of starvation mode, and protein in the muscles is used as the main source of energy. As a result, toxic compounds called ketones are produced that make you feel fatigued and headachy."

"As you begin to lose weight, you also lose muscle mass (because the protein from your muscles is being used for energy), and your metabolism begins to slow down to conserve the small number of calories you’re now consuming. Your metabolism (the rate at which you burn calories) is directly related to the amount of muscle you have, so the more muscle you have, the faster you burn calories."

"If you lose a lot of weight initially on the diet, you’ll also lose a lot of muscle. So, even though you’re eating fewer calories, your body is burning calories at a slower rate than before you went on the diet, because you now have less muscle mass."

"Once you return to your pre-diet habits (which is inevitable), you’ll regain the weight that you initially lost, and potentially more. This is because your slow metabolism can’t process the amount of incoming calories and, therefore, stores them as fat."

"A low-carb, high protein diet may also cause dehydration, weakness, nausea and, in severe cases, gout, kidney problems and an increased risk of heart disease."

"Crash diets fail to provide ways to keep excess weight off permanently."

"exercise is crucial to maintain weight loss over a long period of time"

"Despite what crash diets promise, the only sensible way to lose weight permanently is to eat less and increase your physical activity. If you want to lose weight, aim to drop one to two pounds per week, watch your total calorie intake and reduce fat in the foods you eat. A well-balanced diet should consist of not more than 35 percent fat, 50 percent carbs and 15 per cent protein."
Old 24 February 2003, 09:29 PM
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may i suggest a stronger type of sanitry towel to help with your periods??
Old 24 February 2003, 09:33 PM
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"Crash diets claiming massive weight loss, and suggesting a restricted range of foods should be avoided as they encourage 'faddy' eating habits and a cycle of starvation and bingeing. Diets which encourage a weight loss of 1-2 lbs (up to 1 Kg) a week are more likely to be effective and to be maintained in the long term. A well-balanced low calorie diet which is low in saturated fat and high in fibre from a range of fruit and vegetables combined with regular exercise is far more effective."
Old 24 February 2003, 09:37 PM
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Luke, may I suggest you get a clue? I'm even providing helpful links for you, since you seem unable to find sensible information yourself, or recognise it for what it is when you see it.

If you want to potentially harm yourself and reduce your ability to lose weight effectively, fine, but I don't want other people blindly following you in the mistaken belief you know what you are talking about.
Old 24 February 2003, 09:39 PM
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**** off will you.
Old 24 February 2003, 09:43 PM
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"If your goal is to lose weight, one of the worst thing you can do is starve yourself (the worst being overeating!).

If you starve yourself your body is tricked into thinking that food supplies are low. Once this occurs the body begins to hold onto as much fat as possible because in the event of a famine the body uses body fat as its main source of fuel. This makes fat loss very difficult and you will not see the result you desire.

The best cause of action is to eat little and often (up to 6 small meals a day). This way the body thinks food is plentiful so it begins to burn body fat freely. So as long as your are eating slightly less calories than you need, you will lose weight at will."
Old 24 February 2003, 09:49 PM
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"The only sensible way to lose weight is gradually - there really aren't any quick fixes."

"Here's the nub of the matter: you don't get fat from eating the occasional Mars bar or cream cake - not in the context of an otherwise healthy, balanced diet anyway. Both getting fat and slimming down to, and then maintaining, a healthy weight are really about lifestyle habits. Successful 'dieting' is more about shifting these patterns than it is poring over the precise calorie content of individual foods."

"Most people will find it easier to lose weight with a two-pronged attack of more physical activity and a lower calorie diet. To lose weight, the balance of calories in (eating) and calories out (activity) needs to be tipped towards a calorie deficit. Less in than out, to put it crudely. Staying at a healthy weight then means keeping the two in balance across the weeks and months."

"There's useful activity and less-useful activity. 'Feeling the burn' and other examples of exercise machismo sit firmly in the second category, at least if you are starting to be more active for the first time or returning to it after a long period of a sedentary lifestyle. Indeed, a relatively unfit person running hard for 10 minutes a couple of times a week is unlikely to be shifting much flab.

A long (at least 30 minute) brisk walk is much more likely to be burning fat than shorter, more explosive exercise. Ideally, building some daily activity into your life - walking some or all of the way to work instead of driving, for example - could be a relatively painless way to help you get to and stay at a healthy weight."
Old 24 February 2003, 09:55 PM
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"Weight loss Forget all the hype. There isn't any quick fixes, machines, diets, magic pill etc that promise results in 3 weeks or your money back. It took a lot of abuse to get the pounds on; it takes more work to get em back off. Simply put to lose weight Calorie intake must be less than caloric output."

"So, how do I do it? I hear you ask. There isn't just one way to do it. It's a combined effort. By going to the gym, eating buckets of protein you gain bigger muscles, which need more fuel meaning your body is a better fat fighting machine. But this is meaningless without diet. Over training is almost as bad as doing nothing at all. In this case, more isn't better."

"Try to eat little and often. Bill Phillips explains this as grazing. A bear eats as much as it can during summer so it can pile on fat to keep it warm and fed during winter. A horse grazes all day. It just takes what it needs at the time. Your body can only absorb so much food at one time. What it doesn't use, it stores as fat. The whole notion of 3 square meals isn't great if you're trying to lose weight. 6 smaller fist size portions containing both protein and carbs. Too much protein is okay as you body gets rid of it. Try to take around 30g of protein and the same in carbs per meal. You should aim for 1-2g of protein per kg of bodyweight daily (yes it seems a lot, but a tin of tuna contains around 30g) Water you should be drinking 2 litres of this a day (Coke, tea, vodka doesn't count)."

"Cardio. Yep afraid so. And lots of. Without exercise its very difficult to burn fat without losing the same amount of muscles."

"The weight will fall off quickly at first as your body adjusts, then more slowly. Any weight lost quickly will be mostly muscle and water."
Old 24 February 2003, 09:56 PM
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So you didnt win the £500.00 did you\????

No ***** (To be expected) no answer. game over.
Old 24 February 2003, 09:57 PM
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I reckon TK is well ahead on points so far.

I bet on a bad day I'm fitter than most!!
Define bad day and most then...
Old 24 February 2003, 09:58 PM
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Weight loss blunders:

1. Expecting to lose more than one to two pounds a week.

Any more than this is simply the result of lost body fluids and valuable muscle tissue. You cannot lose a pound of fat overnight, nor can you gain a pound of fat overnight - its not physiological possible.

2. Skipping meals, especially breakfast.

Eating regular meals prevents the dangerous "famine-then-feast" syndrome. If you don't eat properly during the day you would be surprised as to how many calories you can clock up during an evening of eating (and drinking!), which often involves less healthy foods.

3. Substituting coffee, tea or diet cola for energy-producing meals, snacks or water.

Caffeine will give you a quick boost in blood sugar levels and a mental lift, helping you to keep going. However, your metabolism will run much more efficiently if you eat small meals and snacks little and often throughout the day. Your energy levels and concentration will also benefit if you eat this way.

The message is to eat sensibly and regularly, including lots of fruit and vegetables every day.
Old 24 February 2003, 10:00 PM
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Turbo.So you didnt win the £500.00 did you\????No ***** (To be expected) no answer. game over.
You missed the 8th post on the first page then? The one that quoted you. Still, not surprising you missed it since you have missed the entire point I am making, and every bit of sensible advice and rational argument that has been posted so far.
Old 24 February 2003, 10:01 PM
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Old 24 February 2003, 10:02 PM
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On a very bad day I have had to take myself further than most could manage,on a good day for them.

This whole thread was about fun ...not point scoring.
You popped up could not understand the whole tone of the thread .

[Edited by Luke - 2/24/2003 10:07:31 PM]
Old 24 February 2003, 10:07 PM
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"The bad news is that if you're overweight and need to loose a few pounds, diet and exercise is the only way to do it. The good news is that a sensible diet that doesn't starve you and leave you miserable will help you lose weight and keep it off. But beware, a bad diet may actually make you put on weight in the long-run."

"Realistic promises Aim to lose only 1-2 pounds in a week. A sensible slimming diet will provide at least 1200 calories a day (1500 calories for men) if you have 16 pounds or less to lose, and about 1500 calories a day (1800 for men) if you're more than 16 pounds overweight. Don't be conned into loosing weight any quicker. Your body will think it's being starved and your metabolism will go onto 'red alert' and conserve energy rather than burn it up! So eat enough to keep your metabolism ticking over at its proper rate and you'll end up loosing more weight than if you take up a 'too strict' diet."

"Eating little and often 'Three hearty meals a day' they used to say but no longer. It's better to eat five or six small meals during the day. Eating little and often keeps your blood sugar levels up, and you'll be less likely to feel ravenous and eat too much. So go on and snack between meals, but keep it healthy (e.g. fruit). Eating a little often also helps to keep your metabolism burning fat at a higher rate. Never skip a meal, especially breakfast, which kick-starts your metabolism each day."

"Fluids When trying to lose weight, it's important to drink lots of fluids, especially water. Alcohol provides extra calories on top of those from your food, so try to say 'no', maybe just allowing yourself one small glass of wine or beer a day."

"Exercise Once you've got yourself a good diet, the cherry on top is exercise. This increases the amount of energy you spend, and the fat you burn up. If you're a bit of a couch potato, start your exercise routine slowly and build up."

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