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Good suppliments for weight lifting...

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Old 07 March 2003, 06:39 PM
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OK, it's obvious from another thread that there are some serious weight-lifters on this BBS.

What are the good suppliments to take that will help you increase size safely?

I've tried Creatine - and its shyte - made no difference
Whey Protein is good - thats all I take.
I also take these capsules called 'timed release sports multi-caplets', which make your p155 flourescent yellow!! Not sure if they are good or not, but contain lots of vitamins etc...
I've tried amino acids which you take after working out - seemed shyte...

Do you recommend any things that actually work (legal and safe please!)??
Old 07 March 2003, 06:54 PM
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Kat,shut up your scareing me.......
Old 07 March 2003, 06:56 PM
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i agree they are all **** and just money making devices endorsed by steroid taking lifters who probably don't use them anyhow ,with the exeption of whey nowts really done owt for me,surely your genetics will only let you grow to your natural limit which is why if you want to get unaturally big you need to alter your genetics by juicing (big for a while and dead to soon) sorry if that upsets anyone just my opinion and yes im aware how mutch work it takes even with roids but anyone who uses them is cheating imo
Old 07 March 2003, 07:00 PM
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Also, look at your diet, this is as important, no good taking in the supplements and protein stuff if your diet is sh*te...

As suggested by RASHER follow his advice.. Review your Protien, Carb and FAT intake.. obviously look at keeping the fat intake low, and you could also consider amino acids...

With Creatine it appears that its works for some and not for others. Have you loaded this into your system as per instructions.. Interesting to hear why you dislike it..

All the best..



Old 07 March 2003, 07:00 PM
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"But expect your life expectancy to go really really low" the scientist has spooken

i have comcluded (after 15 years of training in a variety of ways) that if you want to get real big and are happy to use steroids then crack on (but dont kid yourself that its gonna change your life- there is more to getting women and looking cool than big arms)

if you want to get real big and dont want to use steroids then the benifit of supplements is minor in relation to the cost of them.

if you can get your arms to a point where most ppl would say "ohh, big arms" with a good diet then why pay loads to health food stores so people can say "ohh, really big arms"

Old 07 March 2003, 07:00 PM
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Cheating who exactly?
Old 07 March 2003, 07:10 PM
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Quote"It's better to burn out than to fade away"film anyone???
Old 07 March 2003, 07:27 PM
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Get the Maximuscle creatine mate, trust me its brilliant for me. It not as sore the next day.

Im on a 2 month period off the stuff since i took it from august too December. I am noticing a lot more pain and soreness the next day whereas on the stuff i didnt.

Also try having 2 promax shakes morning and night, body needs it good **** too but mix with milk not water like it says.

propper minging

Old 07 March 2003, 09:19 PM
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I did load up with creatine as per instructions.

I found that I wasn't doing any extra reps after taking creatine. It just made me feel really thirsty.

I did some research on it and its found that 3 out of 10 people have no effect from taking creatine (and there is no explanation why).

Now I only take whey protein - its hard to tell if it makes a difference or not - but overall consensus is that it is a very good product.

As said though, these are expensive suppliments and I'm gonna consider the natural route...
Old 07 March 2003, 09:29 PM
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have you tried the creatine serum???That is more expensive but doesn't make you thirsty and will not make you cramp up
Old 07 March 2003, 09:34 PM
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whey wont do much ive being told, taking a pure protein wont do ****e.

try promax, yet again i was taking a ****ty creatine that cost £15 and took that once a day, like you said didnt do ****.

I took the Maximuscle £40 creatine and it did wonders for me mate. Id surgest that

Old 07 March 2003, 10:37 PM
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akshay67, fraid i'm a bit "old school". A dozen egg whites, pint and a half of milk, couple of heaped spoonfuls of protein powder.

I'm very cynical of all these new "wonder supplements". At the end of the day, if you want to increase size and strength, eat a lot. Never be hungry. Try and eat sensibly, but don't follow "fads" of eating food groups separately or anything as concocted as that.

The real secret of making progress is in the gym. If you're a guy who goes to check out the talent, who makes sure there's someone noticing when you've got a lot of weight on the bar, who wants to make sure everyone sees your nice new Gold's Gym sweatshirt, you're probably not the guy who will make the gains you want.

I've always said, that i almost sweated blood to achieve what i did; certainly i've never done anything remotely as physically challenging in my life, and that's what makes the difference. Get yourself a decent training partner who wants it as bad as you, who cares whether you get that last rep, and you can throw all your fancy supplements out the window. No pain, no gain.
Old 08 March 2003, 03:31 PM
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I'm with Telboy, you cannot beat hard work, no just I push a few extra ounds, but giving it your 110%.. I have seen guys who say they train hard, but when you watch them, they are mostly training their jaw muscle.. As for supplements cannot beat good quality food, yes, take supplements as an extra but don't go over the top, as your body will only flush it down the pan.. so your wasting money....

Gaining size, doesn't happen over night it's a long road to follow,it's taken me years to achive my goal and win a few titles in NATUARL BodyBuilding Contest (no drugs..), unless you follow the other route....!!

Anyway, stick in their...

Old 08 March 2003, 07:56 PM
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Thumbs up

yep I agree intensity is the name of the game.I try to get in and out of the gym in the shortest possible time, because I have a life outside the gym
Old 08 March 2003, 08:20 PM
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curious, what can you all bench press? my 14yr old son can bench 100kg a few times, didnt have a go myself, so what can you guys get?

Old 09 March 2003, 03:41 PM
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he lifted that weight on the sitting bench press in fitness first, dont have a clue how he managed it. he's not even buff, but admitedly he does have big arms

Old 09 March 2003, 03:44 PM
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my friends 17stone weigh training 10yrs and 20" arms is just breaking 100

was it assisted, or the propper free bar deal.

Old 09 March 2003, 05:39 PM
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ScoobyDoo69 - I would be careful about your son pushing heavy weight at his age, as he is still growing. He may not think it's a problem, but all it takes is one slip and he will be injured for life.. Tell him to hold on to his ego and train within the limits.. When he gets older, then he can go for it and you never know he will beat all the records in power lifting etc and go onto to be the strongest guy.. But you should advise to hold back due to his age and body development..

It's not what you PUSH, it's HOW..!!! technique goes a long way..

Take care...

Old 09 March 2003, 06:02 PM
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he has been doing training for some time and he knows how to use all the equiptment properly. what worries me is that his muscles will get to big for his age, and his bones wont have space to grow

Old 09 March 2003, 06:09 PM
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because he can already arm curl 20kg about 20times, and he wants power not stamina, but i'll speak to him and see if i can get him to stop doing so much

Old 09 March 2003, 06:27 PM
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How longs he being training?

The gym sounds a bit **** letting a 14yr old lose.

Thought legally its 16 minimum??

Old 09 March 2003, 06:30 PM
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ye he uses my vip passes lol, and he's been doing pressups since sumtime last year i think, hes only got into the weight stuff since about november i think, but he has a gym in school with benchpress, and he said he uses it most days, but what shocks me is that he hardly has a build

Old 09 March 2003, 06:48 PM
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Im suprised he can lift 100g's unassisted tbh.

He'll stun his growth if he continues though

Old 09 March 2003, 07:16 PM
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As Rasher said, he has to be careful due to his body still growing, and the tendon and cartilege are not fully develop for the stress of such activities... Early injuries will impact him later in life.. I agree with Si that they are allowing him to train at such age.. if he has too, then he should reduce the weight he is pushing, for his own safety, until he is a few years older.. doing reps is as good as training with max weight..

Old 03 July 2003, 06:42 PM
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Steroids and Growth Hormones. No one said its illegal bar the olympic council and stuff. But expect your life expectancy to go really really low..

[Edited by Katana - 3/7/2003 6:43:16 PM]
Old 03 July 2003, 06:48 PM
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depending on the type, quantities taken and period of time you stay on
Seriously though, alot of weight gain/protein powders are very expensive for what they are.(Weider products etc)
If your aim is to take in more protein why not try skimmed milk mixed with a low cost milk powder like Marvel or similar.
Have you ever looked at the amount of protein that is in there and more importantly the amount of fat.
An inexpensive way to increase your body's protein intake.
Also take a good quality multi vitaminsuch as the one made by Quest.(timed release)

[Edited by Rasher - 3/7/2003 6:50:38 PM]
Old 03 July 2003, 07:08 PM
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Well why not ask Magnus Magnusan(sp) and other world strongest men about this. Like Engine mods, you don't get something for nothing you know.

Hell smoking and drinking can decrease your life expectancy but I still do it..

edit: engineer, not scientist. Best ask Dr Banks as its his field.

[Edited by Katana - 3/7/2003 7:11:46 PM]
Old 03 September 2003, 03:38 PM
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Not calling you a liar, but id love to see him bench that.

Is it with the 7ft propper bar and weights?

Just too add im on 70kg and my mates on 110kg which seems a little odd your 14yr old beats us

[Edited by super_si - 3/9/2003 3:39:36 PM]
Old 03 September 2003, 04:25 PM
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don't want to sound like a killjoy but it's not how much you lift it's the form and intensity that's the most important thing.There is always someone in the gym who will be stronger than you!!!!
Train your body not your ego

[Edited by Rasher - 3/9/2003 4:51:18 PM]

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