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People who reserve spaces with bins etc

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Old 19 March 2003, 04:14 PM
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Following on from the earlier thread regarding parking


B*stards....they put out bins, rubbish or any other old crap into the road outside their houses to "reserve the space". Some even use traffic cones "borrowed" from god knows where to "reserve the space". When I used to live in Brighton these selfish morons used to do this all the time. When it was the only space around for miles I would get out move the cones and park my car there. I came back one day to find a huge scratch down the car and a smug looking guy stood in his doorway who said "looks like your car got damaged better park somewhere else next time". I replied "its a company car mate so I don't give a to55" this annoyed him no end but not half as much when I reported him to the "company" who just happened to be the Police. They did him for criminal damage!

I'm thinking of changing my user name to "Parking Avenger"!
Old 19 March 2003, 04:18 PM
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nice one

it's like when we were on holiday me and the lads in Ibitha, there was a bunch of germans ******* who put towels out at 11.00pm the ferckin night before!!!

in the feckin pool they went.........*******
Old 19 March 2003, 04:23 PM
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the towels, or the germans??

Old 19 March 2003, 04:41 PM
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lets hope it was both!
Old 19 March 2003, 04:43 PM
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Where I used to play snooker somebody used to mark off an area in traffic cones. Once I got pi$$ed of with it and because there was nowhere to park I just threw the cones over the persons fence and parked where they were. I then spent the next couple of hours worrying that I'd go back to my car and it'd be keyed or something, never was though.
Old 19 March 2003, 04:51 PM
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just the towels

we were at at some place in the hills for a bbq, there was a table with Germans and we were on the other, the Germans had just won some major match against England and we lording it over us singing we won the cup we won the cup

we all stood up and shouted 'we won the war' shut the german ******* up........*******
Old 19 March 2003, 05:08 PM
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Best thing is to put the cones in yer boot and drive off with them
Old 19 March 2003, 05:24 PM
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This does annoy me a little.

However, if they put a bin there, move it, they do NOT own the road, the council does, thus anyone with valid road tax can part there.

I once had a problem with a neighbour who put a bin outside our house to reserve a space, mum and dad said to leave it but I'd had enough, so I plonked the bin on the pavement and parked up.

Neighbour was a tad miffed, and confronted me, so I cooly said that it was not his road, nor was it mine, it was there for anyone with a car to park. then mentioned that if his bin reappeared then it would end up on his car, or on him.

Never had a problem since
Old 19 March 2003, 05:42 PM
Dan B
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Wot about the tw@ts that park infront of MY drive and either block my exit or return.... ?

damn right I'll put a bin there.

[Edited by Dan B - 3/19/2003 5:43:12 PM]
Old 19 March 2003, 05:43 PM
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It's not legal for anyone to park in such a way that they block your drive. There should be no need to put a bin there as action can be taken against anyone parking like that.

[Edited by TurboKitty - 3/19/2003 5:45:20 PM]
Old 19 March 2003, 05:50 PM
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...and what about the people who come to my town, park in residential streets and then take a taxi to Stansted airport because they're too tight to pay the parking charges?

Not a problem at my end of the town, but a real PITA for the residents at the other end [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]
Old 19 March 2003, 05:58 PM
Dan B
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I can really see plod coming over to remove an offending vehicle from infront of my drive

There is a local school nearby, and parents actually tell their kids that they'll be picked up from outside my house. Came home early once and found 3 (oversized trolley) cars with mums in, parked over the drive. They looked bemused when I got on the horn with the "what do'ya think you're doing" look plastered over my chevy chase.

People also park there when visiting the used car garage nearby
Old 19 March 2003, 06:04 PM
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I used to have a problem with people parking across my drive at my old house as it was near a primary school.

They would park there as I was going to get car out of drive, so I'd shout and tell them to move it, and they'd respond with "I'll only be a minute - don't panic and shout at me you big bully" - errrr...I don't think so love! So I let her tyres down (I was in no particular rush). She got a bit angry. Ah well, **** happens.

The other time was when Rolling Stones were playing Murrayfield Stadium and some a$$hole could not find a parking space for miles so put it in front of my drive - police were removing cars around the place, so they said they would come and remove his - in the end, they ran out of time, so I blocked it in. He didn't get his car back until the next day as I'd had a beer or two by then.
He tried to bribe me, buy me booze, pleaded with me, and everything, but I told him to stick it.
He even tried to bounce it up onto pavement and drive off that way - which there wasn't enough room to do!!!!

Plonkers the lot of them!
Old 19 March 2003, 06:08 PM
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PS Do phone police when someone parks across your drive as they will phone the owner and tell them to move it. Done this many a time. I used to stand at gate and growl at them as they came back after being told to by Plod.

One woman told me it was far more important that her kids got to school safely than it was for me to get out of my drive. I told her my girlfriend worked at the local hospital (true) and she was preventing her from treating sick people. She responded by saying that she wouldn't want her kids to be treated by someone associated with a "bully" like me!!!!!'re in the wrong missus, yet I'm coping all this grief off you cos YOU parked in front of my drive illegally!!!!!

How do you get through to some people!!!!!!
Think they own the world.

[Edited by imlach - 3/19/2003 6:10:00 PM]
Old 19 March 2003, 06:19 PM
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Old 19 March 2003, 06:19 PM
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I am continually astounded by the logic of some people.... "you big bully." Typical, "I'm all weak and me pretty things and white wine, or a fruit based drink" arrgggh bolloxs. [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]
Old 19 March 2003, 06:47 PM
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If she'd done it another time, I was going to smear dog $hit under the door handles of her car, but luckily I had moved before I got the chance....

Trouble is - she knew where I lived, but I didn't know where she lived.

I asked her if I parked across her drive, would she mind - she said it was different cos she didn't live near a primary school.

Eh? Eh? Logic? Err...none!

[Edited by imlach - 3/19/2003 6:47:43 PM]
Old 19 March 2003, 10:23 PM
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i can help in situations like this....
Old 19 March 2003, 11:50 PM
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don't worry astraboy - can sort these things out.

Recently had a problem with the tenant in one of our flats not paying the rent. Setting the girlfriend on him did not seem to do the job (I was in Germany at the time). - that was his first mistake, as girlfriend can pack a phsycological punch or two too....

Soon sorted that - 10 minute rant from me (interrupting my meal in Germany as well so was not happy) apparently had him quivering in a corner of a darkened room in said flat crying his eyes out.

Whilst I am a large bloke, can't beat a bit of phsycological intimidiation from afar!!!

[Edited by imlach - 3/19/2003 11:52:32 PM]
Old 20 March 2003, 12:04 AM
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Parking in front of your driveway isn't illegal.

Friend of mine used to live near Walthamstow dogs (when you were allowed to park on main rd), 3 car loads of us came back one evening to find someone parked across driveway. Simple solution. 1 car oarked 5mm from there back bumper, the other 5 mm from his front. About an hour later the doorbell rang.... after giving the driver 15 mins of grief about blocking people driveways we let him out.
Old 20 March 2003, 12:14 AM
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Parking in front of your driveway isn't illegal.
As I understand it, it is not legal to block anyone's access to the highway.

Anyone able to comment officially?
Old 20 March 2003, 12:14 AM
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a) it isn't illegal if the kerb is not dropped.....if no dropped kerb, house owner has no right to access house via pavement apparently (I got my kerb dropped soon after finding this out on my old house!).

b) while it may not be illegal to park in front of a drive with a dropped kerb, the police were certainly willing to lift the offending car onto a truck and take it away. To me, that makes it as good as "illegal" as I know that cops can remove the offending car - not bothered if someone does/does not get charged for it - just want the car removed and person given some inconvienence.

It is just bad manners to block a driveway - no excuse for it.
Old 20 March 2003, 12:33 AM
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What I find annoying is when people block half your drive and expect you to get out of the tiny gap.

If I had a banger then I would just reverse into their car...whoops, I'm a crap driver and the gap was too tight!

What's the legal standing on this?
Old 20 March 2003, 12:53 AM
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I'm really diversifying here - but this is where bangers have a real use!

The other use is when in traffic jams and/or certain bits of road when some cheeky ****** in their spanking new beemer/merc/boxster comes up the wrong lane and tries to cut in.

Call it russian roulette if you like, but when I'm in my 12 year old banger in the "correct" lane approaching said "problem" area, and they're in the "wrong" lane, then let's see who's going to give way first :-)

I love it! Perhaps the best bit of driving a banger......brinkmanship. Bring it on lads, for I have nothing to lose if it comes to contact....hehehehehehe

If all else fails, you can then use the "brake test" manouvere on them. If hit from behind, insurance companies will generally place blame on the driver behind for driving too close/not leaving a gap big enough to stop.
You can't fail to lose. I have a friend who is almost a professional at this technique. Usually settles for cash at the scene to avoid insurance company involvement.

[Edited by imlach - 3/20/2003 12:56:18 AM]
Old 20 March 2003, 10:58 AM
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like the banger theory- whenever I'm in my old MK2 GTI it's never me thats gonna give way! Knocked off an M3's wing mirror in a chicane (my priority not his) the repair for his car was probably more than my whole vehicle is worth. My car had no damage at all.
Old 20 March 2003, 01:52 PM
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How do you go about getting the kerb lowered outside your drive way by the council?

Reason i ask is that my drive doesn't have lowered kerb and the doors are 10' tall with barbed wire on top so it doesn't even appear to be a driveway. People park in front of it constantly. It's not helped by the fact that it's a one way street and my side of the street has a recessed kerb to designate it as a parking area. The folk who park there are usually people going to the shops round the corner so it's not even like it's the same people all the time... so "teaching them a lesson" won't do any good.

The only way i can be sure of getting my car out is if i park my other car in front of it myself. Any ideas??
Old 20 March 2003, 02:04 PM
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marty_t3 : obviously the rules depend on your local council.

However, mine was lowered a bit sneakily! There were some Irish lads doing some work for the council up the road - resurfacing work. He knocked on my door one day and asked if I wanted my kerb lowered for £100 cash. After a bit of hesitation, I thought "**** it", I may as well. He said he'd done others in the area a few years before and remembered mine was not done (I didn't live there then). Obviously he was dodgy as ****, using council resources in their lunch hour etc, but I took the risk! It was worth it for £100 and no more hassle from drivers who parked in front of my drive.

In theory, you're supposed to get permission from the council etc, and if the council do it, it's more like £800 apprently!!!

However, he told me that if I was asked, just to say the Leccy Board did it one day by mistake when digging up the pavement!

No-one ever asked........

So, in effect, I cheated!!!!!!

Old 20 March 2003, 02:05 PM
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The best bit was that 6 months later, the residents had applied to the council to get white lines painted across all driveways to stop people parking over driveways!

I even got a white line from the council too!!!!!!!

So all is presumably now ok!!!
Old 21 March 2003, 10:55 AM
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Is it illegal to buy a wheel clamp and charge money to have it removed
Old 21 March 2003, 12:22 PM
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It is technically obstruction if you block any dropped curb (including "your own") they're all on highway land unless your property extends right up to the roadway. i.e. a dropped curb on a footway is still on Highway land.

e.g. I beleive a SN member got a ticket for obstructing "his own" dropped curb, as technically it's also a crossing place for pedestrians etc.

If you're being obstructed you can call the police and ask them to move the car, but they are busy chaps

To get a dropped curb you contact your local Council (Borough/City level) and ask there, they might point you towards Highways but they'll have the info on where to go. It's actually an offence to cross a footpath etc. to access your property without a dropped curb, and you can be prosecuted (damaging Highways land) - the current cost for a dropped curb can very between £600 - 1200 from our Borough here anyway...

Hope that helps

Quick Reply: People who reserve spaces with bins etc

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