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What would be bst way to deal with/punish kids who throw stones from motorway bridges

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Old 06 January 2003, 01:42 PM
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a while back was driving down the road under a bridge and some kids were spitting off it into peoples sunroofs and throwing stones.

Cue: one handbrake turn + two sh*t scared kids when we all got out of the car and confronted them.Dont think they will be doing that again in a hurry

[Edited by Freak - 6/1/2003 1:42:38 PM]
Old 06 January 2003, 07:33 PM
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Just a couple of points,Corporal Punishment, if i remember correctly, has been linked to giving the idea to SOME children that violence is ok in certain situations and that is one of the reasons it has been shyed away from ,rightly or wrongly.2nd point , lets all try to seperate emotion from locic at this juncture,Emotion(mine included) says lets throttle the worthless little b****** .Locic would step back and analyze why they do it and what can seriously be done to correct the faulty thinking of the individuals/society/parents.Emotion is not a constructive medium in this scenario,except for reinforcing the seriousness of the offence within our own judgement.(having said that it really makes one want to throttle the little b****** doesn't it )
oh and nice post Pat

[Edited by matty01 - 6/1/2003 7:35:05 PM]
Old 31 May 2003, 09:26 PM
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Recently on the news there have been many occurences of kids thowing missiles off road bridges, usually motorways, at cars and other vehicles travelling beneath.

This has lead to at least one death, that of a lorry driver on the M3 a few weeks ago.

A couple of days ago there was news footage of 2 nine year old girls chucking stones over M25.

This has to be controlled, but how when the kids are either not found or are too young to face prosecution?

Personally I think the parents should be prosecuted, they are, afterall supposed to be responsible for their children's actions.

How long is it going to be before another death occurs?

What can be done to stop this menace, permanently?

Old 31 May 2003, 09:28 PM
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throw one of the little *******s off the bridge.

[Edited by Poor Guy - 5/31/2003 9:28:46 PM]
Old 31 May 2003, 09:32 PM
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This menace really isn't being taken seriously enough by the police forces.

The kids who do this are attempting to murder people, and in the case of the lorry driver on M3, actually managed to murder him.

Surely an adult crime such as attempted murder or murder should have an adult punishment?

Maybe we have to wait until a copper gets it through his windscreen and is either seriously hurt or dead before anything gets done
Old 31 May 2003, 09:32 PM
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Make them visit the victims in hospital.If the victim died,then they should have to meet the family.On top of that,losing their weekend freetime doing something to help the community for 6months should remind them not to do it again and might actually benefit them.
Old 31 May 2003, 09:37 PM
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I just find it so annoying that those two 9 yr old girls were seen throwing rocks at the vehicles on the M25 below, actually filmed doing it and the police say they can't do anything?

Bloody insanity

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Old 31 May 2003, 09:49 PM
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Agree with skidus .... something along those lines would work i think.

Old 31 May 2003, 09:52 PM
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they should be prosecuted for attempted murder regardless of age and the parents should be prosecuted for not keeping control of their kids. Then hopefully theyll be too scared to do something like that again, plus will serve as an example for all their school friends etc
Old 31 May 2003, 09:53 PM
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unfortunately there are some kids who for some reason do not believe in 'respect', so although making them see victims of their sick games or meeting family members of those they kill or mame, somehow i get the feeling that most will just shrug their shoulders and say 'so what?'

it is a sad world we live in when kids find it funny to throw stones, rocks, broken paving slabs and other missiles from road bridges onto fast moving traffic below

Old 31 May 2003, 10:11 PM
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lol. you guys are funny. We're part of euprope, ****ing gay europe with our stupid ****ing rules about ooooooooooooooooh we cant prosecute the kids or parents, its the governments fault etc etc.

If i saw some kids dropping stones off the motorway bridge I'd turn round and throw stones a them, or hang the ****ers over the edge until they cried!

that would put an end to one or two.

If I was in charge there would be a punishment regardless of age of picking up little in the gutter of the motorway. Like the americans
Old 31 May 2003, 10:15 PM
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i agree with you poor guy, a damn good hiding never did me any harm and i had a few as a kid...damn fool european community namby pamby rules about not giving a kid a swipe when deserved, i would love to throw them off the bridges, see how they like it...obviously in early hours of morning when no trafic is about, of course
Old 31 May 2003, 10:36 PM
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Hi All,

now to make some really big ripples...

Responsible head on..

yep i agree they need seeing to .. but they are by law under the age of criminal responsibility...

how many of you can put your hands up and say as a kid you didnt do somthing similar... coins on railway lines, climbed electricity
pylons ... etc using a catapult on windows...

imagine if the age of responsibility didnt exsist... id probablt just be released by now !!!! (not)

the trouble is that kids dont understand. The concept of danger is unknown ,, its all a game they see cars explode on tv and the hero jumps out and walks away,, how many of you havent tried to be batman or superman and got the scars to prove it!!!!

Its the parents who need to be punished.. but then how would you feel if you got a visit from plod for somthing you didnt even know your kids had done,,

Responsible head off...

let the coppers be allowed to give em a clip round the ear ..

i certainly wont repeat some of my misdemeanors after getting a whack from our local bobby!! (long time ago)

The real persons to blame are the local councils who know it goes on and dont make the parapets higher and fill in the gaps..

but then how can they...all the dosh they have goes into speed cameras,, after all if you travel at 25mph you will be able to stop when the little bu**ers start lobbing bricks

its a tough one but until someone with a high profile gets killed

it will go on


Old 01 June 2003, 08:03 AM
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have to agree with you there mart, its a very sad reflection of life thesedays

i watched an episode of 'motorway' a few weeks ago, 3 young lads messing about on a motorway, trying to cross it over the lanes and throwing things etc

the police caught up with one, on camera, who burst into tears and sobbed uncontrollably and promptly gave the names an addresses of his mates.

doubt if that lad will go anywhere near a motorway again

he was about 10 yrs old and did understand that he had done wrong

very very rare thesedays
Old 01 June 2003, 09:44 AM
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As motorists we should all get together, regardless of car type that we drive, and lobby the people at the top, MP's, police etc and demand a safe and secure road system

we pay thousands in road tax and speeding fines etc over the years, so is it too much to ask that we can drive, both business and pleasure, in safety from having missiles thrown at us?

perhaps the old fashioned British approach is needed, a decently organised petition demanding our safety on roads that our taxes pay for each year
Old 01 June 2003, 09:47 AM
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Bollox to the underage rule, what a load of crap that is...if you're old enough to do the crime, you're old enough to do the time[img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

I don't agree with punishing the parents either. Let's say one of the parents gets locked up for 25 years cos the kid murdered someone, who's looking after the kid? What happens with single parent kids?

Also, I don't really see why we should fund, via councils etc for bridges to be modified, we've bridges for many years, this is a recent problem that needs stamping out.
Old 01 June 2003, 09:53 AM
47 NAT
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The underage rule is jurassic and needs to be changed.

Old 01 June 2003, 10:10 AM
The Zohan
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I find myself agreeing with a lot of poeples comments here, it is a shame that the people in a position to do something about it do not exercise some common sense on this subject.

Does teaching of right and wrong not go on at schools, perhaps such subjects should be covered by compulsary assembly each and every day. not just drummed in but done in a way to inform and get kids to understand.

Same goes for kids home life, parents must shoulder some responsibility to educate and inform, i was out with my mate, his wife and his 4 y/o duaghter yesterday, she picked up some grass to throw at us and she stopped her and explianed that she should no throw it as she did not know if there was stones or stuff in there and it could hurt someone, point taken by her

The kids, from the age of 5 or so you know whats right and whats wrong to a certain extent and kids are a reflection of their parents/parenting skills.

1)The legal age thing needs looking at
2) Parents need to take responsibbility for their kids and teach them
3) Schools have a big part to play, not just teaching the 3 r's
4) Kids need to be taught right and wrong and understand that their actions have concequences for them and potentially others.

There ya go, my two penneth
Old 01 June 2003, 10:11 AM
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perhaps something like conscription should be brought back, seems kids have far too much spare time on their hands, it might even get them to have respect for other people, their belongings and their lives too

we can but hope
Old 01 June 2003, 10:26 AM
stubee doo
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i am forced to gop up the M62 everyday in my truck and the week before last i saw 2 girls probably about 12 yrs old throwing stuff onto the motorway which i did ring the police about, dont know the outcome but they probably got away as usual.
then 2 days later i went passed the same bridge and on the hard shoulder was a mk3 white escort with the windscreen pushed in badly with a woman on her own and then another 100yds up was a articulated truck with his windscreen the same.
if i could run quick enought i would stop the truck leg it up onto the bridge and throw the little bastids off the bridge[img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

in my eyes this is attempted murder and not a fun thing.

and i also think any child doing this when caught there parents should be sent to prison for at least 6 months as its the parents responsibility to look after there offsprings.
Old 01 June 2003, 10:28 AM
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Part of the problem with the underage rule nowadays is that kids seem to grow up quicker (more social/TV!!!/game/pc stimulus) but morality/ethics cannot keep up and they end up morally stunted,when i (and i guess a lot of you) was growing up we didn't play computer games that taught us how to create havoc in a make believe city(GTA3) and similar games .... it only takes the impressionable and particularly moraly stunted to take this to heart and there's your problem,there is a reason why games/films etc have age limits on them and as long as kids continue to see/play things that are intended for adults/the more moraly mature(than young teens,or younger) then this problem will continue.It's is a needlessly bad influence of the most incidious nature and should not be underestimated ,kids will afterall take their moral guidance(such as it is) from any source at any time without question(age depending) the younger the kids the less they understand what is wrong and what is not .Its very easy just to blame the kids,but what in society makes them (teenagers who should know better) think that its ok to commit crime without regard for anyone else the "so what " syndrome so to speak .Fictional war and violance everywhere you look (evey other fecking drama series seems to be about murder )has a lot to answer for ,it's morally devicive and contradictory in many instances to what kids should be taught.I don't pretend to have all the answers but when i look at the morally vacuous nature of much of tv/games/pc/etc i'm surprised kids aren't worse than they are,growing up nowadays kids must see many morally ambiguous any ethically contadictory material it's no wonder they have a hard time deciphering what is right and what is wrong ,we/society certainly don't make it easy for them.
I'm just skimming the surface and could go on all day but i wont....
Old 01 June 2003, 10:29 AM
stubee doo
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oh forgot to say about 10 yrs ago a work mate driving an emergency doctor got hit by a brick on the M60 near stockport and was slightly injured and the doctor made the most of it by claiming 2 weeks off work on the sick and he wasnt even hurt,overpaid pufter lmao
Old 01 June 2003, 10:35 AM
47 NAT
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They should also bring back the cane/slipper at Schools as well as National Service. Doing anyway with discipline at Schools due to some dumb a$$ reasons was really daft IMO. It showed there was a punishment if you stepped out of line....

Old 01 June 2003, 10:50 AM
Fuzz unplugged
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Those that are caught should be put in a car and driven under the bridge whilst their parents are made to throw stones at them. !!

see how funny they think it is then . [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Old 01 June 2003, 11:04 AM
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They should have their Sky TV decoder locked so that all they can watch is CBeebies (And yes, this includes the parents too - maybe this will drive them to actually talk to their kids instead of plonking them in front of the TV/vide/Playstation, etc)

Old 01 June 2003, 11:38 AM
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Those that are caught should be put in a car and driven under the bridge whilst their parents are made to throw stones at them. !!
yeah,it makes you feel like that doesn't it,but they obviously don't know any better,lack of moral guidance in society in general is the root cause,as to what to do to the ones that get caught,....make 'em pick litter up of the streets,whatever there age, for as long as it takes ie 200-300hrs none of this namby pamby 50hrs comunity svc b**sh**
Old 01 June 2003, 11:52 AM
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Up until the death of the lorry driver on the M3, very little was said or indeed heard about the problem of kids throwing missles from road bridges, yet over the years the problem has steadily increased.

The police know about the problem but are either too scared to deal with the kids/parents involved or just brush it under the carpet as an example of mispent youth playing silly games because they are bored.

The family of the truck driver who died said it all the other day, they are now terrified of driving a car under a roadbridge because of worthless louts who may be up there waiting to throw another rock.

Just how far has this got to go before the government actually wakes up and does something constructive?

Lets face it, they only get pelted with eggs or would they feel if a member of their families went ou to do the shopping or drive to work and never came home because of some stupid kid throwing stuff off a roadbridge?

Maybe it would bring it home to the powers at be that this menace is increasing and should be stamped out immediately

B****X to europe and 'mustn't be nasty to kids' rubbish, give them their own medicine
Old 01 June 2003, 12:08 PM
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Morons like this need to be removed from the Gene pool. And I have had stuff thrown at me from a bridge by the little *****.
Old 01 June 2003, 12:14 PM
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Most of us have either been a target for this behaviour of throwing misslies, or we know of someone who has...

What would be the most effectve way of bringing this problem out into the open and to the notice of those who do have the power to do something about it?


What can the millions of business/pleasure motorists do to get this menace dealt with properly?
Old 01 June 2003, 12:32 PM
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I cannot disagree more with the principle of building in such a way to make it more difficult to carry out such behaviour. That is a complete derogation of removing the cause of the trouble and will lead eventually to even worse problems.

Why is it that we have so much trouble and unpleasantness from young children today? Years ago, it was rare to see children misbehaving themselves in such a way. Yes of course we all did things we shouldn't have and were punished accordingly. But we would not dream of doing anything that would cause danger or injury to someone else. Children can resolve right from wrong from younger than the age of seven years old. These children know perfectly well that they are risking someone's life but still do it deliberately. Why is this and how do you think they will behave later in life?

Paul H and Matty01 wrote some good sense about this. If children are of a mindset that even though they know what they are doing is wrong but don't understand why that should stop them from such actions then who is to blame. It has to be those who have not educated them as they approach their formative years. The primary responsibilty must belong to their parents, followed and supported by their teachers. It is no good for the "Roman Sandal" brigade to say there is good in everyone regardless of their behaviour when they have not been taught respect for authority and how to behave themselves from the start. Part of that is having to accept punishment when it is deserved. If you don't believe that then you will have to eventually expect total anarchy while living in a "Mad Max" world.

All this need for education was accepted by parents in the past and this explains the lack of vandalism and unpleasant behaviour in those days. Those who grew up in those times will always describe how although it was a nuisance at the time,it did them nothing but good and they all respected and loved their parents

I believe that many modern parents have disregarded their responsilities towards their children and virtually allow them to run wild. It is no wonder we have troubles then and what will happen in the future if it carries on like this?

I can only suggest that parents should be made responsible in law for their children's actions and for any damage that they might cause. That was a principle that used to hold good in past years, if a child caused someone else a problem then the parents would make the damage good without the need for a law saying they should do so. If people are too selfish to do that now then they should be made to do so. That is where the buck should stop, and it just might encourage parents to take an interest in their children's upbringing.

I think it was CC who said bring back the stocks. Maybe that wasn't too far away from an answer to it all!


Quick Reply: What would be bst way to deal with/punish kids who throw stones from motorway bridges

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