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Gays to be able to get "married"

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Old 29 June 2003, 02:46 PM
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Government is putting final touches to reforms that will give gays the same rights as normal people, ie pension and inheritance taxes.
They will have to sign a civil partnership which can also be disolved if they fall out of love.

This in reality will give gays more rights than normal unmarried couples who at present have no legal right to their partners pension or inheritance.

Another case of the Labour bunch bending over backwards to appease a minority group.


Old 29 June 2003, 03:06 PM
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Or rather bending over forwards
Old 29 June 2003, 03:07 PM
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Government is putting final touches to reforms that will give gays the same rights as normal people, ie pension and inheritance taxes.
Welcome to the new millenium where abnormal sexual orientation is legally made even with the traditional family. What a shame.

This in reality will give gays more rights than normal unmarried couples
Well, I suppose married heterosexuals would also have advantages over unmarried couples? Comparing apples to oranges here.

the Labour bunch bending over backwards
What do you mean exactly? LOL
Old 29 June 2003, 03:13 PM
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"Government is putting final touches to reforms that will give gays the same rights as normal people"

Gay people are "normal"- sorry to burst your bubble but homophobia is soooooo last century.

Seriously I don't care what people do regardless of their sexual orientation. If they want to get married that would have as much validity for me as heterosexual people getting wed.

Let them get on with their lives and get on with your own.
Old 29 June 2003, 03:40 PM
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I agree, give them equal rights, allow them to get married the same as a normal couple.

Why should people who dont get married share the benefits of those that do? I mean if its a long term commitment then getting married costs sod all at a registry office.

I hate people who live together who want the best of both worlds, wanting benefits of married couple when it suits them but going oh no we are totally fincially independant when it comes to being able to sponge some money from the government.

Old 29 June 2003, 03:44 PM
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How long before we start giving other sexual deviants such as paedophiles such 'rights'?? After all it was not so long ago that sodomy was a crime , just as paedophilia is today.

When society constantly changes its perception of right/wrong just to appease a minorit, further breakdown of society is inevitable, until this society becomes totally disfunctional.

As for my views being oh so policitically what>?
Old 29 June 2003, 04:03 PM
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Oh for goodness sake, comparing a crime against children who often aren't able to comprehend what's happening, let alone consent, to an act between consenting adults? Get a grip!

As for the argument that the government is bowing down to a minority group, would you say that disabled people should have fewer rights than other people because they are in a minority?

Let's face it, when it comes to people, there is no such thing as a majority. We are all in a minority group somehow. One gender group is a minority because the world's population is rarely, if ever, going to be exactly 50/50. Skin colour, hair colour, eye colour, blood type, language, education, background, parentage, all the things that make us different from each other put us into certain minorities.

I fail to see how homosexuals having the right to commit to each other, in the same way as heterosexual couples, could have any negative impact on anyone, so I can't see why it's an issue. Can we not just live and let live?
Old 29 June 2003, 04:05 PM
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Gay people are "normal"
If we accept "normal" to mean "typical, standard", then surely gay people are not normal, given that the usual / typical / widespread sexual orientation is the heterosexual one.
Old 29 June 2003, 04:09 PM
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So people with less common eye colours or less common blood types are not normal?
Old 29 June 2003, 04:09 PM
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When society constantly changes its perception of right/wrong just to appease a minorit, further breakdown of society is inevitable, until this society becomes totally disfunctional.
Sounds a bit extreme, but I would agree with the idea that adding this law to please group x and then that law to please group y, you end up with a totally split up society. As if it werent complicated enough already...
Old 29 June 2003, 04:10 PM
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<bites tongue!>
Old 29 June 2003, 04:20 PM
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I fail to see how homosexuals having the right to commit to each other, in the same way as heterosexual couples, could have any negative impact on anyone
Permitting homosexual couples to get married changes the perception of marriage and the traditional family over time: oncoming generations will not perceive the usual father and mother and children as normal, but father and mother and also guy and guy or girl and girl as well.

That sort of society will probably generate more homosexuals and threaten the already insufficient birth rates. That will increase the part of the various taxes supported by everyone, etc.
Old 29 June 2003, 04:21 PM
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I've met several Gay people over the years, and one thing strikes me. They are BY FAR the most promisciuos (sp?) group of people Ive EVER met. More so than the people I know (18-30 group) I dont know if its becaus the risk of pregnancy is lower, or because at a "gay venue" they can approach anybody with less fear of rejections, so they just do it. Basically I cant see many of them wanting to settle down into a monogamous (SP? ) relationship anyway.
Old 29 June 2003, 04:23 PM
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I am constantly amazed at the bigotry and prejudice of our society.

Have you people (and by that I mean those of you opposed to this) never heard of live and let live. Most of us know gay people (even if we don't know some of them are gay) and they're just human beings like the rest of us. The way you are carrying on your opinion of them would change the minute you found out they were gay which is frankly ridiculous.

If one person loves another enough to want to marry them then why shouldn't they - just because they are of the same sex shouldn't matter one iota.

Honestly, get off this "normal" thing as it won't be long before someone finds something not "normal" about you.


Old 29 June 2003, 04:24 PM
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That sort of society will probably generate more homosexuals
Do you have any evidence at all that a society more accepting of homosexuality leads to a higher rate of homosexuality?

I can see that it may well lead to more people coming out, but I very much doubt it would generate any increase overall. Who we are attracted to is who we are attracted to, no matter how socially acceptable, IMO.
Old 29 June 2003, 04:27 PM
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The happy couple could walk through a gap made by Imprezas with Pink Badges and Gold Wheels!!!!!!

Maybe they could go The-Whole-Hog and hire an Impreza in Pink Mica!!

Old 29 June 2003, 04:27 PM
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So people with less common eye colours or less common blood types are not normal?
Look at that, TK the balloon sucker in da house again, trying to put words in my mouth again and trying to look smart...

Now, as far as your question is concerned, if I go to Senegal and am the only one with blue eyes there, then yes, blue eyes are not normal because they are too low a % compared to the local population, in the same way as 2 or 3 or whatever % of gay people in a country are not normal.

Now, before you put even more words in my mouth, I am not saying gay people are bad or stu^pid or anything like that, but simply that they are not normal. That's neither good nor bad, just not normal. I could therefore say that gay people are abnormal without that being an insult. It's a very simple arithmetic fact.
Old 29 June 2003, 04:28 PM
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The way you are carrying on your opinion of them would change the minute you found out they were gay
Well, if you were cracking on to them and they announced they were Gay, wouldnt you
Old 29 June 2003, 04:33 PM
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Basically I cant see many of them wanting to settle down into a monogamous (SP? ) relationship anyway.
I agree with that. All the gay people I know constantly change partners. Your spelling of monogamous is perfectly correct btw
Old 29 June 2003, 04:33 PM
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Claudius, show me where I was putting words in your mouth. I asked a simple question about your perception of normal and abnormal.

Based on your response you are saying that each of us is abnormal in some way or other?

By the way, I asked my question without feeling the need to insult you, kindly extend the same courtesy to me. You make nobody but yourself look bad by resorting to personal comments when anyone dares question your opinions.

[Edited by TurboKitty - 6/29/2003 4:34:37 PM]
Old 29 June 2003, 04:41 PM
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Also, I think you'll find the estimation that 1-2% of people are homosexual is a bit on the low side, at least for this country. I believe studies have shown the figures to be up to 14% of men, possibly more, although that depends on how homosexual is actually defined.

Edit, in fact, some studies have apparently said up to 30%!

[Edited by TurboKitty - 6/29/2003 4:51:08 PM]
Old 29 June 2003, 04:47 PM
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I believe studies have shown the figures to be up to 14% of men, possibly more, although that depends on how homosexual is actually defined
Point 1 - Thats entirely down to women being evil neurotic cows and not letting us get our own way, or playing weird mind tricks on us

Point 2 - Shall we draw you a picture
Old 29 June 2003, 04:49 PM
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Riiight, not that this thread is going from the sublime to the ridiculous or anything.
Old 29 June 2003, 04:57 PM
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Hmm, the 'normal debate'

I have curly hair, 'statistically' I must be abnormal.
I think there's something pretty statistically abnormal about nearly all of us.

In actual fact, statistically speaking, anyone who is not abnormal must actually be abnormal as they're in the minority.

Nearly everything that is being legalised it correct. Gays should be able to commit to each other (and if 'marriage' is about 'family' then I assume infertile people shouldn't get married? Marriage is about commitment by two people for each other. Having a family is about having kids and you don't need to be married to do that).

Paedopilia, rape, murder is NEVER gonna be legalised so don't insinuate that it is just because gay people are geting more rights. That's just pointless ignorance to say that it is.

C'mon everyone, get a grip, leave your bigotted insecurities at home and live and let live.

[Edited by Dracoro - 6/29/2003 5:02:46 PM]
Old 29 June 2003, 05:06 PM
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if 'marriage' is about 'family' then I assume infertile people shouldn't get married?
Infertile people are not "normal"

Marriage is about commitment by two people for each other. Having a family is about having kids and you don't need to be married to do that
No, you dont need to be married to have children, but getting married and having children would be "normal"
Old 29 June 2003, 05:07 PM
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Do you have any evidence at all that a society more accepting of homosexuality leads to a higher rate of homosexuality?
Old 29 June 2003, 05:08 PM
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gays need therapy , they need help coz their telling us were not normal that tells u they need therapy

the government should pay gay and lesbians to marry each other and beget children that way they can go straight
Old 29 June 2003, 05:10 PM
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I'll take the fact that you've failed to cite a specific scientific report as a "no" then.
Old 29 June 2003, 05:18 PM
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I asked a simple question about your perception of normal and abnormal.
No, you're trying to make me say that normal doesnt mean much and that everybody is abnormal in one way or another, thereby making my comment of gay people being abnormal rather pointless.

Based on your response you are saying that each of us is abnormal in some way or other?

By the way, I asked my question without feeling the need to insult you, kindly extend the same courtesy to me.
I did not meant to insult you in any way by calling you a "balloon sucker". It was simply a reminder of that funny picture intended to lighten up the debate before anybody gets offended. Looks like that didnt work, then...

You make nobody but yourself look bad by resorting to personal comments when anyone dares question your opinions.
I dont see how calling you a balloon sucker makes me look bad?

And it's not that you question my opinion, after all this is a discussion forum; but everytime I say something, you jump in and say the contrary for some reason...
Old 29 June 2003, 05:21 PM
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I'll take the fact that you've failed to cite a specific scientific report as a "no" then
At least you make quick decisions...

now, whether they're good or not is another matter

Quick Reply: Gays to be able to get "married"

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