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This Country is Going to the Dogs!

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Old 08 August 2003, 09:58 AM
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The law is complete load of $hit, the police do nothing useful and I am disgraced at this country, It has done nothing but stagnate or degrade itself since WW2.

In my local rag I was reading a front page piece about how great our new CCTV cameras are, they managed to catch 9 regular drug dealers, and they got sent to prison for a total of 30 years between them (Complete b.ll.x)

Old 08 August 2003, 10:19 AM
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Old 08 August 2003, 10:22 AM
Pete Croney
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Why is that b0ll0x?
Old 08 August 2003, 10:30 AM
The Zohan
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Ian - I understand how you feel.

IMHO and back on me soapbox - The Police just enforce the laws courts do not punish law breakers properly.

CCTV should not be seen as a replacement for having cops on the streets more to compliment and assist them.

There are so many thing wrong with the system to fix it would take commitment and means taking responsibility, something Government are not keen on doing. Their main thrust is for revinue generation to pay for thier other **** ups - litter wardens, safety cameras, parking fines etc do just this.

As i see it

More police doing Police stuff, not paperwork!
Proper punishments for scum who break the law
Jail them if required, if not enough space for them then build more jails, it is that fecking simple, do not let them off with a smack on the wrist and a promise not to do it again.

If drug are responsibile for a majority of crime then find a solution, be it decriminalising or severe punishments for dealers and users alike along with compulsary treatment. (dealers only provide a service to people who buy thier goods).

The law is there to protect us and should do so.

[Edited by Paul Habgood - 8/8/2003 10:34:25 AM]
Old 08 August 2003, 10:33 AM
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Locking up some local smack heads for selling small quantities of drugs to other sad, pathetic addicts is hardly anything to celebrate. If they really wanted to solve the drug/crime problem they would legalise and control drugs putting the real crooks out of business.
Most big time distributors of drugs don't use themselves. They live in nice houses (possibly in YOUR neighborhood) and appear to be respectable business types. Why don't they get locked up? Perhaps because their "business" is so integrated into society they have become untouchable.
Old 08 August 2003, 11:18 AM
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Paul has it right, the low life seem to have got so well organised thet our leaders have given up trying to stop it and are trying only to cover their backsides. This situation stems from no real action being taken years ago.

I can understand how you feel Ian. I am old enough to remember when this was a very safe country to live in. Nearly everyone lived unselfishly and thought about others rather than just themselves. Neighbours regarded it as a point of honour to be pleasant and help each other out as a matter of course. Drugs were in existence of course but very few people would allow themselves to get sucked in and risk ruining their lives. There was a code of behaviour and most followed it. No one would dream of causing loud noise from music players or parties keeping their neighbours awake.

History tells us that civilisations tend to drop standards as time passes and as that happens behaviour worsens until it all goes down the tubes. Maybe we are getting closer to that situation and we are seeing the warning signs.

I know your age, you stated it on another thread, so you will not have seen the Britain of years ago. You seem to have wisdom beyond your years, I regret to see the state of this country now since I saw it in better times, but you must feel even worse seeing what lies ahead unless there is a sea change in attitudes.

Old 08 August 2003, 11:19 AM
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And it will never get better.
Take a look at who has the largest families. Decent law abiding tax paying hardworking responsible citizens, no. For every child born to a good caring resposible family, there must be 20 or more born into so called families where the so called parents are drug abusing alcoholic benefit defrauding thieving scum who probably can't remember how many b@st@rds they've bred until their next DSS claim. Some individuals manage to rise out of the gutter, but most who are born into it know nothing else and will stay there and do their best to drag us all in there with them. Our poxy excuse for a government have the deluded belief that it needs to maintain a high population to earn lots of tax to keep us high in the world economic league, but with most manufacturing, industry and even service sector jobs emmigrating to 3rd world economies all they are doing by promoting large families is preparing the country for bankruptsy. Who pays the benefit bill when there are no taxpayers?

The one thing I would love to see in every human being is responsibility. By constantly bailing out people who breed irresponsibly we perpetuate a cycle of decline. I think all benefits related to children should only be applicable to the 1st two born of any female. The policy could be applied to all born after a date in 10 months time so as not to persecute anyone already carrying or existing families. We all know how to, and how not to conceive. The decision is yours, and yours alone, and why should others be financially resposible for it if your are not capable yourself. Condoms are free, children are not.

To tackle our crime problems we need a get tough attitude. The last 30 years of liberal attitudes to crime and punishment have not worked. Do we need any more proof, really. Most crime seems to be associated to drugs these days, so legalise them. Sell them cheap, clean, taxed and monitored in government run pharmacies. The purchase of any drugs denies you access to related treatments free on the NHS, including alcohol and tobacco. Outprice the street dealers and deprive them of their lucrative seedy business and impose excessive sentencing for non authorised drug dealing. Car crime should carry a mandatory 5yr sentence followed by a 5yr ban on the 1st offence, 10 and 10 on the second and 10 and a life ban on the 3rd. No parole, no time off for good behaviour, time added for bad behaviour. Burglars should be banned for life from living in any council/government housing or owning a mortgage on their 3rd offence. Allowing an exburglar to live with you should result in the same penalty. Drive them out into the streets, then offer to buy them flights out to wherever they want to go, on the condition they don't come back.
Prisons should be a punishment, not a holiday. They should have a working regime and teach trades. Any perks must be earnt. It is illegal in international law to use prisoners as a free workforce, so pay them. Minimum wage, then charge them all but £1/hr of it in rent. Of the remaining, half is available to the prisoner to buy personal items, the other half is banked for his release.
ID cards are a must have. If you are decent you have nothing to fear. If you misbehave in any way, it is only right that you should be punished. If pubs/clubs or anyone wants to exclude certain "types" from their clientelle then they should have that right. All public order offences should remain on ID cards for a minimum of 5yrs.

Anyway, I've ranted on long enough. Vote for me, I'll show 'em.

I'm off shopping now so I won't need my flamesuit for the liberal dogooder backlash.
Old 08 August 2003, 11:36 AM
The Zohan
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Agree 100% with Corradoboy!

Well said sir
Old 08 August 2003, 01:10 PM
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vote for cb!

very well put.


Old 08 August 2003, 01:52 PM
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Why is it we never seem to get any politicians which want to do anything or with ideas which will change things, other then the British National party
Old 08 August 2003, 01:55 PM
Drunken Bungle Whore
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They all have ideas and want to change things. All the way up to the general election. Then when they're voted in - things sort of - well - change......

And it's not just Labour - it was Tories too - and probably everyone else as well.

Makes me laugh when the papers accuse a politician of lying - duh!!
Old 08 August 2003, 07:50 PM
Spudgun VI
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corradoboy for pm!
Old 08 August 2003, 08:05 PM
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The problem with labour is they say their policies are@ education, education, education and cutting crime.

A decent parties policies should be, we will improve the education by teaching youngsters respect, they will be displined by ...... we will improve resources by giving.....

We will reduce crime rates by make punishments, punishments, we will do this by making prison a difficult and unpleasent experience which will also make it a deterant.

etc etc etc
Old 08 August 2003, 08:09 PM
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This country Is dead.

I refuse to call it "Great Britain" its just Britain.

Its dirty ,smelly, rude, violent ,,full of scum, Krap Police. Krap Goverment and nearly krap food.

This country is full of losers.

Its like a bloody Zoo with all the animals in one cage.

Viva la revolution!!
Old 08 August 2003, 08:13 PM
Project ST
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So, corradoboy, this thread doesn't really interested you at all then?

Very well said, very good suggestions.

I guess it all boils down to money; not enough Police on the streets, not enough money to build and staff prisons (plus the "not in my back yard" camp that make it so hard to site new correctional facilities), not enough money to police our borders and run the immigration system so that genuine asylum seekers can stay and earn their money, legally, while the economic migrants who bring little or nothing into the country except their willingness to work for anyone, for any amount of money, are ejected.

Someone, somewhere, must have the answers to the question of "why is this happening in this, and many other countries?"

I see it as a great shame that in this day and age, racism, mindless violence, dishonesty and greed affect the lives of most as much, if not more than they did "once upon a time".

That said, rose-tinted glasses won't make things any better or more bearable; the politicians need to own up and say, "yes, we were wrong; we are having a hell of a bad time fixing the country." That honesty, coupled with a proper re-jigging of the system to actually handle the changing demographic of the population, using good technology and better teaching methods, might be the only chance we have of being a country in 20 years time, and not just a bloody big housing estate off the coast of Europe.

Rant over, back to the pint...
Old 08 August 2003, 08:23 PM
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Personnaly I do not feel that money is the problem, it is the way the government spends it. For instance benefits are to support people when they are going through a bad patch not to support someone for the whole/majority of thier life. We can also see this with the roads, they are not underfunded, its just that the money does not get spent on the right-things.

It may be a bit heartless, but the amount of people which die on the roads is not that many.

Anyway I am guessing people know where I am coming from so I will leave it at that for now.

I am feeling a bit dissy, Think I will go get a drink
Old 08 August 2003, 09:00 PM
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Someone, somewhere, must have the answers to the question of "why is this happening in this, and many other countries?"
That's a simple one in my book.

Well intentioned laws designed to protect the rights of "decent people" are being abused and used as loopholes.

I'm amazed we haven't had some thieving scumbag in the European Courts claiming it's his/her human right to take what they want, even when it belongs to someone else.

The second thing is the "do-gooder". An absolute minority with the biggest gobs I have ever seen. Add in the dumb b'stards the populus elects to government, who then listen to the do-gooder element instead of us, and the mix is perfect for running a country into the ground

I wonder how much longer the "gentle and unprotesting" population will put up with it ?

Not too long if the general opinion is anything like mine.
Fuel protests might be the first of many more to come if things keep going the way they are.

Old 08 August 2003, 09:04 PM
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If they try and put road humps in my street, boy will there be a protest.
Old 08 August 2003, 10:43 PM
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OK. So we've started writing the election manefesto of the "Common Bloody Sense" party. And it looks like I'm in line for party leader. I've been fancying a career change. Here's a few more ideas.
We are the largest contributer to the EEC, and the smallest benefactor. So we'll change that for a start. Never did the French any harm to ignore EEC rulings. Cancel all money currently being given in aid to foreign countries, we have plenty of uses for it here.
International law on asylum states that an individual must apply for asylum in the 1st safe country he arrives in, so we can send them all back. To fulfill our international obligations we shall accept an amount equal to the average of the other EU countries, only after they have been successfully granted asylum in another country, so as to ease their load .
Only British citizens shall be entitled to free NHS care, and EU members carrying a valid E111.
Bring back all our troops from abroad and put them the majority on reserve. And then draught them into the police, a cost neutral way of enlarging the force.
You'll like these ones. Speed cameras can only be sited within city/town/village limits where there is just cause such as a school, playground or sufficient accident data. Speed limit on Mways up to 90, but an instant 1 month ban if over 110. Abnormal loads only allowed transit between 9pm and 6am. Appoint French transport minister to run trains, for whatever salary he wants so long as he succeeds.

Shall I go on ? Or are you all fed up of me yet ? LOL
Old 08 August 2003, 11:01 PM
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Luke you do talk total cr*p most of the time and your generalisation caps it off for me ..I bet you've got your ticket ready for that paradise Turkey ROTFL see ya! and enjoy.
Old 08 August 2003, 11:14 PM
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corner here 2 long 2 miss
Old 09 August 2003, 01:49 AM
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Shall I go on ?
Yes please.

You're only scratching the surface of what needs to be done, but it's a good start

Please remember to "Ban all Political Correctness"
Old 09 August 2003, 08:04 AM
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Luckily I think you'll find there aren't many takers for your New UK where everyone is a small minded white cracker.

Not everyone wants the things the way you do- thank god.
Old 09 August 2003, 08:06 AM
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BTW for those that don't know "cracker" is a term used to describe
usually working class/lower middle class mostly white folk who somehow feel disenfranchised by a pluralist society and hark back to the good old days when they could have lynchings and generally feel that everyone "thinks" the same as them.
Old 09 August 2003, 08:34 AM
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Triple top

Turkey will just be different... Some things better ..something worse. But my quality of life will be better.

If I wanted complete Harmony I would Live in Iceland. Its the best place I have ever worked.

But go on.Tell me why I am talking Krap about the state of this Country....

Unless your a scum and your life is on the up!!
Old 09 August 2003, 01:44 PM
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Ok luke see ya! enjoy your new life hope it works out for you.

Don't forget to drop a post on here so we can all know you are leaving

Old 09 August 2003, 02:27 PM
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what to make sure he goes!!!
Old 09 August 2003, 03:36 PM
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so NACRO i guess you're not white then? what is it you're objecting to exactly - the stance on immigration? the UK needs immigrants - but hard working, decent, honest individuals that make the effort to start a new life. we don't need the dossers who want an easy life and are making our crime rates escalate.

i'd also like to point out that racism will become a bigger problem if the government are lax on immigration / illegal immigrant laws. by taking a weak stance, the public will get increasingly more angry and take the matters into their own hands. i don't care if you're white, black, pink, or green - if you're in this country you should have a job or be actively looking to get one - but obviously take out the individual cases of disabilities etc.

the benefit system needs a complete re-shake. people claiming to have injured themselves doing this, that, and the other should be subject to a medical examination by a neutral doctor to determine the validity of their claim.

i think the child benefit idea for the first two children is an excellent one - it stops the baby factories.

i think there'd be a lot more takers than you think for the points given NACRO. other suggestions ...

1) drink driving results in a complete life time ban. there's no faffing excuse for it and drink/drug driving results in far more deaths than pure speeding offences ever will. don't touch alcohol and then get in a car - having "just one" is b0ll0x - if you're only going to have one then have none at all

2) get young offenders off the street and *doing* something. more local community centres with quality resources. the reason they turn to crime is because it's something to do - if you give them an alternative it'll drop massively. give first time offenders more rehabilitation treatment - an education against their ways. give consistent offenders a lot harsher penalties because if all the rehabilitation and education against crime fails and they refuse to abide by the rules of society, then they deserve to have their rights stripped and be kicked into jail

3) the NHS should scrap all these bloody pen pushers and put the power back with those who know what it's like in the hospital. that'll save a ton of money for a start - then pump money in (as labour have been doing, but in completely the wrong places) to boost wages and get more potential doctors and nurses coming through. perhaps that way there'll be some doctors that speak english, rather than those who qualified in the deepest depths of zimbabwe and claim to be doctors

4) universities should receive more funding and tuition fees scrapped. however, the courses they offer should be under heavy scrutiny. david beckham studies is the biggest pile of w*** going - if you want to study a plant or some other sh1t3 then pay for the privilege. courses with relevance to the world of work should receive more funding, and students not having to pay shed loads for tuition. fields of employment - mainly in the medical profession as well as policing etc - that require more numbers should have degrees that applicants get grants to go on as an incentive.

5) instead of trying to scrap grammar schools, encourage the comprehensives to reach the standards of grammar schools. by keeping youngsters occupied both in school and out, by having teachers at schools that actually prompt intellectual thought rather than monkeys who follow a text book, i reckon that would also reduce crime rates and improve the standards of education. i also think that the european way of doing things - the Baccalaureate - encourages far more skills that are of use rather than the english standard of A-levels etc. too many kids get by because they can learn facts and whack them down on a paper. it's the thought process that needs to be heightened and a broader curriculum does that. especially as exams are getting far too bloody easy - the only difficulty with GCSEs are the number involved, not the actual course. speaking from experience, i did FA revision 3 years ago and ended up with all A*/A bar two B grades. If i had to sit the Bs again on their own I'd end up with a much better grade. it'd be far better to have quality and not quantity.

6) speed limits definitely need looking at. it'd be nice to have police or at least teachers trained by police outside school gates to watch for dangerous motorists going by schools. it's all well and good putting 20 signs up but they are the ones that really need enforcing. a lot of the 60 zones that have been dropped to 30/40 zones should also be re-looked at, because i know of too many instances where it's simply not justified.
motorways should have an increased speed limit to move with the development of car safety and power/braking ability.
dangerous roads should be monitored closely to watch out for speeders/dangerous driving and motorists should be made distinctly aware that the road they are approaching is a dangerous one and is being monitored.

there are probably a lot more but that'll do for starters
Old 09 August 2003, 04:46 PM
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Not going just yet...
Old 09 August 2003, 05:20 PM
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One of the things i find naïve about these rantings is the "baby factory" quote.

Did you know that amongst 'white' people the birth rate is in decline, and generally we are an ageing popluation. Limiting child benefit to the first 2 born and generally being hostile to large families you will perpetuate an already serious situation amongst the popluation.

Where are you going to find future taxes that this country will need to pay for your care/retirement?As people live longer and longer now, and not necessarily in good health, you will find as the years roll on an increasing burden on future tax payers. This will be exacerbated by foolish policies such as trying to limit family size by ill thought out fiscal means.

And just because a family is large in the first place does that automatically mean they are a 'problem'? No it does not, sweeping generalisations such as that show a lack of objectively in these ill thought out conceptions.

There are other ways to try and control 'problem' families. Im open to suggestions to things that would make this country a better place. But things that put me off is policies that look like they have been lifted from an editorial of the sun newspsper.

Quick Reply: This Country is Going to the Dogs!

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