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Old 16 August 2003, 04:17 PM
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Starting on Monday. Spent a fortune today on steak, chops, and other meat. I`m 16 and a half stone, what`s a realistic target weight??

Anybody tried it, and did it work??

Also, did it give you bad breath and make you fart, which I`ve heard can happen??



Old 16 August 2003, 06:21 PM
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I was 17 stone and have now lost 3 stone on Atkins in 10 weeks. Im still persevering with it I want to lose another stone before I start to phase in my new “normal” healthy diet.

I haven’t noticed and side affects my self I’ve had no bad breath or head aches or anything. But this is my experience only, different people react in different ways to this diet. Your body may not like it at all and you will feel like crap. By no means is this diet sustainable for a long period of time, trust me you will get sick of the sight of stake. Im only using this diet as a jump start because nothing else worked for me. When im down to a reasonable weight I will slowly phase in a normal healthy diet. I now know I have the will power to keep up a diet so it shouldn’t be that hard to keep the weight off if Im keep sensible about it.

Anyhow good luck!!
Old 16 August 2003, 06:48 PM
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Try to eat more salad etc than steaks and cheese
Old 16 August 2003, 06:48 PM
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God knows how often this has been asked. Do a search for Atkins and you'll find pages of discussions on this.

Personally I think it's a ple of cr@p

Regular exercise and reduced calories is a much healthier way IMHO.

Good luck anyway,

Old 16 August 2003, 07:39 PM
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if someone post asking if superunleaded is worth it do you post and say walking is healthier?

this bloke asked about weight loss and nothing beats atkins.
Old 16 August 2003, 07:56 PM
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I've heard so many different things about this diet.
Carbohydrates is a slow burning energy thing therefor is what gives you a long steady stream of energy, surely if you cut this out you don't have as much energy as your body needs?

Although this is the most successful diet i have heard about, i have bad vibes about it.

I think this diet needs alot of research on it, because personally something this successful must have a downfall.

But yeh, i heard it can give you bad breath and sicklyness and fatigue, but i guess it depends on your own body.
Old 16 August 2003, 07:56 PM
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True, but there's more to losing weight than just worrying about what it says on a set of scales.

Since the UK has one of the highest heart disease rates I'll still stand on my soap box telling as many folk as I can to stop taking the lazy options.

Like I already said, all IMHO

Old 16 August 2003, 08:10 PM
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Ozzy, I can see where you`re coming from, BUT, I`m 33 years old and 16 and a half stone. I`m 5 foot 10 " tall.

I like playing football, but in the last year and a half, I`ve had loads of problems with my hamstrings. No matter how many stretches I do before playing, it seems like I can play foota for 3 weeks, then one of my legs goes, and I`m out for at least 5 weeks.

I also don`t mind cycling, but where I live is a bit up and down, I don`t mind the down, but when you weigh as much as me, the up is rather difficult.

Going to a gym for fitness would be worse than watching grass grow, tried it, hated every minute.

It seems like the easy option to some, but I`m willing to give it a go. I`ll keep you all posted as to how I do.

I`m having a last blow out btw, a few cans today, and a full session tomorrow watching the Toon against Leeds then Liverpool Chelsea.

How I`m going to miss beer, chips and kebabas. Ho hum.



Old 16 August 2003, 08:33 PM
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I have my own weight-loss plan. Well. it's more a pamphlet really. It reads; DON'T EAT FOOD THAT MAKES YOU FAT. Try it - it works.
Old 16 August 2003, 10:26 PM
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"Since the UK has one of the highest heart disease rates I'll still stand on my soap box telling as many folk as I can to stop taking the lazy options."

oh dear oh dear.....atkins gives you heart attacks does it? i think you'll find there are many animals in the world that live on meat yet dont drop dead before they are due to because of it.

just keep reading the diet sections in the womens sure its all true.

Old 16 August 2003, 11:58 PM
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OK, no need to be a smart @rse.

No, Atkins won't give you a heart attack, but doing **** all exercise won't keep your heart or lungs in a healthy condition. It's about time people enter the real world and realise they need to do some exercise to keep their bodies healthy.

People need to ask why they want to lose weight. Is it coz is unsightly or because it's unhealthy ???

If it's for health reasons, then it's better to start exercising and eating a balanced diet. no?

My *radical* ideas are based on being thrashed for 8 months by Royal Marine PTI's. I wasn't told about any fancy diets. Just eat enough to cope with the physical demands and exercise as hard as possible - ain't exactly rocket science no is it

There's loads of sports you can try that won't be as hard on your legs as Football and you don't need to spend boring hours in a gym getting fit.

Old 17 August 2003, 12:05 AM
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As for gyms, personally I hate them. I exercise twice per day and 6-7 days per week. I don't exercise for the sake of it, I do it because I want to be fit and healthy to do the sports and activities I like.

[rant mode on]
There's a few middle-age folk in my work who are constantly on diets and I never see any of them at the local gym or going for runs/walks.

Then they wonder why the never lose weight or are out of breath when I talk them into trying some sport. We had a works BBQ last Friday and since we have quite a few South Africans we had a game of cricket. All the ones of diets had to sit down and catch their breaths after about 10mins of hitting a ball round a field.

God knows what these people are like with their kids. I'd hate to think I'd ever be in the situation where I'm overweight and too unfit to play with my kids.
[/rant mode off]

Old 17 August 2003, 02:13 AM
Steve Lawson
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LOL all I ever read on SNet is people wanting to lose weight,I 've been ill for the past year and have finally found out what is wrong with me.I have lost almost 2 stone which considering there wasnt a lot of me to start off with its worrying .
Question to Ozzy,whats my best plan of attack for weight gain bearing in mind that I am now diagnosed as being wheat/gluten intolerrant(no more beer or scotch [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img])
Wish I weighed as much as some as you lot then I would be down the gym/cycling or whatever rather than following the latest fad diet.


[Edited by Steve Lawson - 8/17/2003 2:14:17 AM]
Old 17 August 2003, 08:01 AM
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Thanks for all the replies.

I`m going to give a go for the 2 week induction period and see how it goes.

I`ll keep you informed.



But today as I`m downing a few beers watching the match in the boozer, Atkins is the last thing on my mind. LOL.

Old 17 August 2003, 08:39 AM
kevin stanton
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Andy, i started it yesturday, gonna try it for a few weeks. i only want to lose a stone.

i'll let you know how i got on in a couple of weeks time.

God i missed my weekly saturday night mixed meat and chips.

Old 17 August 2003, 08:57 AM
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I have been doing Atkins since Easter and lost two stone. My bad cholesterol has reduced, I have more energy, and generally feel very good. I am at a stage where my carb intake has increased to the extent that most peoplke looking at what I eat would not recognise it as a diet at all. The myth that is perpetuated in the press is that you cut out don't apart from a hefty reduction in the first two weeks.

I happened to be sitting next to a professor of medicine at a lunch the other day and took the opportunity of asking his view on Atkins. Turns out that both he and his (GP) wife have lost two stones each on it. His point of view was that it was good because it worked in reducing fat and was sustainable. Absolutely no one knows for sure how it works apparantly and equally no one can definitively state that it causes harm.
Old 17 August 2003, 04:43 PM
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My bad cholesterol has reduced
Might go and have my cholesterol done now I have lost 3 stone.
Old 17 August 2003, 05:36 PM
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Is there a way to calculate calories in food,is there one on the net.
Old 17 August 2003, 05:55 PM
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I was 17 stone and have now lost 3 stone on Atkins in 10 weeks. Im still persevering with it I want to lose another stone before I start to phase in my new “normal” healthy diet.
Tim, have you got any details of the plan you did? I'm sure I could find information on the internet, but you were in the position I am now in (except I'm over 18 stone and 6 foot) and if it's been that successful for you then I'd like to know what exaactly you did and give it a go myself in time for Xmas.

Like you it would be a way for me to break a cycle of poor eating habits and actually see some benefit before starting afresh.
Old 17 August 2003, 07:32 PM
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Here’s a rough guide.

Breakfast (7:30am)

Scrambled egg (could be fried egg but im not too keen on frying food) with grilled bacon or a sausage but never both. Some days I have a ham or cheese omelette for breakfast.

Cup of decaf tea without sugar and a glass of water.

Lunch (1:00pm)

I take a salad in a Tupperware box and I just add different things to the salad each day to give a bit of variety e.g.-
Boiled egg and a little spot of mayo.
Smoked haddock.

A litre bottle of water. And maybe a sneaky cup of tea at 10 o clock (again with no sugar).

Get home from work (4:30pm)

More water

Tea (6:00pm)

Different things you could have-

Stake with vegetables and salad.
Gammon with vegetables and salad.
Chicken with vegetables and salad.
Some types of curry (check jar for carb content of sauce) with salad but NO rice.
Some types of chilli (check jar for carb content of sauce) with salad but NO rice and beans.
Stir-fry with various kinds of meat keep an eye on what vegetables you put into it.

Pint glass of water

Before bed (11:00pm)

Cup of tea.

Keep under 20 grams of carbohydrate a day for the first two or three weeks then you can start adding 5 grams a week. After a few weeks you begin to automatically know what you can and can’t eat and you won’t need to count the carbs and you will still continue to lose weight. Another thing I have done is eat nothing after about 7:00pm. And do not drink diet drinks because most of them have a thing called Aspartame in them which apparently inhibits weight loss I have read.

Have a look on Amazon for the book it doesn’t cost that much and will get you into the Atkins way of thinking it may also be handy to have a crab counter book for quick reference when cooking. As I said above after a few weeks you wont need the book and will know what you can and can’t have. Keep an eye out for any bad side affects of this diet as I doesn’t agree with everyone, personally it has been great for me with no side affects I have noticed. I haven’t kept to the Atkins diet to the letter but what I have done has worked and im going to do it for another month.

Good luck and keep you mind focused on how you want to look, that will be the only motivation you need.

Old 17 August 2003, 07:37 PM
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Keep an eye out for any bad side affects of this diet as I doesn’t agree with everyone
That should have read

Keep an eye out for any bad side affects of this diet as it doesn’t agree with everyone
Old 17 August 2003, 07:44 PM
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Thanks Tim.
Old 17 August 2003, 08:15 PM
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both me and the mrs did this diet for 6 months. we lost more weight to start with then it tailed off a bit. If i remember correctly the mrs lost nearly 4 stone and i lost 2 cos i cheat too much!
Old 17 August 2003, 08:46 PM
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Cheating will be an option but I've got at least 4 stone I can do without so I've got to make a start. I was always previously put off whatever I was trying after two weeks and no noticable loss of weight according to the scales - this way seems to be different though, with everyone who has lots of weight to lose seeing results quickly, and thats exactly what I need to keep my self discipline, whch isn't great when it comes to food and drink, hence being of a rotund stature
Old 17 August 2003, 09:04 PM
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It’s easy to exercise self discipline when you can see the diet working week after week, and your getting comments from people like "bloody you’ve lost some weight haven’t you". It all adds to you commitment to the diet and makes you more determined to keep it up.
Old 17 August 2003, 09:07 PM
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How come i cant edit my posts Mod's?? The edit icon isn't there in my posts.
Old 18 August 2003, 01:28 PM
Dave T-S
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The Atkins plan as an eating regime is dumb, and so are the people without half a brain cell that cannot see that by looking at the content of it!

It's long term effect would likely be to kill people - indeed one has just died in the States.

The human body is not designed to process large amounts of animal protein nor to eat dairy products - cows milk is for baby cows!

Most people have not got the willpower to follow a sensible balanced diet and exercise, which is why the Atkins plan caught on - it is far easier to shovel heaps of lard down your throat than eat healthy.

It may "work", at least in the short term, but that doesn't mean to say the plan is good for you. It's a eating plan, not a diet.

Ah, but loads of people swear by it and loads of celebrities are on it so it must be right, eh?

Old 18 August 2003, 01:31 PM
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And do not drink diet drinks because most of them have a thing called Aspartame in them which apparently inhibits weight loss I have read
And never mind the fact Aspartame is a suspected carcinogen
Old 18 August 2003, 01:32 PM
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How are the Atkins dieters today?

Merrily ignoring all the recent official warnings etc?

Yup, thought so!!

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