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Is this what British life is all about?

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Old 10 September 2003, 12:24 PM
LG John
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I feel like a rant at British life This is my interpretation of an average day for a British man:

7am: Alarm goes off, roll over and sneer and ugly girlfriend/wife, jump in shower and wash yourself as the impending stress begins to build

7:30am: Go to have breakfast but the last of the milk was fed to the cat the night before!

7:45am: Leave for work hungry. Car sounds rattly – you know it’s going to cost you!

8:00am: You get cut up several times in a traffic jam

8:01am: Someone gives you verbal abuse

8:02am: You get cut up again

8:30am: You arrive at work and have been awake for 1.5 hours with NOTHING in life to smile about so far!

8:45am: You have the same old conversation with the same old people, ‘what did you do last night’, ‘did you watch such and such’, ‘Isn’t Robbie Williams just the best!’

9:00am: People email and phone you and give you nothing but hassle

10:00am: You finally find time for a packet of crisps complete with god-knows-what additives and a coffee as you were beginning to ‘come down’

11:00am: You get more stressed, the boss wants the impossible and you feel sick. Meanwhile, bill the next-door neighbour is *****-deep in your bird/wife

12:00noon: You are told cuts will have to be made soon in the company – deep down you know what this means

12:30pm: You go for lunch and wait 15 minutes just to buy a sanny and bottle of coke in the express lane at the supermarket

12:45pm: You get to near the front of the queue to be told the lane is closing and you have to switch

13:00pm: You finally get your lunch and eat it, artificial this and artificial that included – you feel your body being poisoned!

13:10pm: You go to a cash machine and stoop down to use it as it was designed to be comfortable for a pregnant disabled women (about 0.5% of the population)

13:14m: After 4 minutes of being asked if you want a statement, an onscreen balance display and holiday insurance the machine finally tells it has no money left

13:16pm: Work resumes but you are 1 minute late and have to fill out 3 forms that explain why. These forms then go through 5 other people who all fill out their own forms

13:40pm: You finally finish the forms and resume your work.

14:00pm: You are handed work that is clearly someone else job – suddenly YOU are expected to do it.

15:00pm: You get hassled from the boss because you have not managed to do your own work.

15:30pm: Your computer crashes and you loose an entire report.

15:31pm: Call logged with I.T.

16:15pm: IT finally comes round.

16:45pm: Computer works again but things have changed on it and you’ve lost more saved data – most of it was important!

17:00pm: You are ready to go home but someone dumps more work on your desk that NEEDS to be done tonight

18:30pm: You finally leave to go home having given an hour and a half to the company for free.

18:35pm: You hit a traffic jam and people FORCE their way in front of you

18:45pm: Still in a traffic jam – crap music on the radio

19:15pm: You get home, dinner is in the dog. Your wife/girlfriend is at aerobics (actually screwing the instructor)

19:20pm: You eat a microwave meal, with added sugar, added salt, added sweeteners, added colourings, artificial ingredients and likely human contaminants. Washed down with coke/acid!

19:30pm: You flick through the TV stations: Pop Idol, Big Brother, Celebrity Games, News about: war, disease, famine, rape, murder, child molesters, car jacking’s, gang crime and how studies show being gay is good for you immune system, etc

20:00pm: Having watched 30 mins of the best of British TV you decide to go to the gym.

20:10pm: Arrive at the gym and park in quiet and empty part of car park

20:30pm: You look around and all you see is toned bodies, muscles and slick hairdo’s, you feel crap about yourself

20:45pm: You are asked to spot for someone benching 200kg – he fails a lift and you rip a muscle trying to pull the bar off his chest!

20:50pm: You shower/change minding your own business and become aware of two cockwatchers – you feel uneasy

21:00pm: You get out to the car to find an MPV on one side and 2 tonnes of 4x4 on the other – you have a new door ding

21:30pm: Petty argument with the wife – she storms off to bed.

22:00pm: You surf the net: Go to hotmail – 10 porno emails, 15 other junk emails, 1 personal email and it’s just a ‘one-liner’ Go to forum to find someone ripping into you because they didn’t agree with what you said. Put in a search for ‘second-hand car prices information’ and get 3253 hits of which the first 23 are ‘granny ****’

22:15pm: Follow a link to a site you want to view - 5 pop-ups and the computer crashes.

22:30pm: Take the dog for a walk in the local park

22:40pm: Started on by a group of 10 neds.

22:45pm: Step in dog turd in the middle of a children’s playground – you religiously scoop your dog’s crap why can’t others?

23:00pm: You get home, you can hear Dave next door laying into his wife…..again!

23:15pm: Last minute channel surf – usual crap

23:30pm: Go to bed, wife/girlfriend grunts and turns away

23:50pm: Finally drift off to sleep

1:00am: Woken by loud zorst and dump valve sounding off

2:00am: Finally get back to sleep

7:00am: Alarm goes off – It all begins AGAIN!!

Is this it? Is this what British life is all about? Whether you believe we evolved from apes, where an alien experiment or were created by God does anyone feel that this is the sort of existence we should/were supposed to have? What is the way out?

P.S. Saxo is a little p*ssed off today
Old 10 September 2003, 12:28 PM
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sounds good....
Old 10 September 2003, 12:29 PM
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You lie in bed until 7 am? Lazy ****
Old 10 September 2003, 12:33 PM
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You forgot to tell the 1 AM noise was actually from your own car being nicked
Old 10 September 2003, 12:34 PM
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Wait until you have kids! You'll wonder how you ever survived before.
Old 10 September 2003, 12:36 PM
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U lucky s*d!! Makes my job of testing for NASA sound dull...

U can always go and live in a cave and drink liquid E?
Old 10 September 2003, 12:36 PM
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Then of course some people *are* "bill the next-door neighbour"
Old 10 September 2003, 12:38 PM
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Yea life sucks
Old 10 September 2003, 12:42 PM
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kill yourself then.
Old 10 September 2003, 12:43 PM
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5.45am alarm goes off
6.15am thread ZX6R out of the garage past the 22B and Forester
6.20pm love the roads this time of the morning.
6.40am bikes parked up and you grab a coffee 'n muffin
7.00am HongKong calls up and crosses your ridiculously wide spread
11.05am go and grab some Itsu, eat at the desk.
2.00pm pass book to NYC desk and start surfing/writing trading stragies
3.00pm manage to pin someone on his strike again, heart bleeds.
5.00pm back into the leathers and on the bike
5.10pm past all the poor car drivers gridlocked near the blackwall tunnel.
5.40pm at home, hug from the kids and quick grope of the trophy wife
6.00pm start cooking dinner, plenty of fresh stuff in the fridge, wifes been able to fit a trip to Tesco between her coffe morning and afternoon gym session.
6.30pm sit down at the dining table with family and tuck in, tv is off
7.15pm kids homework help, then some playstation with the lad.
8.00pm off to the gym, another few kg's resistance added, no problemo
9.30pm home, kids are in bed, wifes had a shower and smells good.
9.45pm la de dah, hmm te dumm intermission time
10.30pm catch up on the news, sip a nice glass of red.
11.00pm on a schoolnight and it's off to bed. Sweet dreams

Damn glad I put the work in during my early 20's LOL
Old 10 September 2003, 12:59 PM
LG John
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Then of course some people *are* "bill the next-door neighbour"

Good for you Old Fart, I really hope one day my life goes something like that

By the way, I should point out that the first post is not a 'day in my life' but some of it does draw from my own experiences I must admit.
Old 10 September 2003, 01:01 PM
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Better than my normal routine...

7am - wake up, assume the giving birth position, and begin to break wind.

7:45am - now finally deflated, evacuate the bedroom at high speed, after sensing the last of the guffs was getting a little moist.

7:45:01am - just make it on to the pan, before last night's curry and beer explodes out of you like a flock of seagulls taking off.

7:50am - try to hold breath while showering in the same room that you've just created the world's most toxic smell in.

7:51am - manage to get shower gel in both eyes at the same time, stumble blindly from the bath / shower, in a hopeless search for a towel.

8:01am - discover you've just dried yourself on your bedroom curtains, and are standing naked in full view of Mrs Miggins next door, who is hanging out her massive mauve pants on the washing line.

8:05am - now dressed, you've still only got partial vision back, and gag when you realise you've just started to wash your teeth with Anusol.

8:15am - realising you're late for work now, you abandon breakfast, and head to the car.

8:16am - return to the house because you've forgotten your mobile.

8:17am - return to your house because you've forgotten the facia for the car stereo.

8:25am - parked on hard shoulder, car still running, fans on full blast, windows open. It's clear that last night's curry still has some potency left.

8:45am - roads look unnaturally clear - you're going to be on time.

8:46am - encounter a 15 mile jam on the motorway, having just driven past the last exit, with the oh-so-helpful motorway message sign showing nothing.

9:15am - arrive at work... to find that it's a Bank Holiday.
Old 10 September 2003, 01:09 PM
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Get out of that ****hole

6:00am Get up

7:00am Run

8:00 Breakfast

9:30am Leave for work, 10 min drive in the car to work (no traffic jams empty roads.

9:40 Park at work, coffee, first meeting of day

10:30 Do some work

12:00 2 hour lunch

14:00 see what going on at work

15:00 go home usually

15:20 park in garage and get busy enjoying myself.

BTW one day a month I get to take off as an RTT (day off). Also there are 1/3 again the number of bank holidays. The usual holiday allocation here is 30 days a year.

People slag of the french but I tell you this much they work half as hard and live twice as well.

Old 10 September 2003, 01:16 PM
LG John
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LOL @ duck pond

The stereo fascia one is REALLY annoying!!
Old 10 September 2003, 01:16 PM
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Saxo Boy - top post my friend. I know just how you feel. There has to be more to life than this, but there isn't

Old 10 September 2003, 01:24 PM
LG John
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There has to be more to life than this, but there isn't
I admire you honesty

Now, where can I get a gun and a bullet
Old 10 September 2003, 01:24 PM
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Old 10 September 2003, 01:25 PM
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sounds awfully familiar!

would insert:

- get home, take beer from fridge before even taking jacket off
- keep drinking beer until the stress starts to go away
- go to bed pi$$ed
- wake up hanging
Old 10 September 2003, 01:35 PM
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Thumbs up

23:30pm: Go to bed, wife/girlfriend grunts and turns away

23:50pm: Finally drift off to sleep
This 20 minute slot would be an ideal time for a ****. There are a few others you could fit in to the days schedule too, but this would be a good time to start relaxing.
Old 10 September 2003, 01:35 PM
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Just 1 question........If you're life really is as **** as that then why do you continue to work at a Mitsibushi showroom?

Is selling EVO'S that bad?


p.s: most birds are ugly in the morning mate.....flamesuit on !!!
Old 10 September 2003, 01:37 PM
LG John
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Skoosh who are you talking to?

Re: the ****: I toyed with the idea of adding that in several places but figures the mods might get a little jumpy
Old 10 September 2003, 01:41 PM
Andy Tang
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7.45am - Alarm goes off
8.15am - Get out of bed
8.16am - Brush teeth, shower, contacts in and get dressed
8.30am - Collect wallet, phone and cigarettes
8.32am - Walk to work with a cigarette on!!
8.45am - Get to work, switch on PC, get breakfast, surf internet (smoking breaks at 10am & 11am) until..
12.45pm - Walk to Sainsburys get lunch
1.05pm - Eat lunch in office
1.45pm - Carry on surfing internet (smoking breaks at 3pm & 4pm)until...
5.30pm - Go to gym
7.00pm - Go home with a cigarette on!!
7.10pm - Dinner
7.30pm - Crap TV until..
11.30pm - Check emails, internet, etc.
1.00am - Bed!

Old 10 September 2003, 01:45 PM
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7:30am - Alarm goes off, new wife gets up, showers, dresses and leaves for work, leaving me with a gentle kiss on the forehead.

10:00am - Wake up and decide to find some breakfast

10:30am - Having eaten a full fry up, decide to restring guitar and jam for a while

12:30pm - Stick some loud rock music on and surf the 'net

2:00pm - Do some food shopping

3:00pm - Re-fit car stereo properly as it's been bugging me for ages

5:00pm - start making tea, I think tonight will be home-made Spag Bol made from organic, low fat minced beef, fresh plum tomatoes and other fresh ingredients.

6:00pm - New wife arrives home and is pleased to see me

6:30pm - Eat tea with a glass or 3 of red wine

7:30pm - Go to the gym because there's nothng on TV

9:00pm - Watch a film on DVD because there's nothing on TV

10:30pm - Go to bed (another early night ) Ready for another heavy day tomorrow

Sometimes I'm not sure I want another job...
Old 10 September 2003, 01:46 PM
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My day yesterday:

6.30: Get up
6.45: ****, shower, shave.
7.00: Eat some porridge drink some coffee ( Filtered fresh ground ).
7.30: Leave for work in STi, empty roads as traffic is all coming the other way, best of Souxsie and the Banshee's on CD player full blast, two repeats of Happy House.
8.15: Sit at desk, read e:mails delete spam and ****.
9.15: coffee.
9.30: Daily meeting, dish out bullsh1t.
10.30: Coffee ( filtered Lava Java ).
11.00: Beat supplier to death for late delivery.
11.30: Beat storeman to death for poor cycle counting
12.30: Lunch, Yoghurt, Ham Salad sarnie, coffee ( Lava Java )
13.15: Project team meeting, nod head, say right words.
14.30: Coffee ( Lava Java )
14.45: Conference call with States, discuss bullsh1t from last weeks call and dish out some more.
16.00: More e:mails and type report on the savings they think I have worked hard for but have been handed to me on a plate by the suppliers.
16.30: Pick up tickets for next weeks trip to Germany.
16.45: Drive home in STi, clear roads as traffic is going the other way. Best of the Cure on CD, many repeats of Killing an Arab and Hanging Garden.
17.30: Arrive home to happy kids, two boys 6 and 2.
18.00: Average looking girlfriend arrives home with her sister 22 who does one hell of a turn.
18.15: All five of us go out to local park where I played as a kid. It has about 25 trees in it, all Horse Chestnut. Spend and hour and a half throwing for conkers. Get carrier bag full and some leaves, un opened conkers for son to show in school today.
20.00: Eat some jerk chicken, rice and peas that has been slow cooking and have two cans of Bow. ( I am not Jamiacan but love the food ).
20.45: Quick grope of girlfriends sister while she is putting kids to bed, make plans to meet Friday afternoon for some fun and frolics.
21.00: Watch second part of Suspicion.
22.30: Watch some VH1.
23.15: Slip into my king size water bed, turn heater on to 26 deg. Have some fun and frolics with girlfriend
24.00 Sleep.

My work day is mostly filled with SN posting.
Old 10 September 2003, 02:11 PM
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Saxo Boy I thought your neighbour was Bill, so does that mean that Dave the other neighbour is taking a piece of your misses as well
Old 10 September 2003, 02:13 PM
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9.45pm-10.30pm - so trophy wife only gets 45mins a day!!!
Old 10 September 2003, 02:14 PM
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IT support turned up quick in Kenny's diary didnt they

Old 10 September 2003, 02:17 PM
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On the other hand my day used to be:

04.00: Wake up. My turn on watch, in an attic on the Donegal Road in Belfast with three other guys/girls. Get out of sleeping bag and sit by camera, p1ss in plastic bottle. receive log.
04.15: Eat some packet cereal with powdered milk and biscuits.
05.00: **** in plastic bag.
05.30: Drink some stale water.
06.00: For the next 4 hours watch house across the road and photograph and log all activity, while eating digestives and drinking stale water.
12.00: Relieved.
12.30: Having handed over log, eat some raisins and chocolate and dextrosols. Drink very stale water, p1ss in plastic bottle. Bag up rubbish.
13.00: Read book.
14.15: Everyone ***** themselves at movement down stairs and raised voices. Lie dead still with Browning 9mm at th e ready for an hour and a half.
15.45: Try and sleep after sh1tting in plastic bag.
18.00: On STAG while someone else does watch.
20.00: Eat same old crap , drink same old water. Bag up rubbish.
22.00: Relieved, drink water, very very stale by now. Sleep.
04.00: Start again.

Reapeat for another 3 days then take all your bottles and bags with you and have 4 days doing other stupid stuff. Repeat the 8 day cycle in various attics, sheds, holes in fields and hedgerows for 6-9 months every year for 12 years with holidays doing the same in Bosnia, Gulf, Germany, and training people how to do it in the UK.

So life now is gravy, all gravy as they say.
Old 10 September 2003, 02:18 PM
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96 - What on Earth made you use the phrase Trophy Wife? That was tongue in cheek i assume?
Old 10 September 2003, 02:20 PM
LG John
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20.45: Quick grope of girlfriends sister while she is putting kids to bed, make plans to meet Friday afternoon for some fun and frolics.
Quality, are you honestly firing into your birds sister as well That's great

IT were unusually quick

Quick Reply: Is this what British life is all about?

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