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Old 10 February 2003, 10:56 PM
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The Tories???

Who the hell are those???

There is no chance in this world that Labour will lose for another 2 terms - so, get used to it!!

If you are rich you need to pay for the poor, its the Labour way!!

Its also civilisation!! Wake up and smell the coffee!! Everyone wants better this, better that .... but let someone else pay for it!!


[Edited by pslewis - 10/2/2003 10:57:25 PM]
Old 10 March 2003, 10:36 AM
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No, I just cant be bothered

[Edited by Jye - 10/3/2003 10:39:07 AM]
Old 10 March 2003, 05:34 PM
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what people need to realise is that if the gap between the rich and the poor gets bigger, everything gets worse, and the rich are the most affected by the deterioration because they have the most to loose. i would rather pay a bit more tax than wake up one night to find some guy holding a gun to my head and robbing me of everything in my house, possibly blowing my head off to make his job a little easier.

you may say that the two things are not connected, but IMO history will prove you wrong.

[**** me - what was all that about? ]

[Edited by ProperCharlie - 10/3/2003 5:35:33 PM]
Old 10 April 2003, 02:06 AM
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A sane post at last. I tried asking the exact same question on here the other night. No one had any real replies. As you say it's easy to trot out the time honoured soundbites, but when are they ever backed up with a sensible solution? - never.

All these people seem to have this romantic idea of what life was like when the Tories were last in power, they're either still wet behind the ears or just plain forgetful. There was a very good reason that we had a record swing at the 1997 election and I for one haven't forgotten.

Yes the current government have their faults, but do we really think there are viable alternatives at the moment in the form of the other parties - I'm not so sure.


[Edited by tiggers - 10/4/2003 2:08:48 AM]
Old 10 April 2003, 07:35 AM
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Scoobynutta and Tiggers

Luckily we (the people ) are still entitled to an opinion even if it is not one of full support for the Labour party. BTW SNutter do you really think that just because someone’s spelling is not great does not mean their opinion is valid?

Just because the Tories did not do a great job last time does not give Labour the right to mess it up even more. They should have learned from previous mistakes.

The government does not appear to listen to the populous, the only way to get through to them is to remove them, Labour seem either unaware or do not care. The only time Labour took notice of the people was during the fuel price chaos of a few years ago and before someone states that the Tories introduced it, Labour where happy to use it up until this point.

IMHO. Like a lot of people I was expecting good things of Labour. 6 years later and I see things going from bad to worse in these key areas.

Law and order
Health service
Do I need to make a list of the problems, better still you tell/show me how these have improved.

Labours answer seems to be to, keep increasing and inventing new forms of tax and just throw money at it without thinking it through the money ends up being spent on the wrong things – OUR MONEY!.
Set targets, not realistic or relevant ones make the Doctors, nurses, Police, teachers, etc meet these targets; publish the figures and heh-presto everything is OK.

You mention no credible alternative or suggestions on how to improve things. This could so easily be said of Labour as well.

Look at the rise in popularity of the BNP party, mostly due to mishandling of asylum/immigration issues. This is a tragic situation and down to incompetence of the government. They are trying to address asylum/immigration now, far too late.

Leaving a party in power that is making a mess of things is not the answer. I accept the opposition parties are not exactly 100% and need to sort themselves out somewhat i would rather see the Tories in power than Labour at the next election. Labour are good at putting down the opposition party memebers with their media machine. Good job they do not ever look closer to home as i think this would be a bit of a shock. Also, a shame they do not put the same effort into running this country as they do to putting others down.

The way I feel at the moment I am beginning to think civil unrest/marches are the way to get the government to listen. Nothing violent just make a stand!

A vote for Labour is just rubber stamping what they have done so far and how they continue to carry on. If you think they are doing a good job then continue to vote for them and as those canny Labour spin-miesters say ‘Things can only get better’ but in the real world I doubt they will.

Like most people I just want a government that works for the people. I want safe streets, good healthcare a proper education for my daughter and all the other kids. I want to know my Tax money is being spent by professional people who are committed and care about what they do wit a passion, who are held accountable for their actions and results. A government who does not spin (lie) to me and mine.

Not much to ask for you would have thought.

Of my soap box.

[Edited by Paul Habgood - 10/4/2003 7:57:51 AM]
Old 10 April 2003, 10:42 AM
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Re the BNP - Ease up?

I maintian one the main reasons for their rise in popularity is due to immigation/asylum issues. Government is seen to favour immigrants above the 'residents' of the UK and it has caused a lot of bad feeling and mistrust excluding any security and strains on already hard hit rescources. Bady handled IMHO

I for one would never vote for the BNP even if it meant removing Labour, this would be cutting off my nose to spite my face and replacing bad and uncaring with an evil and bad news lot.

[Edited by Paul Habgood - 10/4/2003 10:44:57 AM]
Old 10 April 2003, 07:10 PM
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Oh and the BLiar meister is done, Gogs Brown will lead (if you can call it that) you into then next election and could not happen to a nicer man.

Will also make it easier for a change of government with Gogs in charge.
Go Gordon go!


[Edited by Paul Habgood - 10/4/2003 7:11:08 PM]
Old 10 May 2003, 01:10 PM
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never mind...

[Edited by ProperCharlie - 10/5/2003 1:30:25 PM]
Old 10 July 2003, 12:56 AM
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I may be wrong but regarding...
Well that's the most sensible thing you've said and you are

Seriously though I had typed out a detailed reply, but frankly all this tit for tat **** is getting a bit childish. I won't convince you otherwise (even though by your own admission you obviously don't remember quite how bad it was) so you just keep believing what you want and vote Tory - if they get back in don't say I didn't warn you.

All the best,


[Edited by tiggers - 10/7/2003 12:56:59 AM]
Old 10 September 2003, 07:55 PM
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"Bull****. Just open up yer ears and *listen* to the new Conservative policy ideas. There is *more* than a credible opposition there."

Err, what '*'ideas'*' are these supposed to be? And compare and contrast my opinions above with your concept and content free one and a half lines.

[Edited by scoobynutta555 - 10/9/2003 10:46:15 PM]
Old 02 October 2003, 09:18 PM
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Received my taxation statement this morning and saw that I had underpaid by £333. I thought this was yet another **** up regarding the company car. So I telephoned the Tax Office and spoke to a very helpful lady. She explained that this is to do with me being overpaid Child Tax Credit. I explaianed that I only received £560 per year and I was going t loose over 50% of that.
"thats the way it works, a sliding scale" was the reply.
Thanks very much Mr Blair, how long before you take Child Allowance off me as well ?
Old 02 October 2003, 09:47 PM
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Just another Gov rip-off.

Theyve robbed your pensions
Removed your Married mans allowance
You pay more tax
You pay a lot more N.I
Taxed your Divis
Doubled Council tax
Health Service is ****e
Education ****e
Crime up
No new roads built (lots of Gatsos tho)
Scrapped motgage relief
Welcomed Asylum seekers with open arms



Old 02 October 2003, 09:52 PM
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Old 02 October 2003, 09:52 PM
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Nice one Chip
Old 02 October 2003, 09:56 PM
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Most people seem quite happy with this....what's your problem?

I'm quite happy to be taxed senseless.

I feel that every penny I earn should be given away together with any tax concession available.

But then again......

Old 02 October 2003, 10:14 PM
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got the same happened to me!!!

stupid woman in the tax office reconed it was cos i got paid to much!!!!

tone and his crones nicked the married mans allowance,,

but i got it back with maintenace allowance and additional persons allowance ... then tthey got stopped...

when i quireyed it.. the answer 1) tough... youl have to wait for the chils tax credits... approx 2 years...

and 2) well you voted him in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

there is no way on this earth i would vote for that pratt...and i never will, im fed up of being screwd like a proverbial cash cow..

its about time we stood up to the pillock and gave him a taste of democracy...


Old 02 October 2003, 10:37 PM
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Maybe Guy Fawkes had a point?
Old 02 October 2003, 10:43 PM
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yep, taxed to f*ck and no more to show for it. 'things can only get better'.......f*ck off. bring back the tories. i hope everyone's happy these labour idiots got voted in because it was trendy.
Old 03 October 2003, 09:36 AM
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I've cracked it!!!

Following on from a previous locked thread, and because he always defends Tony the taxer,and his cronies, I think PSLewis is.....................
Wait for it
Tony Blair:

Old 03 October 2003, 10:01 AM
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pslewis, bollox. bring back maggie and the poll tax. it was only the parasites who made it so hard to manage because all of a sudden they had to take responsibility for themselves. WTF should i pay 800 nicker council tax for me and my missus when a family of 8 in the same house pay the £800 as well. f*ck that.
Old 03 October 2003, 10:34 AM
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Oh what short memories people have.

Actually while the poll tax was a great idea it was the inept way in which the Tories implemented it that led to it's downfall.

Everyone should pay the same was the original idea, but it ended up with councils setting their own rates so not everyone paid the same.

Collect centrally and distribute was the original idea, but they decided to make councils collect it themselves based on a pro rata rate for how long someone was living in their area. This was obviously (well obvious to anyone except the Tories) totally unamanageable hence the councils actually wanted to see the back of it as well as a lot of the people.

What few great ideas Maggie's crew had they seemed to completely mess up in the implementation, but as long as they carried on lining their own pockets then they were happy.


Old 03 October 2003, 04:24 PM
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Peter Mandelson wasn't "lining his own pockets" was he ?
Keith Vaz wasn't guilty of failing to disclose business links with the Hinduja Brothers was he ?
John Prescott didn't punch a guy in "self defence" in May 2002 did he ?
Labour's theme tune was "Things can only get better". That was their first lie.
Labour or New Labour, different name, same policies. Tax and waste.

So raise a scarlet standard high
Beneath its folds we'll live and die
Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer
We'll keep the red flag flying here


Old 03 October 2003, 04:36 PM
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Poll Tax is still being back collected today
Old 03 October 2003, 04:41 PM
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if i saw tony blair driving around in his illegal PT cruiser id drag him out by his ears and kick the ****ing **** out of him till he was ****in death


tax tax tax

i dont even work and the mother ****er tried to tax me when i turned 16!
Old 03 October 2003, 04:41 PM
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Run for Government Chip - I'd vote for yer !!
£1000 a year Council Tax to have my bin emptied once a fortnight - bargain eh ........... grrrrrrrrr
Old 03 October 2003, 05:24 PM
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Your type make me laugh. Your first line of defnece of your party is to attack the other party and it doens't matter which party you support. It's pathetic.

All my post was stating was the factual reasosn for the poll tax disaster that people like you seem to have forgotten. Oh yes let's have the poll tax back... it was great ... NO IT WASN'T - it was a fu**king shambles, a good idea destroyed by a bunch of f**king morons.

All I am saying is that you can look at the party in power and criticise all you want (and yes there are some very valid reasons to criticise them), but don't forget why there was a record swing against the previous government in 1997.

At least none of this lot have ended up in prison (yet!)

Old 03 October 2003, 06:35 PM
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Paul H -

I wasn't trying to defend the govt. I don't rate them much, either. All I was saying is that any society where there is a big divide between the rich and poor will be a violent society. it will either be the violence of the rich trying to protect themselves against the poor, or the violence of the poor trying to rip off the rich. if taxes addressed this problem, i wouldn't mind paying my share.
Old 03 October 2003, 06:50 PM
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Posted again, deleted by a software bug, should be i reply higher than it is

"I would rather pay a bit more tax than wake up one night to find some guy holding a gun to my head and robbing me of everything in my house, possibly blowing my head off to make his job a little easier."

You have been paying more and more in tax and the above is now more than ever the case, Look at Aston and now Hertfordshire for evidence of more gun crime.
Labour has done little to stop this sort of crime has risen rapidly over the last 5 years or so.
What do they do a gun amnesty, great for getting uncle Albert to hand in his WW2 Luger he kept after the war but not much use for gangs of drug dealers where the stakes are big, big money and you can get a handgun for £ 200.00 and automatic weapons for £ 500.00 or so.
Stupid, ill though out idea by the government of sound bite divots.

More Police would help, allegedly we have another 10,000. I have not seen any more on my streets, crime in Northampton is still the same or worse of serious crime (and by that I do not mean speeding). Police need freeing up from paperwork and put back to work fighting crime and keeping us safe, not just there to act on the whims of a government and collect tax for speeding.

Example from talk sport radio - Lorry driver spotted three kids beating up and robbing a teenager for his mobile phone. He intervened and they got away with the phone. He then drove 1/4 mile and came across FOUR cops in a lay-by hiding behind a van nicking speeding motorists. He stopped and asked them why the hell they where not out on the beat. They said they had been told to do what they where doing from on high. - What a joke, don’t blame the Cops on the street (or not in this case) the problem lies with government initiatives and targets and the top cops.
This is how our money is being spent by Labour!

Sentencing is a joke.
5 years for a pedo who raped a baby - ****!
Likes of Fearon getting out after serving 2/3rds of a sentence for dealing Heroin
The list could go on and on.

This government behaves like they do not care about us, the voters.

What’s their answer to cure all - More tax for the divots to spend at will; you might as well give it to monkeys.

Old 03 October 2003, 06:52 PM
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PC, i see what you are gettiing at. please delete you post, if Labour see it we might well end up with a new 'rich' tax to be paid to any poor person who looks like they are gonna rob a toff
Old 03 October 2003, 06:58 PM
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i'm an anarchist anyhow - so b*ll*cks to the lot of 'em.

Quick Reply: Robbed AGAIN by Blair.

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