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British chavscum rant

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Old 21 August 2005, 06:56 AM
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Angry British chavscum rant

Just got back from taking some mates to Heathrow airport. I'm not used to being up and around at 3am on a sunday morning. so this morning came as a bit of a surprise.

I popped into Swindon centre to buy some Optimax before I left (about 2.50am) , there was virtually no traffic but I was amazed at the number of paralytic drunks stumbling around all over the place. Some deliberately jumping out into the road in front of me 'for a laugh'.

I got to the Shell garage in the town centre and there were quite a few people on the forecourt, I jumped out and started filling up. There were 5 or 6 asian lads dancing to unbelievably loud rap music coming from a chavved up Cavalier (neons, tints, graphics, Lexus lights etc - the works). A couple of them were chatting to the lad working behind the counter. What was truly scary was that one of them was dancing around the pumps waving a lit lighter above his head, like people might do at a gig or rave.

Matey behind the counter didn't seem bothered so I carried on filling as quickly as possible, wondering how fast I could run if the place went up. In the meantime, 3 chavettes and a chav (white for a bit of racial balance ) walk into the forecourt and start shouting "oooh a scooby". I look across to see who it is and the chav immediately shouts "oh yeah, wanna make something of it then?".

I try to ignore him since he looks like he can handle himself, besides he looks like he's pi$$ed/drugged up and just trying to impress his hideous munter companions.

I go over and queue up for the kiosk, as I walk across a couple of the asian lads start making a comments about me and sniggering. I suspect it's because I'm not dressed like an LA gangster-rapper or basketball player, but it's hard to be sure since they're speaking in some special code that doesn't sound like english, gujerati, punjabi or any actual real language. Top tip guys, if you're going to take the **** out of someone - it helps if they can understand what you're saying.

By now, the chavettes are playing the 'lets ask for 1 item at a time and keep making matey repeatedly go to get them'. ******* hilarious when I'm waiting to pay for my petrol behind them - not.

Eventually they stumble away and start debating how they're going to get home, they don't have any money left for a taxi. Yet they have just managed to buy 2 packs of cigarettes and a load of drinks/crisps/chocolate for about £14 - which would have got them a taxi to anywhere in Swindon. ******* idiots.

Chav bloke starts staring at my car, and I can almost see/hear the cogs turning (very slowly) in his head. Before he can ask for a lift, I'm in the car, the centre DIFF is locked, and I'm outta there at warp factor 10.

In my rear view mirror I can see two of the fat pig-ugly chavettes trying to help the third one up off the ground - who appears to be trying to sleep on the diesel covered forecourt.

About 45 minutes later I'm on the M4 somewhere near Slough, with my 4 passengers on our way to Heathrow. The motorway is pretty quiet so as I'm passing under a bridge (near a big-ish junction), I'm somewhat surprised to see 3 chavs in nightclub attire stumbling around in lane 1 laughing and waving at traffic.

Christ, I nearly $hit myself! Luckily I was on the ball and there was nothing in lanes 2 or 3 so I managed to swerve out of the way in time (thanks a lot Mr STI suspension designer!).

They weren't in trouble, or trying to flag down traffic - just having a laugh as they crossed the motorway on their way home from a night on the pi$$/pills.

It's depressing, the government really needs to get a grip on this sort of behaviour. My vote would be for roving police/army death squads to mop up these pondlife scum while decent people sleep.

Last edited by Iwan; 21 August 2005 at 07:13 AM.
Old 21 August 2005, 09:36 AM
Ken 275
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Thumbs down

No luck mate, you’ve had a rough night. I will sound like an old fart now but things weren’t this bad, regularly, when I was of their age.

It’s at the level now where I stay away from centres of iniquity, particularly when I have the Scooby. Sad but true.

Someone will flame me for not saying “Wheel-Brace” but Soap-Catching is not on my favoured list.

Old 21 August 2005, 09:51 AM
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I think its that there is no fear of authority anymore, case in point being my recent visit to 'Flamingoland' which appears to be a Chav spawning ground, we were in the pool (bad mistake), full of fat tattoed shaven headed, gold covered (in the pool for ffs) and thats just the women when some little turd of a kid causes some aggro, gets bollocked and carries on, does whatever it was again really annoying the very patient lifeguard who then decides to eject the little **** who refuses point blank, this goes on for twenty minutes and the guy clears everyone else out of the pool apaprt from the feral creature still stood there refusing to leave, I was tempted to hoik the little f*cker out myself but obviously he would have had his legal aid lawyer on speedial and before I would have got changed I would have been convicted for child molestation and assault. When I was a kid if I got any bollockings of anyone I was mortified and paniced what my mum and dad would say. twenty minutes elapsed before he was convinced to leave the pool and his parents were summoned, hopefully he got roasted for disturbing their early afternoon Stella and Pot Noodle buffet.

The forecourt sounds scary, its that thing where they try to get a rise, they have the upper hand as they have nothing to lose, they are jealous of your car so at the first opportunity they will damage it or take it from you, or at least make it quite clear they could.

One heartening story of Chav defeat, the other night my dads mate was walking to the pub via a passage, hes about 50, six foot and 17 stone, a manky chav guy stops him and asks for his wallet, this was met with one single punch that sent the guy sprawling onto his **** and to beddy-bye-byes for a bit, he was gone when they returned from the pub so he must have come to wondering what happened.
Old 21 August 2005, 10:13 AM
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its a toughie this one aint it? how to handle it i mean. its true its all done for a rise and these worthless d*ckless pieces of sh*t dont have anything to lose do they? you and i would...job, car, even liberty if we give these chavs the sorting out they need. so, it depends on the the end of the day there is only so much anyone can occasion might call for ignoring the lowlife scum and another might call for giving them the slap of their lives.

personally i also favour the police death squads...instant retribution!!! sound as!!!
Old 21 August 2005, 10:24 AM
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lots of chav threads today - maybe a civil war is in order, chavscum vs the uk masses
Old 21 August 2005, 10:29 AM
Ken 275
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Originally Posted by ADP
lots of chav threads today - maybe a civil war is in order, chavscum vs the uk masses
Must be the hot weather.

Can't be nice in a Chav suit.

Old 21 August 2005, 11:57 AM
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I went fishing yesterday afternoon. Well....I say I went fishing, but actually it was an excuse to relax by the sea for a couple hours. My girlfriend came with me. I cast out, sat down and watched the float bob around, Lizzy read her book. Bliss.

Half an hour lapsed, I chatted to some fellow "fisherman" (none of whom expected to catch anything) and all was well with the world until........"that was fcukin' mento you ****, no fcukin way.....lets try it 'ere". With a heavy splash the pondlife had found the sea.

Us anglers shuffled uncomfortably for a bit, any chance of a bite had just evaporated. We reeled in (literally and metophorically) as the dialogue continued - "****, ****, ****, ****, burbery, ****, ****, Big Mac". One of the gentleman with whom I had been talking (who had his wife with him) had the courage to ask the 3 chavs and 1 chavette to keep their language down. This prompted a "**** of ******". He and his wife said goodbye to me and lizzie with one of those half smile / dissapointed looks and left. My girlfriend asked to leave and two lone fisherman a bit further up packed up and moved on.

Rude, inconsiderate scum that know no other language then to take a good hiding. I'll give it 12 months before chav has fathered a child with chavette - and so the cycle continues. If ever there was an arguement for eugenics, chav control is it.

Thanks for letting me rant
Old 21 August 2005, 12:09 PM
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Good read Iwan. I'd rather go out mid week these days and avoid town centres on a Friday/Saturday night as they seem to turn into 'Escape From New York'.
Old 21 August 2005, 12:13 PM
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I always remember all these rants older people made about "young'uns today" in my latter childhood. Of course I rubbished it as hypocracy, scapegoating and partial senality.

But I find myself doing exactly the same moans and rants at "kids today" at the tender age of 26. From an outside standpoint, I find it hard to belive that in the relative short space of 10years that things have degraded so alarmingly. But things have, and to be frank, it's scary.
Old 21 August 2005, 12:20 PM
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I'm afraid this is the society we live in today When being lazy, arrogant, violent, not working and having too many kids is rewarded with hand out after hand out, it is not going to stop. Stop the dole and introduce compulsory working for all these peasants - then things would change for the better.

Until then, a cycle of wasters / chavs / criminals will continue ....

Old 21 August 2005, 12:24 PM
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Yeah it's getting worse each year. In a100 years the UK will be Chav land, there
won't be any normal peope left. Chavs start breeding at around 12 to 13 years of age. But add to this the fact that they're going to have at least 5 children per couple means that any normal people will be extinct by the year 2080.

This story cheered me up a little.

A few months ago my friend was on a bus in Brighton on Saturday afternoon. The bus pulled up to a stop to let some people on. As it was about to pull away some Chavs started running towards it swearing and telling the bus driver to "******* wait you ****" So the bus stopped again and instead of them running onto the bus they just started to walk really slowley up to the doors. They started pissing about trying to get money and still not making any attempt to actually get on the bus. So the bus driver just closed the doors and started to drive off. They went mental and started kicking the side of the bus. One of the little gits wearing a baby blue top I believe, kicked the rear wheel but slipped into the arch. Apparently there was a sastisfying bump as the bus rode over his leg. My mate said the last he saw was all the chavs huddled over their fallen companion as the bus drove off into the distance.

Justice at it's best.
Old 21 August 2005, 12:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Pete_UK99
Yeah it's getting worse each year. In a100 years the UK will be Chav land, there
won't be any normal peope left. Chavs start breeding at around 12 to 13 years of age. But add to this the fact that they're going to have at least 5 children per couple means that any normal people will be extinct by the year 2080.

This story cheered me up a little.

A few months ago my friend was on a bus in Brighton on Saturday afternoon. The bus pulled up to a stop to let some people on. As it was about to pull away some Chavs started running towards it swearing and telling the bus driver to "******* wait you ****" So the bus stopped again and instead of them running onto the bus they just started to walk really slowley up to the doors. They started pissing about trying to get money and still not making any attempt to actually get on the bus. So the bus driver just closed the doors and started to drive off. They went mental and started kicking the side of the bus. One of the little gits wearing a baby blue top I believe, kicked the rear wheel but slipped into the arch. Apparently there was a sastisfying bump as the bus rode over his leg. My mate said the last he saw was all the chavs huddled over their fallen companion as the bus drove off into the distance.

Justice at it's best.
Chav with a bus'd leg. Perfect
Old 21 August 2005, 12:34 PM
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Justice at it's best.
I call it Natural Selection....Darwin at his best.

It's point though with survival of the fittest and most clever animals results in the breed becoming stronger. Human society makes a point of helping the needy (I'm on dodgy ground here...I DO give to charity ). And that is how the government operates, which to a point with the sick and elderly is fine. But by applying this system to everyone who has the slightest disadvantage just indermines the whole human society and punishes the poeple who work hard who give and pay into it.
Old 21 August 2005, 12:45 PM
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'for a laugh'
Seems to be a national excuse/saying, along with "we was only having a laugh".

The more you abuse and embarass chavs the prouder they become too, it's a no win situation with death squads the only answer.
Old 21 August 2005, 12:49 PM
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Trouble is, for most creatures the stupid and lame ones get eaten, in Chav culture its positively an advantage to have some method of extracting money from the govenment, its funny how you always see Pigeons with one leg still getting on with it, bit like Chavs, so rather than letting natrual selection take its course we make it easy for them to breed while the workers struggle to PAY for a home, the trouble being that it needs two normal salaries to buy even a modest house which means that theres no money for child care so the workers have to keep working whilst the scum can breed, have everything paid for and provide the next generation of Chavs. Its all generalisation as in there will be some decent people.

this joke sums up the benefits thing.

An Australian, and Irishman and a Chav (see I changed the first one) were sitting in a bar There was only one other person in the bar. The three men kept looking at this other man, for he seemed terribly familiar. They stared and stared,wondering where they had seen him before when suddenly the Irishman cried out "My God! I know who that man is - it's Jesus!"

The others looked again, and sure enough, it was Jesus himself, sitting alone at a table. The Irishman calls out across the lounge "Hey! Hey you! Are you Jesus?"

Jesus looks over at him, smiles a small smile and nods his head

"Yes, I am Jesus," he says

Well, the Irishman calls the bartender over and says to him

"I'd like you to give Jesus over there a pint of Guinness from me."

The bartender pours Jesus a Guinness. Jesus looks over, raises his glass in thanks and drinks. Then the Australian calls out

"Oy you! D'ya reckon you're Jesus or what?"

Jesus nods and says

"Yes, I am Jesus"

The Australian is mighty impressed and has the bartender send over a pot of Fosters for Jesus which Jesus accepts with pleasure. The Scouser then calls out "Oi whack, would you be Jesus?"

Jesus smiles and says "Yes, I am Jesus" The Scouser beckons the bartender and tells him to send over a pint of bitter for Jesus, which the bartender duly does. As before, Jesus accepts the drink and smiles over at the table.

Finally, after finishing the drinks, Jesus leaves his seat and approaches our three friends He reaches for the hand of the Irishman and shakes it, thanking him for the Guinness When he lets go, the Irishman gives a cry of amazement "Oh God! The arthritis is gone! The arthritis I've had for years is gone! It's a miracle !!!"

Jesus then shakes the Australian's hand, thanking him for the lager Upon letting go, the Australian's eyes widen in shock "By jingo mate, the migraine! The migraine I've for 40 years is completely gone - it's a miracle!!!"

Jesus then goes to approach the Chav who says

"Back off, mate! I'm on Disability!
Old 21 August 2005, 03:02 PM
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Its got so bad in stirling thatthe local council and feds have been sent letters by the local community in a housing estate telling them to sort out the chavs or the vigilantes will,
It has already happened in another part of Scotland where some local heavies kiddnapped a Chav leader and basically scared the **** out of him for a couple of hours with threats, water dunking and hair dryer to the ear stuff,

Hey presto, chavs have quietened down.

Old 21 August 2005, 03:09 PM
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hair dryer to the ear stuff,
Did he get the message? or did they have to get the curling tongs out?

Old 21 August 2005, 03:20 PM
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Originally Posted by bluenosewrx
Its got so bad in stirling thatthe local council and feds have been sent letters by the local community in a housing estate telling them to sort out the chavs or the vigilantes will,
It has already happened in another part of Scotland where some local heavies kiddnapped a Chav leader and basically scared the **** out of him for a couple of hours with threats, water dunking and hair dryer to the ear stuff,

Hey presto, chavs have quietened down.


Where do I send the cheque to my local organiser????


You do realise, that we all want to live in a tolerant multi-cultural society???

Apparently, we all asked for it
Old 21 August 2005, 05:22 PM
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iwan mate tell me about it, i swear to God if i was given a chance to cleanse chavness in the uk i would, i wont have no remorse, *******s parasites doesnt matter who they r, parasites r a cancer and will be the death of our country
Old 21 August 2005, 07:40 PM
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What really gets me going - too often as well, is when I'm out training on the bike around certain areas of Liverpool. Bloody r-soles driving up beside you really close and beeping the horn as you're cycling along, or just as they come up behind you... Can't do much about it tbh - I very rarely hurl abuse at them, as it's not worth the bother Just put up with it, and console myself that I'll never be such a pr1ck....

I was running part of a stand at a Honda event yesterday, and was just noticing the number of scallies there. Part of the display was a number of quad bikes, and other such things - all owned by another dealer, and the tw@ts just jumped on and off the things at their leisure, not being careful not to scuff the paint or mark the machines in any way, and when sitting on them , bounced up and down on the suspension, asking 'how much is this one mate', and all sorts of other crap - and they weren't about to shell out money either... Pissed me off really, just seeing how little regard these people had for someone else's property.

Suppose you get 'em anywhere, but some people need to learn a little respect, I feel In fact, quite a lot
Old 21 August 2005, 08:10 PM
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Respect and Honesty are the 2 things that are missing from modern society.
Old 21 August 2005, 10:10 PM
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i like the vigilante idea...go for the big mouthy one, scare the **** out of him and watch word might actually be safe to venture into our city centres after dark then! death squads or a modern day equivalent of a gladiatorial event every saturday afternoon...chavs versus various petrol heads, senior citizens, other p*ssed off groups, etc....obviously outnumbered and outwitted!
Old 21 August 2005, 10:19 PM
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Originally Posted by bluenosewrx
Its got so bad in stirling that the local council and feds have been sent letters by the local community in a housing estate telling them to sort out the chavs or the vigilantes will.
And so they should imo.

The Police send out some vans at the weeknds to clear up/move on groups of underage drinkers in the Stirling area but thats merely a short term fix as the neds/chavs come back a while later as the police have to move on to another area.

I live in a part of Stirling where during the summer you can see groups of 20-30+ underage drinkers hanging about in parks etc but luckily there doesnt appear to be that much trouble caused by them, that I know of.

The amount of stories that you hear about neds/chavs are getting too much tho, something does need to be done.
Old 21 August 2005, 10:23 PM
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Hmmm, maybe its an idea for SN to set up its own vigilante group? With focus aimed at thieves, vandals and scum.....any takers?
Old 21 August 2005, 10:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Hol
Where do I send the cheque to my local organiser????


You do realise, that we all want to live in a tolerant multi-cultural society???

Apparently, we all asked for it
Apparently we all want a country full of Chavs, terrorists or illegal immigrants. You ask Mr Blair..We're all too scared to stand up for ourselves these days
Old 21 August 2005, 10:32 PM
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sign me up ALI!!!
Old 22 August 2005, 12:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Pete_UK99
Yeah it's getting worse each year. In a100 years the UK will be Chav land, there won't be any normal peope left. Chavs start breeding at around 12 to 13 years of age. But add to this the fact that they're going to have at least 5 children per couple means that any normal people will be extinct by the year 2080.
Long before they have numerical autonomy there will be economic meltdown, as the ever decreasing respectable, dignified, hard working achievers buckle under the financial strain of providing them with their benefits. The sums simply cannot add up long term, and the policy of actively encouraging mass breeding by people so irresponsible you wouldn't trust them to wipe their own @rses will plunge western civilisations into decay, like the Myans, Macedonians, Egyptians and Romans before us. In 2000 years archeologists will uncover the remains of the great Bluewater, most magnificent of all the relics of our lost race, and the ancient artefacts found in the Elizabeth Duke tomb shall become priceless.
Old 22 August 2005, 12:07 AM
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Originally Posted by ALi-B
Hmmm, maybe its an idea for SN to set up its own vigilante group? With focus aimed at thieves, vandals and scum.....any takers?

Hmmmmm; perhaps they could all beat up the charvers from behind their keyboards.....pslewis stylee?
Old 22 August 2005, 12:10 AM
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....if only it were that easy
Old 22 August 2005, 12:20 AM
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Its all the political correctness gone wrong that makes me so angry.....

We have bred a generation who know there are no consequences for their actions, people cant touch them and they cant really be diciplined. Moneys not a worry either especially if they breed more of their illustrious think tank. Words fail me, but its not as if you couldnt see it coming Thanks to the "do gooders" to protect the few the many are getting fooked and it will only get worse.

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