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Mobile SPECS declared illegal in Portugal?

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Old 16 March 2007, 04:05 PM
Brendan Hughes
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Exclamation Mobile SPECS declared illegal in Portugal?

Saw a newspaper article that says a motorist didn't have to pay a fine for speeding, as the unmarked car tracking him was also speeding and thus breaking the law!

(Sorry for the format, it's a copy and paste from PDF)

JUSTIÇA Condutores que seguiam
em excesso de velocidade
têm sido absolvidos em
tribunal porque os juízes
consideram que os agentes
da Brigada de Trânsito (BT)
que os apanharam cometeram
o mesmo crime.
Segundo um jurista da
Direcção-Geral de Viação
(DGV), “várias sentenças em
tribunais de Oeiras, Cascais e
Lisboa têm anulado as condenações
de automobilistas,
depois destes se queixarem
de terem sido forçados a acelerar”
pelos carros da BT.
Embora escusando-se a
comentar decisões judiciais, o
major Lourenço da Silva, porta-
voz da Brigada de Trânsito,
explica: “Para fazer o controlo
de velocidade através do sistema
Provida, é necessário
haver aproximação e movimento,
mantendo-se uma distância
“Os militares estão sempre
fardados e as matrículas dos
nossos carros até estão
acessíveis na internet. Ao
condutor cabe sempre a
decisão de reduzir a velocidade
e desviar-se para a direita”,
acrescenta, reafirmando
a legitimidade dos métodos
de fiscalização e controlo
das estradas portuguesas.

O semanário “Sol” teve acesso
a uma destas polémicas sentenças.
O caso julgado remonta
a Maio de 2004, quando
Luís (nome fictício)
foi abordado na A1,
ou Auto-Estrada do
Norte, por um veículo
que seguia no
seu encalço.
Tratava-se de um
carro da Brigada de
Trânsito, sem identificação,
que efectuava o
controlo de velocidade naquela
via e que, através do
radar Provida, filmou o
Peugeot de Luís à velocidade
de 153,97 quilómetros por
hora (o limite é de 120). O
condutor foi multado em 180
euros mas recusou-se a pagar
recorrendo aos métodos mais
expeditos para o fazer. Ao
invés, Luís optou por contestar
a multa em tribunal, o
que acabou por se revelar
benéfico para este automobilista.
A sentença deste caso acabou
por ser proferida já
durante o decorrer do ano
de 2005, no 30 Juízo Criminal
do Tribunal Judicial
de Coimbra, tendo o juiz
absolvido Luís, que considerou
inválido o registo da prova.
Isto porque, escreveu o
magistrado, “o veículo
utilizado pelas
estava descaracterizado
circulava a
superior à que
é imputada ao
arguido”. O
Ministério Público
não recorreu desta
Old 16 March 2007, 04:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Brendan Hughes
(Sorry for the format, it's a copy and paste from PDF)
it's also in gibberish!
Old 16 March 2007, 04:09 PM
Brendan Hughes
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Have you seen some of the standard of English typed on here?
Old 16 March 2007, 04:11 PM
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could have at least babelfished it first you nump
Old 16 March 2007, 04:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Brendan Hughes
Have you seen some of the standard of English typed on here?
True.. looks like something moses or some txt-fiend would say
Old 16 March 2007, 04:13 PM
Brendan Hughes
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why hectic, as you're too stupid to?
Old 16 March 2007, 04:15 PM
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Originally Posted by SiDHEaD
True.. looks like something moses or some txt-fiend would say
I thought it was from moses and it looked like it was making sense!
Old 16 March 2007, 04:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Brendan Hughes
why hectic, as you're too stupid to?
beije meu ****
Old 16 March 2007, 04:18 PM
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Originally Posted by SiDHEaD
True.. looks like something moses or some txt-fiend would say

Old 16 March 2007, 04:34 PM
DeltaBravo 9
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i thought this type of posting was called " trolling" !!
Old 16 March 2007, 04:53 PM
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It doesn't make much more sense after being automatically translated...

"JUSTICE Conducting that followed in speed excess they have been acquitted in court because the juízes they consider that the agents of the Brigade of Trânsito (BT) that they apanharam them they had committed the same crime. According to a jurist of Direcção-Generality de Viação (DGV), “some sentences in courts of Oeiras, Cascais e Lisbon has annulled the convictions of motorists, after these if complaining to have been forced to speed up” for the cars of the BT. Although excusing it to comment sentences, major Lourenço Da Silva, door voice of the Brigade of Transit, it explains: “To make the control of speed through the Provided system, it is necessary to have approach and movement, remaining a distance permanent.” “The military are always fardados and the school registrations of our cars until are accessible in the Internet. To conductor always fits decision to reduce the speed e to turn aside itself for the right”, it adds, reaffirming the legitimacy of the methods of fiscalization and control of the Portuguese roads. The weekly “Sun” had access to one of these polémicas sentences. The considered case retraces the May of 2004, when Luis (fictitious name) he was boarded in the A1, or Auto-Road of North, for a vehicle that it followed in its pursuit. One was about one car of the Brigade of Transit, without identification, that it efectuava control of speed in that one it saw and that, through provided radar, filmed Peugeot de Luís to the speed of 153,97 quilómetros for hour (the limit is of 120). conductor was fined to 180 euros but opposed to pay it appealing to the methods more expeditos to make it. To opposite, Luis opted to contesting the fine in court, that it finished for if disclosing beneficial for this motorist. The sentence of this in case that it finished for being pronounced already during elapsing of the year of 2005, in the 30 Criminal Judgment of the Judicial Court of Coimbra, having the judge acquitted Luis, who considered invalid the register of the test. This because, he wrote magistrate, “the vehicle used for authorities it was deprived of characteristics e it circulated speed superior to whom he is imputed to arguido”. Public prosecution service it did not appeal of this decision"
Old 16 March 2007, 06:00 PM
Andy Rich
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Basically it's saying that drivers are being aquitted after claiming that traffic cars were also commiting an offence by following them at a speed over the limit. Motorists are also claiming that they felt they should speed up to keep a safe distance between them and the car which was following them.

They quote one guy as having been fined €180 for being clocked at 150kph in a 120 zone. He contested it and got away with it.

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