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ATM couldn't eject my debit card :-/

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Old 31 December 2011, 01:06 AM
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Default ATM couldn't eject my debit card :-/

Was about 40 miles from home and stopped at a cashpoint so I could get some food. Checked my balance, that's was ok, drew £20 and just as the machine tried to eject the card, I could hear it sticking and retrying.

After about 60secs and about 5 attempts it eventually kept the card and the cash and told me to contact my bank.

I've had to cancel my card and wait 7 days for a new one, great!

Good job I wasnt hundreds of miles away and cashless or I'd have been screwed.

Out of interest, what would happen if you were say 500 miles away from home and that happened?
Old 31 December 2011, 01:09 AM
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I can get an emergency pin from my bank and withdraw money without a card.
Old 31 December 2011, 01:11 AM
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Was there a device glued to the entrance of the ATM? You may not have notice it but a poorly placed card skimmer can prevent the card ejecting properly
Old 31 December 2011, 01:13 AM
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Originally Posted by azz250478
I can get an emergency pin from my bank and withdraw money without a card.
Is that with nat west?
Old 31 December 2011, 01:15 AM
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Old 31 December 2011, 01:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Jaybird-UK
Was there a device glued to the entrance of the ATM? You may not have notice it but a poorly placed card skimmer can prevent the card ejecting properly
I didn't really take alot of notice to be honest, I just thought the machine had gone wonky.

It was pretty dark too but the guy at my bank mentioned something about that when I was telling him.

Although I've cancelled my card, I get to keep the same pin. If it was skimmed, is that an issue?
Old 31 December 2011, 01:21 AM
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Wow, didn't realise these card skimmers were so erm... hard to detect!
Old 31 December 2011, 01:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Boro
Although I've cancelled my card, I get to keep the same pin. If it was skimmed, is that an issue?
No, because the last 2 or 4 digits on your new card will be slightly different.
Old 31 December 2011, 01:24 AM
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So, if this happens and your miles from home, you're ****ed?
Old 31 December 2011, 01:30 AM
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Personally, I'd never go anywhere that far without at least two cards or one card and some cash.

Like the Nat West setup though, wondering when my bank will start offering something similar.
Old 31 December 2011, 01:32 AM
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Yeh, I never had an issue before but it makes you realise how much you take cash points for granted.
Old 31 December 2011, 01:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Jaybird-UK
Was there a device glued to the entrance of the ATM? You may not have notice it but a poorly placed card skimmer can prevent the card ejecting properly
Agreed. Very unusual for a card to get stuck, never happened to me for example ...

Old 31 December 2011, 01:48 AM
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Lol, now I want to go back and check.
Old 31 December 2011, 02:08 AM
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Decided to email Newquay police station, got an out of office reply...

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Old 31 December 2011, 02:11 AM
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There is a cashpoint near me that's famous for being exceedingly reluctant to give cards up after transactions, RBS refuse to acknowledge that there's a problem with it
Old 31 December 2011, 02:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Boro
Wow, didn't realise these card skimmers were so erm... hard to detect!
Wow, that one is surprisingly good
Old 31 December 2011, 02:23 AM
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Makes you wonder doesn't it. Think I might be getting more cashback in the future
Old 31 December 2011, 09:10 AM
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The sooner they do it so eye & finger print rather then a pin the better... can you see it now. The gangster with fingers and eyes on a chain
Old 31 December 2011, 09:57 AM
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Originally Posted by RobsyUK
The sooner they do it so eye & finger print rather then a pin the better... can you see it now. The gangster with fingers and eyes on a chain
Old 31 December 2011, 09:57 AM
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I was in a service station last week enjoying the King of Burgers when the power went out, a bloke was stood at the cashpoint machine not looking too impressed, the power was still out as I was leaving, poor *******.
Old 31 December 2011, 11:10 AM
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Did you not take the cash while wating for the card to come out?
Old 31 December 2011, 12:31 PM
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Originally Posted by PaulC72
Did you not take the cash while wating for the card to come out?
What ATM's have you been using all your life? Card is ejected before money.
Old 31 December 2011, 01:37 PM
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Originally Posted by ScoobyJawa
What ATM's have you been using all your life? Card is ejected before money.
Whats an ATM anyway
Old 31 December 2011, 01:49 PM
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Originally Posted by PaulC72
Whats an ATM anyway
The Internet can help you find answers to most things...
Old 31 December 2011, 01:49 PM
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I didn't know you had to report cards lost if they get taken by machines.

Went into Barclays yesterday to order a new card after a Tesco's machine ate mine and they said I had to phone up Credit and Debit Services... fancy not being able to sort out your banking problems in a bank.
Old 31 December 2011, 02:02 PM
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This is interesting and matches your scenario. lebenese Loop is designed to retain your card
Old 31 December 2011, 02:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Jaybird-UK
The Internet can help you find answers to most things...
How do I use the internet.....
Old 31 December 2011, 02:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Jaybird-UK
This is interesting and matches your scenario. lebenese Loop is designed to retain your card
That sounds more like it!

Either that or what Jaybird said with a faulty card reader or a genuine fault, not that im cynical or anything lol.

Either way, I should be safe, as I cancelled my card before leaving the cashpoint machine. Up yours scammers

I managed to pop into my bank this morning and get £500, so I should be ok until my new card comes. Ironically, while I was explaining to my bank manager what had happened, he implied most card skimmers are used in dimly lit, infrequently used ATM's which again, points to my card having been skimmed, as it fits the bill.

The sooner Lloyds introduce a NatWest style emergency login, the better.

Also, reported it to the police, but I wonder if they know about the Lebanese Loop
Old 31 December 2011, 02:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Boro
That sounds more like it!

Either that or what Jaybird said with a faulty card reader or a genuine fault, not that im cynical or anything lol.

Either way, I should be safe, as I cancelled my card before leaving the cashpoint machine. Up yours scammers

I managed to pop into my bank this morning and get £500, so I should be ok until my new card comes. Ironically, while I was explaining to my bank manager what had happened, he implied most card skimmers are used in dimly lit, infrequently used ATM's which again, points to my card having been skimmed, as it fits the bill.

The sooner Lloyds introduce a NatWest style emergency login, the better.

Also, reported it to the police, but I wonder if they know about the Lebanese Loop
I imagine it won't be long before they do and the other banks too as it seems to work ok for Natwest and it's all about the customers
Old 31 December 2011, 03:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Boro
That sounds more like it!
... ...
Also, reported it to the police, but I wonder if they know about the Lebanese Loop
LOL, have you seen the date on some of the articles used as references in the Wikipedia link? It's an ages old scam, and probably hasn't been used in a long time.

Quick Reply: ATM couldn't eject my debit card :-/

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