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MG TF door problems????

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Old 11 August 2003, 11:57 AM
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Narco you really do go out your way to slag MG Rover of for some reason, yet again why post when you havent got a clue what you are talking about...LOL

The R25 and it's derivatives are actually doing pretty well, infact they could probably sell more cars if they could build more, they already have round the clock shifts but the problem is the speed at which they can build them without massive investment to the production facility..

The reduction in volume is because the R25/Streetwise/ZR & 45/ZS now shares the same production line, CAB1 at Longbridge. They used to be built on seperate lines in CAB1 on of three lines currently in CAB 1. Hence reduced capacity.

MGTF production was moved from CAB2 and the 75 was moved up from Cowley..both to CAB 1 leaving it at maximum capacity and line rate.

So the R25/Streetwise/ZR R45/ZS 75/ZT/ZT-T are all built in CAB 1. The majority of the mini production line is now the engine dress area.

They have reduced their operation considerably and to be honest probably over produced up untill the last few years so I reakon effectively they are seeling more or less everyone they make, they have more than halved the staff at Longbridge since it was bought by the Phonenix Group...they are also selling off a sh*t load of land at the moment.

[Edited by mn_angrybeats - 11/8/2003 12:00:21 PM]
Old 11 August 2003, 02:18 PM
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You agree with my point exactly then, I can't see your problem. Everything you say is exactly what I've said regarding the 200/25. Sales have declined, they've got rid of half the workforce and it is well past its best and hugely overdue replacement.
It's time for some new cars and unless they are class leaders the same spiral of decline will continue until MGR ceases to exist.

edited to add: I've not implied what you suggest AT ALL, that's just the way you chose to take it. That says more about your mindset than mine.

[Edited by NACRO - 11/8/2003 2:19:45 PM]
Old 11 August 2003, 02:40 PM
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I can see the difference, I think you are just being deliberately obtuse.

You can argue over semantics but the facts are Rover was forced to cut production and now has an aged product line in need of replacement. By your own admission the dross they actually manage to turn out has massive quality problems. All points I've made myself. You agree with everything I've said other than the conclusion- unless MGR pull their head out of the sand then it will be goodbye to Rover and goodbye to under-achievement, an under-achievment that you yourself have been a part of.

[Edited by NACRO - 11/8/2003 2:41:09 PM]
Old 11 August 2003, 03:02 PM
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I'd like to know how you think they could produce the same amount of vehicles as they have been producing when CAB2 was dimolished to make way for the MINI, the MGF was moved into CAB 1 from CAB 2 was and the 75 was also moved to CAB 1 when the production was moved from Cowley after the BMW sale..Staff reduced because of this factory closure and the mini no longer being produced..

They are all built at Longbridge CAB1 now, you cannot just increase the line rate with a flick of a switch and expect more cars, not that easy...

They have by far less overheads now, Gaydon, Cowley no longer MG Rover etc..the slimmed down workforce are probably making more cars per man too I reakon than compaired to a few years ago.

Why does it **** you off when they are slowly making money and their sales are increasing.

What they have done to try and suvive is to be applauded IMO, some interested cars have come out of MG in recent times.

All I know they are building cars at full production line rate for 24hr 5 days a week

They are making money and that will allow them to put all hands on deck on the RDX60 project..

[Edited by mn_angrybeats - 11/8/2003 3:03:14 PM]
Old 11 August 2003, 04:17 PM
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quote: "Why does it **** you off when they are slowly making money and their sales are increasing."

It doesn't in the slightest. All I've pointed out is that trying to jazz some more life into the corpse is pointless. They need new products and fast.

All you've done is provided the detail to what I've been saying all along, MGR is a company that had it all and p1ssed it into the wind, they are continuing in the same vein with their tired product line and pathetic attempts at niche marketing with the "streetwise". I do hope that the new cars when they appear are a success until then carrying on with their current product lines is only going to court more failure.
It's a subject I feel passionate about because Britain deserves a motor industry and it sure as hell deserves something better than MGR. They make us a laughing stock the world over.

[Edited by NACRO - 11/8/2003 4:18:13 PM]
Old 11 September 2003, 01:13 PM
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I can't quite work out where you are coming from - sometimes your posts are quite reasonable and you show a real desire for MGR to succeed, other times you can't find a good word to say about them.

Like it or not, MGR *are* the British (volume) Motor Industry at the moment. Yes, they made mistakes in the past, however, their current situation is not really of their own making. Who, even the most avid MGR enthusiast, thought that they would survive more than a few months when BMW hung them out to dry?

However, they have managed to claw back in the past 3 or so years, launching a host of new models, and always managing to be in the news (for positive reasons!).

Yes, most of the new models have been based on existing ones that are coming to the end of their lives - but surely as an intelligent human being you realise that to produce a *credible* replacement for the 25/45 requires *years* of development and a shed load of money that they just don't have!

If they had taken your advice, left the model range to stagnate and ploughed everything into new models, they still wouldn't be out yet, and hearing nothing new from MGR, people would have assumed they were as good as dead. They would have gone to the wall.

The MG Zeds have created a *huge* resurgence in interest, and judging by the number I see on the road creating a very positive effect on sales. The CityRover shows their intention to compete again in the small car market, and the Streetwise shows that they're not afraid to try to find new niches (but I won't be drawn into any arguments on its validity! You may think it's silly, I still think it's a good idea!)

Quote: "All I've pointed out is that trying to jazz some more life into the corpse is pointless. They need new products and fast"

Second sentence - I agree, so will most MGR enthusiasts, and I'm sure so do MGR, hence why they are working so hard on RD40.

First sentence - I disagree! If they left it to stagnate, sales would dwindle, and people would turn away in droves. By making a few changes from time to time it shows MGR have not abandoned the cars and they are still good buys. (Also, your use of the word "corpse" in this context is an example of what I was mentioning earlier - your language and attitude always seems to lean towards *wanting* them to fail! Its not just "I'm worried if they carry on going this way they will go bankrupt", it's more rubbing your hands with glee!! Why so? Have you had a bad ownership experience or something?

Quote : "All you've done is provided the detail to what I've been saying all along, MGR is a company that had it all and p1ssed it into the wind, they are continuing in the same vein with their tired product line and pathetic attempts at niche marketing with the "streetwise". I do hope that the new cars when they appear are a success until then carrying on with their current product lines is only going to court more failure."

How have they pissed everything into the wind!? They were shafted by BAe and BMW! OK, not the most dynamic company in the 80s, but they have been doing all they could to remedy that over the last 3 years, and they had their hands tied before that (forced non-advertisement of sporty cars like 200vi / 600Ti, not being allowed to put beefier engine into MGF, etc...)

"Tired product line" - OK, lets not go over the same old ground, please! They're working on it, you cannot replace an entire model range just like that with no money!!

Streetwise - new model, minimal development costs. Makes sense to me if it secures extra sales.

In summary - Nacro, I agree that they need to replace their current range (well, 25 & 45). I'm sure they agree too, but you cannot expect them to do it immediately!

All your constant barracking and whingeing is going to do is put off the weak minded and hard of thinking. Your concerns about build quality are unfounded as far as I am concerned. For goodness sake, there are plenty of manufacturers with worse build quality (as I said, plenty of Citroen/Renault/etc. come from the factory with bits falling off), and I haven't had a single problem with my Rover 25 in the last two years, and I haven't been particularly kind to it either!

If you want them to succeed, then how about a bit of encouragement and enthusiasm for what they are doing well!? All you seem to do is moan moan moan about them and as far as I can see there's nothing you know that everybody else doesn't!! Just relax a little - your comments aren't helping!

Edited to say : Your last edit just sums up your attitide - "blindly praise the crap they are producing"!! Where do you get this stuff!? Have you owned one for an appreciable length of time? You might not like it - fine - but crap it ain't, and it's just not fair or true that you write stuff like that. Please can you stop posting subjetive stuff like that without any back up, it helps nobody...

[Edited by NiceCupOfTea - 11/9/2003 1:17:02 PM]
Old 11 October 2003, 04:17 PM
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Pot calling the kettle black jerry.

I don't like the majority of MGR's products because of some personal experience (although I've never been stupid enough to buy one myself) and the fact that they have a largely outdated product line of cars that were never class leaders in the first place. good enough reasons if you ask me. What I can't understand is what is so riling about the truth. Or do you dispute the facts I outlined so simply for you here?

edited to add: I'd advise anyone who gets "riled" by my comments or indeed the comments of anyone on a BBS to develop a sense of perspective. Nothing said by anyone on here or anywhere else has ever done anything other than provide me with amusement. Otherwise what would the point be in participating?

[Edited by NACRO - 11/10/2003 4:19:17 PM]
Old 11 October 2003, 05:35 PM
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So you think they have a fresh up to the minute product line of market leaders then? Or do you agree with me that they are old, tired and therefore crap? Or do you think they are such classic designs that they have stood the test of time.

I think it's fair enough to say their products are outdated as they are all well past their intended product cycles.

My experiences of MGR products are irrelevant here, suffice to say I've driven a few, been given pool cars and known people who've had them. All these experiences have led me to believe they are carbage (LOL).

Edited to add: don't include the 75/ZT in any of these comments.

[Edited by NACRO - 11/10/2003 5:37:28 PM]
Old 06 November 2003, 09:21 AM
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My sis has just bought a 1 year old MG TF, with 10k miles on the clock.

She bought it from a main dealer, but is now a bit worried about it as the doors dont line up properly at the bottom, when you look down the side of the car, looking from the rear.

She took it back and they said they will rehang them.

Just wondered if anyone had heard of this or experienced it? I've searched the net but cant find anything.
Old 06 November 2003, 11:13 AM
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It's an MG what do you expect? Hopefully they will sort out the problem for you. Build quality problems are endemic in that marque.
Old 06 November 2003, 01:43 PM
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It's an MG what do you expect? Hopefully they will sort out the problem for you. Build quality problems are endemic in that marque.
Oh dear, still trolling are we Nacro?

Dream Weaver, this isn't a known problem. Get them to rehang the door and on pick up make sure the alignment with the roof is fine as you don't want that water seal disturbed. More like a one-off to me....

Old 06 November 2003, 02:01 PM
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Hope it's not as a result of crash damage.

Could just be continuous leaning on the door when it's open. Some people do this, especially kids!!!
Old 06 November 2003, 02:16 PM
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Not so much trolling as speaking the truth. I think you'll find that Rover have a pretty poor reputation when it comes to build quality and customer satisfaction.

I can't quite work out how speaking your mind equates with trolling, however you are welcome to your opinion.
Old 06 November 2003, 02:27 PM
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Dracoro, thats what my dad was worried about, but having looked around it I would say not.

My dad and sis aren't speaking now, so I'm trying to sort if out

It is an ex demo car, so maybe all the people opening the doors all the time, and sitting in it has loosened them. I also suspect the fact its a cabriolet doesnt help with body flex etc.
Old 06 November 2003, 05:35 PM
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When people post something with a genuine query about a particular car they probably would like the opinion of someone who has hands on experience of the vehicle in question, and possibly some assistance.

Not just the uneducated opinion of someone who clearly has something against that Marque and wants to put his point across that he thinks they are ****... who cares - what help is that ?!



Have a look on or for a better and mayve more balanced point of view.

Old 06 November 2003, 05:41 PM
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sorry to people who like rovers, but i'm a panel beater by trade and also do callout's and in both fixing them panel wise and mechanical wise they ain't good at all. in fact rovers are the cars i go out on calls the most.
Old 06 November 2003, 06:53 PM
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poor old jerry- it really hurts doesn't it?
Old 06 November 2003, 07:45 PM
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"in fact rovers are the cars i go out on calls the most"

If you are a panel beater, and you say that above, then surely this simply means a lot of the owners have been in an accident, rather than a reflection on the body out of the factory...?

I used to have a Rover, and can't say I had a problem with the panels. I thought it was (outside) a pretty robust car.
Old 06 November 2003, 10:14 PM
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sorry m8. but we do call out AS WELL, as body repair. sorry i didn't make that clear enough. we do, do a bit of mechanical work too, but i am a panel beater BY TRADE, that's all.
Old 07 November 2003, 02:06 PM
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Old 07 November 2003, 02:27 PM
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if it's so boring why bother commenting you ***.......I just ignore all the cr*p of yours I find boring, I'd advise you to do the same you idiot.
Old 07 November 2003, 02:37 PM
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Now now girls

I agree Rover's are not great, and I did advise here to buy a new shape MR2, but she wouldnt have it

Besides, I have a long history of Rovers and MG's (involvement and ownership), and while they aren't ultra reliable, they are like any other car, with good and bad points.
Old 07 November 2003, 02:44 PM
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Unlike you Nacro, to resort to name-calling. Surely this sort of behaviour is beneath you....

I have to agree with comments on MG Rover's track record for panels not being aligned properly. Was having a laugh with MattOz the other day, looking at his nice new 330d... and we spotted that the boot didn't seem to be aligned properly. I remarked that Rover's QC had obviously left its mark on BMW. We then discovered that he hadn't closed it properly!

This door problem isn't one of the problems mentioned by my friends in the MG-R business, so it can't be a common thing. Unlike the current issue with head gaskets...
Old 07 November 2003, 03:41 PM
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Yes I heard all about the K series head gasket failures. I've been too polite to post here about them for fear of being labelled as a troll

Still as the sales of the 200/25 seem to have gone down the pan perhaps there won't be as many for them to recall. Just in case anyone feels the need to say that it isn't true here are some figures culled from the press, YR 1998 62,000 units, YR 2000 45,500 units, YR 2002 32,000 units. Sales of this archaic supermini are going down the pan and until Rover can finally produce something decent that is where the company will be going.

I hope they DO pull it out of the bag but judging by their track record it doesn't look likely does it?
Old 07 November 2003, 04:24 PM
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Do you happen to know if those figures include the sales of the MG ZR? Last I heard was that the MG version of the old shopping trolley that is the 25 was doing pretty well.

If the figures do include the ZR, then one can only assume that the customer-base of coffin-dodgers who seem to buy the 25 are dying off...

Oh yeah - this may make you laugh - MG-R are currently giving away a Streetwise each day, during November. Heard the advert on the local radio station yesterday. Do you want me to put forward your details Nacro, into the competition, as I know you're an avid fan of the car?
Old 07 November 2003, 04:29 PM
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lol I'd rather walk than "streetwise" (that name still makes me laugh)- as far as I know these figures are for the 25/200 series so probably don't include the ZR which after all is meant to be a different car. They were printed in 2 fairly well respected sources.
Perhaps the ZR has made up the bulk of the missing sales or even surpassed them?
Old 08 November 2003, 01:21 AM
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The MG ZR is supposed to be one of the best selling hot hatches around at the moment, so I would be surprised if those figures included the ZR.

As for reliability, there will always be people with nightmare stories for any car. Read a few other threads and you will find plenty of people with Clio 172s and VTRs that have spent more time in the garage than on the road. But then knocking MGR is a bit of a national pastime is it not!?

As for the head gasket "issue", it was modified in 2000 to minimise the chances of it happening. It's got a pretty good bhp/l figure and is a relatively stressed engine. If well looked after and maintained there's no reason why the HG should pop early. Trouble is, too many people just stick petrol in and assume their car will run for ever! And it's not the only car ever to suffer HGF!
Old 08 November 2003, 12:07 PM
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quote: "yet again why post when you havent got a clue what you are talking about...LOL"

I just posted some figures which are a matter of I hardly think that counts as not having a clue. I don't think you are reading what I post, the figures come from well respected sources and as I said I didn't think they included the "Z" car.

Also I'm not very interested in the minutia of a failing car manufacturers production line. I doubt anyone is unless they have some kind of vested interest, as you obviously do. Personally I'd suggest you are the biased one, I have no axe to grind whatsoever, I just think MG/Rover make crap, outdated cars for the most part. Soon they'll be consigned to the dustbin of history where they belong.

Can I ask why you don't drive one of MG Rovers magnificent products as you seem to be so involved? Perhaps because as I suggest, they are cr*p?
Old 08 November 2003, 12:50 PM
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Can I ask why you don't drive one of MG Rovers magnificent products as you seem to be so involved? Perhaps because as I suggest, they are cr*p?
Can you show me a post where I said they were magnificent ?

I'm my experience apart from the 75 they have lots of build quality problems, I do however drive a Cooper S which was infact designed and engineered by fellow design engineers at Rover Group at Gaydon a number of years ago..obviously the BMW thing happened but you need to remember 90% may be more of the engineering was done by Rover engineers. As I have said they are building up cash reserves so the RDX60 and other projects can be started, do you really thing MG Rover want to continue with their ageing model range?

You were getting at that they were not selling the cars as they couldn't sell them which is just plain bollocks..
Old 08 November 2003, 01:00 PM
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quote: "You were getting at that they were not selling the cars as they couldn't sell them which is just plain bollocks.."

No I wasn't, thats what you inferred from what I said. I just quoted some figures which picture the sad decline of a motor manufacturer. If you work for MG I can see what your problem is, I'm one of your potential consumers who believes the cars Rover makes are crap.

quote: "I do however drive a Cooper S which was infact designed and engineered by fellow design engineers at Rover Group at Gaydon a number of years ago..obviously the BMW thing happened but you need to remember 90% may be more of the engineering was done by Rover engineers."

Obviously I'm aware of the background to the new mini, good job Rover don't make them then isn't it, otherwise they'd have a lot more quality problems. Enjoy your BMW, just don't kid yourself it somehow qualifies as a Rover.

Quick Reply: MG TF door problems????

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