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JTaylor 30 January 2015 09:50 PM

Originally Posted by Maz (Post 11616829)
But you could be accused of the same thing for believing in God. Do we dismiss you as a mere crackpot?

No you don't, because I'm a theistic evolutionist which is a reasonable faith.

Maz 30 January 2015 09:54 PM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 11616846)
No you don't, because I'm a theistic evolutionist which is a reasonable faith.

But the conspiracy theorists can attempt to justify their position. Faith is not tangible evidence, just because YOU believe does not make it factual or true.

JTaylor 30 January 2015 10:00 PM

Originally Posted by Maz (Post 11616855)
But the conspiracy theorists can attempt to justify their position. Faith is not tangible evidence, just because YOU believe does not make it factual or true.

Nobody has provided me with sufficient evidence to disprove the existence of God as defined by theistic evolution. On the other hand, the evidence presented against 9/11 conspiracies is overwhelming.

Maz 30 January 2015 10:08 PM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 11616859)
Nobody has provided me with sufficient evidence to disprove the existence of God as defined by theistic evolution. On the other hand, the evidence presented against 9/11 conspiracies is overwhelming.

That is selective reasoning. The lack of understanding of the Universe's origins doesn't infer existence of a divine umpire. Your acceptance of an ideology that stems from an era where human knowledge and understanding was in it's infancy. Theoretically and logically science can challenge any evidence used to support religious belief.

JTaylor 30 January 2015 10:11 PM

Originally Posted by Maz (Post 11616870)
That is selective reasoning. The lack of understanding of the Universe's origins doesn't infer existence of a divine umpire. Your acceptance of an ideology that stems from an era where human knowledge and understanding was in it's infancy. Theoretically and logically science can challenge any evidence used to support religious belief.

Science doesn't answer infinite regress. And yes, of course I select my reasoning.

gary77 30 January 2015 10:46 PM

Originally Posted by hodgy0_2 (Post 11616332)
OK, so is this it _ from the website

"Stratesec’s board of directors included Marvin Bush, the brother of George W. Bush, and Wirt Dexter Walker III, a distant relative of the Bush brothers"

is this the sole "evidence" you have

Ok, lets set the parameters, so we know what we are discussing

it says "distant relative", how many "distant" relatives does a person have

what are we talking about here - go back far enough and we are all related - so without context the statement is meaningless - you do realise that, so give me the context

how far back are you going gary

also can you confirm you still believe Marvin Bush was head of security at the WTC?

i have never said he was head of security although i did read the stories saying he was , i do find it interesting that he was part of the company involved in the security though , and yes wirt walker is a distant relative , you havent comented on the full post i made which was that kuwam was also worth a mention when discussing sratesec, what are your thoughts on that , do you find anything interesting there .

for me it deserves investigation . unfortunatly i'm not that bothered and im not about to do a full scale investigation to uncover condemning evidance

i just find it all interesting and view it with an open mind

i also see the argument from your point of view , and i am not fixated on any one opinion

gary77 30 January 2015 11:04 PM

Originally Posted by hodgy0_2 (Post 11616356)
well this is the point too - and we haven't even got onto that bit, the simple logic bit

we know Marvin Bush was not head of security at the WTC - I believe that is handled by the Port Authority,

Anyway - suppose he was for a second, suspend all reality and the known FACTS

if George Bush had wanted to pull off the biggest terrorist event the world had/has ever seen - secretly mind, and avoid all responsibility

who, out of the entire population of America (pop 450 million), would you have thought they would be keen to avoid being linked in any way to security at the WTC - you know to avoid conspiracy theorist linking him/them to it

logically who would you not want working as head of security at the WTC

makes sence for him to leave before the **** comes down, but anyway

i cant speak for anyone else but i can tell you my thoughts on it . first point is that to consider the conspiracy you first have to consider that the world doesnt work how you are led to believe . goverments aren't really in control so called "secret societies " are. members being people in powerfull positions , the bush family being one of them ,

the goverment and president are just a front , and in this country the pm is just a front , basically we are led to believe we live in a democrasy but whichever government is in charge the same **** would happen ,

now to make it clear im not saying i believe any of this but it is a theory , and a subject i find interesting.

i think i said it earlier i'm really just passing on what ive read online ,i dont expect to uncover real evidence online

hodgy0_2 30 January 2015 11:06 PM

Originally Posted by gary77 (Post 11616919)
i have never said he was head of security although i did read the stories saying he was , i do find it interesting that he was part of the company involved in the security though , and yes wirt walker is a distant relative , you havent comented on the full post i made which was that kuwam was also worth a mention when discussing sratesec, what are your thoughts on that , do you find anything interesting there .

for me it deserves investigation . unfortunatly i'm not that bothered and im not about to do a full scale investigation to uncover condemning evidance

i just find it all interesting and view it with an open mind

i also see the argument from your point of view , and i am not fixated on any one opinion

Ok, so you confirm that is your only evidence re being a distant relative, so you can't put that "distance" into any context

Re Marvin Bush working for a security company, backed by oil rich middle eastern states

Here's the thing, do I find it amazing and sinister that the son of an ex director of the CIA and the president of the USA, the Oil man, George Bush, makes a career in the security business, leveraging his parents contacts, presumably making a shed load of "easy" money, much in the same way our very own Mark Thatcher did

No in a word - I find it absolutely unremarkable, in fact I would go so far as to say pretty likely

Now if you had come up with the fact that Marvin Bush went into landscape gardening, or maybe opened a homeopathic vegetarian bookshop, just south of sacramento

I would find that interesting

The the son of an ex director of the CIA going into the security business - not really

But tbh not really surprised you do

gary77 30 January 2015 11:23 PM

so there is no point in having any kind of conversation about conspiracy theories with you , you have made your mind up . thats fine i get it

hodgy0_2 30 January 2015 11:27 PM

All I ask for is evidence, conspiracy theorist provide none

Carnut 30 January 2015 11:38 PM

I think about 20% of America's still believe that going to the moon was fake despite us being able to see things left behind on the moon.

Martin2005 31 January 2015 12:42 AM

Originally Posted by gary77 (Post 11616935)
makes sence for him to leave before the **** comes down, but anyway

i cant speak for anyone else but i can tell you my thoughts on it . first point is that to consider the conspiracy you first have to consider that the world doesnt work how you are led to believe . goverments aren't really in control so called "secret societies " are. members being people in powerfull positions , the bush family being one of them ,

the goverment and president are just a front , and in this country the pm is just a front , basically we are led to believe we live in a democrasy but whichever government is in charge the same **** would happen ,

now to make it clear im not saying i believe any of this but it is a theory , and a subject i find interesting.

i think i said it earlier i'm really just passing on what ive read online ,i dont expect to uncover real evidence online

Cognitive dissonance?

hodgy0_2 31 January 2015 01:57 AM

Originally Posted by gary77 (Post 11616935)
makes sence for him to leave before the **** comes down, but anyway

i cant speak for anyone else but i can tell you my thoughts on it . first point is that to consider the conspiracy you first have to consider that the world doesnt work how you are led to believe . goverments aren't really in control so called "secret societies " are. members being people in powerfull positions , the bush family being one of them ,

the goverment and president are just a front , and in this country the pm is just a front , basically we are led to believe we live in a democrasy but whichever government is in charge the same **** would happen ,

now to make it clear im not saying i believe any of this but it is a theory , and a subject i find interesting.

i think i said it earlier i'm really just passing on what ive read online ,i dont expect to uncover real evidence online

You seem to be trying to understand how we got to a state where the 1% own, give or take 50% of the global wealth - and by extension 99% of the power

You don't to need to explain that in terms of a vast hidden conspiracy, with the usual canard of a cabal of secret "banker Jews" and associated hangers on

stipete75 31 January 2015 09:33 AM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 11616859)
Nobody has provided me with sufficient evidence to disprove the existence of God as defined by theistic evolution. On the other hand, the evidence presented against 9/11 conspiracies is overwhelming.

Haha, I needed cheering up this morning, thanks for that:thumb:

gary77 31 January 2015 08:42 PM

Originally Posted by hodgy0_2 (Post 11616963)
You seem to be trying to understand how we got to a state where the 1% own, give or take 50% of the global wealth - and by extension 99% of the power

You don't to need to explain that in terms of a vast hidden conspiracy, with the usual canard of a cabal of secret "banker Jews" and associated hangers on

i've never tried to understand how we got to that position ,i'm not sure why you think i'm trying to understand that either,

and i haven't tried to explain it either .

but i guess that the same people with 99% of the power are the same people that are really in control of how the world works.

not the government

gary77 31 January 2015 08:46 PM

Originally Posted by Martin2005 (Post 11616954)
Cognitive dissonance?

i had to google that .

In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values

i'm not sure that describes me , because i have never had a solid belief in what happened on 9/11 , i have allways found all theories to hard to believe ,and there is more than one conspiracy theory , while watching any of the documentaries some of the ideas are easy ti dismiss others are less so .

bonesetter 01 February 2015 09:25 AM

jonc 01 February 2015 09:48 AM

Looks fake to me.

Carnut 01 February 2015 10:33 AM

9/11 Debunked: Controlled Demolition Not Possible:

stipete75 01 February 2015 01:40 PM

Controlled demolition, highly possible, from experts in the field regarding explosives, controlled demolition.......the best in the world.

Carnut 01 February 2015 02:17 PM

Originally Posted by stipete75 (Post 11617881)
Controlled demolition, highly possible, from experts in the field regarding explosives, controlled demolition.......the best in the world.
911 WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ?? See with your own eyes - YouTube

That guys just a ****ing idiot, he's got no idea what would happen if you was to throw a big as plane into a building, my vid very simply explains what the reasons may be.

Plus everything in that vid has been explained already in this thread, we cant keep proving you wrong for you to just come back around with the same sh1t.

Geezer 01 February 2015 02:21 PM

Illuminati, NWO, symbols on dollar bills, dear God, what next, lizard aliens?

I've seen some rubbish im my time about 9/11, that ranks pretty high.

stipete75 01 February 2015 02:36 PM

Originally Posted by Geezer (Post 11617921)
Illuminati, NWO, symbols on dollar bills, dear God, what next, lizard aliens?

I've seen some rubbish im my time about 9/11, that ranks pretty high.

Agreed, it's a very informative video regarding another viewpoint on the official report apart from the last minute and a half or so.

stipete75 01 February 2015 02:42 PM

Originally Posted by Carnut (Post 11617916)
That guys just a ****ing idiot, he's got no idea what would happen if you was to throw a big as plane into a building, my vid very simply explains what the reasons may be.

Plus everything in that vid has been explained already in this thread, we cant keep proving you wrong for you to just come back around with the same sh1t.

There is no right or wrong! It's opinions!!!
How the hell have you proved me wrong? I haven't disproved your theories/opinions. It's logical opinions for both sides of the coin.
We will never learn decisive evidence in our lifetimes to say for certain who was wrong!

Why is the expert a fcuking idiot? Why does your opinion hold more authority over this expert in his field?

markjmd 01 February 2015 02:59 PM

Originally Posted by stipete75 (Post 11617945)
There is no right or wrong! It's opinions!!!
How the hell have you proved me wrong? I haven't disproved your theories/opinions. It's logical opinions for both sides of the coin.
We will never learn decisive evidence in our lifetimes to say for certain who was wrong!

Why is the expert a fcuking idiot? Why does your opinion hold more authority over this expert in his field?

I'm sorry, but it absolutely is not "just opinions"! It would be bad enough if people were spouting the kind of nonsense that these "truthers" or whatever the hell it is they like to call themselves go in for, if it was all just a purely academic discussion about the physics of plane crashes and building structures. Unfortunately though it is not, and what we're actually talking about here is an attack in which close to 3000 people lost their lives, and as such it's deeply offensive to their memory to regurgitate this half-baked b*ll*cks incessantly when it's all been proved wrong dozens of times in dozens of different ways. If you're just too hard of thinking to understand that proof when you see it, well, tough poo-poo, but don't expect the rest of the world to hold back on calling you out for it.

jonc 01 February 2015 02:59 PM

Originally Posted by stipete75 (Post 11617881)
Controlled demolition, highly possible, from experts in the field regarding explosives, controlled demolition.......the best in the world.
911 WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ?? See with your own eyes - YouTube

Seems like a load of bollox to me and those in the interviews are quoted out of context. What controlled building demolition have you ever seen where demolition starts at the upper part of the building? I've only seen videos of controlled demolitions beginning from the bottom. But then again, I'm no demolition expert.

stipete75 01 February 2015 03:19 PM

Originally Posted by markjmd (Post 11617969)
I'm sorry, but it absolutely is not "just opinions"! It would be bad enough if people were spouting the kind of nonsense that these "truthers" or whatever the hell it is they like to call themselves go in for, if it was all just a purely academic discussion about the physics of plane crashes and building structures. Unfortunately though it is not, and what we're actually talking about here is an attack in which close to 3000 people lost their lives, and as such it's deeply offensive to their memory to regurgitate this half-baked b*ll*cks incessantly when it's all been proved wrong dozens of times in dozens of different ways. If you're just too hard of thinking to understand that proof when you see it, well, tough poo-poo, but don't expect the rest of the world to hold back on calling you out for it.

Of course it's opinions, non of us were there, non of us saw what happened first hand, there is my opinion of what happened then there is every one else's opinion of what happened on 911.
This is an academic discussion, regarding explosives, regarding witness statements, expert opinions and so on.

My personal opinion is yes it was an inside job, an opinion I'm allowed to believe.
The official so called "independent "911 report in to what happened on that day is flawed massively IMO! In itself an injustice for those who died.

Many people sadly lost their lives that horrific day but even if there was just a 2% chance that the wrong parties have been blamed and punished and the real culprits get away Scott free then surely all avenues have to be walked to determine what really happened for the memory of all who lost their lives.
It doesn't make me a bad person for questioning the official story.

This is a debate on the events of 911 after all.

Ps. We all no that these government effectively controlled independent reports are flawed and full of sh1t to cover their own ar5es, just look at the Hutton report and chilcot enquiry.

markjmd 01 February 2015 03:34 PM

Originally Posted by stipete75 (Post 11617981)
Of course it's opinions, non of us were there, non of us saw what happened first hand, there is my opinion of what happened then there is every one else's opinion of what happened on 911.

Wrong. There's what actually happened, and what cretinous idiots who believe anything that even bigger idiots tell them on the internet think happened. Opinions don't come into it.

Originally Posted by stipete75 (Post 11617981)
This is an academic discussion, regarding explosives, regarding witness statements, expert opinions and so on.

There's nothing remotely academic about the sources you've been citing in this discussion.

Originally Posted by stipete75 (Post 11617981)
It doesn't make me a bad person for questioning the official story.

What it makes you is a cretinous idiot, if you persist in doing so in the face of overwhelming evidence showing it's the only credible story.

stipete75 01 February 2015 04:57 PM

Originally Posted by markjmd (Post 11617993)
Wrong. There's what actually happened, and what cretinous idiots who believe anything that even bigger idiots tell them on the internet think happened. Opinions don't come into it.

There's nothing remotely academic about the sources you've been citing in this discussion.

What it makes you is a cretinous idiot, if you persist in doing so in the face of overwhelming evidence showing it's the only credible story.

On the contrary......I think sir it's you who is the cretinous idiot!
Your personal insults and name calling within a public adult discussion proves this.
Very childish indeed.

Now mark, go and do what your here to do(and probably very good at) ............not asking questions and consuming............
Your country needs you to consume.

like a good little sheep, bah:thumb:

markjmd 01 February 2015 06:13 PM

Originally Posted by stipete75 (Post 11618053)
On the contrary......I think sir it's you who is the cretinous idiot!
Your personal insults and name calling within a public adult discussion proves this.
Very childish indeed.

Now mark, go and do what your here to do(and probably very good at) ............not asking questions and consuming............
Your country needs you to consume.

I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you, but it's not an insult to call someone an idiot if it's an accurate description of what they are.

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