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dynamix 08 October 2009 07:56 AM

Couple of hiccups in the plan yesterday that cost a lot of time but now with the correct sized pulley I headed back to Zen to try it for size.

It fitted !

Final full assembly took place then along with remaking the feed hose from the oil tank to allow for the height difference between the block and the oil level in the tank and we were good to crank it to see oil pressure (we hoped).

Pump primed and away it went - perfect pressure just from cranking with rubbish oil. We were very happy :D

A quick stop for an excellent chicken curry and JP cooked by Liz and it was start it up good and proper. Woop woop it fired into life with 100 psi straight off rising to 125psi on revs.

Lots of checks on unions and connections along with pressure as the temperature rose and all good. Then the top of the radiator split on the top hose connection (i blame the monkey that put the jubilee on ... me) and it was time to take that out and put in a different rad that Paul had around. (thanks Paul)

Everything now fully assembled and road test time ... There was a lot of setting up of the correct oil pressure level with the adjustable pressure relief valve to get the right level through the rev range. A quick oil change to put some proper oil in and it was ready to try again.

Perfect !

Everything packed up and I headed back from Zen followed by Ren (who had been busy freezing Paul's bits along with doing some wiring .. ) at just gone midnight.

I am almost ready for Sunday now - just need some sleep and that should do it :D

drewtts 08 October 2009 08:34 AM

Very happy for ya everything went ok :luxhello::luxhello::luxhello:, and down to losing weight why dont ya just go on a diate :norty::norty::norty: and stop eating to many bacon sandwichs,, al give ya a bell sat when we down and we'll defo be there to see ya driving like a puff sunday

dynamix 08 October 2009 08:44 AM


Cheers Drew see you at the weekend :thumb:

trails 08 October 2009 02:51 PM

Duncan, your box is full I can't reply :)

V4JDMSTi 08 October 2009 03:05 PM

I'm sure that spoiler is growing :lol1:

dynamix 08 October 2009 03:17 PM

Originally Posted by trails (Post 8986490)
Duncan, your box is full I can't reply :)

Sorted :D Sorry about that :lol1:

trails 08 October 2009 03:24 PM

Originally Posted by dynamix (Post 8986541)
Sorted :D Sorry about that :lol1:

no worries, a bloke's 'full box' isn't normally the sort of thing I get involved with :lol1:

dynamix 09 October 2009 07:28 AM

Newly remade front splitter and undertray fitted last night. No pics I am afraid as it was proper dark when finished but this one accounts for the slightly wider wheel base than last year's re-used one does.

Just bleed the brakes, get fuel, map it and wash it ready for sunday ... phew :D

dynamix 12 October 2009 07:48 AM

An awesome day out at Snetterton and the Club Challenge 2009 Time Attack title was wrapped up in qualifying with 1st place securing the overall win in the series. :D

I will write a full report later but for the time being a huge thanks to friends and family for their constant support and for sponsors for all that they have done for me this year – I could not have done it without you … I am sure we will speak soon about 2010 ;)

In particular I would like to say a HUGE thanks to Paul and Liz at Zen Performance – Team Zen never give up spirit, determination, engine building, chassis set up, constant support and race engineering assistance right through 2009 has made this happen.

Massive congrats to them also for their win yesterday at Snetterton. !

oh and for those that are interested ...the Dry Sump worked perfectly :D

ABW 12 October 2009 07:51 AM

superb Duncan well done mate , roll on 2010 :thumb:

dynamix 12 October 2009 08:50 AM


On the 1.14 lap in the final ...

banny sti 12 October 2009 08:58 AM

Congrats Duncan, really please for you and a thoroughly deserved championship!


wrxbart 12 October 2009 09:52 AM

Many congrats well done

V4JDMSTi 12 October 2009 10:18 AM

What an awesome day. Congrats on the win. Totally deserved. :thumb:

V4JDMSTi 12 October 2009 11:43 AM

Couple of shots from yesterday:

On his way out in practice:

One of the sessions:

These 2 will be getting a little tweak. Straight out of the camera at the moment:

And finally, thumbs up, you've done it.

rickya 12 October 2009 11:49 AM

Congrats mate, well deserved :)

dynamix 12 October 2009 12:00 PM

Originally Posted by mneame (Post 8993202)
And finally, thumbs up, you've done it.


V4JDMSTi 12 October 2009 12:17 PM

I'll do a little editing and mail you the high res versions :thumb:

dynamix 12 October 2009 12:37 PM

Cool - cheers Matt :D

SkullFudge 12 October 2009 02:24 PM

Well done Duncan. Congratulations.

andyscoobym3 13 October 2009 08:08 PM

i think you have done increadibly well this season fully deserve the title :thumb:
considering there are quite a few cars with more power to weight,
big big well done,

also a big well done to johnathon beech who has also been very consitant all year, a very well deserved 3rd place over all


Andy Pro Tbo 13 October 2009 09:04 PM

Congratulations on the the win Duncan a well deserved win :thumb:
Glad the dry sump worked well and hope to see you leading the way next year :thumb:

dynamix 13 October 2009 10:45 PM

It's been a couple of days now since the last round of 2009's Time Attack series and, truth be told, it hasnt really sunk in that I am now the Time Attack 2009 Club Challenge Champion.

The work put in within the last two weeks by myself to get the car ready then decide to run a hitherto totally untested dry sump system had kind of distracted me mind away from thinking about how far I had come with the car in the last year or so. Still, the zen performance dry sump was in place and Paul from Zen was convinced it would work - initial tests on the road he was absolutely right and it was working perfectly. It was time to get the rest of the car ready and get me ready to bring home the title.

I had done most of this to-do during the week but there were one of two bits left over from my list that unfortunately had to be done the day before the event. Nige and the rest of the Pinders were coming to ours for the weekend of the Snetterton round and this meant that together we could get them done - thanks Nige for helping to change brake lines to some lovely HEL stainless braided lines, change and bleed the brake fluid and generally get all the 'stuff' sorted.

Cheers also to Jon and Fezza for bringing all of the E85 that I would need for the weekend from their local Morrisons and for the banter back at base :)

All that was needed then was for me to map the car. Luckily Nige was willing and able to sit in the passenger seat and following instructions from me got a map fairly close to where I needed it within a very short period of time. Live mapping with the Solaris ecu is really a god send and saves a huge amount of time. We also discussed various settings for the map switches to allow me to run various levels of boost / aggressive timing/fuel etc should I need to in desperation but the plan was to stick to a known and comfortable level for the car for the morning sessions before upping the ante when it counted. No issues at all during mapping.

So .... saturday night and car loaded up, cleaned in the dark and food time and try and get some sleep. Luckily so much work both on the car and 'proper' work over the preceding week meant sleep was just 1 second away at most times... before I knew it - it was the morning of the big day. My home track, the one I had done more than any other in the world.

I hadn't driven since March on a track day with tuition from Phil Glew but felt confident in my knowledge of the circuit, the lines and the car - it just needed to work as expected.

Getting to the track was easy enough, although a bit of chaos in the pits themselves which meant that i was getting a tad stressed with set up and last minute check time was by eaten into by faffing around - thanks again Nige for taking on duties in that area and for my wife Rachel for putting up with my general edginess (understatement) LOL.

Team Zen arrived on cue and whilst the whirlwind that is Team Zen unpacked, the guy from Rapid Media set up the camera system in the car and matt (Home) gave the car some TLC to make it gleaming for its big day. It was show time...

Off out into the warm up and all was not well, every time I put my foot to the floor I got a horrid misfire the car missed several beats and it scared the sheet out of me, then the boost hose popped off and I headed into the pits to be greeted by Paul from Zen and the guys who set about getting it back on in record time to send me back out. Half throttle was the order of the day for warm up as a result of the misfire but I still surprisingly managed to equal my best ever time around Snetterton. Russ Paton (2nd in the championship and the only guy that could beat me) on the other hand seemed to be flying and doubts entered my head as to whether I could actually do this.

With only an hour between warm up and practice I set about trying to locate the source of the issue in the map that wasnt there the day before - it looked like the crank sensor voltage was dropping outside of the range to pick up a signal and the ecu thought the car was stalling at 7000 rpm ! It wasnt :) I adjusted the range and crossed my fingers that it would do it and headed out for Practice. By this time friends and family had made it there and they were all expecting great things aswell as witty/relaxed conversation from me. Sorry on both counts everyone.

Practice came and so did the misfire again. Balls. I knew I wouldn't be able to solve the issue during the session so used the time on track to get the corners nailed, lines comfortable and settle myself - or at least try to. I came in from the session seeing Russ in the 1.15's - way quicker than I thought I could go and felt beaten. Phil spoke to me about the lines I had been taken and reassured me that they were spot on - just needed to believe. Liz got my head straight in true lizzy fashion by telling me to snap out of it granddad (or words to that effect). Paul and Pat also had a look at the issue on the ecu/car to see if our collective minds could solve it - we all agreed what the issue was and the necessary changes made - it HAD to work.

Julian and Nige had been looking after me and the car superbly (as had Rachel by feeding, making coffee and generally keeping me upbeat about it) - I had to pay back that faith and support in qualifying. An agonising wait and eventually we get out on track. I put my foot down out of the pit lane ... no misfire... hmm. Ok, maybe this will be cool. I give myself some space ont he warm up lap and nail it but the Reynolds Sierra comes out the pitlane late and blocks Scott Robson in front of me, then I catch him in the Esses costing a lot of time.. I could feel it slipping away. I was angry - not a state that I normally like to drive in, but keep on it for that lap - i needed something on the board to count. I do the lap and carry on for hot lap 2 - yeah felt good but caught Scott on the straight and decided to pass, this took me off line and trying to keep on it too long - I missed my braking point and had to bail out and down the escape road. Calm down Duncan. I gave up on that lap and went past the pits and the pit board said P2 - OMG ! Even with the hold up... perhaps I could do it. Next lap it said P3. I needed P4 or better and P5 in the final to win the series so had to do another hot lap to try and do it. This time, I had a clear run, good speed around the important parts and came across the line and carried on for another hot lap but then the red lights were out and it was end of session due to an exploding reynolds sierra. I came in and I was in P1 with Russ in P4 - if it stayed like that the title was mine. There were 6 mins remaining of the session so decided to sit it out and wait as it was working and I wanted to keep it that way for the final but quietly hoping that I could get it wrapped up in quali. A very long 5 mins once they were out there saw Russ improve his time but not by enough... my 1.15.3 was enough to secure 1st in qualifying and overall series win !

Lots of jumping around in the Team Zen garage by all and sundry ensued as Zen had also got P1 in their qualifying session just afterwards - it was awesome to see them come back so strongly after the bitter disappointment of brands hatch. It takes real resilience to do that and they have it in bucket fulls. A great team to have on your side.

Anyway - the final. Half tempted to just drive around with anti lag on and waving but then curiosity struck and I wondered whether it would be possible to get what is still my daily driver into the 1.14's. I vowed to give it a good go and headed it.

hot lap 1 - 1.15.1 and the pitboard showed P1 as I crossed the line to start hotlap 2 - I was happy and the car felt immense and totally connected to the road. I took even more speed into Coram and still it gripped, spat me down the hill to the chicane and onto the finish straight.. yeah that felt sweet. if any lap would do it - that had to be it. Pit board said P1. I did a few cool down laps checked the board and gathering myself for one last go - maybe it could go quicker still. i started another hotlap and my mind was elsewhere and the car was too, I was missing apexes by miles, but I kept going through that lap and decided to come in on the next lap - I wasn't going to get any quicker today 1.14.999 was my time and I was over the moon ... but Russ Paton pulled out a stormer just on my coming in lap and right on the chequered flag to beat me and take the win. Oh well - he deserved it - he had been on it all day and the 1.14.3 he got was simply stunning.

So - that was it. Just Zen to do their part and bring home the Pro win. Phil Glew had been on fire all day and a win was always on the cards although a change of weather caught RCM out and ended up taking away the massive fight between RCM + NOS and Zen + handling that would have been very interesting to see. I am over the moon for them - the late nights they put in with me in the last week to help get the dry sump system set up whilst rebuilding their own car (all outside normal customer hours) is humbling.

So - the awards ceremony and normal champagne madness and some cracking trophies and chatting to fellow competitors, friends, family, well wishers, team and basically everyone it seemed and it was time to go home.

What a great year ! - It wouldnt have been possible without the help and support of many many people ...

* Paul / Liz and the team at Zen Performance and all of Team Zen (what a great team)
* Mark at Lateral Performance
* Pat and Charlie - Solaris
* Alyn at AS Performance
* Daren at AutoBodyworks
* Gary at Keith Michaels Insurance
* Julian and Donna from CJS Norwich
* Jon at GW Autoserve in Ipswich
* Ben at HEL
* Matt at

With invaluable support from

* Ren
* Nige / Lou and the Pinders
* and especially #1 Supporters - Rachel & Annabelle

and everyone that has followed my progress through the year and wished me luck or said well done. It takes a lot out of you emotionally and it is the support that keeps you going.

Thank you and who knows what the future may hold ;)

ps - sorry about the huge amount of words and small amount (ie none) pictures - not had a chance to go through and sort pics out to go with this yet. There will be some added though.

Andy916 14 October 2009 11:46 AM

Really good to hear the story of cat and mouse with Russ; as a mere spectator you don't get any of that suspense with the time attack format (as opposed to a race format).

What was it that caused/cured the misfire Dunc? From your earlier note on voltages it sounded like a failing crank position sensor (as I had earlier this year) but it doesn't sound like you swapped out the sensor in the end?

Well done!

dynamix 14 October 2009 11:57 AM

Pat and Paul both had a look at it and in the end we made adjusted the range for top and bottom voltages of the crank sensor fall within the range that the sensor was producing. We didnt have a new crank sensor to try out to see if that would solve it (nor any time to gamble with) - decreasing the range was not ideal as it picked up occasional noise and produced a weird hesitancy sometimes on full boost, full rpm but it was running sweet enough to keep my foot down to the carpet and concentrate on setting a good lap.

TA is all about cat and mouse, in much the same way as F1 qualifying is - knowing the timing of laps is key to the enjoyment/understanding - you get a huge sense of that within the pit garages or anywhere with the timing screens available. It certainly is tense.

Adam Kindness 14 October 2009 12:05 PM

thats a good point.... next year they should try and pop up some timing screens for all to see.

Andy916 14 October 2009 06:22 PM

Aye, timing screens and better commentary would really improve it for the crowd I reckon.

dynamix 08 November 2009 04:33 PM

Yeeeeehaaarrrrr !

Fresh air - can't beat it :D

hhh1234 08 November 2009 05:31 PM

**** me ur cars 2wd, lol,

dynamix 08 November 2009 05:43 PM

0WD at that point :D

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