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stef_2010 05 May 2011 11:23 AM

Originally Posted by tony de wonderful (Post 10023467)
The plane would have been travelling at several hundred mile per hour. Is it to be expected that every angle of the pentagon is covered with cameras which record at sufficient frames per second, and resolution, to capture something moving within the frame (of the camera) at the speed of a slow moving bullet?

I see what you're getting at but I'm sure they only released the one video

Out of the many, many cameras probably covering that area thats the best that they can release ?

I doubt it

Leslie 05 May 2011 11:46 AM

Originally Posted by tony de wonderful (Post 10023467)
The plane would have been travelling at several hundred mile per hour. Is it to be expected that every angle of the pentagon is covered with cameras which record at sufficient frames per second, and resolution, to capture something moving within the frame (of the camera) at the speed of a slow moving bullet?

Do you know the max controllable IAS at low level for an aircraft like that? Especially by an inexperienced pilot.


hodgy0_2 05 May 2011 11:46 AM

Originally Posted by stef_2010 (Post 10023407)
Some interesting 'facts' in there

Only problem is there seems to be more evidence to support the conspiracy theory than there is to disprove it ?

Can I ask have you watched loose change ? Can you counter argue everything they put forward ?

All I want to see is the video of the plane hitting the pentagon and it would make it easier for me to believe the story, same goes for OBL, all I want to see is the video of the raid as proof of what happened

All these theorys are so easy to knock on the head and they can do it so easily but choose not to ?

Sorry, I dont buy the excuses for not showing the evidence

what you really want to see is a big cartoon plane like shape in the wall of the building

the real world of physics does not work in the same way as in the cartoons

when an essentially cigar shaped object hits one of the most strongly protected building in the world at 500mph it make exactly the kind of hole it made

tony de wonderful 05 May 2011 12:02 PM

Originally Posted by Leslie (Post 10023516)
Do you know the max controllable IAS at low level for an aircraft like that? Especially by an inexperienced pilot.


It crashed through Les not landed on a runway in controlled way with flaps and gear deployed. Still if it is only doing 200 mph then how long does it spend 'in shot' per frame say for that camera in question. Answer is milliseconds - not surprising the camera failed to grab a clean pic.

JTaylor 05 May 2011 12:07 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10023379)
Yes we (as in SN NSR) have discussed this before and while I get what you are saying I think the fact that a lot of people don't see the difference is used as a rather convenient ambiguity by some posters.

Perhaps, and if so, on both sides of the debate. It's either ignorant or deeply dishonest and ignoble. Having said that, the obscure etymology doesn't help. As an example, on my Islamism thread, my polemics against Islamists were spun by some users as me pursuing the extirpation of Muslims. Deliberate or mis-informed? From there NSR had the Judaism thread, as if Judaism is to Jew as Islamism is to Muslim. Well, that isn't how it is (as I've pointed out above) despite the words appearing to suggest that that is the case.

I have a philosophical quarrel with Islam (as I do with denominations of Chritianity, Jewish sects, Communism, Anarchism and so forth) but, I have a deeply held conviction that Islamism poses a significant threat, both physically and as an idea.

I've discussed this at length with this gentleman:

If anyone wishes to meet an honourable, progressive, clear-thinking, rational man, who also happens to have been born a Muslim, they'd do well to make contact.

Now, would James Taylor vote for a Muslim? :eek:

JTaylor 05 May 2011 12:47 PM

Originally Posted by tony de wonderful (Post 10023458)
The whole notion of the conspiracy theory is unfalsifiable since the theory always keeps moving around like an amoeba when you refute one point or another. The 'theory' always accommodates the evidence (by way of leaps of logic and fallacies) but it is not the best theory for that evidence!

How do you refute the notion that an evil, omnipotent nexus controls everything? You can't! Hence it being unfalsifiable!

Yeah, but you would say that, wouldn't you? :cuckoo:

Geezer 05 May 2011 12:53 PM

Originally Posted by stef_2010 (Post 10023407)
Some interesting 'facts' in there

Only problem is there seems to be more evidence to support the conspiracy theory than there is to disprove it ?

No, there is no 'evidence' at all. It's misunderstanding or misinterrprtation (and in some cases just sheer invention) of the facts.

Originally Posted by stef_2010 (Post 10023407)
Can I ask have you watched loose change ? Can you counter argue everything they put forward ?

Oh come on, Loose Change is embarrassingly bad. It's entertaining, I give you that.

Originally Posted by stef_2010 (Post 10023407)
All I want to see is the video of the plane hitting the pentagon and it would make it easier for me to believe the story, same goes for OBL, all I want to see is the video of the raid as proof of what happened

The camera that was pointed at the impact point did record the impact, but it wasn't a continuous feed, so the frame you are looking for do not exist. The damage to the building and the wreckage inside are consistent with being hit by the aircraft that was reported to have done so. Do you really think that in that short period of time that some teams were able to get in past the firecrews and plant pieces of wreckage?

As for OBL, we're getting into paranoia here now. The most telling thing is that Al Qaeda have not come forward to say he isn't dead. OK, you're probably going to say "well they wouldn't, because if the US thinks he is dead, then they won't look for him".

Past records show that they have acknowledged every death of high ranking members. Why would they suddenly change now?

Originally Posted by stef_2010 (Post 10023407)
All these theorys are so easy to knock on the head and they can do it so easily but choose not to ?

Sorry, I dont buy the excuses for not showing the evidence

These theories have been knocked on the head! If you wish to dismiss those proofs, that is up to you. The people who come up with these zany theories are journalists, radio presenters, odd balls, UFO believers etc. The people who knock them down are engineers, physicists, firemen, policemen. People who understand what has gone on. People who are qualified to comment on them.

Ask yourself, who is likely to know more about the way in which a large building will behave when struck by an airliner full of fuel, a journo who makes a living out of sensationalist stories, or a structural engineer?

You often hear the quote "nothing will convince me that [put event here] happened like the authorities say it did". That tells you all you need to know about conspiracy theorists!


bigsinky 05 May 2011 01:08 PM

ok what have i missed?

stef_2010 05 May 2011 01:17 PM

Originally Posted by Geezer (Post 10023609)
The camera that was pointed at the impact point did record the impact, but it wasn't a continuous feed, so the frame you are looking for do not exist. The damage to the building and the wreckage inside are consistent with being hit by the aircraft that was reported to have done so. Do you really think that in that short period of time that some teams were able to get in past the firecrews and plant pieces of wreckage?

I know this, but it couldnt have been the only camera pointing at the area in question at the time.

Out of all the cameras theres surely at least one that got a better shot than that ?

And btw, I'm not saying I believe it was an inside job, it just seems to me that they can disprove most things quite easily but seem to choose not to ? I dont understand why ?

And the one thing that puzzles me, the highjackers passport survived yet the blackbox didnt ?

Turbohot 05 May 2011 01:34 PM

Originally Posted by bigsinky (Post 10023634)
ok what have i missed?

An amoeba, knocking some silly-billy theories on people's heads. Amoeba said on Radio 4 this morning that he should have knocked a Tefal non-stick frying pan on people's heads instead, but that pan's handle broke. I think Mus needs to send a jin to communicate with Bin Lid's jin, in order to find out what really did happen to Bin. Then, everyone's mind can be put to rest.

hodgy0_2 05 May 2011 01:39 PM

Originally Posted by stef_2010 (Post 10023652)
I know this, but it couldnt have been the only camera pointing at the area in question at the time.

Out of all the cameras theres surely at least one that got a better shot than that ?

And btw, I'm not saying I believe it was an inside job, it just seems to me that they can disprove most things quite easily but seem to choose not to ? I dont understand why ?

And the one thing that puzzles me, the highjackers passport survived yet the blackbox didnt ?

there are plenty of eye witness accounts of people who saw the plane hitting the pentagon too

maybe you are asking why all the theories then, why not ask the people who saw the plane hit the building including this man

Blast expert Allyn E. Kilsheimer was the first structural engineer to arrive at the Pentagon after the crash and helped coordinate the emergency response. "It was absolutely a plane, and I'll tell you why," says Kilsheimer, CEO of KCE Structural Engineers PC, Washington, D.C. "I saw the marks of the plane wing on the face of the building. I picked up parts of the plane with the airline markings on them. I held in my hand the tail section of the plane, and I found the black box." Kilsheimer's eyewitness account is backed up by photos of plane wreckage inside and outside the building. Kilsheimer adds: "I held parts of uniforms from crew members in my hands, including body parts. Okay?"

but then maybe they are all plants, and maybe Elvis works in a chip shop too

jonc 05 May 2011 01:41 PM

Originally Posted by stef_2010 (Post 10023652)
And the one thing that puzzles me, the highjackers passport survived yet the blackbox didnt ?

There were many things from the plane that survived the crash.

JTaylor 05 May 2011 01:45 PM

Originally Posted by Turbohot (Post 10023687)
An amoeba, knocking some silly-billy theories on people's heads. Amoeba said on Radio 4 this morning that he should have knocked a Tefal non-stick frying pan on people's heads instead, but that pan's handle broke. I think Mus needs to send a jin to communicate with Bin Lid's jin, in order to find out what really did happen to Bin. Then, everyone's mind can be put to rest.

Lol! :lol1:

Dig out the quote, Swati. Go on.

madscoob 05 May 2011 01:49 PM

Originally Posted by tony de wonderful (Post 10023467)
The plane would have been travelling at several hundred mile per hour. Is it to be expected that every angle of the pentagon is covered with cameras which record at sufficient frames per second, and resolution, to capture something moving within the frame (of the camera) at the speed of a slow moving bullet?

tony it was covered by a hotel cctv of which members of staff watched in horror , the film was removed by fbi and everyone made to sign a silence document , as for the pentagon , well the facts .
the section that was hit was bomb proofed weeks before coincidence
16ft round hole . ?????
a 737 is about 35ft in diameter with a wingspan of around 147ft with 2 engines about 12ft in diameter about 40-50ft apart traveling at about 400mph i think it would make a bit bigger hole than 16ft , each engine weighs about 6tonnes made of titainum and steel and not a single part found , look up the melting point of titaiunum it aint 1500degrees ,there should of been 3holes not one . oh and no wreckage on lawn bigger than people could carry away , and the lawn was recovered by lorries and workers within hours , watch the brief video the fbi released you cant see a plane , numerous people reported smelling cordite , they where all told to shut up and where no doubt made to sign disclaimers as well

tony de wonderful 05 May 2011 01:53 PM

Originally Posted by madscoob (Post 10023719)
tony it was covered by a hotel cctv of which members of staff watched in horror , the film was removed by fbi and everyone made to sign a silence document , as for the pentagon , well the facts .
the section that was hit was bomb proofed weeks before coincidence
16ft round hole . ?????
a 737 is about 35ft in diameter with a wingspan of around 147ft with 2 engines about 12ft in diameter about 40-50ft apart traveling at about 400mph i think it would make a bit bigger hole than 16ft , each engine weighs about 6tonnes made of titainum and steel and not a single part found , look up the melting point of titaiunum it aint 1500degrees ,there should of been 3holes not one . oh and no wreckage on lawn bigger than people could carry away , and the lawn was recovered by lorries and workers within hours , watch the brief video the fbi released you cant see a plane , numerous people reported smelling cordite , they where all told to shut up and where no doubt made to sign disclaimers as well

How do you know that is true about the FBI? Because a truther video on youtube says so? Could it be that the US government does no want picture of the Pentagon made public just because it is a highly sensitive building from security POV and not because there is a vast conspiracy?!

I'm not aware of the exact nature of the damage to the Pentagon or the way in which the plane hit it (angle, speed, etc), but I don't think you assumptions about what the hole should have looked like are valid given the many ways in which the plane could have struck the building.

So if it was fake what happened to all the people who died on that flight and the airframe which was allegedly destroyed?

madscoob 05 May 2011 02:02 PM

Originally Posted by stef_2010 (Post 10023407)
Some interesting 'facts' in there

Only problem is there seems to be more evidence to support the conspiracy theory than there is to disprove it ?

Can I ask have you watched loose change ? Can you counter argue everything they put forward ?

All I want to see is the video of the plane hitting the pentagon and it would make it easier for me to believe the story, same goes for OBL, all I want to see is the video of the raid as proof of what happened

All these theorys are so easy to knock on the head and they can do it so easily but choose not to ?

Sorry, I dont buy the excuses for not showing the evidence

yes ive seen it(loose change) steph and when given the chance not one person on her can or has attempted to explain how 6of the hijackers are still alive and breathing , proven fact not fiction or theory,thier parents and relatives have seen and spoken to them .and the 16ft hole not 1hole 35-40ft with 2more holes 12ft ish about 40-50ft apart , i think if a 6tonne metal object hit and building at 500mph as tony states it would make a hole dont you . ime still waiting for a explanation on the pentagon from tony and the others

Turbohot 05 May 2011 02:02 PM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 10023710)
Lol! :lol1:

Dig out the quote, Swati. Go on.

Fair enough.

Originally Posted by Mus (Post 9991613)
im talking about all the above that you mentioned, well as a Muslim/Jew/Christian we all belive once your time is up your gone and you can't be contacted. however as a Muslim we believe every person is assigned with a Jin and Jin can live 1000s of years. most of the mentioned above are liars but the ones that actually work with demons they usually get there demon to contact the demon of the dead person and as you know demons can travel very fast according to the scripts from the old testament and Quran story of the prophet solmon. there demon will contact the dead persons demon and he will be able to provide you with personal accurate information.

the above is some information that I gathered from reading and going on forums and asking however I could be wrong and I might of misunderstood it.

some people chose not to believe things like demons, god ect and some just don't want to think about it but god does exist.

the best trick ever was the devil convincing people he never existed :)

Now, all we need is to ask Mus for his help. :thumb:

For whosoever it may concern as a thread derailment:

This thread definitely remains on topic with the search for truth about Osama Bin Laden's moves via the help of Mus's jin. That's if Mus can spare him.

JTaylor 05 May 2011 02:08 PM


banny sti 05 May 2011 02:11 PM

Quick edit!

stef_2010 05 May 2011 02:15 PM

Originally Posted by hodgy0_2 (Post 10023696)
there are plenty of eye witness accounts of people who saw the plane hitting the pentagon too

But also plenty of people saying it wasnt a plane ?

Originally Posted by jonc (Post 10023701)
There were many things from the plane that survived the crash.

Sorry, doesnt really explain anything

JTaylor 05 May 2011 02:31 PM

Originally Posted by banny sti (Post 10023764)
Quick edit!

We both posted at the same time, Banny, that's all; don't read too much in to it.

For anyone interested, I appended the link with: "the mind of a conspiracy theorist". :)

joz8968 05 May 2011 02:33 PM

Originally Posted by markjmd (Post 10022247)
...None of the bad guys made it out alive that day.


There was one masquerading as a hostage. And the real hostages were animatedly letting the SAS know he was a terrorist. One of the SAS marched him to a lawn for some 'summary justice'... But another trooper stopped him before he could do so. ;)

Sorry, back on topic...

tony de wonderful 05 May 2011 02:33 PM

Originally Posted by stef_2010 (Post 10023769)
But also plenty of people saying it wasnt a plane ?

Witnesses to major events like this always provide inconsistent versions of events. It's because so much happens and it is hard to take in.

tony de wonderful 05 May 2011 02:37 PM

Originally Posted by madscoob (Post 10023743)
yes ive seen it(loose change) steph and when given the chance not one person on her can or has attempted to explain how 6of the hijackers are still alive and breathing , proven fact not fiction or theory,thier parents and relatives have seen and spoken to them .and the 16ft hole not 1hole 35-40ft with 2more holes 12ft ish about 40-50ft apart , i think if a 6tonne metal object hit and building at 500mph as tony states it would make a hole dont you . ime still waiting for a explanation on the pentagon from tony and the others

Proven fact according to an obscure you tube video but the mainstream press has not investigated this? Is suppose the CIA got to all the thousands of investigative journalists we have in the western world?

I admit it is possible some of the 'hijackers' are alive. I doubt the authorities etc will ever get a full handle on the exact nature of the events on 9/11 and will have made investigative errors fact it's surely a given all the 'facts' are not 100% right; the event was just so big.

banny sti 05 May 2011 02:38 PM

:lol: fook me how do you confuse a plane with something else

tony de wonderful 05 May 2011 02:42 PM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 10023178)
This is inaccurate. Let me know if you'd like me to explain why. And Islamism is a problem if you subscribe to Enlightenment thinking. It's a massive, huge, whopping, great-big flipping problem. The root of that problem is Sayyid Qutb; check out his book 'In the shade of the Qur'an'. Fascinating chap, by the way, and a great thinker, just a shame he was batting for the opposition.


Mus' logic goes like this:

Muslim can engage in violent jihad when oppressed.
Therefore any Muslim engaging in violent jihad must be oppressed.

tony de wonderful 05 May 2011 02:43 PM

Originally Posted by banny sti (Post 10023803)
:lol: fook me how do you confuse a plane with something else

I dunno but have you ever witnessed a jet fly into building from the POV of being near the impact?

banny sti 05 May 2011 02:46 PM

Originally Posted by tony de wonderful (Post 10023813)
I dunno but have you ever witnessed a jet fly into building from the POV of being near the impact?

Yes I have :thumb:

lazadude 05 May 2011 02:53 PM

Originally Posted by banny sti (Post 10023803)
:lol: fook me how do you confuse a plane with something else

You confuse it with a Hard Nose Missile.. Performing a manouver that US Air force pilots continually failed to replicate on multiple attempts on simulators.

Call me paranoid, what ever, I just don't believe everything that the media tells me and naturally question things. Like "Where are the wings..."

tony de wonderful 05 May 2011 02:56 PM

Originally Posted by banny sti (Post 10023817)
Yes I have :thumb:

Where was that then? And the WTC is not comparable since the witnesses were on the ground and have a really good view.

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