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Bravo2zero_sps 07 April 2010 10:27 AM,195...079539,00.html

:lol1: a bit late to admit that now Arsene :rolleyes: Glad to see the comments are finally stacking up with views i've had for several seasons. More and more fans have had enough of the young guns sales pitch.

DaveBeck 07 April 2010 10:56 AM

Personally i think Bendtner played well. he had utter ****e all game. he won headers and held up ball for as long as he could. isloated is one word i'd use. he had diaby and rosicky as support who both just wandered around the pitch like it was a training game.

Walcott should of done better, he did a good run for the goal, utter ****e pass and 2 mins later was ready for another through ball which never came.

we all knew what was going to happen but i was very excited for them 2 mins :lol1:

Bravo2zero_sps 07 April 2010 03:41 PM

Originally Posted by DaveBeck (Post 9333563)
we all knew what was going to happen but i was very excited for them 2 mins :lol1:

:lol1: I got all excited when we scored and then realised just how stupid I was being.

Tenby 12 April 2010 09:29 PM

was it just me or woz clichy the only gunner up for the game?!

Bravo2zero_sps 12 April 2010 10:47 PM

Well a takeover of the club is imminent. 16% of the clubs shares are up for grabs leaving Kroenke and Usmanov to fight it out. Allegedly Usmanov is not ready to bid for the club and so quite possible we are about to become American owned.

However Lady whats her name is selling them via a broker instead of directly to the board members she knows so well sparking rumours she wont sell to the yank.

Bloody Usmanov, I wanted him to take the club over so David Dein would be in charge and spend money on big players.

DaveBeck 13 April 2010 10:37 AM

Yank wants to make money like they are trying and failing at manchester and liverpool. Not happy.

Russian wants to make money also but with Dein in the hot seat he will guide us to another era. I'll be gutted if after all this he fails

STi wanna Subaru 13 April 2010 10:40 AM

Lads the Yanks at United are making money but at the expense of the club and fans. Be careful what you wish for ;)

Bravo2zero_sps 13 April 2010 11:31 AM

I don't want Kroenke but desperately want Usmanov to take the club over. Arsenal will once again thrive with David Dein back at the helm. Funny how the club has done bu66er all since he left.

DaveBeck 13 April 2010 05:01 PM

Originally Posted by STi wanna Subaru (Post 9343651)
Lads the Yanks at United are making money but at the expense of the club and fans. Be careful what you wish for ;)

whilst putting all their debt on to the club?

im not wishing for the yank :nono:

pauld37 13 April 2010 05:29 PM

Russia is the way to go :thumb:

You'll be known as Arsenov :D

Bravo2zero_sps 14 April 2010 09:17 PM

Well Wenger must be so pleased with the team put out against the yids. Nothing better than a mid table team and fcuking useless. Not a frigging clue the lot of them and we're losing 2-0 to them.

DaveBeck 14 April 2010 10:12 PM

I ****ing hate Yidos

DaveBeck 14 April 2010 10:13 PM

****ing Gomes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RVP is class and makes such a difference.

missed the big players this season

oh well next year huh young guns. I wonder if he will be saying that when they are in their 30's

Bravo2zero_sps 14 April 2010 10:20 PM

The following need to go:

Diaby (the worst player i've seen in an Arsenal shirt)
Rosicky (sadly as rated him but was class now finished)
Bendtner (utter sh!te and 2nd only to Diaby)

None of that lot are good enough to be playing at Arsenal or even in the Premiership.

Funkii Munkii 15 April 2010 04:18 AM

:lol1: B2Z you're up and down like a whores draws, you crack me up, love your spirit though :thumb:.

Not a lot anyone one could have done with the opener, if RVP had been on from the start things may have been different, damn he looked good, shame he is so fragile otherwise I'd suggest we have him as a squad player ;)

DaveBeck 15 April 2010 07:39 AM

i'd agree with that list except for

eboue, runs his heart out and makes good attacking runs
rosicky, exactly the type of squad player we need. not a first team regular but can come in. played well last night

diaby has given me the hump, so much skill but doesnt know what to do with it

fitzscoob 15 April 2010 08:50 AM

Eboue and Bendtner need to go, I cant tell you how much I hate Eboue - he doesnt deserve the shirt.

I dont see how we can field one lone striker when he doesnt have pace and cant shoot from distance.

Must have been tough for the other 9 last night playing against 13, as I'm 99% sure Eboue and Bendtner had Spurs shirts on underneath their own ones.

Bravo2zero_sps 15 April 2010 09:01 AM

Well FM I wont ever rest until the team gets anywhere near the standard we had between 1999-2005. The list above, none of those players would have got in our team back then. When you've had a great team and you let it deplete to rubbish and can not be competitive in games against Chelsea and Utd something has to change, either the manager's attitude to transfers or the manger himself. And I certainly don't agree with a new fancy ground at the expense of the quality of the players we have which is what has happened.

To lose to the yids last night confirms my beliefs that this is the worst team in 10 years. This has to be the team bottoming out, if it's not we are in big trouble. However I see Usmanov has just increased his shares marginally and I really bloody hope he is going to buy Lady wotsits shares and take the club over. Then David Dein will be back and the club will be resurrected with heavy investment in experienced International players (according to Dein in previous interviews). The yank isn't bidding apparently as he is going for full control of his american football team thank goodness.

Dave the issues with Eboue and Diaby is how they continually give the ball away in the final 3rd and more often than not it leads to the opposition counter attacking. It is unacceptable to happen so often with these 2 players and puts our fragile defence under more pressure. Vermaelen is out for 2-3 weeks now so the defence is screwed, another example of lack of depth in the squad.

Rosicky was a class player and I was massively impressed when he joined us but with so many injuries and not enough regular playing time he has lost what he had. I don't believe he will get it back as he is another player too fragile to stay fit for a whole season.

Until we have players in the team with the quality of Henry/Bergkamp/Vieira/Pires/Gilberto/Adams/Toure/Seamen then we wont beat Chelsea and Utd to the Premiership. If this doesn't happen soon the few class players we do have will be off to teams who are challenging for silverware. The likes of Fabregas and Arshavin wont wait for ever to win trophies.

STi wanna Subaru 15 April 2010 10:12 AM

Eboue is a cun.t and a lazy one at that.

Bravo2zero_sps 15 April 2010 10:43 AM

Originally Posted by STi wanna Subaru (Post 9346667)
Eboue is a cun.t and a lazy one at that.

He is also our dirtiest player with diving and reactionary fouls which is another reason to get shot. A number of Serie A teams want him let them bid for him and get rid, he will fit right in over there.

ash1 15 April 2010 01:32 PM

Arsenal need to do more with the ball, yeah it looks great putting 30 passes together, but whats the point if there's no end product ? think RVP at least took on the team and matched only by Gomes with some some top draw saves. The others were simply trying to walk it in and dont shoot from outside the box.

Terminator X 15 April 2010 01:38 PM

Originally Posted by ************** (Post 9343721)
I don't want Kroenke but desperately want Usmanov to take the club over. Arsenal will once again thrive with David Dein back at the helm. Funny how the club has done bu66er all since he left.

Isn't it the cost / debt of the stadium rather than Dein. They've been uanble to spend big since it was built yet the clubs above em can & do spend a fortune. Arsenals biggest problem is having such a small amount of World Class Players ... others just replace one WCP with another if they're injured etc!


Bravo2zero_sps 15 April 2010 03:23 PM

Originally Posted by Terminator X (Post 9347017)
Isn't it the cost / debt of the stadium rather than Dein. They've been uanble to spend big since it was built yet the clubs above em can & do spend a fortune.

Well someone at Arsenal has been lieing this season. Peter Hill Wood has been interviewed stating there is a large pot of cash for a transfer kitty if required by Wenger. Wenger has been on record as saying there is no money for big players. One of the two is lieing and I bet it's Wenger as he doesn't like spending money.

David Dein's philosophy is to invest in players. That is what happened when he was at the helm before and since he has left very little has happened.

Originally Posted by Terminator X (Post 9347017)
Arsenals biggest problem is having such a small amount of World Class Players ... others just replace one WCP with another if they're injured etc!


This is my point exactly in how the team needs to be changed and I believe in Dein to do that. If Wenger wasn't happy with that then bye bye. His philosopphy of youth has not worked and will not work so time he understands that if the team are to win trophies.

DaveBeck 18 April 2010 03:26 PM

season summed up in one

:lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1:

pauld37 18 April 2010 04:05 PM

OMG! :eek:

chris1scouser 18 April 2010 05:02 PM

Pure comedy!!! LMAO!!!!!

pauld37 18 April 2010 06:19 PM

:Whatever_ That coming from a Liverpool fan :lol1:

chris1scouser 18 April 2010 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by pauld37 (Post 9352063)
:Whatever_ That coming from a Liverpool fan :lol1:

I've exhausted that reserve!! If you didn't laugh at that today, you have had a sense of humour bypass.

Bravo2zero_sps 18 April 2010 09:55 PM

Didn't see the game and glad I didn't otherwise I might just have internally combusted :lol1: There is nothing to be said that hasn't already, it's just a shame Wenger will never ever listen to the fans or even his few senior players.

STi wanna Subaru 18 April 2010 10:58 PM

Silvestre.... forgotten how many times I've said it but so glad United got rid of him to Arsenal :D

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