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The Zohan 09 August 2011 10:59 AM

Originally Posted by ALi-B (Post 10177007)
How do you fix thirteen years of damage in fifteen months?

We have at least two generations of rot in that time period to fix (the current one and their parents). It'll take at least another two generations to sort out.

+1, F1 just doesn't get it!

Davey L 09 August 2011 11:06 AM

Having spent 22+ years in the military and taken part in over 7 conflicts, watching these scroates trashing places makes my blood boil. As much as i'd like to see a military prescence on the streets it's not going to happen. Lets be honest, the pink and fluffy brigade are prepared to have soldiers locked up for what they did in Basrah during a war.... they'd have a field day if some skulls get cracked in the capital.
Maybe if the police got in amongst the scum with batons it would help instead of standing back and watching.
2 groups are needed. Front line bunch of baton weilding coppers giving it hell. Behind them a mop up group, cuff anyone on the ground, arrest them and then let the medics in to patch them up before they're straight off for a court appearance. Stop any dole, allowances whatever they're on until the bill is cleared for the mess they've made and put them on the clean up crew through the day and lock the feckers up at night. But that would be against their human rights as well so it'll never happen either!

Shaid 09 August 2011 11:18 AM

Originally Posted by Davey L (Post 10177034)
Having spent 22+ years in the military and taken part in over 7 conflicts, watching these scroates trashing places makes my blood boil. As much as i'd like to see a military prescence on the streets it's not going to happen. Lets be honest, the pink and fluffy brigade are prepared to have soldiers locked up for what they did in Basrah during a war.... they'd have a field day if some skulls get cracked in the capital.
Maybe if the police got in amongst the scum with batons it would help instead of standing back and watching.
2 groups are needed. Front line bunch of baton weilding coppers giving it hell. Behind them a mop up group, cuff anyone on the ground, arrest them and then let the medics in to patch them up before they're straight off for a court appearance. Stop any dole, allowances whatever they're on until the bill is cleared for the mess they've made and put them on the clean up crew through the day and lock the feckers up at night. But that would be against their human rights as well so it'll never happen either!

Now that is...

A good idea :thumb:

IWatkins 09 August 2011 11:29 AM

It's not going to be long until the people in the areas affected are going to get involved rather than hiding in their homes. I can see a situation where the police will stand and watch while vigilante groups roam the streets beating the crap out of these rioting/looting kids. And people will get killed. Bad thing or a good thing? You decide.

boxst 09 August 2011 11:31 AM

Someone has to get a grip. This is a very, very small percentage (of the population) causing utter mayhem. The Police or Army need to go in and stop them otherwise you will continue to get copycat opportunists across the country and it will become something that will spiral out of control.

You simply cannot tolerate this kind of civil unrest and it will not just 'fizzle out'. I'm incredibly annoyed that the strategy of the Police appears to be watch and contain rather than go in and sort it out.

Leslie 09 August 2011 11:38 AM

Interesting that the BBC gave Livingstone a platform to rant about the government and to say that it was not the fault of the rioting thugs at all-it is because they have no jobs or future.

They did not ask what his heroes in NL were doing for 13 years to make live better for them.


hoyty 09 August 2011 11:39 AM

Originally Posted by Davey L (Post 10177034)
Having spent 22+ years in the military and taken part in over 7 conflicts, watching these scroates trashing places makes my blood boil. As much as i'd like to see a military prescence on the streets it's not going to happen. Lets be honest, the pink and fluffy brigade are prepared to have
soldiers locked up for what they did in Basrah during a war.... they'd have a field day if some skulls get cracked in the capital.
Maybe if the police got in amongst the scum with batons it would help instead of standing back and watching.
2 groups are needed. Front line bunch of baton weilding coppers giving it hell. Behind them amop up group, cuff anyone on the ground, arrest them and then let the medics in to patch them up before they're straight off for a
court appearance. Stop any dole, allowances whatever they're on until the bill is cleared
for the mess they've made and put them on the clean up crew through the day and lock the
feckers up at night. But that would be against their human rights as well so it'll never happen either!

Me too mate 9 tours and feelings the same
Makes my blood boil to think it's the fluffy brigade that really at the end of the day are responsible .the police are affraid understandably so to go in hard cos they will face a deluge of brutality ,race discrimination and human rights abuse claims .you riot you steal ,vandalize or petrol bomb you shouldn't have any rites .let's get all the fluffy brigade together and tonite put them on the streets in the front line .hmmmm wonder how many will still wanna be fluffy namby pamby liberalist then

SkullFudge 09 August 2011 11:40 AM


Find them, inject them then bury 'em.
Same goes to all their parents and its there where the problem lies.

What I find unbelievable is the fact that people just stand there watching them ??????????????

Why dont they react ???????????????
If Joe Public are scared of 14 - 20 yr old kids there is something very wrong somewhere.

If you are walking along and you see a bunch of kids turning a car over then trying to set the thing alight you will just stand and watch do you ??????????

Very strange !

cster 09 August 2011 11:43 AM

On the other hand - it is nice to know that Summer has finally arrived;-)

Gear Head 09 August 2011 11:48 AM

I blame Dr Dre and Snoop.

LEO-RS 09 August 2011 11:48 AM

14-20 yr olds with pistols and machetes though.

It's easier said than done but a lot of these toerags wouldn't think twice about shooting or stabbing someone that got in their way. I can see why people do not get involved, it's not worth risking your life over. I certainly wouldn't.

Agree about the Army thing, not a chance (Imagine another Bloody Sunday in 2011) As for the police, look at what happened when a police officer pushed someone over when the students were rioting, so again I can see why they do not want to get heavy handed.

This will carry on though, it will happen again tonight, probably a lot bigger than the previous 3 nights. They will be regrouping and planning all sorts just now.

More cities will get involved in copycat attacks.

Only just the beginning I think.

specialx 09 August 2011 11:51 AM

Originally Posted by SkullFudge (Post 10177075)
What I find unbelievable is the fact that people just stand there watching them ??????????????

Why dont they react ???????????????
If Joe Public are scared of 14 - 20 yr old kids there is something very wrong somewhere.

If you are walking along and you see a bunch of kids turning a car over then trying to set the thing alight you will just stand and watch do you ??????????

Very strange !

Because if you touch one you get done for it.

"Get yer ands off me innit! :Whatever_

joz8968 09 August 2011 11:54 AM

You can quite easily subsitiute "football hooligans" for the feral twats we're seeing in the streets:-

So apt - even mentions Lambeth and Lewisham lol


jonc 09 August 2011 12:09 PM

Originally Posted by boxst (Post 10177064)
Someone has to get a grip. This is a very, very small percentage (of the population) causing utter mayhem. The Police or Army need to go in and stop them otherwise you will continue to get copycat opportunists across the country and it will become something that will spiral out of control.

You simply cannot tolerate this kind of civil unrest and it will not just 'fizzle out'. I'm incredibly annoyed that the strategy of the Police appears to be watch and contain rather than go in and sort it out.

It's a difficult situation, if the Police start wading in that could spark even more unrest and rioting. The perpetrators have no fear or respect of the authorities and getting arrested would be some sort of "badge of honour" as it were and with the huge number of individuals involved in numerous locations, it is not possible to arrest, detain and process these yobs, there just aren't enough resouces for that. This is why perhaps the Police are adopting the current strategy; have a presence and contain and limit the damage where possible, prosecute later with the CCTV evidence. Plus of course the Ian Tomlinson incident will always be in the back of the Police's minds and the sporadic nature of the unrest means it's not possible to "kettle" the rioters.

f1_fan 09 August 2011 12:13 PM

Originally Posted by The Zohan (Post 10177020)
+1, F1 just doesn't get it!

No Paul, it is you and a few others on here who don't get it. I can't say what I want to say as I will get banned but hopefully that leaves you in no doubt as to my opinion of yours and others stance!

J4CKO 09 August 2011 12:19 PM

I dont want to see Ken Livingsone ever again, odious little, self serving Toad, "When I was in charge" was all he said on Newsnight, that must have been when he wasnt doling out cushy Quango jobs for all his mates.

He also kept sayign how you cant ignore these people all this time and not expect a reaction, ffs ignore them, they probably by and large live in council accomodation, claim benefits, get free health care, loads of leisure centres and the time, free from the burden of work to pursue "alternative business interests", but apparently they are doing this because they have no job, no hope for the future, well boo ****ing hoo arent you are hard done by gifted little ****er, you look well fed to me, and healthy too as do your kids that you knock out every time you get the chance.

What are these people expecting from the rest of society, how is it everybody has failed them and now they are taking their revenge, oh and a few choice consumer items...

They know the Police/Authorities darent touch them, look at it Baby P, De Menezes, Stephen Lawrence, Damilola Taylor, that bloke who died at the protests last year etc etc, every time something happens the authorites get taken to task, ripped to shreds, people resign or get sacked so the brass are terrified of letting the rank and file do what they need to do and the rank and file dont want to loose their jobs either, so a load of scum sets buildings on fire and loots this countries capital, it spread to other towns lat nigth so who knows what will happen tonight.

All these lot understand is violence, now the Police are treating them like Hooded Faberge eggs, terrified less they harm one in the process of protecting the lives and property of law abiding people.

I suspect that there will be vigilante reprisals, perhaps grabbing and battering the odd rioter may not be very effective but I guess it will be very cathartic for anyone having to live through this in the areas affected.

jonc 09 August 2011 12:21 PM

Originally Posted by SkullFudge (Post 10177075)
What I find unbelievable is the fact that people just stand there watching them ??????????????

Why dont they react ???????????????
If Joe Public are scared of 14 - 20 yr old kids there is something very wrong somewhere.

If you are walking along and you see a bunch of kids turning a car over then trying to set the thing alight you will just stand and watch do you ??????????

Very strange !

What would you do in this situation if confronted with group or 10 or more hyped up youths who have absolutely no respect or fear of the authorities, most likely armed with knives, sticks, bats and possibly a gun? Would you risk serious injury or quite possibly your life by confronting them? I don't fancy your chances.

It is a sad state of affairs when people live in fear of these types of youths.

f1_fan 09 August 2011 12:23 PM

So Cameron's tough response???

He's recalling parliament so all parties can stand united in their condemnation of this violence !!! FFS!!! :mad::mad:

Acting Commissioner Tim Godwin ruled out bringing in the Army to help police tackle the violence, but said: "We will be out there in ever greater numbers tonight."

That reads like an invite to a ruck not a way to stop it.

Tonight will be worse than anything seen before.

How can they be so stupid??? :(

Funkii Munkii 09 August 2011 12:24 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10176936)
Paul, try not to forget that the last government are no longer here and haven't been for 15 months and people did not riot on the streets when they were here and anyway the problem is now... today... and so far the government mainly made up of the party that is supposed to be the party of action not talk (their words in the election) have done little of either!

Ignoring it and pretending it will go away has not worked over the last three days so maybe time for some action eh?

Take you blinkers off F1 FFS !!

This isn't political but as ever you politicise the issue, do you think these people were good ordinary folk that have turned in the last 15 months ?

If you're going to politicise it it's about time you ****ing realised these pricks were born bred and grew up under a labour govt, they saw their parents sitting on the sofa in their tracky bottoms watching their 50" tv's smoking 20 a day and guzzling booze and not lifting a finger claiming a multitude of benefits whilst sticking two fingers up to society. What better role models :Whatever_

This is pure and simple criminality.

J4CKO 09 August 2011 12:25 PM

Terasa May needs to "**** or get off the pot", there needs to be a non lethal deterrant to avoid complete anarchy taking hold again.

The thing is, all these idiots wil lbe the first to start complaining when their favourite takeaway is no longer open, the gym is closed, the benefits dont get paid as they have a strong sense of entitlement.

Will 09 August 2011 12:27 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10177147)
So Cameron's tough response???

He's recalling parliament so all parties can stand united in their condemnation of this violence !!! FFS!!! :mad::mad:

Acting Commissioner Tim Godwin ruled out bringing in the Army to help police tackle the violence, but said: "We will be out there in ever greater numbers tonight."

That reads like an invite to a ruck not a way to stop it.

Tonight will be worse than anything seen before.

How can they be so stupid??? :(

Why the f*ck were they not ''out in greater numbers'' last night and the night before etc etc :mad:

Funkii Munkii 09 August 2011 12:30 PM

What if

The law abiding citizens of this country decided to revolt against the scum and hold protest rallies in every major city in this country on Saturday.

How many of you would attend ?? even if you had to drive 50 miles to get there do you feel that outraged that you would shelve your plans and go to make a stand for common decency ?.

Lots of anger in here over what transpired yesterday but could you be arsed to stand up for society, sadly I know a lot of people wouldn't because they just couldn't be bothered.

f1_fan 09 August 2011 12:30 PM

Originally Posted by Funkii Munkii (Post 10177149)
Take you blinkers off F1 FFS !!

This isn't political but as ever you politicise the issue, do you think these people were good ordinary folk that have turned in the last 15 months ?

If you're going to politicise it it's about time you ****ing realised these pricks were born bred and grew up under a labour govt, they saw their parents sitting on the sofa in their tracky bottoms watching their 50" tv's smoking 20 a day and guzzling booze and not lifting a finger claiming a multitude of benefits whilst sticking two fingers up to society. What better role models :Whatever_

This is pure and simple criminality.

It is political, sorry, but you are wrong! If it isn't motivated by politics why were they not doing this a year ago? No one seems able to answer that question.

J4CKO 09 August 2011 12:31 PM

I remember my grandad telling me when he was about ten his mum died and then his dad a bit later, say 12 and the pub his parents own went to an uncle, who was a drunk who booted him out, in winter, sounds like something from a Dickens novel, to survive he collected sticks that he then sold to get money to eat, now to me, that is hardship, not what this lot are experiencing, this is boredom, greed and a destructive culture.

TinyTim 09 August 2011 12:37 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10177164)
It is political, sorry, but you are wrong! If it isn't motivated by politics why were they not doing this a year ago? No one seems able to answer that question.


Funkii Munkii has is spot on, it is YOU who are wrong.

Tell me, do you honestly think ANY of these kids involved in looting even know how to spell POLITICS??? They couldnt give a damn about politics/politicians... to them, it's 'The man' or 'The system' that's screwing them over as they fail to take responsibility for their own actions.

They've seen a black kid get shot, they're using it as an excuse to be all 'up in arms' and at the same time, go smashing the crap out of property that isnt theirs to relieve some boredom.

FlightMan 09 August 2011 12:38 PM

Originally Posted by Funkii Munkii (Post 10177149)
Take you blinkers off F1 FFS !!

This isn't political but as ever you politicise the issue, do you think these people were good ordinary folk that have turned in the last 15 months ?

If you're going to politicise it it's about time you ****ing realised these pricks were born bred and grew up under a labour govt, they saw their parents sitting on the sofa in their tracky bottoms watching their 50" tv's smoking 20 a day and guzzling booze and not lifting a finger claiming a multitude of benefits whilst sticking two fingers up to society. What better role models :Whatever_

This is pure and simple criminality.


f1_fan 09 August 2011 12:38 PM

Right, just had a tweet from a contact in the jewellery quarter in Birmingham - they are all shutting up shop as police have told them to expect carnage tonight!

But no worries as parliament is being recalled :cuckoo:

The Dogs B******s 09 August 2011 12:39 PM

Originally Posted by Funkii Munkii (Post 10177149)
Take you blinkers off F1 FFS !!

This isn't political but as ever you politicise the issue, do you think these people were good ordinary folk that have turned in the last 15 months ?

If you're going to politicise it it's about time you ****ing realised these pricks were born bred and grew up under a labour govt, they saw their parents sitting on the sofa in their tracky bottoms watching their 50" tv's smoking 20 a day and guzzling booze and not lifting a finger claiming a multitude of benefits whilst sticking two fingers up to society. What better role models :Whatever_

This is pure and simple criminality.


f1_fan 09 August 2011 12:41 PM

Originally Posted by TinyTim (Post 10177183)

Funkii Munkii has is spot on, it is YOU who are wrong.

Tell me, do you honestly think ANY of these kids involved in looting even know how to spell POLITICS??? They couldnt give a damn about politics/politicians... to them, it's 'The man' or 'The system' that's screwing them over as they fail to take responsibility for their own actions.

They've seen a black kid get shot, they're using it as an excuse to be all 'up in arms' and at the same time, go smashing the crap out of property that isnt theirs to relieve some boredom.

OK so last night when Sky News grabbed two 20 somethings looting a shop and said why are you doing this and they said to get our taxes back.... what do you think that means?

Think really carefully about your answer here and then answer me the question I keep asking... why now? Why not last year?

J4CKO 09 August 2011 12:41 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10177164)
It is political, sorry, but you are wrong! If it isn't motivated by politics why were they not doing this a year ago? No one seems able to answer that question.

Maybe they didnt all have Blackberries last year ?

These arent political individuals, they may pick up on things like more expense that is true but that isnt the government, it is the government reacting to the fact they have all been looked after at the taxpayers expense too long, most will have been brought up on benefits as generally the families with two working parents instill some respect and boundaries. They all get health care, all offered an education and you can see why the immigrants want to come here, its great isnt it, but not enough for some.

There isnt enough money to go around, with the super rich choosing whether to pay tax, the middle being squeezed for every penny and the scope creep of the welfare state its no wonder, do we have to keep them on what, thirty, forty grand a year before they dont wreck the joint.

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